
Several Years Later

It was sunny outside and a little boy with brown hair was running around a children's gym set in circles. He was being chased by a little girl with long curly black hair. Eventually the little girl caught up to him and tackled him to the ground in one solid motion. The little boy began to fight back a little, but in the end began to cry, which alerted his parents to the two.

"Marigold, that's not nice!" Isaac cried as he pulled her off Christian. "Say sorry!"

The little girl shook her head at first, her arms crossed, but eventually gave in. "I'm sorry, Chris." Marigold huffed as Christian sat up to wiped his tears away slowly.

"Okay." He whispered.

"Come on, both of you can sit with daddy and I." Isaac said as he brought the children over to the picnic bench were two more children sat along with Deucalion, Derek, and Stiles. It was rare now a days to see them all together with work and family keeping them apart, but somehow today was planned. Isaac and Deucalion had three children with a fourth on the way as of two weeks ago. There was Christian, Michael, and Abigale the youngest.

Christian sat next to Deucalion on the bench and picked up a crayon he left abandoned before the chase, and began his coloring again. Marigold sat down next to Derek, her eyes trained on Christian in front of her. The arrangement that was hatched out between the two families was weird, but doable according to Stiles, and was encouraged by Dr. Washington.

Marigold lived with Isaac and Deucalion, but she knew that Derek and Stiles were her parents. She had questions about it when she turned six, which caused a lot of trips to Dr. Washington's office to explain. In the end she seemed okay with it, but Derek still felt unsure of the whole situation. He felt even more unsure when he found out that he wasn't allowed to have children with Stiles because by nature Stiles was only allowed to have children with Peter who was still rotting in jail. It broke his heart, and more so his inner Beta, and Stiles was put on birth control by law, and once again his body didn't belong to him.

Omega law had come a long way, but there were still things even Deucalion couldn't push past.

So yes, Derek wanted Marigold to stay with them, more than anything, but Stiles still felt reservations. He still hadn't forgiven himself or Peter for the events that happened six years ago. Stiles still had nightmares, although they were far and few in between.

Their lives weren't how they saw it after the court battled ended.

Around five the two couples packed everything up and headed to their respective cars. As they walked Marigold asked if Derek could put her on his shoulder and he agreed. Stiles watched carefully as he leaned down and Marigold climbed up his back and onto his shoulders. When he stood up she was very high in the air and squealed with delight. It made Stiles smile a little. She had his excitement…and his eyes. Maybe the Hale family nose.

"Daddy?" Marigold asked hesitantly when they reached the cars. "Can…can I stay with you guys tonight? Huh? I promise I'll be good and eat my vegetables! Please? Pretty Please?"

Derek looked struck, but turned to Stiles who he knew made that decision. Stiles looked equally struck, and looked away from both of them. He didn't want to say no, but he also didn't want to say yes.

"Marigold, are you ready?" Isaac asked as he buckled in Abigale.

The little girl sighed a little as Derek brought her down to the ground. "Maybe next time, pumpkin."

"Promise?" She asked, her eyes wide with hope.

"Promise." Derek managed a grin and she grinned back before hurrying to get into the car with the other kids.

"Bye daddies!" She called before hoping in.

Stiles waved, his heart heavy. When Derek turned to get in the car he saw how wet his eyes were and hated himself. The drive back was silent and when they got home Stiles stopped in the foyer.

"Okay." He said defeated.

"Okay what?" Derek asked hanging up his jacket.

"You want a child."

Derek turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah." His voice was small.

"I…I can't give you that. I want to, I really do, but I can't. So…maybe…maybe it would be okay…if maybe she stayed her with us a few nights. Just a few…to see how it all will work out. Maybe."

"Stiles, don't push yourself." He sounded sarcastic and it pulled at stiles' heart. They'd missed a lot of Marigold's life thus far. He first steps, her first word, and even her first smile.

"I'm trying!"

"It's been six years."

"And you love her!"

Derek scowled, but didn't say anything.

"I see the way you look at, even when she does bad things you praise her. I…I need to get over this. I need to."

"Honestly, I don't want you to push yourself."

