Title: Surprise
Pairing: Aubrey/ Beca
Rating: M


Chapter 8

It wasn't long before the doctors and nurses converged on the now awakened young woman and a variety of tests began as the waiting room began to fill with Beca's family and friends as they waited for the all clear to visit their little DJ.

The doc advised those in the waiting room to keep the patient calm and not be loud at all because of Beca's still healing eardrum.

The doctor allowed four at a time to visit Beca in addition to Aubrey who wouldn't leave the room after she was allowed back in. The doctor also knew the young woman would make sure all the visitors behaved as they should. Aubrey Mitchell was a bulldog when it came to her wife's wellbeing.

Abigail, Tabitha, Preston, and Laura were the first four to visit with Beca.

Abigail rushed to her baby girl taking her hand as she kissed her temple. "It is so good to see those lovely eyes of yours open again sweetheart." The mother simply laid her head on her daughter's shoulder and cried as she was overcome by relief that her baby girl was really going to be okay. Tabitha moved to her wife and daughter comforting them the best she could with tears in her own eyes.

"I'm okay mama." Beca hugged her mother the best she could. "I'm sorry I scared you and mom so much. Aubrey's already threatened to kick my butt between my ears if I did it again."

That gained a small watery chuckled as Beca hoped it would. "I really love your new wife dear. I think she deals well with your feisty butt." Abigail took the tissues Tabitha offered wiping her nose and drying her eyes as she finally gained some control of her emotions.

"That's good because I love her like crazy and I'm not giving her up for the world." The girl in the bed declared.

"I'm glad to hear it because my girl loves you just as much." Preston interjected as he stepped forward. "It's good to see you sitting up and awake girly. Now you behave and get better so Aubrey can take you home soon. I think we would all be glad to see the exit of this place sooner rather than later." The father was doing his best to tone down the overwhelming emotions shooting through the room.

"I'll do my best Pops because snuggling into my bed with my wife sure beats the hell out of this bed and being hooked up to all these wires and things. It totally sucks and don't even get me started on the food." Beca did her best to also lighten the moment as well as she could.

"Well we're glad to see you awake dear and I'm sure we can all help you out from having to eat the dreadful hospital food all the time." Laura patted the girl's leg not wanting to displace Aubrey or the other mothers' places around Beca.

"It's good to see you too Momma Laura and any help avoiding hospital food is greatly appreciated." The injured girl was able to visit with her moms and new-in-laws for a while before Tabitha, Laura, and Preston stepped out to allow Beca's Pappa and Granny Mitchell in as well as Sheila along with them. Abigail stayed in the hospital room to help because there was a very good chance things were going to be tense for a bit.

As soon as the three Mitchell's walked into the room Beca paled and began to cry. "I'm sorry Pappa and Granny. I tried to stop him. I really did. I'm sorry Sheila that I wasn't strong enough to get through to him."

Abigail and Aubrey moved out of the way so the other three could comfort the distraught young woman. Beca needed to know her grandparents and Sheila still loved her and didn't hold her responsible for what happened.

"Oh little bluebird this whole horrible situation was out of your control and we don't blame you at all for what happened. We are just glad that you are okay and that we didn't lose you too sweet girl." Pappa Mitchell held his only grandchild as she cried.

"We love you birdie and none of this was your fault in the least little bit." Granny Mitchell added as she too comforted her grandbaby.

"I don't want to hear you blaming yourself for any of this Bec or I really will go all step-monster on you." Sheila said from her spot rubbing the girl's leg much as Laura Posen had a few minutes earlier.

Abigail and Aubrey hugged each other for comfort as they watched their girl breakdown in her grandparents' arms. It would take a while to recover from the traumatic ordeal and may involve a little therapy for all of them before it was over, but eventually they would all be alright as long as they all stuck together as a family.

The day continued on with many emotional visits, but none as taxing as the first two groups of visitors however.


The Bellas had done a great job of keeping Beca and Aubrey both informed about the happenings on campus although Aubrey did have to leave the hospital for her classes since they started before Beca's. Anytime Aubrey left Beca she always made sure a family member or a Bella was with her wife until she returned.

