Author's notes: Hello lovely people!
This is my story 'Snow Leopard'. I hope you like it!

This isn't actually the first fanfic I've done. I wrote a couple when I was like 12-14 and they were rubbish so I took them down. Been working on this one for a while now and am quite nervous about publishing it. I can accept constructive criticism but please don't be nasty about it.


Chapter one - Sindel's plan

**contains implied rape**


"FIGHT!" roared Shao Kahn from where he was sitting in his skull-like throne. The Emperor's amber eyes gleamed in delight as the two opponents charged towards each other, weapons drawn, ready to engage each other in battle. One of the combatants was an Edenian soldier, dressed in the traditional purple Edenian uniform, carrying a long, pointed and lethal-looking spear. The second was Tarkata with razor sharp teeth and long, scythe-like nails. The Edenian soldier thrust his spear towards the Tarkata, attempting to stab him through the chest but was too slow. Shao Kahn gave a satisfied smirk as the Tarkatan's nails sliced through the air…and the Edenian's face. The Edenian's blood and flesh splattered the floor and the wall behind him and Shao Kahn could make out the distinct popping sound that often occurred when someone's eye had been pulled out of its socket. The Edenian screamed in agony and staggered back, half blinded and clutching the bloodied side of his face. The Tarkatan's victory was certain yet he looked towards the Emperor eagerly, as if asking for Shao Kahn's permission to perform a Fatality.

"FINISH HIM!" ordered Shao Kahn, a malicious grin spreading over his face that was half-hidden by his skull helmet. The Tarkatan practically squealed in delight and charged towards the weakened Edenian, claws unsheathed. The Tarkatan swiped and slashed the Edenian's face once again, removing his other eye and ripping the skin away. He then stabbed the Edenian in the neck and gut, making sure to crush his windpipe and puncture his stomach with his claws and then flung the lifeless body over his head. Happy with his victory, the Tarkatan began licking the Edenian's blood off his claws.

"Impressive…" said Shao Kahn. He stood up and walked over to the Edenian's body and gave it a hard kick, just to make sure that he was indeed dead.

"You are brutal…ruthless…and show no mercy. I could use someone like you in my army in the future…" said Shao Kahn and the Tarkatan dropped to his knees in a low bow of respect.

"It is a pleasure to be of service, my lord," said the Tarkatan. Shao Kahn opened his mouth to respond when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. The Emperor turned and saw another Edenian guard standing there who was clearly trying not to look disgusted and traumatized by the sight of the bloody and gory mess on the floor that used to have been one of his teammates.

"What is it?" demanded the Emperor, not happy with the night's entertainment being interrupted.

"The Queen seeks an audience with your Lordship," said the guard, his eyes trying to look anywhere other than at the Edenian's corpse. Shao Kahn's glare softened slightly as the thought of something even better than watching two beings fight to the death entered his mind – being in the company of his beautiful Queen.

"Very well. I will return shortly. Do not continue without me," Shao Kahn ordered to his guards and the soldiers. They all bowed in respect and parted ways as Shao Kahn exited his throne room and began climbing the stairs that lead to his wife's chambers. He knocked on her door and entered.

A satisfied smirk crept over his face when his gaze fell upon his wife, dressed in a black and purple gown, standing over the cradle in which Kitana, who was slowly starting to resemble a toddler, was sleeping in. But that wasn't the reason he was smiling. His eyes slowly travelled over his wife's figure, admiring her soft breasts, her curvy hips and, most importantly, her swollen belly that was carrying their unborn child.

Shao Kahn crossed the room swiftly and lightly placed a hand on Sindel's stomach. She flinched slightly at his touch even though he tried to be as gentle as possible.

"Forgive me, my lord. I'm afraid I'm a little bit sensitive. Especially with the birth approaching so fast," Sindel half-lied. Whilst it was true that her stomach did feel sensitive and hurt slightly whenever someone touched it, Sindel couldn't stand to have Shao Kahn's hands on her. But she had learnt better than to resist his touch when she refused to share his bed for the first time on their wedding night. She had declared that he would not force her into his bed in the same way he forced her into marrying him. Sindel winced slightly at the memory of the night he forcefully broke down her bedroom door and tore her night clothes from her body. The very night that resulted in her pregnancy.

"Only a few more days and then I will finally have my own child! I can sense its power and it hasn't even been born yet!" said Shao Kahn eagerly as he felt his unborn baby kick against his hand. Sindel remained silent. She too had felt the magic flow into her baby as it grew and she knew that her child would have the potential to be powerful. Far more powerful than her and possibly more powerful than Shao Kahn. And she was certain of her husband's plans to use their child in his attempt to take over Earthrealm. The thought of her innocent baby being used as a weapon, a tool of war, made Sindel feel sick.

"What did you need to see me about?" asked Shao Kahn, bringing Sindel out of her thoughts.

"I have a request. I would like to travel to my home realm for the birth. Edenia is far more peaceful than the Outworld and there are many fine doctors and nurses there. I believe that the birth should proceed more smoothly, should it be born in Edenia. Assuming that the baby arrives on time, I should be gone for no more than two weeks…" said Sindel and she held her breath, hoping that her husband would grant her request.

He considered it carefully but his facial expression indicated that he wasn't happy about the idea of having his wife and child in a separate realm. Sindel sensed this and, in an attempt to sway him, she lightly placed her hand on his arm, caressed his cheek gently, and gave him a small smile. It seemed to work as Shao Kahn let out a small sigh.

