Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Season Two: The Legend of Judgment Episode 1: Go! Follow the Panty Path! Brief and Chuck be on Your Way!

Even after Garterbelt spoke those words, everyone was too stunned to move, especially Brief. His mind was racing at a million miles an hour, trying to comprehend what had just occurred. But all he could come up with was…"What the fuck just happened?!" he thought. He couldn't believe that the love of his life was just cut into 666 pieces in front of his eyes and worse yet; Stocking was a demon and was teaming up with Corset. He followed the trail of Panty Pieces with his eyes from his feet all the way to the horizon. Garterbelt cleared his throat and snapped Brief back to reality.

"Okay, this is the part where you're supposed to get the fuck out of here" Garterbelt said.

Brief turned to him with a look of shock.

"You heard me, go to Oten City and get those fuckers!" he yelled.

"What?! How am I supposed to fight Stocking and Corset?" he asked. "I'm not an Angel! I don't have a weapon, I don't know the first thing about fighting, how do you expect me to do this?!"

"How the fuck should I know? That's your problem, not mine" Garterbelt said with a scoff as he turned around and started heading towards the church entrance.

"So that's it huh?" Brief asked. Garterbelt stopped and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Stocking's a demon and ran off with Corset, Panty's cut up into pieces; half the city is in ruin and all you can say 'That's your problem?'" Brief yelled.

This whole thing had been a shit show from the start. The love of his life had been cut into bite sized squares and no one but him seemed to understand the gravity of this situation.

"Yeah" he replied.

Brief just sighed. This day just could not get any worse. He looked down at himself and noticed he was still wearing that Priest Robe. He looked back up to see Garterbelt heading up the church steps.

"Could you at least get me my clothes?" he asked.

Garterbelt nonchalantly tossed a pair of his clothes that he pulled out of his crescent shaped wig, at his face. Why he had them, Brief didn't dare to think. He simply put them on as rapidly as he could.

"Panty, I wish there was some way I could help you" he thought solemnly.

Meanwhile, the Demon Sisters had just pulled their heads behind the corner of the church. The two of them were still just as stunned as Brief was.

"Sister…what just happened?" Kneesocks asked in a daze.

"I'm not sure, but if my eyes didn't deceive me, I'd say that the Goth Angel just cut up the Tawdry one and left with Corset as her new partner" Scanty said.

Scanty stood there momentarily before registering what she herself had just said. Rage exploded out of her like never before. Corset had crossed the line for sure.

"Sister, shush!" Kneesocks whispered as she covered her older sister's mouth with her hand. Scanty was still fuming and flailing about, but anything she said was being muffled to an extent that Kneesocks was confident that no one would be able to hear them. "We mustn't let them know we're here." She finished.

After her sister calmed down enough to where Kneesocks felt Scanty was in control of herself, she uncovered Scanty's mouth. She was still pissed, and breathing heavily from rage, but she was much calmer than before. So Kneesocks decided that they should start thinking of a plan of some sort.

"So it's been clearly established that Corset screwed us over. What do you suggest we should do about it?" Kneesocks asked.

"I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're going to get our revenge on Corset! How dare he leave his own daughters for some Demon wannabe! We will get him back for this if it's the last thing we do!" Scanty said; her face red with rage.

"Sister calm down, you'll burst a blood vessel in your head" Kneesocks warned. "Besides, losing your head will accomplish nothing. We need to come up with a plan."

"Right" Scanty said as she took deep breaths, slowing her heart rate and breathing to normal levels. "So, what to do? There is no way we can beat Corset by ourselves."

"Not to mention the purple haired one" Kneesocks added. "As if Corset was our only concern, now we have Stocking to deal with as well."

"That is true. Though I doubt we could have beaten Corset by ourselves, now that Stocking's there, we don't have a chance. We need more power" Scanty mused as she closed her eyes and folded her arms.

Kneesocks looked over her shoulder and saw Brief putting on his shoes. That's when the gears began turning a bit in her head.

"Or more people" Kneesocks said.

"Come again?" Scanty asked, quickly opening her eyes and looking at here sister. What did she have in mind?

"What if we did some recruiting?" Kneesocks asked.

"Oh, and who do you think could possibly help us?" Scanty asked

"What if we train the boy?" Kneesocks said pointing over her shoulder towards Brief.

Scanty looked at her sister doubtfully.

"Are you serious? He's a spineless coward, he has no combat skills and above all, he has no weapon! How could he possibly be of any help to us?" she asked.

"But he is the keeper of the Hell's Monkey, surely that counts for something" Kneesocks said.

"Let me reiterate: NO WEAPON! He is of no use to us even if we could teach him!" she replied. "What do you think, one's just gonna fall right out of the sky?"

