I just finished BOO! I read Percy Jackson and the Olympians when I was in 6th grade, and a month ago I came back to America and found out he released a spin-off! I was so surprised when Nico admitted he was gay, but happy because I love seeing LGBTQA+ represented in things like this, especially something that was so close to my childhood. I was happy because, I am a gay girl, and it made me feel more accepted. Enjoy guys! These chapters will release daily or semi-daily if I get backed up. I am a college student after all.

Close this book right now, Reader. Because I'm not going to live up to your expectations. Let's be real. I inherited cabin seven out of sheer seniority. My oldest brother, Aaron, left Camp Half-Blood, and marched his demigod ass straight to Camp Jupiter, and enrolled in 'University of Olympus' as did many other of our older campers. All leaving to pursue their dream of having a sense of normalcy that they might find in a college student life.

"Take care of things around here, Will." He had said."I'm leaving her to you." He patted the large cabin, like she was an old friend, and he was forced to leave her behind. The funny thing was, the cabin wasn't a friend, and nobody was forcing him to leave. If you are sensing a bit of hostility in my voice regarding my brother leaving than you have keen senses, friend. I huffed at my brothers 'wise' words and crossed my arms. I didn't want him to leave, but I certainly didn't want his hand me down counselor position. Looking out over the water towards Poseidon's cabin, thinking briefly of how easy Percy had it by not having to look after 12+ siblings or make sure everybody was in their bunks by lights out, and all the kids were up for breakfast. It was a hard job, being the oldest.

"Sarah, pick up those playing cards. Noah, make your bed, Jean, stop pounding on the bathroom door!" I yelled to all my siblings. Trying to navigate my way through the morning routine. I had been Head counselor for two weeks now, and mornings still haven't gotten any easier. Jean turned to me in frustration, her towel slung over her shoulder, and her long blonde hair held up in a loose bun with her shower headband.

"Quinn won't get out of the shower! She has already used up all her time!" Jean argued.

"Quinn get out of the shower!" I yelled, hitting the door with my fist.

"Jean is lying! I've only been in here for five minutes!" Quinn's voice came through the oak door. I groaned and ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"If you two can't work out your shower problems, I'm taking it away from both of you!" Jean gasped in front of me. "For a week!" I emphasized. Jean grumbled and went to her bunk to retrieve clean clothes.

"Five minutes everybody!" I shouted and took the time to walk to my bed trunk, and fish out a clean pair of khaki shorts, and an orange t-shirt that sported my camp logo. One of the few privileges that came with being cabin counselor was that you got a sweet ass bed. Most of the beds in our cabin were small, twin sized beds that stacked upon one another to save space. However, the head counselor got the only queen sized bed in the cabin, along with their own closet, and bed trunk. No sharing required.

Once I was fresh clothes, I walked toward the front door. My thirteen younger siblings were lined up in a hardly legible line in front of the door, and the entry way was a mess with loud voices, complaints of hunger, and laughter at terrible jokes.

"Single file line, guys. Let's do this." I said taking my place at the beginning of the line, and leading my siblings out the door, across the green, and toward the pavilion for breakfast. While I was catching my breath, and realigning my sanity from the morning antics I watched Nico di Angelo throw his cabin door open and stumble out onto the porch. His younger sister wasn't with him, and he took his time stretching from his clearly uninterrupted sleep before hopping off the porch and began walking across the green. I scowled Another fine example of a camp member without responsibility. I amused myself for the rest of the walk by imagining a camper like Percy, or Nico handling an entire cabin full of kids, all hungry, all hormonal, and never attentive.

When we arrived at the Pavilion I sat my siblings down at the table, pulled myself out of counselor mode and tucked into my meal. My siblings voices filled my ears, and a few of the younger ones insisted that I cut up their food for them. I obliged, and glanced across the pavilion and noticed Nico had arrived, and took his seat at the Hades table. He had no brothers or sisters, besides Hazel, and usually sat alone. Most days I envied him for his constant peace and quiet, but today I watched him as he grabbed a plate from the front and made his way to his chair. For a second, he glanced up and looked around him. Watching all the kids interact with their siblings, and friends and he looked sad. Like it was something he will never have, and can never obtain. Eventually, his eyes glanced away from my line of site, and he took his seat.

Soon the pavilion filled up with the usual crowd of cheery half-blood kids, and their cabins. Each grabbing a solid gold plate from the front, and taking their respective seats, but not before stopping and giving a portion of their meal to their parents. The fire engulfed whatever sacrifice it was given. Be it half of a kids meal, or a spoonful of oatmeal and an apple slice.

