Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait, my life went through some real hard times. Lost a best friend due to a fight, started a new job and moved. Here's the next chapter and yes I will finish this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Winx Club or Ronin Warriors

Chapter 37) Temperance in the face of Trouble

With the spell started and Faragonda looking over her friends Tecna decided to walk about the school. She hoped that with this spell that Roxy, Aisha and Stella were under they would have some answers. They needed them as the power of the dynasty the sheer corruption of it was bleeding through their barrier and affecting every fairy in the school. She didn't know why but her feet had brought her to one of the largest auditoriums. Many of the nobles were there, as well as the specialist, Saladin, witches, and their head mistress Griffon. She stood in the doorway watching them all. She could see the anger, fear, and despair on people's faces, and it made her wonder if this was Shin's affect on her. Or maybe Ryo. For all that the girls knew Shin was an empath and he was the first to speak about what they or others were feeling Ryo was quite good with his observations too. She smiled thinking that maybe she was gaining a sharper perception of people like Ryo had.

"This is your fault. If these boys hadn't been so proud, if they hadn't spread lies then we could have known!"

Tecna looked up to see a witch around her age, so most likely a teacher, accosting not only the specialist but Saladin too. Tecna took a step to leave but… That wasn't right. She turned back and bit her lip. She'd never done anything like this never thought about another's fight being something she should stop so why was she doing it now. She was doing it because of Touma, of Ryo, Shin, Seiji, Shuu, Kayura, Nasuti, and the warlords. That she knew as she stepped into the room. She was doing it because they were right they needed to acknowledge the dynasty they needed to be a team, otherwise this in fighting would be a virus that brought down the whole system.

"We didn't do anything wrong! These people can't be trusted. They are clearly just using the Winx."

"Who cares! It doesn't matter who uses who, we are going to lose! We couldn't fight them! We were powerless, and you wanna think with your dick?!"

"Stop it!" Tecna said hastening her pace to the group. She watched one of the specialist attempted to grab a witch only to be stopped by Saladin. Another witch was preparing a curse. "Stop IT!" Tecna yelled, and froze as eyes fell on her. She didn't know what to say but she… She felt as if a hand was on her shoulder, warm and calloused just like Ryo's. "This isn't the time to be fighting each other. Yes we are weaker than before and that's why we can't waste any energy. If your angry then blame the people who are really to blame. Blame the trix, get made at them and fight. If you aren't going to fight here then go home, defend your homes and keep those who can't fight safe." Tecna said. "If we lose our balance then we will lose to the dynasty." Tecna finished. She sighed in relief but she felt a strength starting to run through her veins like it had just turned on.

Yet the feeling didn't last. The witches looked at her with suspicion but with a scoff left peacefully, Saladin offered her a smile grateful that his boys weren't being so inappropriate now, while the specialist started to leave. As the group was leaving Timmy stopped right in front of Tecna his gaze accusing her of some wrong she didn't know about. She held her breath as he opened his mouth but he just closed it and shook his head. Tecna didn't know why but that action cut deep and as he left walking with the specialist she was turning around watching them leave. Tecna didn't know what she was doing why she was going after Timmy. He hurt her why couldn't she just leave that alone.

"Timmy!" Tecna called out as she ran after them. She saw the group turning around and it made her stomach sink. Why were they looking at her like she betrayed them! They were the ones that hurt her friends, hurt her. Why was she still reaching out to Timmy?! "Timmy what's g-"

"Don't Tecna." Timmy interrupted her, leaving her feeling more lost and confused. "It's bad enough you guys are siding with these strangers. Everyone is questioning our skills and knowledge that we've proven over and over. Now… Now your siding with witches?"

"I'm not siding with anyone. I'm pointing out that the dynasty is the threat! The Trix are the ones we need to stop."

"You sound just like them now. And you didn't want our help earlier either. Good bye Tecna."

Tecna didn't know what to say she didn't know what to do. They were walking away shooting her nasty glares and her eyes were watering. She heard snickering and Tecna turned to see a group of witches clearly delighting in her pain. She covered her mouth with one hand and ran. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do when she got there. She didn't want to turn to the Winx Club, not when they were trying to focus on figuring out the Soulix. She didn't want to distract them. She'd run out of the school and onto the ground and she wasn't even sure where she was going. She just wanted to run, to escape and figure out why she'd ever let herself open up to emotions in the first place. She was humiliated, hurt, and she didn't want anyone to see her cry. The forest was Flora's safe place, but right now it was the only place she could think of where she wouldn't run into a witch, or fairy, or specialist.

