Omg so u guys still remember me.. so sweet.. thank you..

Loveabhi.. : thank you dear for liking it.. be happy.. keep smiling..

Khushi.. : thank you so much dear.. so how's u..? Keep smiling..

Guest.. : aww.. thank u... thank u.. thank you so much dear.. always keep smiling..

Jyoti.. : aww.. cholly *holding ears* paining na.. arey it's yes ears only na.. hehe.. thank you dear.. always keep smiling..

Nitu.. : aww.. u missed me.. thank you.. and abhi sir ko mauka.. hmm.. let's see.. wait.. chalo idea De diya apne.. will give a try.. and if come out something good.. then will post too.. thank you dear.. always keep smiling..

Humdard duo.. : thanks dear for liking it.. hmm.. dear jab aapke upar responsibility aati h na.. or to say koi aise circumstances create hote h na where u have to take the command in ur hand.. then u will act like mature.. which is personally experienced by me too.. anyways.. thanks dear for liking it.. keep smiling always..

Guest.. : thank you dear.. keep smiling always

Guest.. :haha.. thanks dear.. for noticing my mistake.. that's my cell's Dein.. and somewhat my racklessness too.. thank u dear.. keep smiling..

Bunny.. : arey yaar chiriya watched a serial long back where two brothers address Each other with "BUDDY" despite the normal of Bhai or bro.. which I liked the most so just used that.. hehe.. thank pleasure that u liked.. keep smiling always..

Mistic morning.. : haha.. so mumma use "move" na that's why.. hehe.. thanks dear.. keep smiling always..

Kirti.. : sweet koun hum ya duo.. 😉 haha.. thank you dear for liking it.. keep smiling always..

Khalsa.. thank you for liking it.. keep smiling always

SADVIRK.. : awww.. u smiled.. that's my achievement in true sense.. thank u dear.. keep smiling always..

BT.. : Mao thank dear.. hmm.. chalo will add more masala next time.. hehe.. thanks dear.. keep roaming always 😃

Guest.. : thank you dear.. keep smiling always..

Naina..: awww thank you sweety.. arey itna pamper mat kiya Karo.. mote ho jayenge.. 😉 keep smiling always.

Rai.. : thanks dear for liking it.. keep smiling always..

Sree.. : thank you dear.. keep smiling always..

Patty.. : Sudhar jao.. warna.. hmm.. okay wait lemme think.. mm... m... m... hmm.. okay fine.. now u are "patty dada" from now.. *evil smil* chiryu se panga.. huh.. thank patty for liking it.. keep flying always.. 😉

Bhumi.. : thanks dear.. keep smiling always.

Honey.. : hello ji.. awww to hum apko yaad the.. Then cholly.. yup it is.. thank you dear.. keep smiling always..

Esha.. : so u read finally.. thank you.. And yeah 4:30 m. Bapreee.. it's not my cup of tea.. hehe.. thank you dear.. keep smiling always..

Nandu.. : thank you dear.. hmm.. chalo will tc from next time.. keep smiling always..

Butterfly.. : thank you dear.. keep smiling always..

Priya.. : thank you dear.. And you too tc of yrs.. keep smiling alwats..

Pagal friend.. : finally u here.. Glad.. Kay new mistakes.. hmm then it will be more hard for u too mana'ing me.. (evil smile).. keep smiling always my jaan..

Thank you all..

Hope u all got ur answers of ur queries..

Chalo bye..


Keep smiling always..