The beginning of this one is the same as the last one...but it's tweaked a little bit further on. You'll see what I mean!

I own nothing but the OCs.

Chapter 15 B

"Everything's in play and ready to start," Jeremy smiled as he and Mike walked down the hall.

"That's good," Mike nodded, "I can't…"

The fifth spirit cried out, collapsing to her knees as the bells tolled and her form burst into smoke, whirling away towards where her body lay. Jeremy jogged after it, watching as five streams of silver smoke were sucked into the five animatronics laying lifelessly on the floor. Five screams of excruciating pain hit Jeremy's ears and the thirty-six year old covered his ears as all five animatronics jerked and twitched…and then they stopped as five pairs of eyes flickered on, glowing brightly in the dim light.

"Mike?" Robby asked, kneeling down, "You with us tonight or is Gold with us,"

"It's me," Mike's weak, shaky voice stammered, "She's being nice and letting me see this with my own eyes tonight,"

The spirits all got to their feet, looking at one another before turning to Jeremy.

"Ready when you are," he said, pulling out a lighter.

Mike nodded, staring at the flame on the lighter before turning to look at him.

"Let's torch the place and be done with it," she told him.

Jeremy lit the cloth next to him. The Guard and the five spirits went through the attraction, lighting everything he could while the five kept watch over their friend. Jeremy turned towards Mike, seeing the firelight lighting up her eyes and making them glow almost like her brother's had.

"I think we're good," he called over the crackle of the flames, "Let's get outta here!"

He opened the door and walked out, Mike and the others right behind him.

The Guard and spirits ran a good distance, watching as Fazbear's Fright went up in scarlet flame and oily smoke.

"Faulty wiring…that'll kill ya," Mike said.

Jeremy stared at her, giving a faint smile.

"You just made a joke," he grinned, "There's hope for you yet, Mike,"

"Now it's all burning, burying the nightmare, crumbling away," she murmured watching the bonfire before looking down at her paws, mentally imagining the steel bars that impaled through her hands, "but the scars remain there. Maybe it's safe now…"

An unearthly shriek cut through the air, making both the Guard and spirits freeze.

"Let's salt the ground to be sure," Jeremy whispered.

Mike turned to Jeremy and put a heavy, golden paw on his shoulder.

"Take care of Robby for me, ok?" she asked, "Tell him…tell him that his mama loves him,"

"I will," Jeremy promised, "He'll know about what his mother did to save anyone who would have set foot in that place, what she did for her brother,"

"And give him this," she told him, reaching within the neck portion of the suit and pulling out a slightly tarnished silver locket.

She carefully opened it, letting a sweet melody pour forth before handing it to Jeremy.

"Don't worry, Mike, I'll make sure he gets it," Jeremy promised.

Mike gave a smile before turning to face her brother, who held out a paw for her to take.

"Then I guess I'm ready to go," she said, walking towards Robby and putting her paw in his, "I'm ready to cast off this shell and fly home,"

"That sounds good to us too," Matt replied with a bow of his head as he kept Amanda to his side while Sam's crimson gaze sparkled.

"Where you go, I'll be," Robby promised as he pulled his sister into an embrace.

"Then let's go home," Mike smiled.

The animatronics crumpled to the ground, their glowing eyes flickering and dying as five silver streams of smoke poured from the mouths, eyes and noses, reforming into five shimmering figures. A tall, burly young boy with deep blue eyes, a slightly chubby girl with dark blued-violet eyes, a smaller, thin young boy with bright crimson eyes and glasses perched on his nose, a tall, lean young boy with a golden eyes…and finally a tall young girl with a scar over her right, equally as golden, eye. All five of them had reverted to the age they had been when the original four had been killed. The five child spirits looked at Jeremy before looking at each other.

"You were a cute kid, Mike," Jeremy said, smiling.

The youngest spirit gave a high-pitched giggle, holding her big brother's hand as her golden eyes shone. The church bells struck six, the saving grace for the Night Shift that had worked in the pizzeria was now the freedom song of the four, now five, spirits that were trapped in that awful place.

A sixth shape took form behind them, solidifying into a young girl. Jeremy's breath caught as the grey eyes landed on him.

"Em," he whispered.

Emily came up to her brother and smiled, reaching up and brushing away a tear on his face.

"Don't worry about us," she told him, "We're all free now. No one can hurt you or us anymore, big brother,"

"I should have gone with you," he murmured, bowing his head.

"Jeremy…if you would have followed me, you would have been killed and your soul would be adrift like theirs," Emily said, "But you've got bigger things to worry about now, big brother. Mike's counting on you to take care of her son…and that thing isn't dead…at least, I don't think it is. Keep little Robby safe,"

"Please," Mike pleaded, her voice echoing and whispery, "You, Ashe and Kayle are the only family he has now,"

"And, Jeremy…" Sam asked, "Can…can you bury us? Our bodies are still in those animatronics,"

"Try to find the others in there," Amanda added, "I dunno what caused them to glitch out…but if there's anything in them…bury those too. No one deserves this,"

"I'll do my best, I promise," Jeremy promised, "You'll have nothing to worry about,"

There were smiles all around, both from spirit and living. The six spirits joined hands as they turned around. Brother, sister, friends. They all walked forwards, their silver forms glowing brightly as the sun came up…

And then they were gone, leaving only the lingering, high pitched laughter of children behind.