As if to make Scanty look like a dick, dark clouds quickly formed in the sky. At the front of the church, The Demon Sisters and Brief all looked up to see them. All of them knew what was gonna happen, except Chuck who was oblivious to everything as usual. With great swiftness, lighting struck Chuck. But instead of going away after a second or two, it just kept going.

"WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON?!" Garterbelt yelled as he busted back outside. He looked at the poor dog getting charred. "Hmm…This must be something big. God usually doesn't get like this too often" he said.

When the lightning finally stopped, a charred Chuck lay impaled on the ground by a blue and white bo-staff. Attached to it was a note. Garterbelt could not believe his eyes. "Could it be…? No that's impossible" Garterbelt said.

"What's impossible?! What is that?!" Brief asked freaking out.

Garterbelt walked over to the note and read it out loud. "Dear Brief, normally we would not even think about letting a human use an angelic weapon, especially of this caliber. But this is a very extreme circumstance, so we have decided to give you Judgment. Hope it helps" he said with wide eyes.

"Judgment? What's that?" he asked.

"It's the most powerful Angelic weapon of all time. Created by God himself. Legend has it that when Heaven and Hell were created, Lucifer was not happy with the punishment of being sent to hell. So he sent an army to take over Heaven. When God got word of this, he conjured up weapons for every angel and sent them into battle. As a precaution, he put all of the angelic energy he could into one weapon, Judgment. It was a good thing too. During the battle, God and Lucifer went at it one on one. Lucifer had done a similar thing as God and created a Trident called Punishment. Luckily the light won and God handed down punishment again. Using Judgment, he banished Lucifer to the depths of Hell forever. After the fight, every angel born from that day forward was to be given an angelic weapon disguised as clothing incase another war would break out" Garterbelt said as he picked it up. "I didn't think it actually existed. Here" he said as he tossed it to Brief.

Brief caught it and looked it over.

"This is the most powerful Angelic weapon, huh? Are you sure? I was expecting something crazy, but this looks pretty plain" he said.

"Shut up! That is a very holy weapon entrusted to you by God and you shall not disrespect it!" Garterbelt yelled. "Looks can be deceiving. But now that you have a weapon, I suggest that you should quit your bitching and take Chuck to Oten City before it's too late" he said as he walked back inside the church.

"But I don't know how to use this thing, much less fight. I'll be killed in no time" Brief said panicking.

"That's where we come in" A voice said behind him.

He knew that voice all too well. It conjured up images of a certain green haired Akuma in his head. Brief whipped around and saw the Demon Sisters walking towards him. He began to freak out a bit before gripping Judgment tightly and got into fighting stance as they grew closer.

"Don't come any closer, I'm warning you" he said as they stopped about six feet away from him.

"Oh please, me and my sister could kill you in an instant" Scanty said with an evil smile.

Brief continued to grip Judgment, ready to attack at a moments notice.

"But, that's not our goal, at least not yet" Kneesocks said.

"After a bit of discussion, we have decided to…help you" Scanty said.

Brief looked a little shocked before eying them skeptically.

"Why?" he asked. What were they really after, that's what Brief was trying to figure out.

"Because in the end we're all fighting the same person. You want revenge for Corset for causing all this mess and we want revenge on him for double crossing us" Kneesocks said.

"After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend" Scanty added.

Brief continued to look them over, but he did not sense any ill will from them, so he lowered Judgment and dropped his guard a little, but was still uneasy about the whole situation.

"Fine" he said. "What did you have in mind?"

The Demon Sisters smiled.

"Well, since you have absolutely no combat training whatsoever, we have decided to teach you" Scanty said.

"I still don't trust you. The whole city is yours for the taking, just like you've always wanted and yet you've decided to help me" Brief said, eyeing them suspiciously. "What's your angle?"

"Briefers, darling, there is no angle. As we said before, we are all fighting the same person" Kneesocks said.

"We hate Corset just as much as you do, if not more so. Even if we went off and took over the city, Corset and Stocking would capture you, make you open Hells Gate, release the most powerful ghost ever and kill you. With that power, no one would be able to stop him. He would take over the whole world and we would be ruled by him again" Scanty said.

"It's a no win situation. Helping you is our only choice" Kneesocks agreed.

"Besides, don't you want to see Panty again?" Scanty said.

"Panty…" he thought as his eyes lowered. How could this have happened? He couldn't shake the feeling that this was somehow his fault, even though that was the furthest thing from the truth. Maybe it would be best to trust them. "Fine, I'll trust you. Let's do it" he said looking back up at them.

"That's the spirit! When we're through with you, you'll be able to get Panty back no problem" Scanty said patting Brief on the back. "Then maybe I can get some revenge for what she did to my face" she thought.

"Well, I say the sooner we get started the better" Kneesocks said.

