Raph stares back at Leo's emotionless smile. He and the others didn't know how Master Splinter fell into his coma. They knew he was shot, but they had no other details.

"What would you do after that?" Leo asked, "After that, all I thought about was you and the others, and keeping you safe. But…I just couldn't feel anything anymore. I had to move on so fast since I'm he oldest, so I got rid of all that shit in my heart. So what right do I have to see him? I'm not his son anymore."

Raph quietly walked over to him, and gave him a firm slap across the face.

"Is your name 'Leonardo' jackass?"


"Are you a turtle?"


"Am I your brother?"


"Is your favorite color blue?"

"Does this have a point?"

"Answer my damn question, and you will get the point."


"Then you are his son. Just like me, Donnie, and Mikey. We all lost him that day, but he WILL wake up so cut the shit!" He lifted up Leo by his arm.

"Yo – Mm!" Raph cut off his protest with a deep and heavy kiss.

"Listen to him, damn it. Didn't you say he told you to 'take care of us until he gets back'?" Raph looked him in his eyes, "We all love you: Donnie, Mikey, hell even Alice and she doesn't even know your business like those other girls. That's why we bother waiting for you every time, but today is Father's Day so I'm dragging you back if I have to."

True to his word, Raph dragged Leo down the latter and walked with him to his motorcycle. Leo reluctantly got on the bike with him.

Over his shoulder, Raph mumbled in his helmet. "I still love you…even though you're a bastard."

Before Leo could say anything or even react, Raph revved up his bike and drove full speed to the hospital. There his brothers were waiting for him at the entrance, and for the first time in months, Leo saw Splinter's sleeping face. He looked peaceful like he was just napping, and his heart beat was calm. For the first time since the accident, Leo shed a silent tear and took his father's hand. Raph took the other hand, and Donnie and Mikey sat by Splinter's head.

"Get well soon, otoosan." They all said in unison, and did a silent prayer for their father.

Leo might have just been seeing things, but when he opened one eye and looked out the window he could have sworn he saw Snowy. But when he shot his other eye open, she was gone. He smiled anyway. A lot of people have been in his ear as of late. But he found it a little less empty and meaningless now.