Jeremy knocked on the door of the house Mike had sent him to. A young woman opened the door happily before nearly slamming it shut again.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" the woman demanded.

"My name's Jeremy Fitzgerald," Jeremy told her, "I'm a friend of Mike's, Madam Mayor,"

"You can call me Ashe," the pale-blue eyed woman said slowly, "Now where's Mike?"

"Is Robby here?"

Ashe's blue eyes narrowed slightly.

"I…I need to give him something from his mother," Jeremy said, "Please, let me in,"

Ashe cautiously opened the door, letting Jeremy walk in, "Kayle! Can you get Robby?"

A few minutes later, a honey blonde woman walked in, holding a still sleeping little boy with fire-red hair. The boy's eyes cracked open tiredly, revealing the same amber color that both Mike and his namesake shared.

"Where's Mike?" Kayle asked, "And who's the beanpole?"

"You…might want to sit down for this," Jeremy cautioned, letting the two women sit down, the little boy falling asleep on Kayle's lap once again, "Like I told your friend here, my name is Jeremy Fitzgerald. Mike and I were co-workers at Fazbear Fright. We both worked at the pizzerias before they shut down. Me at the first location until '87, and Mike at the new location just a few years ago,"

"You said were," Kayle noted, "Where's Mike. What did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything," Jeremy protested, "Jeeze, Mike was right about you, Kayle, you're observant,"

"You didn't answer my question, beanpole,"

"Fine," Jeremy sighed, "The truth is…Mike was killed at work by the…man…that killed her brother and friends,"

He bowed his head as Kayle and Ashe stared at him, wide-eyed.

"I tried to help her…but I was too slow," Jeremy murmured, "I didn't even know it was happening until I saw her on camera, getting dragged through the hall by her hair. We tried to keep it away…but that thing…it was too fast. It…it went through the vents and caught her…and it…it stuffed her in that suit…right as I turned the corner,"

He stopped, showing his hands.

"I tried to save her…" he tried, tears streaming, "But I…"

He closed his eyes.

"I was too late,"

Suddenly, the little boy in Kayle's arms stirred, blinking open his bright gold eyes and looking right at Jeremy.

"Hey, Robby," Jeremy smiled.

"Hi," the boy yawned, reaching for him.

Kayle let Jeremy take the little boy and Robby hugged the older man.

"Mama says not to worry," he told him, "She says you'll take care of me with Auntie Ashe and Auntie Kayle,"

Jeremy's grey eyes started to burn as tears streamed, dripping into the boy's red hair.

"Yeah, buddy…I'm going to take care of you now," he promised.

"Jeremy?" Robby asked, making the man look at him, "Can I call you Daddy?"

Jeremy gave a soft smile as he held the boy close.

"Yeah, lil' Capt'n, I'll be your Daddy," he murmured.

"Don't cry, Daddy," Robby said, "Mama happy now. She with unca Wobby and gwandma now. She not hurtin' anymore,"

Jeremy, Kayle and Ashe dug through the remains of the building. The five animatronics were already outside, but all three adults decided to keep the promise Jeremy made and bury the bodies…including any they found in the attraction. The only one they managed to find…was a badly charred and scorched Marionette. Springtrap had escaped.

They dragged the shell outside and set to the task of prying the bodies from their metal prisons.

"Oh, oh God!" Ashe gasped as they broke open Chica's frame, revealing the corpse of a small, chubby little girl with a black slash across her stomach.

"You think that's bad…" Kayle whispered, gently freeing a young boy with a deep gash across his throat from his prison inside Freddy, "What kind of sick person would do this!?"

"Doesn't matter," Jeremy said softly, freeing the remains of a black-haired boy from Bonnie, "he's dead now,"

He gently laid Sam's corpse on the ground, closing the boy's eyes so he looked like he was more or less sleeping next to his two friends before the older man turned to the fox.

"Well, Fox, let's see who's inside you," Jeremy murmured, taking his crowbar and prying the Fox's stomach open, falling backwards as the hinges gave way with a snap.

"Is that…!?" Kayle breathed, looking at the entangled corpse of a red-haired, one-handed boy.

"Robby Schmidt," Jeremy said, "Mike's older brother and little Robby's uncle,"

"Mike had to work with that…" Ashe stammered, "Did she…"

"Know?" Jeremy asked, gently detangling Robby from his metal prison, "Yeah, she knew. She tried to put his spirit and the others to rest…but she ended up like them for her troubles,"

He sat Robby on the ground and turned to the golden bear.

"Let's save her for last," he said, turning to the Marionette, "Now…you. Let's see what made you so kill crazy…"

He shattered the mask on the Marionette and took his pocket knife, slicing an opening in the Marionette's costume and peeking inside…just to give a yell and fall back.

