The following is a Sasha and Daryl story, but there will be other characters from the show making appearances, especially Richonne.
I do not own anything from TWD, except in my dreams…
Just another uneventful day in King's County. The fire truck rolls back into the garage and the firefighters go back to what they were doing before being called to assist in a vehicle accident. Luckily, when they arrived the cars were not as damaged as previously expected and more importantly, the people involved were fine, angry at each other, but physically OK.
Sasha walked towards the kitchen and fixed herself a quick snack and looked out the window. She loved looking out the window and watching how the tree planted many years ago had matured beautifully and strong. She loved the changes that occurred when the seasons took their turns and how children would find themselves sitting under it, talking, listening to music, reading or spending time with a friend. As the other fellow fire fighters found solace and comfort entertaining themselves with the television located in the common, large living space, Sasha enjoyed looking out the window and admiring the peace it brought her.
She noticed a little curly hair girl with dark skin and dark hair run after a little boy. The boy had sandy color hair and pale skin. They looked to be about eight or ten years old. The little girl ran around the tree as the boy ran after her. Sasha narrowed her eyes to get a better view and saw that they had bags in one hand and something else in the other. They appeared to have come out from the school around the corner. The other items they held were masks. The boy had a round mask that appeared to be red with other colors. It looked to be a Spider-man mask that he put on his face held on with a rubber band in the back. The girl had a simple white mask and placed it on her face the same way. The boy stopped running around the tree and ran towards another direction. The little girl was about to follow, but abruptly stopped and looked up towards Sasha. Sasha stared back at the little girl wearing the white mask, wondering why she continued to stare up at her. The little girl broke the gaze when her head turned towards the little boy who had called for her attention. The little girl ran in his direction.
"Errrrrrr Errrrrrr Errrrrr."
Sasha suddenly turned from the window when she heard the alarm. "Truck 34 needed at a fire in the King's County Middle school." Said the voice on the intercom.
Sasha put her bowl down quickly and ran downstairs where she met up with the other firefighters as they put on their uniforms and other needed gear. With swiftness, they jumped into the truck and went on their way. The loud sirens allowed all to know in their path that they were on their way to an emergency and that the other cars needed to clear out of their way. The driver was able to get them to the location in a matter of minutes. The firefighters jumped out and they each knew their tasks. Although Sasha was short in stature she was huge in courage and the desire of needing to get things done, especially controlling a dangerous situation was her driving force.
"Please help!... There are still children stuck inside!" Yelled a middle aged woman in a brown suit. She coughed as she ran towards the firefighters. The woman worked in the school and knew that there was an area where people were trapped by the fire. The woman's face was covered in black ash due to the smoke and there were visible burns on her arms. She tried to free the people, but was rendered unsuccessful. The paramedics tended to the woman. Sasha waited eagerly for her captain's approval and was allowed to go where the trapped people were, along with a few other fire fighters.
The area was engulfed in flames. Another entrance was forced by the firefighters with their axes and other tools. Once inside they were able to hear pleads and screams. Due to the deterioration of the place and falling ceilings, there was a very small opening to get to the survivors, who were mostly children and two women. If they tried to move anything, the remainder of what kept the walls up would come tumbling down on them. Sasha made an executive decision and knew that she was the smallest and she should go into the small space. With must reluctance of the other firefighters, they accepted, they knew there was little time for debating. Sasha tried to hurry her pace as she squeezed in the space. She found the others on the opposite side. She instructed them how to squeeze in and go through as she had entered. One by one, she assisted them. The last one was Ms. Kerry. She was an English teacher in her late sixties. Ms. Kerry thought about retiring, but could never leave what appeared to give her life, the children.
"OK, now you Ms. Kerry." Insisted Sasha.
"Oh, honey…I can't…I…"
"Ms. Kerry, you have to, we don't have much time." Sasha heard the ceiling from behind them falling and felt the heat come closer. She quickly grabbed Ms. Kerry and tried to push her through.
"Sasha, please…I am claustrophobic!" Yelled Ms. Kerry as she pushed back.
Sasha knew that due to drastic measures there was a need for a drastic decision. "Ms. Kerry, believe me…This is not out of malice." Sasha removed her right glove and punched Ms. Kerry with a right hook making her fall back unconscious. She lifted her with all her might and pushed her through the small space. They were able to grab her and pulled her out from the other side.
"Sasha! Now you!... Come on!" Yelled Aaron on the other side.
Sasha pushed herself through as the ceiling collapsed. They all began to run out as the flames became stronger. The exit that they had made was there and the fighters pushed the survivors out as other first responders were on the other side waiting for them. Sasha was about to get out when she heard a faint cry coming from inside. She turned to look for where she heard the cry.
"Sasha, let's go!" Shouted Aaron.
"Did you hear that?" Sasha asked as she looked around.
"I didn't hear anything..."
"Help!" Cried a little girl trapped behind fallen beams far right from where the exit was.
