Author's Note: I will be trying to update every Monday. If I manage to get a bunch of writing done then it may be twice a week. Also with Ronin Warriors I don't use the dubbed names, but I am using the translation for their armors and attacks. Also as a side note I have fully seen seasons 1-4, but have only seen parts of 5 and 6 mostly because the 3-D animation isn't something I like, and because I haven't had the time. I know the summary of those seasons and watched enough to understand the seasons.

Disclaimer: I don't own either Ronin Warriors or Winx, they belong to their respective companies. I make no money from this or any fan done inspiration from either.

Other Notes: Okay for this fictions I'm going to state some ages: Winx Girls are 22 with Stella being 23, The Ronins are 24 with Shin being 25. The ages of Rajura, Anubis, and Naaza I will cover later.

Chapter 1) Storms and Samurai

It was there first long vacation away from everything, and it still felt almost raw to each of them. After many years of fighting side by side, dances, and sweet moments shared the winx club girls couldn't remember if it had been the specialists or them who'd asked for the break. It had been a month since all the trouble had gone down and chasing after the trix while their hearts were elsewhere had because a titious trial.

They'd been to many cities trying to figure out what the trix were up to, and now their chase head brought them to Toyama Japan. Sadly Aisha hadn't been able to join them, so it was just the five original winx girls. With the gloom of the fall day they all felt tired as they walked the streets looking for a sign that the trix was truly here.

"This is bunk." Musa exclaimed a frown set tightly on her lips. For the cool fall day she'd put her hair up in a simple ponytail, with a few loose strands hanging by her ears.

Musa's statement was echoed on Stella's loud sigh as she turned her gaze wistfully to the shops they were passing. "Can't we take a break to do some shopping?" Stella asked but even she didn't truly want to do that. The gloom they were all feeling had drained any want to do anything whether fun or for the safety of the realms.

"Come on guys, the trix have to be close. So let's split up and look for another hour if nothing than we can grab some food and call it a day." Bloom forced a smile onto her face trying to rally her friends. For her the ache of Sky breaking up with her, she could turn to rage against the trix, but right now her friends needed a morale boost. Bloom also found herself never happier to have both her earth family and her family on Sparks than when Sky told her they needed a break. Bloom also knew that none of them were taking this "break" well but Stella was still hurting the most. Bloom knew that her best friend had been hoping Brandon was going to ask her to marry him and instead this happened.

"It does seem to be most logical. Though I really don't know what we'll find… Not when we are so, oh never mind." Tecna sighed and clutched her cellphone with both hands. Like Musa she had been putting up a brave face trying to dive into logic to numb herself from heartache while she secretly wished for Timmy just to call her. She couldn't figure out where they'd gone wrong. They were two peas in a pod, a perfect match in interests and mind. "I think I'll head this way, we all have our numbers and the locators I installed so meeting up won't be a problem."

"No it won't." Flora chimed up lifting her gaze from the sidewalk. She'd become so silent since she'd talked with Helia.

"Fine, then I'll see you girls in an hour." Musa said stuffing her hands in her jean pockets and walking off. She could hear Stella complaining that she wanted to go the way Musa had taken but it was more habitual than a real desire. It was hard to keep her blue gaze lifted off the ground and search for the three witches that had bothered them since freshman year at Alfea.

The hour was nearly up and Musa hadn't even seen any hint of the witches. The streets were getting busy as more people started walking home or shopping after their work day and school. Musa was waiting near a crosswalk walk for the light to change. Closing her eyes she listened to the sounds of the city. The language was strange but thanks to Flora's translation spell she understood it all and could speak it too. Faintly she could her a voice calling out a name in her direction but she ignored the foreign name. As someone's elbow collided with her back Musa didn't even have time to give them a piece of her mind as the blaring horn of a truck sounded. She was still falling her arms lifting to try and shield herself but it would be useless as the truck was barreling towards her.

As swiftly as she'd been shoved forward she was being pulled back, the wind from the truck passing tossing her ponytail carelessly. Her heart was hammering, like if she'd just gone toe to toe with Darcy all thanks to that stupid truck. The crowd of people had either taken steps back or had started to walk with the changed light. Musa was just happy that she had a moment to collect herself and a hand resting on her arm while another gripped her hand.