"Will." My younger brother, but only by a month or two, elbowed my side gently. I glanced at him in question. "Will, look at the sun." He said in a low voice, almost like he didn't want to alert any of the other campers. I followed his line of sight and glanced into the clear blue sky. Few clouds polluted the skies. The sun shone bright and bold at the top of the sky. It's blue rays stretched the vast expanse of camp, and it's brightness would be offensive to anybody other than a child of apollo.

"What about it?" I asked, shoving a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth and chewing thoughtfully. My brother glanced at me as though I had grown a second head.

"Will! It's eight in the morning." He said as if it was obvious. It struck me as weird that the sun was perched so high in the sky when dawn was only two hours ago.

"You're right... What in Hades..." I muttered. Before I could ponder the situation any further Chiron took his position at the front of the pavilion and began the morning announcements. As one of the Head counselors, I wanted to stand, and ask if he had noticed the odd raising and setting patterns of the sun. But as I thought it over, I realized this is Chiron we are talking about. He was probably the first to notice before even the children of Apollo.

After breakfast, I was informally released from my Head counselor duties. The more warrior prone kids went on to their swords and spear classes, and I made my way to the infirmary. I had inherited the title of 'Head Physician' after Aaron had left. Which meant that I usually ran the morning infirmary shift alone now. It was about a ten minute walk from the open aired tent-like building from the pavilion, but it was the first time that morning that I wasn't followed or bugged by a bunch of kids that shared my hair and eye color.

I walked up the wooden steps, and into the infirmary. It was still early, and it would be about an hour before kids began stumbling in from spear accidents, and falls from the lava wall. I whistled a tone as I pulled my white doctors coat off from the hook by my desk, and pulled it over my shoulders. I wrapped my stethoscope around my neck. It was a gift from my father, and had a lot of useful applications. However, since I wasn't a big 'quest camper' it mostly served as a really powerful way to take kids heart rates. I picked up the medical reports that Kayla, my assistant, had left on my desk last night when she had agreed to start working the night shift. I was about halfway through leafing through the report when somebody cleared their throat, and I looked up in shock.

Nico Di Angelo stood in the middle of the infirmary. One arm wrapped around the other, and partially hidden in the shadows.

"Woah." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment from not realizing I wasn't alone. "I didn't see you there."

Nico nodded.

"What can I do for you?" I asked, motioning for the boy to sit down. I pulled up a swivel chair, and sat in front of him. Pulling out a blank medical form, and clasping it onto my clipboard.

"Chiron sent me,". Nico said, awkwardly sitting on the bed behind him. "He said all campers need a basic check-up before they can partake in camp activities." I nodded. I can't believe I forgot about that also. Had I remembered, I would have pulled Nico aside myself and reminded him to come into the infirmary soon. I discarded the medical report that was clipped onto my board and pulled out a standard medical history report. One that each camper had.

"So we are just going to do some regular check up things, and I'll ask you some questions regarding your medical history. Some of them can be pretty invasive. I'd ask if you are okay with that, but you don't have much of a choice unless you want to sit on the bench during 'Capture the Flag'." Nico scowled slightly at me, as if he wanted to scare me from further antagonizing him. It didn't work.

I pulled my stethoscope off from around my neck, and wheeled my chair around gracefully around Nico's bed, so I was facing his back.

"Take the shirt off." I said, putting the correct ends of my stethoscope into their respective ears.

"What? No!" Nico protested. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you think you have under their Di Angelo? Tentacles? Even if you did, I've seen worse. Now come on. Off with it." Nico grumbled before grasping the hem of his shirt, and pulling it over his head. The neck hole briefly caught on his hair, and pulled it straight upwards. Leaving him with an adorable bed head look. I almost chuckled, but I'm a professional. Professionals don't chuckle at goth boy bed head.

I pressed the scope to the small of Nico's back, and requested he take a deep breath in, and out. After a few breaths I scribbled down 70 BPM onto his heart rate box.

After a few more standards tests of checking blood pressure, temperature, BMI rating, flexibility, and a blood test I asked him when his last immunizations are. Nico grimaced for a second, and began counting on both his hands.

"About 65 years ago." Nico said with an edge of finality in my voice. I laughed dryly, and without humor.

