Chapter 1

(Flora's POV)

I sit with Roxy in Zenith. I'm carefully playing with her hair. "Flora can you sing the song again?" Roxy asks. I laugh knowing how much my younger friend likes the song. She's a year younger then me and we act like sisters. "Fine but this is the last time." I laugh. She turns around to face me excited.

(I wrote this so sorry I know it's bad it'll make sense later)

I'm sitting in the cold dark room
All alone without you
Oh oh oh
I close my eyes and count to ten
Then I do it over again
I just need someone to come to my rescue

I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
Somewhere I can be me

I think about all the things
That usually make me happy
The birds singing, the winds blowing
But I just can't seem to smile
I close my eyes think for a while
But nothing comes to me

I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
Somewhere I can be me

I'm looking through the bars in this room
I'm feeling so confused
What. Did. I. Do.
Go ahead walk past and laugh
I know I'm not the first, not the last
But I'm not giving into you

I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
Somewhere I can be me
Somewhere I can be me
Cause I ain't no prisoner
Somewhere I can be me
So set me free

I sing. I stop as I hear a lot of people clapping. I look around to see I attracted a crowd. I quickly get up bright red with embarrassment. I make my way through the past despite them asking for more. I get to Roxy. She's smiling at me. The crowd disappears. A man appears behind her. "Roxy!" I scream as I push her out the way before he grabs her. Before I can use my magic I see her get knocked out by him. "Oh don't worry sweetheart you're coming with me as well." He says and hits me hard with something. I feel my eyes close against my will and someone throwing me over their shoulder. I'm sorry Roxy. I failed you.

(Bloom's POV)

"Tecna it's happened again!" I tell her as all the others are sitting with me. "What?" She asks me. "Another kidnapping in Zenith." I reply. "They really have it bad there." Stella says. "I hope those two girls will be okay." I tell them. "I doubt you know they always find the bodies." Aisha sighs. "One of them is our age and the other is a year younger." Musa sighs as we watch the news. Two girls. Flora and Roxy kidnapped from Zenith. "You girls excited to start Alfea?" Tecna suddenly asks changing the subject. "Yeah." I say nodding at the same time as the other girls but I can't stop thinking about the two girls kidnapped. I know we can't do anything. I should just be grateful that me and my friends got accepted into Alfea and I have wonderful parents on Domino.

(Flora's POV)

I wake up in a cold dark room which for a reason was familiar. I look across at Roxy who's shivering in the corner. "Flora!" She cries. "It's okay Roxy." I assure her. I look around at the window. "Roxy I'm going to put a spell on you to make you invisible and when you say 'See me' The spell will wear off you need to get help and then go." I tell her. She nods. "But I'm coming back how will I get out?" She asks. "I'll boost you out the window and if you come back come back through that window." I explain. She nods. I put the spell on her and boost her through. She gets out just in time before the guy comes back. "Where's the other girl?" He asks. "You won't find her!" I growl smirking. He pulls me to my feet and throws me against the wall. He then continuously kicks and hits me. "Petal storm!" I say. He gives a frustrated groan stumbling backwards before putting things around my wrists. They stop me from using magic. He kicks me again and I feel blood covering me. I'm sorry Roxy. The spell is going to wear off now. twenty minutes I hear someone slip through the window and close it and lock it. It's high up so I had to boost her to get out. "Flora!" Roxy cries quietly. "Roxy I'm fine but keep it down he can't know our names." I whisper. She nods. "I'm sorry the spell wore off he stopped me from using my magic and I'm too weak anyway." I explain. She hugs me. "It's fine." She assures me. "You... two meet my friends." The guy comes back surprised to see Roxy but he motions to a group of six guys. "They'll be watching what I do until it's there turn in two weeks." He explains. We've already been here for a week according to Roxy. We were out for a long time. And I lost track of time while he was hurting me. Roxy was actually gone for two days! The guy comes in and over to Roxy while i lay weakly on the floor. "Your turn no one tries to escape." He chuckles. No! I've let her down once I can't let her down again. He slaps her. I jump to my feet and push him off her. He knocks me off easily and kicks me but I get back to my feet for Roxy. I loose it. I start glowing green. The things around my wrists break to everyone's surprise. I growl at him as the green light goes everywhere, vines rising from the ground. He falls down so do the other guys but the vines wrap around him. I fall to the floor weak. The guys run in and free him as his friends. He kicks and punches me as his friends go back and watch before he leaves. Roxy comes over to me crying. They're still watching but the other guy is gone. "It's okay I'm fine." I assure her. She still cries as I weakly manage to sit up leaning against the wall. I now what will calm her.