"Jeremy?!" the two girls asked, "What's wrong,"

Jeremy came closer and knelt by the Marionette, lifting the sixth body out of it.

"Emily," he whispered, "My little sister,"

The tiny form cradled in his arms had had its throat cut just like Matt had, but the dried blood on her face was clean in two tear tracks. Jeremy gently laid his sister down on the grass, brushing a blonde curl away from her face before turning towards the final suit.

"I'm going to warn you both now…" Jeremy started, "This one's freshly dead…there's a lot of blood. She didn't die peacefully,"

"Is it…" Kayle stammered as Jeremy came up and lifted the head off the animatronic, revealing Mike's face.

"Mike!" Ashe gasped, "Oh, Mike…"

"She looks not so bloody to me," Kayle murmured as Jeremy finished unzipping the costume…and letting the blood that was still in the suit, which was quite a bit, flood out, "I take that back,"

It took quite a while to get Mike free from the suit as they had to physically remove the crossbeams from her body.

"Oh, Mike," Ashe repeated as they lay the body of their friend next to the corpses of the five children.

"Six children killed by the same man," Jeremy shook his head, "Six that are finally at rest,"

He nodded towards his truck.

"Kayle, go get the body bags, let's get them buried in their graves,"

A couple hours later, the three stood in front of the fresh graves. Jeremy noticed the irony that Emily's grave was actually next to the original five's.

"Don't worry anymore," he told the six graves with a smile, "No one can hurt you or yours ever again. I promise,"

"Where is this place?" Mike asked, casting her head around the bright land around them.

"We're home," Emily told her, racing forwards and into the arms of a young couple, the man in the group picking up the girl and twirling her around.

"Sam!" a female voice cried, making the boy freeze and whip around, tears streaming down the tracks imprinted in his skin.

"M-Mom?" he stammered, looking at the snowy white skin and hair and crimson eyes of the woman behind him who was standing next to a dark haired, grey eyed man, "Dad!"

And he sprinted forwards, diving into his parents' arms, sobbing happily.

"Matt! Amanda!" a man's voice cried, making the siblings turn around and break into brilliant smiles.

"Dad!" both spirits chorused as they ran to him and nearly tackled him.

Mike looked up at her brother, her golden eyes curious.

"If their parents are here…" she started, "Then that means…"

Two arms wrapped around both of them, making both spirits freeze and break into smiles.

"Took you both long enough," Anna smiled, turning her son and daughter around to face her.

"Mama!" both siblings cried, embracing their mother and sobbing tears of joy.

Anna hugged them for a little bit before pulling back and rubbing her thumb over Robby's cheek, scrubbing at the tear tracks on it.

"Ah! Mama!" he whined, "What's this all about!"

"There's no tears here," Anna told him, "And these were a mark of your chains…no need for them here,"

She finished cleaning Robby before turning to Mike and cleaning her up too.

"There, all better," Anna smiled, looking at the two, fresh-faced children in front of her, "Now, come here,"

She hugged her son and daughter, nuzzling their red and copper heads lovingly.

"Welcome home," she whispered into their hair, "No one can hurt you ever again. You're free now,"

Four little souls, Four little souls,

Lost all our will, Lost all control,

Taken away by hands of a violet stranger,

Whose name no one still has a clue,

And years and years grew our fear, our sorrow our anger,

All soon to be directed at you,

Cold little hands, but metal can't feel.

They break and they bend, is this even real?

All that we know and all that we are,

Trapped in these cages, these painful bars,

Then came a girl, brave yet afraid.

We thought nothing of her, just part of our game.

She hid and she cried,

And nearly died…

But something about her we couldn't deny,

This girl fought through the past,

She went to the end,

She tried and she tried, Again and again.

We thought she was nothing,

We put her on trial,

But she was the one, the one to defy

How the story was set

How we really died.

Even though she suffered

Through all our ways

She was the one to set us all free.

But the price of our freedom was the cost of her life,

Now we're all free from pain and strife,

Four little souls who'd once lost control,

Now six little souls flying to rest forevermore.

We thank you forever

Dear, lovely sister, Rescuer, friend.

And although you sing with us now…

It's never going to be

The End.

Thank you all for your wonderful support. You've all been great! Although I'm returning to my other stories until October, that doesn't exactly mean I'm leaving all this behind. I've been thinking about doing a Question and Answer for all my OCs (including the COCs *canon original characters* which means those like Gold and Spring). I've got it set up as a journal on my Deviantart page (it's just my penname with no spaces). You can ask any question and I'll draw/write the answer. If you have a Deviantart account, go there and ask. If not, just PM me here and I'll give you the link when that one is done! You can ask any fandom's OC/COC or heck, even me! I just wanted to do something to give back to you all because you all are wonderful.

I just wanted to say thank you all and I will see you again soon!

I hope you guys liked it, if you did send in the reviews! (Along with ideas because I will need them eventually!) :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Elhini Prime signing off.