"Wonder when it'll rain 'round these parts."

"Heh. That'll be the day tepigs fly."

What? Tepig thought. Tepigs can fly?

And so Tepig did.

Bunching his legs together, he took off; running as fast as his little legs could take him.

The fence swam into view.

I can do this!

Then his snout crashed into the fence. The world started to spin. Tepig landed with a thump back on the ground.

"Ow. Owowowowow." He shook his head wildly.

But that didn't stop him.

Day after day, he tried. He ran and jumped and tried as much as he could to fly over the fence. And every day, he failed.

But that didn't stop him.

"It's a shame we're gonna have to cook-" The farmer dropped the bucket of milk. "What in Uxie's name is that pokemon doing!"

"It's- it's trying to fly!" The farmer's daughter exclaimed.

And Tepig's story spread all over town and beyond that and he had videos all over Pokebook and Pokr and Poketube and tourists all around the region traveled to visit the lowly farm that sheltered a Tepig who thought it could fly.

He brought them so much fame that they decided to keep him.

But one day, Tepig finally cracked. "You know what? It's useless. I'm never gonna be able to fly."

So they ate him.

A/N: I was in a one-shot-y mood. So yeah. :3