"Our child's survival is my priority at this moment in time. If you believe that travelling to Edenia for the birth to be the best decision, then so be it. I shall arrange for a small group of my soldiers to escort you to Edenia in the morning," he said. Sindel exhaled in relief, grateful that he had agreed to let her go.

"Thank you for your generosity, my lord," said Sindel, bowing her head politely. Shao Kahn grinned and took Sindel's chin in his large hand and lifted her head so she was looking at him and he lightly placed a kiss on her lips. Sindel accepted the kiss and forced herself to respond a little. Although it still pained her whenever Shao Kahn touched her, she had to count herself lucky that he had granted her request.

"Do you require anything else, my queen?" asked Shao Kahn.

"No, thank you. You have done so much for me already by allowing me to travel back to my home for a short time. You may go back to watching the fights and enjoying yourself. Think of it as a treat before fatherhood claims you," said Sindel. Shao Khan grinned again and gave her another kiss before turning and exiting the room, eager to go back to watching the fighting. Sindel waited until his heavy footsteps were out of ear shot before she sat down heavily on the bed next to Kitana's cradle.

She absent-mindedly began stroking her swollen stomach and smiled sadly as she felt her baby kick again. Stage one of her plan; to persuade her husband to allow her to have the baby in Edenia, had worked. Now it was onto Stage two; Get to Edenia and find Lord Raiden…

The next day in Edenia…

Sindel sighed happily as she stepped through the portal that transported her and a small group of guards back to their home world, Edenia. While Outworld consisted mainly of rocks, deserts and wastelands, Edenia was the complete opposite. The earth was fertile, the grass was green and lush and the water that flowed in the rivers and spouted from the fountains was pure and clean. Sindel inhaled deeply, soaking up Edenia's clean and fresh air and sighed again. How she had missed her home.

"Come, my queen. We are not far from the palace," said one of the guards. Sindel nodded and they began walking once again. The Grand Palace, which was made of polished marble, soon entered Sindel's sight and she had to stop herself from running to her old home. She missed the palace and Edenia so much that she could just weep!

After several minutes of walking, the finally came upon the palace and entered through the large stone doors.

"Do you require anything, your highness? Something to eat or drink perhaps? We can send word to the kitchens," asked one of the guards as he helped Sindel take off her travelling cloak.

"I'm afraid I feel quite worn out. I will retire to my chambers for an hour or so and would like a bath drawn afterwards. I will inform you when I am ready to eat. You are all dismissed for the time being," said Sindel with a voice that was full of calm authority. The guards bowed their heads and departed as Sindel began climbing the stairs that led to her old bedroom; the bedroom she had once shared with King Jerrod. She gave a melancholy sigh as she entered her chambers, taking in the familiar sights. She longed to sit on the bed and reminisce of the time when she lived as King Jerrod's wife – a time that now seemed so long ago…

"Now is not the time to dwell on the past. It is time to deal with the future," the Queen whispered to herself. She crossed the room with a slow but determined stride and opened the door that led to her balcony. She inhaled deeply again and sighed as she felt Edenia's cool breeze lift her long dark hair. She closed her eyes and then clasped her hands together, as if in prayer.

'Lord Raiden, I seek an audience with you regarding matters most important. Time is running out. I desperately seek your guidance and assistance,' she thought, hoping that the Thunder God would hear her prayer and answer her. And, to her delight, she saw the fluffy white clouds overhead turn grey and block out the sun. A clap of thunder echoed loudly throughout the land and a flash of lightening momentarily blinded the Queen who shielded her eyes against the bright light.

"Queen Sindel. To what do I owe the pleasure?" spoke a deep but gentle voice that rumbled like thunder. Sindel lifted her gaze and smiled when it fell upon Raiden, dressed in his usual blue and white robes and conical straw hat. She saw Raiden examine her carefully, taking particular note of her pregnant form.

"I believe congratulations are in order. When is the child due?" asked Raiden.

"Not for another ten days, Lord Raiden. And I would happily accepted congratulations if I did not have this heavy feeling in my heart," said Sindel woefully.

"Tell me what troubles you," said Raiden gently.

"I am carrying Shao Kahn's child and I can sense that great power exists inside it. Shao Kahn can sense it too and you would have to be a fool not to believe that he will use our child and Kitana in his quest to take over Earthrealm. I have convinced the Emperor of Kitana's worth so she will be safe but I do not wish that to be my baby's fate. I do not want it to be a weapon! I would willingly part with it if it meant that I could protect it from Shao Kahn…" said Sindel, her eyes filling with tears.

"I see. And you wish for me to help you hide the child from Shao Kahn?" asked Raiden and Sindel nodded her head eagerly. "You do realise that if you are found out, the consequences will be most severe? Shao Kahn will make your life even more miserable if he finds out that you have deliberately hidden his child from him," warned Raiden.

"My life cannot be made any more miserable than it is now. I had planned to take my life months ago but then I discovered that I was with child. When you are a parent, Raiden, nothing else matters but your children. There are no limits to the sacrifices one makes for their children. I beg of you, you must help me hide my unborn child from Shao Kahn!" begged Sindel, staring imploringly at the Thunder God.

"Very well. I will return in ten days, after you have delivered the child. You must trick Shao Kahn into believing that the delivery was a difficult one and that your baby was born dead. Whilst I cannot care for the child myself, I will be sure to take it to Earthrealm and place it with a loving family. You needn't worry about its well-being," said Raiden. Sindel exhaled loudly as a warm and glorious relief washed over her now she knew that her baby was going to be safe and free from Shao Kahn's influence.

"Thank you Lord Raiden. I will never forget your kindness,"….


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