"DEMIGRA!" Goku shouted, transforming into Super saiyan 3. "Back away you pest!" Demigra shouted, firing blasts at Goku. Goku himself fired multiple Ki blasts, blocking Demigra's attacks. "You are becoming a nuisance. Why don't you go away?" Demigra asked, opening a time portal. The portal was pulling Goku in, making him swirl around in it.
Republic city
Korra and Asami, were in republic city, walking around for a bit. "Still it must be nice, running a big company now that Kuvira's been dealt with." Korra said. "Not as fun as having all four elements and be able to save the world." Asami said. "Trust me you have more fun. Mine is a lot more stressful. I swear it's it adds 10 years on me. Who knows, I may get gray hairs when I hit 29." Korra joked, making her best friend laugh. But then they saw a portal form in the middle of the city. "What's going on?!" Asami asked. "No Idea! I'll be right back! Stay here!" Korra said, running towards the portal. "Korra!" Asami called. Korra was in the middle of the city, using her earth bending hurl at whatever possible danger. Goku in his normal form, was then spat out of the portal and landed on the ground. The portal then disappeared and Korra put down the rocks and grabbed Goku's shirt. "Sir, are you alright?" Korra asked. Goku opened his eyes slightly and looked at a woman with short brown hair and in blue tribal clothes. "Where... am I?" Goku muttered, passing out as soon as he finished that sentence. Asami then ran up to Korra, with some of the police right behind her. "Who is this?" Asami asked. "He came out of the portal, I didn't get his name." Korra said. "Well let's get him to medical." Lin Beifong said. She got some officers to pick up Goku and put him in the car. The cops then drove to a hospital, leaving Korra and Asami there. "I'm heading over there." Korra said. "Huh? Why?" Asami asked. "That man just got spat out of a portal, I have to find out what happened." Korra said. "Ok... but I'm coming along." Asami said.
The two reached the hospital, walking towards the hoards of news people blocking the entrance. "Excuse us, please!" Korra said, getting the attention of the news people on her now. As she and Asami went in the room, they both saw Goku laying on a bed, seeing if he was in need of any treatment. "How is he?" Korra asked. " Apparently, That portal he came out of was making his airways close up, making him unable to breathe but he's fine now, he's resting." Lin beifong said. Goku then groaned and opened his eyes to see Lin beifong, Korra, some doctors and Asami. "Who are you?" Goku asked. "I'm Lin beifong, chief of police." Lin beifong said. "I'm Asami Sato." Asami said. "I'm Korra. Who are you?" Korra asked. "My name is Goku." Goku said. "Goku, can you tell us why you popped out of that portal that was in the city?" Lin beifong asked. "Demigra... he did this." Goku said. "Demigra? Who's he?" Korra asked. "A man, trying to destroy time. I was fighting him and then he made a portal and it sucked me in." Goku said. "Bringing you here?" Asami asked. Goku nodded. "Well where is this Demigra?" Lin beifong asked. "I'm not sure. He is most likely at the time patrol place." Goku said. Lin and Korra exchanged looks. "Do you have any place to stay?" Lin asked. Goku only shook his head no. "Hmm... Korra, will you take him in and take care of him while I investigate about this... Demigra?" Lin asked. "Sure. Goku, are you hungry?" Korra asked, which made Goku smile and sit up. "Oh man am I! I'm starving!" Goku said. But then he saw a needle, he stood up and hid behind Korra. "Um... can we have where it doesn't have to be here?" Goku asked, still staring at the needle. "Sure." Korra said, chuckling.
The three went to a nice restaurant where Goku was eating a whole lot of food, making Korra and Asami's eyes widen. "Um... don't you think you had enough?" Asami asked. Then Goku swallowed some shrimp and wiped his face with a napkin. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want some?" Goku asked, offering some meat. "No, I mean... doesn't your stomach feel like it's going to explode?" Asami asked. "Oh no, I have a huge appetite. I'm not human like you." Goku said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Korra said, confused. "I'm a Saiyan." Goku said. "And what can a Saiyan do that humans cant, besides eating a lot of food?" Asami said. "This." Goku said. He then transformed into a Super Saiyan, surprising Korra and Asami. "Woah!" Korra said. "So what do you two do?" Goku asked. "I'm a owner of a big weapons company." Asami said. "I'm the avatar." Korra said. "What's that?" Goku asked, eating some ramen. "Master of the four elements. Supposed to bring balance to the world." Korra said. "Oooh, that's a big responsibility. So you must be a fighter then?" Goku asked. "Yes." Korra said, earning a wide smile from Goku. "Well, let's have a match!" Goku said. "HUH?!" Korra and Asami asked. "Well, you seem powerful and I want to fight strong fighters so... please?" Goku asked. "Uh... well... ok." Korra said. "Great! Where do you want to fight at?" Goku asked, excited. "We can fight at Master Tenzin's place." Korra suggested. "You think Tenzin is gonna let you?" Asami asked. "I guess we'll just have to see." Korra said.