I'm sitting in the cold dark room
All alone without you
Oh oh oh
I close my eyes and count to ten
Then I do it over again
I just need someone to come to my rescue

I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
Somewhere I can be me

I think about all the things
That usually make me happy
The birds singing, the winds blowing
But I just can't seem to smile
I close my eyes think for a while
But nothing comes to me

I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
Somewhere I can be me

I'm looking through the bars in this room
I'm feeling so confused
What. Did. I. Do.
Go ahead walk past and laugh
I know I'm not the first, not the last
But I'm not giving into you

I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
I'm not a prisoner
So set me free
I need some room to move
Some room to breathe
Somewhere I can be me
Somewhere I can be me
Cause I ain't no prisoner
Somewhere I can be me
So set me free

I sing gently to her. I look across at the six guys. They leave. I look down at her. "Kind of like the situation we're in now." She tell me but she's stopped crying. I smile weakly at her. "He thinks I'm dead." I whisper. "What?" She asks. "I've been here before that's why I rarely spoke to you when we first met and this is where I wrote this song." I explain. "I promise we'll escape." I add. She smiles. "Anyway I got help." She smiles sadly. I smile. "Sleep now." I tell her softly. She nods ad lays down next to me and sleeps. I think for a moment. He never put things back on my wrists so I can still use magic! I sit there for hours. If I sleep he might hurt her! I stay up all night and the same for the next week. He comes back and I make sure he hurts Roxy as little as possible. He made her bathe in pigs blood but yet I still have more blood over me but it's my own! We haven't eaten or drank and I haven't slept.
He enters. "What's your name?" He asks me. "What's yours?" I ask back. "Tell me or she'll get hurt for it." He threatens. I look at the six guys behind him trying to avoid his gaze. I stand up. "I'm Flora." I tell him. He stares at me. "Remember me?" I ask him. "What do you mean?2 He asks. I kick him. I magic up a guitar and start singing.

(another song I wrote)

Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for the love of your daughter
Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for your daughter

When I was younger I could always hear the family war
I know you were there
Always wanting more
I didn't think it would go this far
oh oh

Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for the love of your daughter
Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for your daughter

Your greedy ways your selfish mind
I always used to care
But now I can't bring myself
To even look twice
At you
Oh oh

Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for the love of your daughter
Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for your daughter

Your heart is empty
But heavy in your chest
I already know
Your are merciless
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't bring myself to go

Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for the love of your daughter
Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for your daughter

Am I even your child
Any more
Cause you treat me like
I'm not
It's been years since we last talked
But I don't regret it
As you haven't changed
Why won't you change

Oh father
Oh father
Why do you like making me go
Oh father
Oh father
Now you're on your own

Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for the love of a daughter
Oh father
Oh father
Please stop for your daughter
Oh oh
For your daughter
Oh oh
Please stop father
Oh oh
For the love of your daughter

I sing before looking up at him. My Father but I defiantly don't love him. "Remember me, Princess Flora of Linphea." I tell him. He glares at me. "You should be dead!" He growls. "Yet I'm not." I answer. He hits me before storming out. Roxy looks at me confused s I was singing about my father. "He's my father and I hate him." I cry. She hugs me. "What he's done isn't your fault." She comforts me.