"Riven!" Musa smiled but as she looked up her smile faded and her cheeks flushed. It wasn't Riven holding her, and it wasn't Riven who'd just saved her. The man staring back at her had auburn hair and sea green eyes, instead of Riven's violet eyes and magenta hair. "I-I'm so sorry." Musa stammered and nearly stepped back out into the street but the man held her and turned them.

"It's quite alright, I also mistook you for a friend." He smiled letting her go now that she wasn't quite next to the street or in danger any more. "You seem to be looking for something, are you lost?" Musa was amazed at how honest and sincere he was with his concern as he spoke to her. Everything was reflected clearly in his eyes and his accent wasn't like what the locals here had.

"No, I'm just sightseeing." Musa answered quickly. She knew the troubles of bringing humans too close to magic, and she knew the trix didn't care if they hurt bystanders. The man before her hummed and nodded at her answer his gaze studying her as she did him. "Can I ask who you thought I was?" Musa asked feeling curious.

"An old friend, her name was Kayura. She doesn't live near here, so it was foolish." He shrugged and offered a sweet smile. "Well I must go, I hope you enjoy the city's sights miss." With that Musa watched him leave, and as he left she felt more at peace, and trust in herself and friends. For the first time since she and Riven broke up. True she'd been the first of the Winx to lose her boyfriend but the others followed suit shortly after. Yet as she watched the man disappear into the crowd she could feel the dark magic of the trix. Looking up to the sky to the west she saw the dark purple clouds gathering. "Stormy." Musa hissed before hurrying to duck away from the eyes of the public.

"Let's go Mythix!" Musa called out right before she transformed. Her wings flittered lifting her off the ground so she was hovering before she took off towards the darkening clouds. Musa took off as fast as she could, she didn't even notice that the boy from earlier who was down the street watched her as a fairy fly towards the dark energy.

Musa didn't want to just run into a fight with all three witches so as she neared the outside of town she flew lower, her hair rustling behind her till she slowed and landed in a crouched position. She peered out from a hiding spot only to see Stormy and a group of green soldiers. There were seven of the soldiers standing guard while Stormy concentrated on something. The amount of dark lightning flying off the witch wasn't a good sign. Musa was trying to get closer to see what the witch was doing but the cold dead pits of one of the green soldiers fell on her. It didn't make a single noise of communication before the others had drawn weapons and were glaring at her to. This was enough to make Stormy notice Musa, and Musa quickly took a defensive stance.

"Ugh! Do something about her!" Stormy growled out to mindless soldiers, that had been lent to her and her sisters. It had been a rumor that Darcy and found and when they traced it the rumor was beyond promising. The last thing they needed were the fairies getting in the way yet again!

Musa launched herself into the air to avoid the sickle fly at her. It may have been an old weapon but with the force it was throw Musa was glad she didn't try a shield spell. Even as she flew into the air, she found herself weaving between spear, and the sickles attached to chains.

"Is that the best they can do Stormy! Why don't you give up and get out of here!" Musa yelled the bright purple glow of her magic concentrating in her hands. "Infinite Echo!" Musa called out as Stormy growled. The blast hit three of the soldiers squarely and two of the even collapsed with a sick green smoke rising out of them.

"Ugh stupid tin cans! What good are you!" Stormy growled giving up on pumping her dark energy into opening the gateway. She'd take care of the lone fairy then do her part. "Lightning Bolt!" Stormy summoned the lightning from the sky and charging it in her palm before throwing at the fairy of music. The arcing lightning missed Musa as she flew around the attack and readied her own. As she opened her mouth a yelp of pain emerged inside of the words for her spell. With a hard thud her back and head collided with the ground dazing her. Musa groaned both in pain and frustration as Stormy laughed at her. Looking Musa felt pure distress as everything was blurring and her head pounded.

"Bye bye weakling!" Stormy laughed waving to Musa as one of the soldiers lifted a spear to finish off the fairy for good. There was pure glee at the anticipation on Stormy's face was dread was on Musa's.

Musa reflexively lifted her hand to guard herself as there was no time for a shield. She closed her eyes not wanting to see the spear plunge down but she didn't feel a thing. Only the sound of metal hitting metal came, and a cold chill as she was moved and held firmly. Held? Musa opened her eyes and gapped at the light blue warrior. He thrust the spear he'd blocked the soldier's weapon with forward and knocked it off balance before jumping back with Musa still in his arms. He held her with one arm wrapped around her waist and he was looking at her instead of the soldiers or Stormy.