Sasha ran towards the child and Aaron followed. Aaron pulled a beam up as much as he could so Sasha could grab the child and take her towards safety. Sasha was able to secure the freighted child in a hold and pulled her from where she was trapped. Aaron insisted that they needed to leave immediately. All three ran towards the exit. The child ran holding on to Sasha's hand. The ceiling began to cave in. The space began to get dark with smoke. The child lost her footing and fell to the floor. Sasha turned back to pick her up, but she heard a loud noise. When she looked up she could see more beams falling from the top. Sasha instinctively threw herself upon the child, shielding her. Then darkness…
"Sasha!… Can you hear me?" It was Tyreese sitting by her bedside at the hospital.
"Ty?… Is that you?" Asked Sasha. She looked around as she slowly moved her head and can see a machine that monitored her vitals. She moved her head again. "Ahhh…It hurts."
"I know… Just… Stay still OK. I will get the doctor." Tyreese left quickly.
"The doctor? Ty, what happened?… Why does it hurt so bad?" Sasha could feel a sharp pain on her face and left arm. She looked towards her arm and saw it was bandaged. She reached for her face with her right arm and felt bandages on her face. Her heart beat began to race.
"Ty!…Ty, please come back!… What happened?" Sasha tried to sit up frantically.
"Shhhh…I'm back with the doctor." Tyreese helped Sasha lay back.
"Hi Sasha, I'm Dr. Deanna Monroe and I am a specialist in the burn unit."
"Burn… Unit… What happened to me?" Asked Sasha as she looked towards Tyreese and then the doctor, back and forth.
"Sasha.." Dr. Monroe sighed. "You have sustained third degree burn injuries to the left sight of your body. You were in and out of consciousness until now.
"Oh, God no!" Cried Sasha as Tyreese held her tight. "Will I ever be the same again?… Can I go back to work?… What am I suppose to do… Doctor?"
"Yes Sasha?"
"What do I look like?" Asked Sasha as tears came down her face soaking into her bandages.
"Sasha…" Dr. Monroe walked up to her and took her uninjured hand into her own. "I cannot give you any certainties or guarantees, but I can tell you this… There are surgeries that are required and I will do my best to help you gain what you have lost."
"Will they be painful?… Can I go back to work?" Asked Sasha wanting answers but fearing the doctor's responses
Dr. Monroe gave Sasha a half smile, squeezed her hand gently and sighed deeply. "The surgeries will require much of you and the support of your loved ones. The recovery time varies and they can be painful… and I'm sorry to inform you…But…You cannot return to your job… So sorry."
"I'm here with you Sasha… always." Declared Tyreese.
Sasha hugged her brother and wept.
After being in the hospital for over a month, Sasha was finally discharged. Tyreese came to pick her up and bring her home. He tried to convince her to live with him, but she declined. He practically begged her, so he could take care of her, but she preferred to live in her own space. They were driving and Tyreese remembered that he needed to stop at the local pharmacy to get fresh bandages. Sasha stayed in the car as Tyreese went inside. She sat there as she looked out the window. She noticed that there was a small party store next to the pharmacy. There was a banner advertising clearance of Halloween costumes.
Tyreese returned to the car and was about to put the key in the ignition.
"I need you to get me something." Said Sasha.
"Are you sure you want to be alone?… I can make you something." Stated Tyreese.
"I'm not hungry and I rather be alone… I just need some time… Please." Insisted Sasha as she looked out the window from her apartment.
Tyreese nodded, put her remaining bags in her bedroom and walked towards the front door.
"Listen sis, I will call you later tonight, but I am coming over tomorrow… Love you."
Sasha nodded, but did not look his way as she simply looked out the window. She stared out the window for hours as people past by and then it began to get dark. She took a deep breath, left the window and walked towards her bathroom. She put a plastic bag on the counter, took out a scissor and proceeded to cut her bandages. She closed her eyes as she removed her bandages, but tears snuck through. She quickly grabbed the bag off the counter, pulled out the item within, placed it on her face and opened her eyes. In her reflection she saw herself as she had never before. She stood staring at herself as she wore a plain white mask. It was the item she asked Tyreese to get her. She needed something to keep her from seeing her scars. The scars that had taken so much from her.
Sasha turned off the light and walked back towards her window. The day had gotten darker and there were less people walking around. She reached for the shades when….
A person on a motorcycle drove up in front of the building and parked it. It was someone she had never seen before. She had been living there for two years and knew everyone in the small building. The person walked into the building. Sasha was curious, but thought that perhaps he was just visiting. She went to double lock her door when she heard someone whistling. Curiosity was getting the best of her. She slowly opened the door and allowed a small crack, just enough to view the stranger. The stranger removed his helmet and underneath was long dark hair. The stranger wore a black leather vest over a dark long sleeve shirt. The vest had distinctive angel type wings on the back. The stranger took out his key, put it in the lock, stopped whistling and looked back towards Sasha's direction. She quickly closed the door and locked it.
This story was inspired by a story I wrote many years ago with the same title. I changed many things and decided to use some of my favorite characters. The following chapters will have others and yes, there will be Richonne moments in this story, even though they are not the main couple… Well, at least for this one.
So, what do you think so far?
Thanks for reading!