"Yeah… have to push yourself to get better." Stiles stepped closer to Derek. "Maybe I've just been in denial, but I hate seeing you this upset. It gets worse every day and I know you love her. I know you want a family. She wants a family…her own family."


"We can get her room ready and maybe buy her some toys and games. Maybe buy some of those cute dresses we saw at the mall the other week."


"And since she isn't a baby anymore we can maybe take her to the movies and go out for ice cream and do all those normal family things. You know?"



Derek wrapped his arms around him tightly, burring his face in Stiles' hair and his scent. "Are you sure?"

"Yes…yeah, I think…maybe…maybe now we can try. I want to try. I've been holding this in, hoping it'd go away, but it won't. She's a child. She's my child."

He felt Derek's body vibrate a little. He was crying now. Actually crying! Stiles hadn't seen Derek cry in a very long time.




Marigold was waiting in the living room with Michael when the doorbell rang. Isaac came around the corner quickly to let them inside.

"Is that them?" Marigold asked.

"Yup!" Isaac said and opened the door.

"Hey." Stiles said and gave Isaac a hug. Derek shook his hand and they came inside. Marigold stood up, her small bag with a cartoon octopus on the front by her side ready to go.

"Hey, Marigold!" Derek smiled.

"Hi daddy!" She smiled and ran to hug him tightly. She then peaked out slowly and grinned at Stiles. "Hi daddy!" They had never really established what to call each other because they weren't there enough to really consider it. Now they had to. Another thing Stiles had to atone for.

"Hey, ya gunna give me a hug, too?" Stiles asked and she beamed. She hurried over and hugged him just as tightly. "Am I really going to stay with you guys?" She asked Derek.


"Yaay!" She jumped up and down in excitement.

"Where is Christian?" Stiles asked Isaac over the cheers.

"He's a little upset that she is leaving, so he's in his room."

"Oh." Stiles frowned. He hadn't thought about how close Marigold had gotten to the children.

"Marigold do you want to say bye to Christian one more time?" Derek asked and she nodded and headed off to his room. During that time Isaac handed them a list.

"This is all the stuff she doesn't eat, and the stuff she loves. Everything else is a tossup. I usually have everyone in bed by 7:30-8, but Marigold doesn't go down that easily anyway. Um…yeah." Isaac grinned. "I'm super happy she is going to be staying with you guys."

"It's still a test run." Derek said. "But hopefully it'll pay off."

"Yeah." Stiles agreed as he folded up the piece of paper and tucked it away in his pocket. "I think I'm ready."

Marigold came back at that point with Christian who was clearly crying earlier. Isaac scooped him up in his arms and held him. "Hey, Marigold will visit and you can visit too if you want." Isaac informer him.

Christian nodded, clearly not ready to give up his partner in crime.

"Bye Christian! Bye Michael!" Marigold waved to them again before they set off.

Their first stop was a Dairy Queen to get ice cream and chat. Marigold was going to start first grade soon and she was excited to talk about it. After ice cream they went to the mall and she picked out two new dresses that she really liked along with a bow for her hair. Stiles could easily say he wasn't expecting her to be this girly, but he liked it. He had to also agree with himself that he was stalling bringing her home. It wasn't that he didn't want her there, it was more of he didn't want to change his mind midway through this.

When they got home Marigold explored the front of the apartment first. She walked around like a kid in a museum. She examined everything from afar, including the photo of Derek and Stiles near the TV. She turned to them after a while and asked if they had any pictures of her.

"Your grandfather has all of them." Stiles said feeling guilty. "He can visit this weekend if you want?"

"Yeah!" Marigold grinned and nodded. He'd defiantly have to decorate with some of her photos if he wanted her to feel at home. He was going blind into this, but he hoped that one day when she was older she could forgive him. He could forgive himself.

After a while the trio walked down the hallway toward the bedrooms. The door that had caused Stiles so much dread was open and waiting for the little girl to enter. She looked around at the monochromatic purple walls and white trim and the new bed with a fluffy green comforter with butterflies and squealed with delight before jumping up and done on the bed. She really did love her room, and somehow that brought comfort to Stiles. She totally had his excitement. He glanced over at Derek who had a restrained joyous look on his face.

