Garfield changed from the smooth body of a tiny fly to something a little thicker that wouldn't be blown around in the vent. His furry body settled against the smooth silver floor and he pressed his face against the vent bars. The air conditioner went off, leaving the room almost silent. This low to the ground, he caught the scent of dust, carpet cleaner, and the smell of leather shoes.

"Now that he's able to change, it would be a good idea to put a collar on him," Wonder Woman said.

The meeting only held his two alphas. He pressed his face against the vent, but the downward grates made it impossible to see anything higher than mid-calf. He itched at his whiskers, irritated, though the feel of his clawed fingers pressing on the long wiry stands was odd and not unpleasant.

"Can't do that," Dick said.

"Won't," Bruce agreed. Both men shifted their weight in the chairs, putting both feet together like they were ready to stand.

Garfield squeaked with inner delight, then quieted, embarrassed. No one reacted to the sound. Maybe they couldn't hear. He was something that could now fit in Bruce's palm. He swallowed hard, waiting for the counter argument.

"He has the ability to fly out and leave you two," Wonder Woman said.

"He won't. He grew up a hero. He's going to stay with the Justice League." Dick spoke with a great deal of conviction, though neither of them spoke about the issue prior to this.

Garfield nodded. He could deal with being an omega as long as no one treated him like one… outside the bedroom of course.

"He'll fight better without a collar," Bruce said, then stood. Dick was a second later in following as they walked out the door.

Garfield scurried through the tunnels. His little heart beating. The two alphas made it back to the room before he could, so he twisted in another direction. The furry bundle of weight melted away to the very small, body of a fly. He flew through the grates in the vent and turned again. His muscles wrapped around bone, extending and pulling until he was human again. He stared at himself in the mirror. The phantom twitch of his whiskers still existed in his head.

"Garfield?" Dick called.

Garfield took a breath, scrubbed at his face willing the crazy itch to go away, then composed himself and walked out of the bathroom while his alphas whispered. They turned their dark eyes on him, amusement barely contained.

"I won't go over the details since you caught most of it," Bruce said.

Heat crawled up Garfield's neck. Maybe they heard him squeak after all. Dick's warm fingers on his chin made him look up at them.

"You're part of the team now. If that's what you want," Dick said.

He sighed, relieved. It was everything he wanted. Dick rubbed his chin with his thumb, gently bringing him back to reality. Garfield caught his alpha's hand and brought it down to his side. "I appreciate this as long as you remember I am a team member over the omega thing."

"Omega thing," Bruce repeated, chuckling. "It's a thing now?"

"It's always been a thing…" Garfield growled and both alphas chuckled this time. Bruce gently rubbed the top of his head, messing up his hair.

"Well, your thing should try on his new suit so we can make any altercations to it," Dick said.

Content, Garfield instantly melted between the alphas. "I'll try it on in a second. Right now, I just want to scent mark you two."

This time when the men laughed, he could feel it to the core of his being. Hands on his hips and another set of hands on his waist, he was dragged into the bed. This was what a nest was all about.