Gon moodily picked at his lunch. He was having a terrible day at a terrible school full of terrible people. No. They weren't terrible. Nothing was, and it made it even worse that it wasn't. If it really was bad, it would justify his feelings, but it wasn't. No, everyone was nice and caring, but Gon just didn't want to talk. He had convinced himself that if the school was terrible and that if he hadn't made any friends his father would send him back to Whale Island. But as the day progressed, it was clear that this plan wasn't going to work out. He had three different people invite him to their table for lunch, but he still decided to sit alone. He sighed again, pulling apart his sandwich and looking sticky bread. He looked around the cafeteria, seeing all the happy smiling faces. He stood up, his lost appetite ending his meal early, and left. This was going to be an awfully long day.

It was a few days into the recent move and Gon was at home, lounging on the couch, eating some mac and cheese because Ging was gone… again, and the only thing to eat at the house was hotdogs, lunchmeat, and lots of mac and cheese. He sighed, bored, and still upset that Killua hadn't texted him back. Apparently he was very busy, too busy to chat with his friend. He rolled over, finished with his measly dinner. He wanted to do something, anything. Gon looked over at the clock. It was only 4 in the afternoon. He wanted to scream. If he was home he could go out into the forest, climb trees, go fishing, whatever he wanted. But here… He had nothing. Only a small backyard and homes surrounded by mean older people who just wanted to be left alone. If only there was a gym or something he could go to, but he didn't have a car. Gon had a stroke of genius. The school gym would still be open and it was within walking distance of his house. He stood up quickly, happier with his plans. At least he was doing something. Even walking there seemed to be an exciting prospect. He grabbed his old gym bag, stuffed in some clothes and ran out the door, almost forgetting his phone. He doubted Killua would text him, but on the off chance…

'Well this is a bust' Gon mumbled to himself seeing that the gym was full of guys from the soccer team. He wanted to be alone, so he wandered around, trying to find a secluded spot. Nothing. He walked out. Maybe he could come back earlier tomorrow? As he was returning he glanced toward the pool. It was empty, except for one person doing laps. Gon stopped watching the clear water ripple and he realized how badly he wanted to swim. The overwhelming urge to be surrounded by cool water had spurred his feet forward and suddenly he was in the locker room, changing into a pair of trunks and getting ready to hop in the pool. He swam around, floating a little, happy to enjoy the water, but ultimately began doing laps along with the other guy. He swam as fast as he could, as if he was tearing through all of his frustrations from the past few days. When he came up for water, he was out of breath and grinning, feeling exhilarated. He would definitely have to return here tomorrow.

Gon stopped, hearing the shower running. He turned to look, he thought he was alone in the locker room, he knew he waited long enough for everyone to leave, but maybe it was just left on by accident? He wandered over to the sound and turned the corner to see the guy who was doing laps earlier, scrubbing his shoulders and humming lightly. Gon stayed, watching, knowing it was impolite to do so, but his eyes wandered over his naked form. He was lithe and muscled, with strong arms and thin legs. He looked elegant with thin wrists and ankles, his skin was pale which was a strong contrast against his bright hair. Gon's eyes wandered downward, to the narrow waist and hips, down to the muscled ass. He kept thinking about how muscular the man seemed for a swimmer, but he quickly looked up and away, realizing he was staring when the man turned toward him.

He smiled, waving a little. "Hello~" He looked him up and down "You're the new kid who's come to beat my swimming records, aren't you?"

Gon looked up, like a deer in headlights.

The red-head chuckled. "I'm kidding. But you are very good at swimming. I was thoroughly impressed. You should definitely join the swim team."

Gon smiled, feeling a little less tense at the man's kind words, but uncomfortable with his nakedness.

"Uh, thank you." Gon said, awkwardly standing in the doorway, scratching the back of his head.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"Gon. Gon Freccss. What about you?"

"Hisoka. Did you just come back from the pool?" Hisoka kept lathering up his body and Gon's eyes followed wherever the hands traveled.

Gon quickly looked up when he realized he was asked a question. "Uh, yeah. But should we have this conversation when you're done? I mean, I just don't want to bother you! You, uh, look busy…" Gon said, gesturing toward Hisoka.

Hisoka grinned. "It doesn't bother me. I feel it's best to talk with a person in the nude. That way there's nothing to hide. It leaves for very honest conversation~"

Gon paused, uncertain of what to do or say.

"Why don't you join me?" Gon's eyes widened, and he immediately began blushing.

"Wh-what? I-"

"Not like that, I mean, take the shower over there and we can keep talking." Hisoka pointed to the shower stall on his left.

Gon calmed himself. He didn't know why he was so nervous, it was just something about the guy made him feel on edge.

"Sure." Gon said shortly, moving over, his every move was stiff. Uncomfortably he slipped off his swim suit, and turned on the water, his arms folded against his chest, thankful that there was a barrier to hide him from the waist-down… at least from where Hisoka could see. He could feel his eyes burning against his skin, and despite the warm water now spraying against him, he had goosebumps.