Beca ended up having to stay in the hospital another week for tests and to let her head injury and ear heal further. She was home a few days before her first class started, she had missed the Activities fair, which she wasn't all that broken up over. Chloe had stepped in and helped the Bellas create and set up their recruitment table. They had plenty of girls sign up for tryouts or show interest in trying out for the group unlike the year before.

When Beca was able to come home she still had to be in a wheelchair for a few weeks because of the head and ear trauma, but she was glad that Aubrey and the parents rented a cool dark purple and black one for her and not an ugly clunky one like hospitals used. She wore a scarf on her head along with a sleeveless hoodie her first day back on campus and did her best to ignore the stares and whispers when people figured out who she was. Let's just say Beca was very glad when she was finally allowed to go to class without the chair so she could blend in a little better.

The Bellas enjoyed it once Beca was well enough that they could ruffle her short hair without worry which soon became a habit of many of the short girl's family and friends. The DJ tolerated it, but really loved it when Bree would play with her short hair and scratch her scalp while the blonde was reading one of her various law books. Chloe teased that Beca was part kitten the way she would practically purr as she laid with her head on her wife's leg as often as she could when the blonde was reading.

The Bellas added a few new girls to the group after tryouts. They added two seniors, a junior, and a sophomore. The team was doing well and drew crowds at the events they sang at to raise money for their group as well as the early competitions that they won.

Aubrey and Beca both went to therapy to help them get over the horrific events that happened that past August. Chloe went too as did many of Beca's family and friends who witnessed or experienced that day first hand.

Therapy really helped the couple work through things and their nightmares became less and less as time passed, but no matter what they were always there for each other. The couple were even there for their redheaded best friend when she needed them.

Thanksgiving and Christmas that year seemed even more loving and touching as everyone was truly thankful to be together after coming so close to losing one so special to so many of them. A big Bella Thanksgiving dinner was held at Chloe, Aubrey, and Beca's condo as many of the girls stayed on campus for the shorter holiday. Everyone had a blast and it helped everyone truly move beyond past events.

Christmas was a much more intimate affair and Beca and Aubrey enjoyed their alone time together once Chloe left for the holiday to visit with her family. Making love before the crackling fireplace with Christmas music playing in the background and the only light in the room came from the fire and the lights from the Christmas tree was a particular favorite among the holiday memories the newlywed couple created their first Christmas together as wives.


After much talking with her moms and gaining their permission Beca planned to invite the Bellas and Chloe to spend time on her family's private island in the Florida Keys for spring break with her and Aubrey. The group captain planned to make the offer on one of the oddly warm sunny days in mid-January as all of the girls were spending their practice time together out on the quad brainstorming song ideas for an upcoming fundraiser. Chloe and Bree had joined them as they didn't have class until later that day. Many of the students were out enjoying the warm winter's day as well.

"Hey Becaw!" Was shouted out across the quad from a voice Beca thought she would never have to hear again. She had been so relieved when Jesse hadn't returned to Barden in the fall.

"Oh God, he's back and it's too late to hide." Beca groaned causing her friends too laugh, even the new Bellas had heard about deaf Jesse who seemed to never really hear or believe Beca was gay no matter how many times she told him or how rude she was to him.

"Maybe you should just start making out with Aubrey. That might get him to believe you're gay and if not it would still be hot to see." Stacie suggested with a wiggle of her brows.

"Totally hot." CR agreed as many of the group giggled.

"I'm okay with that." Aubrey pulled her girl in close kissing her on the neck. The smaller woman was sitting between her legs leaning her back against Aubrey's front as the blonde leaned against a tree.

Beca turned her head and kissed her wife as the others awed and cooed over the couple's cuteness.

"The new girls totally don't even believe that you two argued most of the season last year and that Blondie was a total aca-Nazi." Fat Amy commented. "If we would have known all Aubrey needed was lots of Captain Munchkin loving we would have locked the two of them in a bedroom together wearing nothing but sexy lingerie with some sex music playing and not let them out until they got their swerve on."

The others laughed as the couple blushed, but only snuggled further into one another.

"Hey Becaw! Did you not hear me calling you?" Jesse asked as he arrived next to the group. None of the Bellas moved from their spots keeping the guy from getting any closer to the object of his obsession.