"Can we go for ice cream tomorrow too?" Marigold ask as she climbed down from her bed. "I'll be good, I promise."

"Sure." Derek grinned. "Anything you want." It was at that moment Stiles realized that Derek was probably going to spoil her. She glanced over at Stiles, under her eyelashes, as if seeking approval from him as well.

"We totally can." Stiles grinned. It didn't feel force, it felt nature and he was glad. "I'm going to start on dinner now." Stiles said and headed into the kitchen. He pulled the list out Isaac had given him earlier and looked over it. At the top of the list was tacos as her favorite. They had everything to make them, so why not? He got the pans out ready to make the dish when Derek came up behind him and slipped his hands around his waist.

"We have a child in the house now." Stiles said softly.

"Doesn't matter." Derek mumbled into his ear. "I'm not going to ravish you here and now."

Stiles turned pink as he wrapped his arms around where Derek's were.

"Thank you." Stiles said softly.


"For not giving up."

"Stiles…I'd wait forever for you."

Stiles grinned wide. "That was really romantic."

"Shut up." Derek smirked, but kissed Stiles on the cheek.


Both of them looked down to see Marigold in the doorway with an "ew" face.

"What's so gross?" Stiles asked playfully.

"You're kissing! You'll get koodies!"

"You're going to get them too!" Stiles said loosening from Derek's grip. He chased after the little girl, who ran away toward her bedroom. She squealed in delight as she ran and jumped into her bed and hid under the covers. Stiles put on a crossed expression.

"I wonder where she is?" Stiles said looking around the room comically.

Derek came in now and stood in the threshold of the door, watching the little act.

"Marigold?" Stiles sang as the little girl giggled with delight under the covers of the bed. "I want to give you a present."

"It's going to be koodies!" She squealed.

"No it's not!" Stiles said right before he grabbed her and hoisted her up from the bed. Marigold squealed again and wiggled free of Stiles. She ran toward Derek and hid behind him.

"I don't want koodies, daddy!" She tugged on his shirt. "Tell him to stop!"

"Stiles, you can't give her koodies."

Stiles sighed dramatically. "I guess…alright."

Derek grinned at him and he returned the expression. It wasn't so bad having Marigold at their house. If anything it livened them up. He was surprised at himself that he hadn't thought to do a trial run before. He had so many blocks in his mind about how much Marigold would behave like him or be like him that he never thought about her as her own person. She never thought of Marigold as just her. It always came with the attached. Guilt filled him, but only for a moment.

"Marigold, what do you like to do?" Derek asked her.

"Read…and draw…sometimes Christian and I play tag, but he isn't very good at it. He always cries." Stiles smirked at that. Isaac's first born loved to cry. It was his first defense against anything. While he could understand with him being just a little kid, he was going to need to relax a little. But if anything, when they both started school in the fall Marigold would protect him. He saw her as a fighter.

"Do you want to play tag?" Derek asked.

Her eyes widened into dinner plates. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" She shouted and tapped Derek on the leg. "You're it!" She yelled and ran away from the room. Derek went after her, and Stiles took this time to escape to the kitchen to cook. Maybe Derek should learn how to cook?




A week had passed and Marigold was really starting to grow on Stiles more and more each day. He found her both funny and serious, but above all playful. They watched vampire and werewolf movies together, went to the park twice to play baseball with Derek, and even went out to eat twice. It was kind of cool having her around.

Maybe they could make this permanent?

Isaac was visiting today with his children, Christian ran straight for Marigold and hugged her and began to cry. "I missed you!" He sobbed.

"I missed you too, Christian!" Marigold said petting his head.

Michael sat down silently next to Isaac on the sofa, why Abigale stayed wrapped up in his arms sleeping.

"How are things going?" He asked as Stiles sat down across from him.

"Great….actually amazing…I…I didn't know I would like having her here as much as I do." Stiles bit his lip. "I think maybe it's time."