Tecna stopped near a tree and shivered. It was just at the border of the school and now she was realizing how cold it was. Almost all the leaves were on the ground and winter was rolling in, and today it could be felt. Letting out a shaky breath Tecna wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes to fight back tears. She opened them slowly at a rustling from above her. She wiped away any evidence and stepped back.

Rajura hadn't seen Tecna come running out but the choked sob like someone trying not to cry made him open his eye. He frowned at the site below him, and dropped down from the branch he'd been hanging upside down from, to a lower one. Only when he was certain that Tecna saw him did he dismiss his armor and jump down next to her. He studied her face before he set his hand over her upper arm. He didn't need to ask if she was okay because he could see she wasn't. He was taken back when she turned into him and buried her head against his chest. She shoulders shook and Rajura frowned as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Hold on to me. We'll go somewhere quiet, safe, and private." Rajura assured her, as he dipped just enough to get his arm under her legs and lift her bridal style.

"Thank you… I… I didn't think anyone would be out here." Tecna chuckled morbidly, before turning her face back against his neck. She didn't want to be seen like this at all. Her arms wrapped around him and while he wasn't as warm as Ryo at least the cold air wasn't biting her as much now. Tecna couldn't help but feel connected to Rajura because of his reserved nature, he was a lot like her not wanting others to see his emotional side. Always thinking, always logical just like her. It was strange but she swore in her tear blurred vision that there was an aura around Rajura one unlike when he donned the armor. It was different and she felt like it was calling her. So strange.

"I'm going to set you down now. We are back to the balcony attached to the room you've provided for us." Rajura informed Tecna as he set her down and steadied her. He could see the question form but without asking he knew she'd formed an idea how.

"You used your illusions didn't you, to move through the halls without being seen?" Tecna asked trying to distract herself.

"Not quite, but yes I did use my illusions to make sure we weren't seen. Once outside the balcony the jump is easy enough." Rajura answered and Tecna gave a half smile.

"You guys really are something more…" Tecna said as Rajura held open the door for her. They moved into the Warlords suite and then into Rajura's room. "I don't know why I'm even this upset. I should have known that getting into the middle of that fight was stupid." Tecna said not wanting to hold back anymore.

"What fight?" Rajura questioned sitting on the edge of his bed while Tecna curled up on an armchair across from him.

"There was a group of witches and specialist fighting over the situation. I just wanted them to stop because its illogical with the Trix out there." Tecna said gesturing with her hand as Rajura nodded.

"They didn't take it well?"

"They stopped but Timmy… He accused me of siding with the witches, he was so dismissive of me." Tecna said closing her eyes unable to look at Rajura as she confessed.

"He was the one you were in a relationship with?" Rajura asked and wasn't surprised when Tecna nodded. "Its natural then that this hurts. You gave part of yourself to this person, you trusted them and its been thrown in your face." Rajura said getting up off the bed and walking over to Tecna. He knelt down in front of the chair and waited for Tecna to look at him before continuing. "You don't have to feel less because of this. I've been through my own struggles with feeling dismissed, and betrayed. It's not easy, but you have us. We will always be here." Rajura grunted as Tecna quickly wrapped her arms around him.

"I thought I would be over him. Be over this." Tecna confessed and he nodded. "I feel like I'll hold everyone back like this.

"I know." Rajura said. "I know you will recover from this, and I know you won't hold us back. From the day we met you have balanced your own feelings and thoughts with the group and what needs to be done. Even if it hurts." Rajura said and Tecna smiled against him.

"Thank you Rajura… It means a lot to hear that." Tecna said wiping the tears from her eyes. She really did appreciate the friendship she'd come to have with him and the others. They always reassured her just like the winx club did, just like a real friend did. There was no motive of sex, or dating her, it was just for the sake of being her friend. She reached out a hand to Rajura and he took it standing up and then helping her up. Tecna hugged the warlord of illusions once more before they both left the seclusion of his room.

Lady Kayura was in the living area of the suite and for a moment confusion flickered over her face at the site of Rajura. It didn't last, as it was replaced by the Lady of the Dynasty's typical smirk. There was something about how Kayura smirked that reminded Tecna of a witch on the prowl but it never scared her. She walked over to Tecna and gave her a hug, her arm staying around Tecna's shoulders, while she jabbed a finger into Rajura's arm.