"I heard, but I was busy and still am for that matter." Beca's voice had automatically turned snarky.

"I thought since I was back we could hangout or maybe finally go on a date or something. I just transferred back this term after an internship I had with a small film company in Vancouver ended. I thought maybe I could rejoin the Trebles again, but they don't have any spots open for me and neither does the campus radio station. I heard you are the stations favorite DJ now. That's really cool. Maybe you could put a word in for me. What dorm are you in this year? I can bring some movies over and we can continue your movication." Jesse went on completely oblivious to the glacial atmosphere around him.

"I'm never going out with you Jesse. I'm gay. I'm also happily married and have been for almost five months now. I don't live in the dorms, but with my wife and I am not sharing where I live with you either. I also don't ever want a movication. I'm in no way your aca-girl and we will never have aca-children." Beca spoke firmly praying the guy would finally listen and move on.

"You're married? Like legally wed?" Jesse looked like someone had kicked his puppy.

"Yup, very legally wed." Beca turned kissing her wife.

"You married Aubrey Posen?"

"It's Aubrey Mitchell now actually." The blonde corrected as she wrapped her arms around her wife smiling as Beca wrapped her arms around Aubrey's in welcome.

The boy's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "But I thought you were going to be my girl. You sang to me and everything."

"No I didn't. I didn't choose that song I sang at finals. It was one of many that were tossed out and it worked for the mash-up. You weren't even thought of once when we were putting our set list together. I don't even know why you thought I sang to you." The Bella's Captain informed Jesse.

"But that song was from one of my favorite movies and the only one we watched together."

"Sorry dude, I totally wasn't paying attention that night and I couldn't begin to tell you the name of the movie you tried to force me to watch."

"I thought you were supposed to be my one, even your dad liked me and said he was glad his daughter had such a caring boyfriend. And did you cut your hair to try to seem gayer, because it isn't working. You're still pretty and not boyish. You never even gave me a chance."

The mention of the professor had others jumping into the fray. "Dude, you need to leave now and leave our homegirl alone. She doesn't like guys. She is legally married to a woman and the two of you have nothing in common except you can both carry a tune. Move on before we move you on." CR said as she stood along with several others of the group. It was an unwritten rule that you did not talk about Beca's sperm donor around her and Jesse shouldn't have asked about her hair either.

Aubrey, Beca, and Chloe stood as well and began gathering their things. Beca had paled at the guy throwing the professor in her face and Bree and Chloe thought it best to get Beca out of there before things escalated.

A group of the guys from the Lacrosse team were passing and their captain led them over. The Bellas had performed to great success at several of their team and frat parties and they were fans of DJ Becs, she had spun her music at some of their parties as well.

"Hey ladies. Is this guy bothering you? We can get him out of here for you." The Lacrosse captain offered.

"Thanks Mike." Stacie winked at the cute athlete. "He's stalking Beca and won't accept the fact she is gay and totally married. He's being a real douche." The tall leggy brunette leaned in close to the guy lowering her voice. "He brought up her father and commented about her hair too. It would be great if you guys could explain to him that that shit is not cool around here at all."

"We got it Stace. Hope to see you all at our party this weekend. Becs we'll be listening to you on the radio as always. Come on guys let's escort this guy out of here and have a little talk with him. Man, I don't know if you realize it or not but we are saving your life. DJ Becs' wife looks like she is ready to end you and I assure you she would have plenty of help hiding the body. Everyone on campus has become quite fond of and protective of our favorite DJ and Bella captain."

Jesse offered up protests, but no one paid him any mind as he was forcefully removed from the area.

"Thanks guys for all your help keeping him away from me." Beca said as she shouldered her bag. "I think our meeting for today is over, but keep thinking of song ideas and we will work on it all more tomorrow. Now before you go I wanted to invite the Bellas and Chloe to join Aubrey and me over spring break. We will be spending our break on the small private island my moms own in the Florida Keys. It's nothing fancy and we will have to pick up after ourselves, but we have our own private beach and the local tourist spots and stuff are only a boat ride away. So you certainly won't be bored."

"Woohoo!" Amy pumped her fist into the air. "Partying with my cool chicks in the Keys for spring break, that is very American. I'm in Shorty, but how are we all getting there?"