"So, do you swim often?" Hisoka asked, when he saw that Gon was situated. Gon turned a little to look at him, playing with the soap in his hands.

"Yeah. Well I used to. Back where I lived…"

"And where did you live?"

"An island." Gon said shortly. Hisoka stared at him, asking with his eyes for Gon to continue.

"it's called Whale Island. I used to swim everyday as a kid. And me and my friends to used swim together. We never had a swimteam, but everyone on the island used to go down to the beach after school…" Gon began to get lost in the memories. The hot sun, the gritty sand beneath his toes, and the laughter and chatter of his friends as they swam.

"Sounds like a great place. I've only ever been here my whole life. You seem like a good kid." Hisoka seemed to say as an afterthought.

Gon just watched Hisoka. "Thanks, I suppose. And you're pretty nice, yourself."

Hisoka laughed lightly. "I'm not nice, or good or kind, well…only to those I admire or respect." He looked Gon over, smiling "And you're in both of those categories"

Gon blushed, looking away a little. "Why would you say that? We've just met, you can't know me very well"

Hisoka squirted some shampoo into his hands and began lathering his hair. "I've seen you swim, I've seen you sit alone at lunch, I've seen you talk to teachers, I've seen you walk home. From all of this I can make the assumption that you are courageous, first and foremost, being a new kid in a big school. But oddly enough, you seem lonely, yet outgoing."

Gon stopped. "I had to leave a lot of friends behind. I'm not quite as outgoing as I used to be…" He said in no more than a whisper, barely audible with the sound of the water running.

"Well, you can consider me your first friend. Perhaps you'll be more like your oldself, then?"

Gon looked up, a little surprised, but smiled, nodding a little. "Do you always shave your legs?"

Hisoka laughed, hard enough for it to echo in the room. "My, my, getting quite friendly already~" Gon blushed as Hisoka said this. "But yes, I do."

"Sorry, I just noticed you shaving and I was curious. Sometimes I say the first thing that comes to mind."

"Of course, that's only natural."

"So why do you shave your legs?"

"I shave my legs, arms, face, balls, ass, anywhere that grows hair because it makes me more aerodynamic, at least that's what I like to believe, and its turned out to be quite useful in my everyday life~" He said, a lecherous grin on his face, watching Gon from the corner of his eyes as he continued to shave his leg.

"Ah. I used to shave when I would swim on the team, but I stopped a while ago…" Gon appeared to have skipped over Hisoka's comment entirely.

Hisoka watched him, finishing up his shower and listened to Gon chat a little more about his home. As soon as Gon stepped into the locker room he had known who he was. Everyone already knew, that's why they were so friendly. Anyone connected to a man like Ging Freeccs was sure to be very successful. He watched Gon scrub his hair as he chatted. Gon was so cute and innocent and Hisoka wanted nothing more than to take it and keep it for himself. He could feel himself getting hard at the prospect. He wanted Gon, from the moment he heard that Ging Freeccs's son was attending their school, he knew he had to have him.

Gon did not notice Hisoka staring so intently at him, and he continued the conversation as if nothing strange had happened. "Have you been on the swim team long?"

"Hmm, since my sophomore year. I was into some pretty bad stuff beforehand. But I'm sure that's all very boring~" Hisoka leaned over the divider, resting on his elbows, "I would love to know more about you. Lots of people would, actually. They say you're the kindest most mysterious kid they've had in a long time. Tell me about yourself~"

Gon smiled, looking over at Hisoka shyly. "Well. I'm not that interesting, to be honest. I just like to swim…. And I like animals" Gon seemed to add as an afterthought.

"Ah, I know a question that will tell me everything about you! What is your favorite food"

Gon looked at him puzzled. "How can you know everything about me from my favorite food?"

"You'll see. Now tell me~"

Gon pondered it for a second. He liked fruit… and fish… and desserts… NOT mac and cheese. "My favorite food is chicken tenders." He knew it wasn't quite the right answer, but he suddenly had the craving for chicken tenders… and chocolate chip pancakes.

"Perfect! We can be friends." Hisoka said, smiling at him and nodding his head.

Gon clearly did not understand. "I thought you were going to tell me 'everything about me.'

Hisoka grinned, standing up and shutting off his shower. "No, I lied. I wanted to know your favorite food because I want to take you out this Friday." He walked over toward him, "And because I don't like anyone whose favorite food is pizza. It's a long story." Hisoka said, brushing it off. "So how about we meet up at the library Friday afternoon and I'll take you to a place that has great chicken"

Gon looked up at him, uncertain if he wanted to slap him or to laugh. He was odd and slippery, but there was something admirable about him.

"Ok" Gon said before he could even fully understand what he had just done.

"Ah! Perfect! Hisoka clapped his hands together in delight. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Hisoka left and Gon watched him go. But as Gon watched he realized suddenly that he had said yes to something that may have been a date.