A/N: This is a thing I have been working on for a while. I have, for once, gotten a good english teacher. Now I have a lot more experience and I would like to touch up this project to give you more presentable content.


Setting: In TMNT 2012 universe

"BOOYAKASHA!" Michelangelo shrieked his signature battle cry as he, alongside his brothers, charged an oncoming wave of Foot soldiers. Each brother stood close before sprawling across the rooftop, taking down foot left and right. Mikey glared before four enemies advancing towards him at once. A mischievous smile graced his lips as he ran at them roasting and and mocking the enemy.

"Four against one, that doesn't seem very fair. Lucky for me I'm fighting a bunch of easy buttmunches!" Mikey's unrelenting teasing successfully enraged his adversaries, causing them to lose focus, dulling every attack, rendering them unsuccessful and lacking. Mikey took all four down with ease.

"Heck yeahs, Man! VICTORY DANCE!" Mikey chanted, breaking into dance. Seeing as he was too busy dancing, he failed to notice the katana wielding Foot Ninja coming up behind him. Raphael (paying attention) grabbed the Ninja by the neck and threw him off the roof.

"Mikey! How many times have we told you?! No celebrating until the fight's over!" Raphael scolded.

"How many times have I told you, I thought the fight was over!" Michelangelo quipped back. Raph proceeded to smack Mikey upside the head and Mikey whined, per usual. Mikey stood there rubbing the back of his head as his brothers walked past him, shaking their heads in disappointment. Mikey shrugged his shoulders and happily skipped behind his brothers.

When they arrived at the lair after an awkwardly silent walk home, Mikey double front flipped into a beanbag and heard his stomach roar. "Man, I'm starved!" Mikey exclaimed. "Hey Leo?" he asked turning around to look at his brothers. He cocked an eye ridge at his brothers silent conversation with each other. Leo finally turned his eyes towards his little brother and sighed.

"Yes Mikey?" Leo asked as if exhausted.

"Can we get pizza?" Mikey asked with a smile.

"Yeah, just order it and go wait." Leo answered in a bored tone. Mikey noticed but chose not to question it. The happy turtle called Antonio's and got his usual before sprinting down the sewers. He ran for a minute before he slowed down and realized he forgot money. Mikey facepalmed and ran back to the Lair, about to enter until he heard what his brothers were talking about.

"He's such an idiot! Does he not realize he almost got himself killed! Again!" Raphael fumed.

"I wouldn't go that far but he has been quite annoying lately." Donnie added.

"Michelangelo has been nothing but reckless and bothersome lately. He needs to change. He needs to grow up." Leo preached. Raph and Donnie nodded in agreement. Mikey backed away from the entrance and sprinted in the other direction with tears in his eyes. Why would they say those things? Mikey wondered. Am I really that annoying? Do I just get in the way? Am I putting my brothers' lives at risk? Michelangelo thought and thought about this as he came to an abandoned septic tank and sat against the wall with his knees against his chest.

"Yes." He whispered. All of these questions and all of these thoughts came to one conclusion. Yes, I am that annoying. Yes, I do just get in the way. Yes, I am putting my brothers' lives at risk.

Leonardo was right. He did need to change and it will be for the better.