"Yes, I agree, before Corset makes a move" Scanty agreed. The two of them started walking towards the back yard, with Fastener in toe, leaving Brief confused.

"But what are we doing exactly?" he asked.

"We are going to train you, like we said we would" Kneesocks said as they both turned around.

"Yes now come on. We have to get started quickly" Scanty said as she waived him over. He was about to follow them when he noticed Chuck, who had recovered from his electrocution. He was dancing around the yard.

"Hey Chuck, gather the Panty Pieces around the church for me, okay?" he yelled.

Chuck stopped and looked over at him. He gave a salute and began to gather the Panty Pieces as Brief had instructed. Brief then turned and ran to catch up with the Demon Sisters.

He walked up next the Demon Sisters and looked down at Judgment. "I don't know how you guys can teach me. I don't think you know what this is" Brief said.

The Demon Sisters turned looked over at him before laughing a bit.

"Please, Brief, don't think that we've been living under a rock our whole lives" Scanty said.

"Yes, we know that weapon is called Judgment. It's created by God herself to defend heaven against the forces of hell. It's history 101" Kneesocks added.

"So then you'll be able to help me use this?" he asked.

"We can help you use it as a weapon, but only you can unlock it's true potential." Scanty replied.

Brief nodded his head and continued to follow the Demon Sisters through the back yard. When they found a suitable place, free of trees and rocks that would inhibit movement, the Demon Sisters began the first lesson.

"Alright Brief, are you ready for the first lesson?" Kneesocks asked as she took a seat on the ground. It would appear that she would not be the one conducting the lesson.

"I guess so" Brief said nervously. I mean what was he supposed to say?

"Good. Now, we need to get a baseline for your fighting abilities. What exactly do you know?" Scanty asked.

"I...I mean I watched a lot of Kung-Fu movies…" he stuttered.

"So not a lot" Scanty sighed as she put her hand to her face, before slowly sliding it down her face. "Okay, just show me what you do know."

Brief nodded and took up a fighting stance he saw in one of the movies. He spread his legs way wide and put Judgment to the left side of his body. Scanty saw this and just shook her head.

"No, that's not right. Look at you! Your legs are spread too far apart!" Scanty said as she walked over to Brief and lightly pushed him.

"Whoa!" he said as he planted his left foot back and caught himself. He looked away from the ground and looked back at Scanty.

"See! If you used that stance in battle, the enemy can easily knock you off balance and leave you vulnerable to attack." Scanty said as she walked around him once more. "Try again."

Brief nodded and took another fighting stance. This time his legs weren't as far apart but his arms were still about the same. Scanty took issue with this still as a result. She groaned slightly.

"Here let me show you" she said as she came up behind him. She kicked his feet apart a little bit more and made his feet face forward. She also made sure that his front leg was bent a little. She then leaned in and Brief felt her body lean on his. He hadn't been this close to another girl since he had sex with Panty on a flying bed. He could feel her breast squish up against his back. Needless to say he got a little excited. She grabbed both of his hands into hers and maneuvered them so that the end of Judgment was at a 45 degree angel to the ground. She also took the time to square his shoulders and make sure his back was straight. Scanty also took notice of Briefs excitement by the clear bulge in his pants and smiled. She leaned on him more and rested her head on his shoulder and turned her head so he could feel her breath on his neck. He shuddered at the feeling.

"Brief, I know being around someone as good looking as me is hard, but please keep your pants on" Scanty said with a smile. She stepped off of him and took a few seconds to allow Brief to relax a bit. When he seemed calm enough, Scanty continued her lesson.

"Okay Brief, just relax and remember how this feels and take note of every position your limbs are in. This stance will be your best friend. It's called the Front Stance. It's the most common stance that's used. Once you get this mastered then you'll be able to evolve this into something more comfortable for you. For now, however, I just want you to practice getting in and out of this stance." She instructed Brief.

Brief nodded his head and got out of the stance that Scanty had put him in and nodded his head. He then proceeded to go in and out of the fighting stance that Scanty had showed him, each time getting a little more confident. Once he managed to get into the stance properly about nine or ten times in a row, Scanty stopped him

"Good job Brief. It's seems that you've gotten that fighting stance down pretty well" Scanty said with a smile.

Brief smiled to and relaxed a little bit. His trust with the Demon Sisters was beginning to grow. Maybe they were right. Maybe they were on his side.

"Now, the next thing we'll work on will be basic strikes. You can't just flail your weapon around and expect to be a great fighter. You need to have some technique behind your strikes. For this part, I'll turn the reigns over to my dear sister. Being the more melee based fighter, she'll be able to demonstrate technique better than I can" Scanty said.