"You're supposed to be meditating, focusing on the armors power and gathering strength." Kayura scowled her two toned voice carrying a hint of playfulness despite her words.

"We are at the beginning of winter, there is very little for my armor to draw on here. Though it won't be a problem, I am the most experienced of your warriors." Rajura commented back a confident smirk and Kayura laughed. Tecna smiled watching the two in their playful banter. She remembered how at first she was bothered by these comments not knowing that Rajura and Kayura were just playing around.

"Your armors are seasonal, does that mean as the seasons change your strength does like the Ronin Armors?" Tecna asked. She hadn't noticed a big change in the strength of Rajura or Naaza, as they went from summer to fall and now they were starting winter.

"Our power doesn't change as drastically. It is more a shift in the extent of our powers. It is easier to create illusions in summer." Rajura answered Tecna's curiosity but now he could see her mind turning with more questions.

"Is this why everyone has pointed out that you are used to fighting alone? Is it because of this power?"

"Partly. Arago also played a role in that. We were in competition with each other looking to prove our strength for our master."


"Yes Master. It is the title we used instead King, or Lord." Rajura explained and Kayura nodded.

"It was nothing more than a formal title, though we all did whatever he asked." Kayura gestured and Tecna nodded. There clearly was some regret with Rajura and Kayura over following this demon with such blind faith, and obedience.

"You didn't know better." Tecna offered but Rajura shook his head.

"That is no excuse. At least now we have a true chance to attone and make up for the pain we have caused."

Tecna touched Rajura's shoulder at the sad but realistic sentiment. She understood needing to prove something to yourself even when everyone else told you the truth. When two petite arms wrapped around her Tecna smiled and wrapped one around Kayura as well. All of them were fighting with their demons and they weren't going to be alone in this fight. Tecna never wanted to let go of these friendships, she didn't want to fight alone, and she didn't want them to fight alone either.

"Just know we are right here with you. I promise." Tecna said and smiled as Rajura's hand rested on her shoulder while Kayura squeezed her. In the end they could all help each other, they could ease the pain and sorrow and remind each other they were not alone. The sentiment didn't last though as Kayura jerked away from Tecna and Rajura stepped closer. "What is it?" Tecna asked but already knew that it wasn't good. This reaction it was just like the ones on earth every time they felt the dynasty right.

"The gates are opened. They're close too. We need to get everyone." Kayura said and Tecna nodded. The three of them hurried out of the room, and as they ran down the halls Tecna could see the subtle change on Rajura's face as he spoke with his brother in arms.

(Scene Change)

Flora had separated from the girls to spend time with her sister outside. She knew Bloom and Musa had stayed with her friends. Tecna had also stepped away, but they didn't go to the same place. Flora was happy to spend some time with her sister, even if it was a colder day. It was easy enough to dress warm and walk the grounds with her sister. She was enjoying the chance to catch up and well since her relationship with Seiji had gotten out so fast there were questions she was answering for her sister about him too.

"So he can use healing magic, but he doesn't have magic or at least not enough to get by the barrier?" Miele asked and Flora smiled.

"We've learned that the power Seiji and his friends have come from the armor, which is magical." Flora explained and Miele just shook her head.

"I don't know, they sound like they have magic to me. I think people are just being to quick to judge." The statement made Flora smile but before she could say anything back to her sister the sky grew dark, and the choking feeling that she'd known on earth, the one that she felt again at Red Fountain was back. Flora grabbed Miele's wrist to stop her from continuing on the path they were walking. Her sister had her hand over her diaphragm like she was having trouble breathing, and Flora knew she could feel it too.


"They're here… The dynasty is here already." Flora said and Miele's face twisted with concern. They barely had any time to recover, and there were so many people injured. "Miele go find Miss Faragonda, go warn people. I'm going to see if I can't find Seiji or ." Flora instructed her younger sister. Flora waited long enough to see her sister run for the school buildings, only after that did she transform into her Mythix fairy form. She started to fly up just as she saw Tecna and Rajura coming from the dormitories.

"They're here already. They didn't give us any time." Flora said and Rajura nodded.

"They won't allow us rest. Keeping us tired is one way for them to win." Rajura explained as the hordes of the soulless soldiers started to appear before the barrier that had been erected. Tecna and Flora both felt the cold trail of fear running down their spines at the number of soldiers. It wasn't long before Bloom, Kayura and Musa joined them or before Jun and Nasuti arrived. The specialist came running out with a few other onlookers next and the shock and fear was clear.