"Actually my dad is going to let us use the corporate jet to fly to an airstrip not far from where Beca's family keeps their boat so we won't have to drive much." Aubrey added.

Chloe began bouncing with excitement. "I am so in. This will be great. I can't wait for March, we are going to have so much fun."

Many of the girls began excitedly discussing spring break and the downer mood brought on by Jesse Swanson was soon forgotten.

Aubrey, Beca, and Chloe waved bye to their friends as they made their way back towards their condo. The two grad students had classes they needed to head to soon and Beca had an afternoon DJ slot to fill at the campus radio station.


That evening Beca was the first to return home. She quickly headed for the bedroom she shared with her wife and into the in-suite bathroom to get the shower running while she undressed. The small brunette was standing under one of the downwards spray heads with her back to the shower door and her arms braced against the wall as she let the hot spray wash away the stress of the day.

It wasn't long before the shower door quietly opened and closed and a long legged blonde stepped up behind the shorter woman wrapping her larger form around the smaller.

"Hmm, you feel so good babe. So much better that the hot water alone." Beca purred as her wife's mouth began kissing and nibbling up one side of her neck and Aubrey's wonderfully talented hands began to roam.

"I love your sexy little body so much sweety and I love you with all that I am. I wanted to totally squash that jerk today for trying to claim my woman as his." Aubrey growled before lightly biting into Beca's neck adding some tongue action and a little suction to leave her mark behind when she was done. Her hands cupped her wife's full breasts eliciting wonderful moans from her girl.

"God baby it is so hot when you get all possessive of me. I'm all yours Bree, never doubt it. I'm yours heart, body, and soul." Beca moaned again as her wife left another love bite on her neck.

"Good because I plan on reclaiming every bit of your precious body again tonight repeatedly." One long fingered hand released its wonderful handful to snake down between the DJ's legs for one long middle finger to slide inside the brunette as the rest cupped the offered wetness and aroused plump folds surrounding her wife's entrance.

"Ah Bree. I'm yours. Fuck! You know what it does to me when you get like this. Oh God please baby, you've got me so close already." Dominate possessive Bree never failed to drive Beca wild with lust and need. Being claimed by her wife was totally awesome in every way.

The blonde loved how eagerly Beca gave herself over to her. It made Aubrey feel powerful and incredibly loved that her wife trusted her and wanted her so much. She began moving her hand adding another finger to join the first inside her love reveling in Beca's uncontrollable riding of her hand as the smaller woman rapidly grew closer to climax. The sophomore's alto tones echoed off the marbled shower walls short moments later, but Bree didn't stop her enjoyable ministrations and bit into Beca's shoulder a little harder than usual setting Beca off in another wave of pleasure. The blonde didn't let up until Beca couldn't hold herself up in the shower any longer and was only upright because Aubrey held her so.

"It is so beautiful when you give over to me like that. Now let's get rinsed off so I can take you to bed and continue claiming all that is mine and don't worry I will feed you later to help you keep your strength up, but rest assured you aren't getting out of our bed until morning." Aubrey promised as she began washing both herself and Beca off.

"I love you so much baby and I am so damn lucky to have you." Beca groaned as the blonde's rinsing hands managed to wander often to her hot spots while she washed their bodies off.

Once cleaned and dried Bree carried Beca to their bed placing her on the edge and kneeling between creamy pale legs as she spread them wide. Beca leaned back on her elbows looking down at her wife who was smirking up at her. "Don't worry about being quiet tonight baby because Chloe has already gone to a study group and we have the place to ourselves and I am going to do my best to have you sing out for me many times." With that the blonde slid her arms under her wife's thighs pulling her close ensuring she couldn't move away before she dove in.

Beca's head almost instantly flew back as pleasure started to blossom throughout her very being. The brunette did indeed sing for her lover long into the night and into the early hours of morning, classes the next day would suck, but neither student cared at all. They took their moments where they could find them and enjoyed them to the fullest.


Well I finally updated this story as well. I am slowly trying to get all my stories updated. This update did some time jumping, but it just didn't feel right to drag everything out into a long drama. This was more of a transitional chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Until Next Time… Holly