At this, Kneesocks hopped up and walked over to Brief, trading places with her sister. She got to within a few paces of him and kicked off her right shoe. She bent down and slipped off her right knee sock and turned it into one of her black and gold scythes.

"Now, as my sister stated before, you can't just swing your weapon around and expect to win. Those fancy tricks you see in the movies are nothing put show. You can be as flashy as you want, but only after you are able to master strikes and such" Kneesocks said.

Brief nodded his head as he soaked everything that was Kneesocks was telling him like a sponge.

"Once you get that down, you'll be able to do stuff like this!" Kneesocks said as she slashed at a tomb stone with her scythe, the streak from the blade leaving a trail in the air for a split second after. When the streak faded the tomb stone suddenly split in two as the top half slid off and fell to the ground.

Brief just looked on in slight awe. It was amazing to see someone move so fast and have such accuracy. He was brought back to attention by the sound of snapping fingers.

"Briefers, please concentrate" Kneesocks said. "Anyway, the first strike I'd like you to do is called the Overhead Front Strike. Now watch me as I go through this with you and follow along."

Brief nodded his head again and watched what Kneesocks was doing.

"First, bring up your front knee" she said as she did exactly that. Brief followed soon after. "Then, rest Judgment on your right shoulder so the bo is parallel to the ground." Kneesocks said as she continued to demonstrate and Brief continued to mimic. "Next, kick out your right leg into a Long Front Stance, as you rotate your front hand torquing the wrist and sliding the left hand down to the 'pocket'" she said as she slowly did the strike.

"Like this?" Brief asked as he finished the strike.

Kneesocks nodded in approval.

"Good! Now keep practicing that for a while until you feel comfortable. Then we'll move on" Kneesocks said.

"Alright" Brief said as he replicated the strike again.

He continued this for quite a while. By the time he was confident enough to move on, sweat was already dripping off his body from the work out he was getting.

"Alright…I think…I got it down" he said between breaths.

"Good" Kneesocks said. "Then let's continue! The next strike I'll teach you is the 4 Point Strike. This one is really straight forward."

Kneesocks got into the Front Stance next to Brief.

"This one is just a simple up-down, side to side" she said as she did just that, very slowly with her scythe so Brief could follow. "Make sure all strikes hit the same spot and keep the elbows up and parallel to the ground, keeping a strong Front Stance. Got all that?"

Brief nodded as he imitated Kneesocks' technique. This one didn't take as long for him to get down pat. It seemed as though he was starting to figure this fighting thing out.

"Okay what's next?" he asked. He hoped it wasn't much, he was starting to feel tired.

The rest of the day was devoted to learning three more strikes, the Overhead Rib Strike: where Brief had to learn the horse stance, and bring arms up over the head, and finish by swinging the front tip of the bo across, slamming the opposite end of the bo into your own rib, the Front Thrust: where he had to bring up his front knee, draw back the bo all the way in a straight line behind him then step out into a deep long front stance and thrust the tip of the bo into the target, landing in a powerful stance, where his back was back is straight, elbow up, tip thrusted. And the Uppercut: which he learned was much like a boxing uppercut, but drew the bo under first, which created a more rounded motion as he finished into the cat stance.

After a few hours of practicing these, all parties were absolutely exhausted. Walking up behind the panting duo of Kneesocks and Brief, Scanty spoke.

"Alright, I say we call it quits for today" she said. "It's getting late and we all deserve a rest."

Brief breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to the sky. He hadn't noticed really been paying much attention to it, but the sun had indeed set as the stars were currently visible. He looked back down just as the Demon Sisters with smiles on their faces.

"Well done Brief, you have far exceeded my expectations" Scanty complimented.

"Scanty's right, you did well" Kneesocks stated. Brief smiled.

He'd never thought he'd see the day where he'd get complimented by the Demon Sisters. The again, this whole day had been pretty weird. Scanty looked up and saw that the sun was very low in the sky.

"Well, I say we stop here for today" she stated looking back at Brief. "Let's all get some rest and pick up the training tomorrow morning."

"Sounds like a plan" Brief responded as he started off towards the church. He looked back and motioned for them to follow him. "Come on guys. I'm sure I can find a room for you two to stay in for the night."

The Demon Sisters nodded their heads and caught up to Brief. He opened the doors and all three of them entered the church together.

Meanwhile on a hill in the distance, a figure had been watching the events that had transpired from afar. The female figure was dressed in a white blue and silver dress with silver high heels and white and blue striped stockings. Her purple hair with wild pink highlights ran all the way down to her waste. Her piercing blue eyes had been analyzing the events.

"So, Geek Boy has grown some balls. And the Demon Sisters are with him as well" Stocking said turning around. "Figures they'd be meddling with our plans. Oh well, we'll be sure to take care of them all" she laughed

End of Episode 1.