Isaac grinned. "Deucalion likes to say Marigold is our most well behaved child." He laughed. "Since she's be gone all Christian does is cry. Deucalion doesn't know what to do with him anymore."

"He'd very sensitive." Stiles pointed out.

"He'll grow out of it. I can't see a 25 year old man crying about stubbing his toe." Isaac said and they laughed. "But if that's the case then we can bring the rest of her stuff over."

"I'd like that." Stiles said just as Marigold ran around the corner screaming. Christian was behind her with a toy snake in his hand wiggling it back and forth.

"IT'S GOING TO EAT YOU!" He yelled as Marigold slammed full force into Stiles stomach knocking the air out of him for a moment causing him to heave.

"MAKE HIM STOP, DADDY!" She cried.

When his senses came back to him, and his air, Marigold was standing up on the sofa fighting with Christian on the ground. The snake long forgotten. This was the day Christian would stop crying and start fighting. He just wished it didn't involve his stomach.

"Alright! Hey! Knock it off!" Stiles said standing up and taking Marigold with him. Christian looked up at her, weighing his options about what to do next before huddling over next to his daddy on the other sofa.

"Are you sure you still want to take her?" Isaac chuckled.

He set her down on the floor." Behave, I mean it." Stiles scowled. The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes, clearly upset, but something else was underneath it. She busted out in tears and can away to her bedroom. A moment later a slam was heard.

"She's never done that before." Isaac said standing up with Abigale who was awake now.

"I…should I go talk to her? I didn't mean…I…" He was lost for words.

"Go talk to her. Everything will be alright." Isaac assured, but Stiles didn't feel it. He wished Derek was home from work now. He mustered up the courage, nonetheless, and knocked on Marigold's door before entering. She was huddled in the corner sobbing harshly.

"Marigold…everything is going to be alright. Hey…come on." He squatted down next to her. "Marigold?"

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" She cried.

"What's wrong? Why do you keep saying no?"

Another bout of harsh sobbing later bought an answer. "I don't want to-to-to-to g-g-go back!"


Stiles' felt his stomach drop. He didn't want this. He didn't want her to feel like messing up would cause her to go back to Isaac's house. He wanted to be a better dad, he really did, but at this moment he felt like the worse person alive.

"Marigold, you're not going back, anywhere…I promise. I like having you here. Derek and I get to see you every day and we have fun."

"S-so I d-d-don't have t-t-to go?" She sobbed.

"No, as long as you like staying here with us, then you can stay. I would be really sad if you left. So would Derek. He wants to buy you more pretty dresses."

Marigold thought about this for a moment before nodding; her tears stopping.

"Can I have a hug?" Stiles asked.

She nodded again and after a moment uncurled herself to give him a hug. It felt tight and reassuring, and honestly, it warmed Stiles' heart. This was his child and he should have taken responsibility for her a long time ago, but he couldn't. He just wasn't mentally prepared to deal with a child. But now, with all his improvements, and Derek wanting to be a father, and him having to take birth control; this finally felt right.

"I'll never leave you, okay?" Stiles said pulling back to look into her red eyes.

She nodded. "I love you, daddy." She sniffed.

"I love you too, Marigold."




DONE! Finished, sent out to pasture, it is complete!

Thank you so much everyone for staying with me during my breaks and supportive and critical critiques. All of it has meant a lot to me and is what keeps me writing! I hope everyone enjoyed the ride!

Notes: I thought about changing the ending multiple times because I wanted Stiles and Derek to have children, but then I realized that if they did Marigold probably wouldn't have been such an important part of Stiles' life. Also I thought about how tight I made the laws in this world, and it made sense that because Peter is Stiles' mate by nature, that he cannot have children with another person. Thus, he must take BC. But, I don't think that lessens the outcome of their family.

When I first started this story I also didn't expect it to take on so many interesting topics about today's issues, but it kind of did and I'm glad. You really have to fight for your rights, even minor victories can feel huge! But one battle one doesn't mean you've won the war. I left a lot of issues unresolved for Omegas because I might revisit this in the future. In the case that I don't, well, everyone has an imagination! And that is part of the fun!

Thank you again for reading! Bye, bye!