"Funny." I mumbled pulling out a few pre packaged syringes, and a couple medical bottles out of the glass cabinet behind me. I expected Nico to laugh at his own stupid joke, but he simply shrugged. I quickly updated his shots, and turned the page on his medical form.

"Okay! Fun part. Questionnaire time." I said, pulling a pen out of my coat pocket. "Family history. How many siblings do you have." I paused. "That you know of." Nico frowned, and I saw a twinge of pain in his eyes. I sympathized. He must have lost somebody, but who hasn't in this age of war and death? It must have been harder for Nico though. He didn't have many people to begin with.

"I had a full blooded sister." I blinked. Those are rare with demigods. "But she died." he finished quickly. "And then there is Hazel." I nodded. I already had her medical records that were transferred from Camp Jupiter, so further questioning from Nico concerning her health was not necessary.

"Any major diseases prominent on your mother's side of the family?" I asked.

"No." Nico answered.

"Any prominent diseases you have?"


"Vision problems? Corrective lenses?"

"No, and no."

"Hearing problems?"


"Speech impediments?"


"Any problems concerning food?"

"Like allergies?" Nico asked. I laughed.

"Demigods don't have allergies. I mean eating disorders." I answered, keeping my eyes on the form.

"Yes." Nico answered, his voice hard as metal. I swallowed loudly, and marked the 'yes' box on the form.

"Excessive weight gain or loss?"

"Not recently."

"Have you ever engaged in vaginal intercourse?" I asked. I hated that question. Nico's face turned into one of disgust.

"No." He said, sounding repulsed.

"Have you ever contracted any form of STD?"


"Have you ever had thoughts of self harm or suicide?" I asked. I swallowed hard at Nico reaction. His eye brows knitted together in suspicion. Almost as if he was seeming to gauge my motives. His eyes steeled, and his hands fidgeted with his aviator jacket.

"No." He said finally.

Now, I'll admit. I'm a professional. Mostly. But I'm more than that and I'll be the first to admit that besides my hatred for my position as head counselor, and my suspicion of the sun's rising and setting activities, I haven't been completely open with you about who I am as a person.

My name is William Solace. I was born in California, which is a popular birth spot for children of Apollo. My mother died in childbirth, and my father dropped me off at camp Half-Blood as an infant. I am stubborn, I hate violence, and I'll admit sometimes I can be a bit of a smart aleck. I have light blonde hair, blue eyes, I stand at 6" tall, I am fifth teen years old, and I am really, really gay.

Now to say that Nico Di Angelo wasn't my type would be a blatant lie. To say that I didn't abuse my position as head of the cabin 7 line to stare at Nico's ass on his way to breakfast would be a lie, and to say that I didn't wonder if his hair was as soft as it looked would also be a lie. And I'm not a liar. But if the average person would say that I didn't care for my fellow campers, than they would be the biggest liar in the room. No questions asked. No contest.

So yes. I, William Adam Solace, and a doctor. A demigod doctor. I am a professional. What I did next was not, and I repeat, NOT, professional. And I must greatly insist that you never do this to anybody. Ever. It is incredibly invasive, and rude, and I honestly don't know what came over me when I surged forward, and grabbed the pale skinned boys aviator jacket sleeve, and pulled it up. Revealing his pale wrist. He had pale, but healed scares along the underside of his arm. I heard Nico gasp, and yank his arm away in shock, falling backward off the bed. I knew that in less than three seconds he would start scrambling for a shadow to jump into.

Apollo kids had a very useful talent of glowing when they were emotional, and I glowed bright, as the sun itself. However, I couldn't place the name of the emotion that fueled the light that emanated from me. Was it anger? Or maybe it was sadness.

"Do NOT run, Nico Di Angelo!" I yelled. For a moment, Nico looked scared. Like a deer caught in headlights or a child being scolded, but his emotion quickly caught up with his expression, and his face twisted into a look of anger, and resentment.

"What the fuck, Solace? What gives you the right?" He said standing up to his full height which was an unimpressive height of 5"6. I felt the shadows in the room fight my bright light, desperate to creep toward him, and obey his will.

"You lied to your doctor. That give me the right!" I said inching forward. I reached out to him, and surprisingly he didn't pull away at once. "I can help you Nico. We have resources. Counseling. Therapy. We can help you." Nico blinked, and ripped himself out of my grasp.

"Take your therapy, and shove it right up your ass, Solace." Nico growled, and stalked out of the infirmary. I groaned, and collapsed onto the bed.