"There's going to be too many of them, if it's just us." Musa pointed out. They were down Roxy, Stella and Aisha until the spell finished either by them reaching the understanding they were hoping for or in an end that wasn't favorable.

"Yeah but we aren't going to let you fight alone." Touma chimed in as he floated down and Anubis walked over to join the group.

"What about the others?" Flora asked and Touma smiled.

"They'll be here soon. For now we hold this position and don't let anyone get hurt." Touma said pulling the golden bow off his back, his hand covering over the quiver snatching the arrow at was lifted up for him. Rajura looked to Anubis and nodded.

"Touma, thin the numbers then raise your barrier with the winx." Rajura instructed.

"Do you have a plan then?" Bloom asked and the one eyed warrior nodded.

"You're going to freeze them again. To buy more time…" Tecna reasoned out before nodding. "I understand why, Bloom, Flora, Musa help with the barrier I'm going to tell everyone the plan. We need everyone to return to their homes while we keep the focus on us." Tecna said and the girls nodded. She flew over to Miss Faragonda, Headmistress Griffin, and Headmaster Saladin.

"How do the trix have this many soldiers? It's like their first attack with the army of Darkness." Headmistress Griffin pointed out and Tecna nodded.

"I'm not sure, but Touma, and Anubis can slow the soldiers. We need to get everyone to go back to their homes. We feel they will be safer there." Tecna explained as the specialist came over.

"Why because they say so?" Sky challenged. "We have defenses here, some that other realms don't have. If we send them home and the trix attack the casualties will be high."

"I know that, but I know the Ronin are right, the trix will stay focused on us." Tecna argued gesturing to the group of warriors, just as Touma let the golden arrow fly. Thousands more rained down and the sounds of battle began.

"You can't know that Tecna, you're just trying to make a logical conclusion." Timmy countered.

"... You're right. But my conclusion is based on knowledge I have, that the trix are looking for the jewel of life, that the dynasty wants the Ronin and Warlord armors, and the trix hate us." Tecna pointed out. "You're right there will be people who get hurt but if we side with them if you listen then there will be fewer people. Please, I don't want to see you get hurt, even if we aren't together Timmy, but I won't stop doing what is right." Tecna argued leaving Timmy shocked and a tense silence in the air.

Before anyone could speak there was a loud crack of thunder and a sound like shattering glass. Tecna reflexively guarded her head for a moment before looking up into the sky. The trix were there laughing, the dark energy pouring off them was visible and it was clear they were stronger even then at Red Fountain. It wasn't fair the time differences. Tecna swallowed any fear and looked to the headmasters again.

"Please hurry now, we'll hold them off!" Tecna urged as she took to flight joining Bloom, Musa, and Flora.

"Are they going to listen?" Musa asked and Tecna didn't dare look back to see if they were.

"I hope so."

"They are stronger, I can feel it. We need Stella, Roxy and Aisha." Flora said as the witches still laughing floated closer.

"Hey don't worry we're here."

Tecna felt a wave of relief at the sound of Ryo's voice. Yet the relief was replaced with concern when she noticed that both Shin and Naaza had yet to come and join them. They couldn't think on this, Shin would be find, and Naaza would be fine. They had to fight the trix. Even with the soldiers thinned out they were also a concern still. Tecna watched the witches closely with her friends none of them head any biting words, and they didn't dare act first.

"Hey where's the rest of the losers?" Icy asked narrowing her eyes at Bloom.

"Don't call any of us losers." Bloom warned but the witches only laughed.

"You know this time, it's not even going to be a challenge." Icy mocked looking at her nails. Her eyes lifted back to Bloom and she threw her arm out. Ice and cold winds blasted at Bloom, Touma and Kayura.

"Look out!" Touma called the blue shielding of his barrier raising just in time to guard the three from Icy's attack. He struggled to keep his barrier up against the witches onslaught. She was far stronger than before, even with him connecting to Strata's power more. The dark blue energy started to flicker and waiver under the pressure of the ice, but still he held it while people ran and others grabbed weapons.

"Leave him alone!" Kayura had jumped up onto the roof and then out towards Icy the whip at the end of her sai. Darcy however deflected the whip and blasted Kayura in the side sending her skidding across the ground. Anubis and Seiji both rushed out of the barrier with Flora joining them to protect Kayura as she got back up on her feet.