"Are you alright?" He asked a soft but crisp accent coloring his voice. "Those bucketheads didn't hurt you did they?" Musa blinked still lost in a daze and trying to figure out what this guy was and why his voice sounded so familiar to her.

"Look out!" Musa cried out as Stormy launched another lightning bolt and the soldiers run towards them. Musa heard a cocky hum, as the man gripped her firmly and jumped away from Stormy's attack.

"Careful." He said as he let Musa go and stepped in front of her. As the soldiers charged he easily deflected their attacks and landed his own. His yari ripped through their armor releasing sick green smoke as each fell to the ground. "I don't know who you are but you won't be opening a gate to the dynasty today." He stated firmly starring Stormy down and even leveling the yari at her.

"Oh and some backwards warrior will stop me?" Stormy laughed.

"I can't let her do this…" He mumbled before taking a deep breath. "Super wave Smasher!" Musa's eyes widened at the spell the man launched for the tip of his yari, the water swirling and glowing as it races towards Stormy. Musa tried to track the blast but her blurry vision finally went black.

Shin hadn't wanted to fight or attack the woman floating in the air but she had forced his hand. Still as his attack clipped her she fled which he was grateful for. She might have taunted him but he didn't even acknowledge it. He shifted his grip on his yari and turned to the woman with fairy wings. He still couldn't believe what he'd seen but there was no question about her flying and fighting against the other woman.

Still Shin gasped as he saw the fairy falling backwards her eyes closing and he rushed to catch her. He watched as her wings vanished her hair fell from the elaborate design back into a ponytail and her skirt turned back into jeans. He caught her, and willed his own armor away. He recognized her as the tourist who he'd mistook for Kayura. As he moved to lift her head he felt the slick warm feel of blood.

"Well, I'm sure Shu will have fun with this story." Shin sighed but a smile danced on his lips at the thought of his dear friend and brother in arms. He lowered both himself and the girl to the ground and took off his jacket. He pressed the jacket against the wound on the back of her head and opened his mind to Seiji.

~Hey Seiji I need two favors. One a lift and two I have an injured woman who could use your help.~

~Where are you and what happened? Ryo and I felt a spike as if a gate to the nether realm was opening.~

~I think someone was trying to open it. I'll explain everything when you get here. She has a head wound and collapsed. We are just outside of the city, very close to the caves which Halo uses to recharge.~ Shin calmly sent through the mental link. It was something they all shared but he only needed Seiji for this. The warrior of Halo would be here soon and he would be able to use the strength of the armor to heal this woman.

"I just wish I had your name to tell him." Shin sighed as he kept the pressure up. With his free hand he brushed a wild strains of the woman's black blue hair away from her face. Even unconscious he could see and feel the pain radiating from her. "Whatever you have been through, I hope it will get easier." Shin said and silently prayed that she would heal from her pain. "Don't worry we'll help you very soon, after all Seiji will be here soon." Shin whispered ignoring the gust of wind that nipped at him and even pulled the woman closer to keep her warm.

Shin's thought that it wouldn't take Seiji long to reach him and the woman weren't wrong. He also was glad to see that Seiji didn't laugh or make any jokes as he told him about what he'd seen, about the woman being a fairy. In fact Seiji remained calm and collected as he healed the woman.

"She'll probably be out for a bit longer, and you don't know her name?" Seiji asked as he let the soft green light from his palm die down as the job was done.

"No I don't. And before you ask no she didn't see me transform, though even if she did I know we can trust her." Shin assured Seiji. He let Seiji stand first before standing up himself and lifting the woman bridal style. Shin chuckled slightly at the look Seiji gave him, and the soft hum. He knew he was silently being criticised for his virtue being trust. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves Shin, we don't know who she is." Shin smiled filling in the words Seiji most likely wanted to say and Touma would once they reached home.

"Hmm, I guess we all are getting predictable." Seiji smiled his violet gaze softening. He trusted Shin, and it was their job to protect humanity from the nether realm even if that meant bringing an unconscious girl home.

Shin laid the young woman in the back seat of Seiji's car, gentle buckling her in before shutting the door. He climbed into the front with Seiji his blood soaked jacket in his hand. They had not even been driving for ten minutes before the woman's cellphone started to chime. Shin looked back at her, hoping maybe she would stir but she didn't. If she didn't awake by the night they would need to figure out what to do about the person calling for by the time they reached the manner her phone had gone off at least eight times.

And that's Chapter 1, please comment or review if you want.