The rest of the day passed in a blur, and before I knew it I was corralling my siblings into their bed. Each laughing, and thowing things across the room. My sister, Jean, threw her night cream to my sister, Emily, and my brother loaned our younger sister a night shirt.

"Bed, guys." I said shutting the blinds. For nine at night it was still pretty bright.

"It's still daylight." Jean complained. Children of Apollo usually slept with the sun, so I could sympathize with her for still being wide awake.

"Daylight savings time isn't an excuse for staying up." I said. I heard mutters of protest and my little brother, Jake, mumble,

"Wasn't daylight savings last month?" A few siblings laughed.

"Quiet." I snapped while throwing my covers off my bed, and crawled in. God, what a long day. It didn't take long before I wrapped myself into my blankets, and fell into a deep, much needed sleep.

I sat on the beach of Camp Half-Blood. Most of my dreams took place on some type of beach. My mother lived on the beach, and it made me feel closer to her.

"Bright out today, huh?" I glanced to my right. Apollo sat next to me, fiddling with a stick and drawing pictures in the fine, white sand. Apollo was the spitting image of most of his kids. He didn't look much older than I was and had shaggy, light, almost white, blonde hair. His eyes were a dark blue, and his skin was perfectly tan, lacking any type of tan line, and stretched evenly over a lean surfer body.

"It is." I agreed. We sat side by side for a while watching the ocean pull in and out of the sandy bank. Eventually, Apollo sighed.

"I need your help, Will." Apollo admitted, like he was admitting to stealing the last cookie. I glanced at my father in shock. He didn't meet my eyes. Instead, he gazed out to the blue sea.

"What kind of help?" I asked cautiously. Apollo conjured up a picture in his hands. It was a fine stone carving picture, etched into the side of a heavy granite tablet.

"Sorry." He said. "I left my IPAD with my body." The picture on the stone tablet was a picture of a triangle shaped dagger. It's handle decorated with tiny, yellow crystals, and it's blade shone with bright gold. On the handle of the blade was a small charm, held on with a piece of gold braided twine. The charm was a small yellow diamond pendant of a sun.

"A daggar?" I mumbled. Apollo nodded.

"That's it's default form. It's actually my key." He said.

"Your key?" I asked.

"To the sun chariot." He said. "A spirit thief came, and stole it from right under my nose."

"What were you doing that had to so distracted that a spirit stole your car keys?" I asked. Apollo shrugged.

"What do you want me to do? She was cute." I rolled my eyes.

"I hope you are not insinuating that you want me to retrieve this for you. I have enough problems at camp." I said, handing back the tablet.

"You have to Will. You're the cabin counselor. It's your duty. I'm sorry, but I've already chosen you. I can't set, or raise the sun without my chariot." I sighed, and he continued. "Soon, the mist in the mortal world will wear off, and they will notice the sun is not setting. The lack of night will bring draughts. The west side of the planet will die from exposure to the sun, and the east side will die from lack of sun. It's up to you. I cannot enter Hades realm." Apollo finished.

"What makes you think the dagger is in Hades realm." I asked.

"A spirit took it. All spirits must return to Hades." Apollo answered.

"How am I supposed to get to the Underworld anyway?" I asked. Apollo smirked, and waved his hand in from of me. Light followed his palm, and a picture formed within it. The picture was a picture of a boy, sleeping in a bed. That boy was Nico Di Angelo. Son of Hades.

"Your little boyfriend is the best guide possible. Choose him for your quest."

"As if Nico Di Angelo will do anything I say." I mumbled, not bother to argue the boyfriend comment. Apollo laughed.

"My good friend Aphrodite says he may be willing to do more than you think." My eyes knitted in confusion, but before I could question my father further, Apollo had gotten up from his position in the sand. He brushed non existent grains off his shorts, and for a moment he looked almost like a father.

"I must go. I'm getting weaker by the minute. The responsibility falls to you, William Solace, counselor of cabin 7."

I awoke at three a.m. in a cold sweat. A heavy stone tablet was clutched in my right hand that sported a picture of a beautiful sun dagger, that was actually the key to the sun god's chariot, but what worried me most was the outside. Three in the morning, and it looked like noon during the day. Sunlight flooding into the darknesses domain.

I plan for this to be a 10-20 chapter fanfic. Just so you know, chapters of this length, that long requires a lot of time. Make sure that if you want me to continue updating regularly you leave a comment. They really help get me off my ass. You can also follow me on tumblr at miyo-nani . tumblr . com