Tenca glanced around the group and noticed that just like before, like in every battle so far the witches were forcing them into groups. This time however they were missing six people and they were already starting to struggle. They didn't even have the time needed to thin the soldiers as much as they wanted. The Barrier was broke and they were running towards them. Tenca flew down to the front lines giving everything she could behind each blast of her magic to knock the soulless soldiers back, or down to the ground. It was taking everything she had, thankfully Ryo and Rajura were also cutting through them. The witches were engaged with the rest but Tecna could see that Stormy was pushing in closer to the school.

Fighting was raging around her as the headmasters joined, teachers, and even students and graduates from red fountain. It wasn't long before Tecna saw Timmy and Brandon near by leading a group fighting against a couple of the soulless soldiers.. Stormy was heading straight for them!

"Rajura! Ryo! We have to stop Stormy!" Tecna yelled. She couldn't let people die even if they hurt her, she was going to do what was right no matter what was believed. "Digital Wall!" Tecna called covering Timmy group as Stormy's lightning crashed down over it. Tecna gritted her teeth and forced everything she had into that spell holding Stormy's attack away. When the lightning faded Tenca fell to her knees her body exhausted from the magic she'd just used. She could see that Ryo had reached the group and was helping them push the enemy back. She needed a moment to catch her breath but her name made her look up and stopped her heart. Icy was over her the cold wind and ice heading her way fast.

She expected cold and instead she was burned pulling away but finding the same thing that was burning her was at her back. Her body reacted before she realized who was covering her. Ryo's face was twisted with a pained look of determination sheltering her from the ice and dark magic. They had to work together. There had to be away. She'd been able to use convergence with Rajura by touching his armor, maybe she could do the same. Even if she was hurt this was needed.

"Digital Wall." Tecna clasped her hand over the burning metal of Ryo's shoulder guard the pain seared her skin only for a moment before the fire overwhelmed her. It was running through her, converting to her own power. The magic blooming off her hands took the shape of a set of gloves black with vibrant purple and teal line work like a circuits, and her index fingers exposed. While the black fabric of the gloves ended at her wrist the teal and purple line work traced up her arms, neck and stopped on her cheeks. Her lips were glossed with a teal color work her eyes were given a smoke purple look. Her hair was braided on the left side over to the right with the ends being spiked. She had a black turtleneck leotard as her under layer with the same teal and purple line work over it. A dark metal half breast plate covered the black material, a gun metal gray with etched circuit lines on the edge of purple and teal. A gun metal belt rested on her hips with four triangular panels that were the size of her hand. Again the purple and teal circuitry etched into the metal and as they lit up, energy slipped down from them creating a moving flickering skirt of teal and purple. Her legs were covered up to mid thigh with the black tight material with the line work. Metal guard that covered over her thighs and over the black small block heel boots on on her feet. The heel to the boots were the same energy and fluid color that made up the energy skirt. Her wings felt more sturdy, and the tops of her six spiral wings were metal covers, and fillegary was worked over them.

Tecna watched in surprise as the teal and purple lines moved down her gloves and onto Ryo's armor. She could feel his energy and and her's mixing together. It seemed that Ryo was just as surprised staring back at her. The heat from his armor wasn't hurting her instead it the teal and purple circuitry lines were turning red and gold. She felt like she was wrapped up in the warmest clothes protected completely from Icy. Ryo's power was joining hers changing her digital wall. She could feel the link they all talked about, but more than that she could feel something deeper. It was strange but she felt bare before Ryo and like he was bare before her, the heavy burdens they had carried in silence until friends forced them to open up.

She could feel Shin and Naaza far away and yet so close. It felt like they were with Roxy, Stella, and Aisha. Were they somehow with Roxy, Stella and Aisha even though they were in the spell. It was the strangest thing to feel, but if she could feel them could she convey that they needed them? That the witches had attacked. If she focused on that she'd be wide open to attacks there had to be a better way to do this. Tecna pulled her hand from Ryo's armor as Icy's barrage ended leaving both of them, and the specialists and Rajura staring her down. She had an idea and her lips hadn't moved before Ryo was nodding and standing up rasing his swords ready to fight.

~Do it Tecna. Go to Rajura and he will guide you through the rest. We will only these three off while you get help.~ Ryo thought to her, and even though Tecna couldn't see his face she knew he was smiling at her.