Tenzin's temple
"No way!" Tenzin said. "Come on why not?!" Korra asked. "The temple is meant for training, not to make it into a battle ground!" Tenzin said. "Just this once. Please! This guy wants to fight me, not tear me to shreds." Korra said. "Aren't you that man that came out of that portal?" Tenzin asked. "*Nervously laughs* So it's already spreding out huh?" Goku said, scratching the back of his head. "Lin told me about you." Tenzin said. "Listen mister Tenzin, sir, or... master, I would like to fight the world's greatest just to see how strong she is, that's all. Tell you what, I'll fight you to fight her here. How's that? If I win, I'll fight her at your place and if I lose, I'll fight her somewhere else." Goku suggested. "...Fine." Tenzin said. "Sweet! Ok so in what form do you want me to fight you in. In my base form, Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, god, or Super Saiyan god Super Saiyan?" Goku asked. "That last one is a bit of a mouth full." Asami commented. "Yeah I know. *Nervously laughs*" Goku said. "Why don't we see all of your transformations?" Korra asked. "Ok. Why not?" Goku said. Then Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan, surprising Tenzin. "Honey! Is everything al-" Tenzin's wife stopped, seeing Goku. "This is Super Saiyan." Goku said. "Pema, hey!" Korra said. "Oh Korra sweetie. What's going on?" Pema asked. "Tenzin is about to fight Goku." Korra said. "HUH?!" Pema wondered. Then Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 2. "This is Super Saiyan 2." Goku said. 'His power is overwheming.' Tenzin said. "This... RAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Goku shouted, making his golden hair grow longer. "...Is Super Saiyan 3." Goku said. Then Tenzin's kids ran out of the house and into where that large power source was coming from. "Who is that?!" Meelo asked. "I don't know!" Jinora said. "Yeah... who is he?" Ikki asked, blushing at the sight of Goku. "This... RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Goku shouted, turning back into his base form to where it then changed red. "Is Super Saiyan God." Goku said. 'His power is off the scale, it's shaking the temple. And it's forming waves in the water.' Pema thought. "And this... Is my strongest form! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Goku shouted to the top of lungs, changing his hair to where he looked like a Super Saiyan, but with bright blue hair. Korra and all the others were in awe to this man. Ikki was blushing harder and harder, thinking of how handsome this guy was. "Is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan." Goku said.
"I'll... pick your Super Saiyan form." Tenzin said. "Ok then." Goku said. Goku powered down to Super Saiyan and got into his fighting stance."Let's have a good fight Mr. Tenzin." Goku said. Tenzin didn't say anything. Goku used Instant transmission and popped right in front of Tenzin, landing a punch to his chest, making him be pushed backwards. 'How did he do that?!' Tenzin wondered. Goku then shot multiple ki blast, landing most of them on Tenzin, some of them continued to fly in the air. "He can shoot energy? Is he an energy bender?" Jinora asked. "Not sure. But he's skilled, even if he is only starting the fight. I think Tenzin isn't going to win this." Korra said. Tenzin used his Airbending to the best of his abilities, but it wasn't doing much. "You're good, Mr. Tenzin." Goku said, plainly being honest, but Tenzin felt like he was being mocked. He then made a huge air tornado and pointed right at Goku. Goku could not escape, he could barely see anything but Tenzin. Goku then got an idea. "Kaaaaa... meeeee... haaaaa... meeeee..." Goku said, cupping his hands together and forming a blue energy blast in his hands. "HAAAAAAAA!" Goku shouted making his blast struggle against Tenzin's tornado. The struggle blasted both combatants back, making both of them stop. "That was fun! I enjoyed that!" Goku cheered. "Woah! That was so cool!" Meelo said. "Yeah... that was... cool." Ikki said, still staring at Goku. "The winner is Goku." Asami said. "I feel tired. How about you, Mr. Tenzin?" Goku asked. "Yeah... I'm tired as well." Tenzin said. "Why don't you stay here for a while?" Pema asked. "Really? Are you sure?" Goku asked. "Sure, you seem like a nice guy. Plus, I was about to make some dinner, it is getting into night time." Pema said. "Sweet!" Goku cheered. "This is Meelo, Ikki, and Jinora. My children." Tenzin said. "Hi! Can you teach me that blue energy thingy?" Meelo asked, getting elbowed by Jinora and a laugh from Goku. "Well we'll fight tomorrow." Korra said. "You bet!" Goku said. After the delicious dinner, Goku and the others went to sleep.
AN: This is a new project that I shall be working on, please send me your love and reviews and I shall see youuuu... in the next one. Stay awesome guys. BYE! :)