FANDOM: Kuroko no Basuke

TITLE: Welcome Home

AUTHOR: RazenshiaSapphire1306

GENRE: family, mystery, fluff and angst.


WARNING: Some foul language and violence in the later chapters.

SUMMARY:AU! Akashi Seijuurou was heading home from work. When he encounter an injured and exhausted petite form of a teal haired boy. He decided to keep him under his care but the mystery identity and past of the boy begun to hunts him. Find out how Akashi and GoM unravels the boy's past and to bring back his smile.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke o(╥﹏╥)o

A/N: A plot bunny that keeps popping in my head along with the other one and won't let me take a good rest these past weeks unless I put it on action so here's my very first KnB fic, I hope you enjoy it! (-^^-)

Chapter 1 Start of Change




The fire was strong even the rain down pours it wasn't enough to extinguished the flames that continues to swallow up everything and all he could do was run with his small feet with a blank state of mind, unseeing the road before him as everything was covered with mist and rain, not knowing where the path will take up but one thing is cleared in his head as those words keep echoing at his head like a spell.

'You have to live! Go and run! Tetsuya! Survive!'

That is why he must continue on running far away from that place.. From those people and from Him... So he could survive.

But due to exhaustion his tiny legs finally give in and he collapsed in front of a big gate. Losing his consciousness as he hit the cold, muddy and wet ground.

All he could hope is death won't take him away for him to fulfill his promise. To live on.


"Headline news for today, the household of Kuroko were completely burned out and been brutally murdered. Their only and youngest son is reported missing..."

"Whoa! That's horrible!' su~" A blonde who just got home commented as he heard the news. The popular former model and current pilot, Kise Ryouta.

"Shut up! Kise! You're disturbing my sleep!" A dark blue haired, tanned man growled dangerously at the blonde. Names Aomine Daiki, The lazy policeman.

"That's rude! Aominecchi! I just got home then you'll give me a cold treatment!" Kise pouted as he sit down.

Footsteps heard echoed the entire room and he looked up to see Midorima Shintarou, the group doctor walked towards him with a tray of tea.

"It's because you're noisy,nanodayo." Midorima exclaimed as he give Kise his tea.

"You guys were so mean!" Kise started to cry his infamous crocodile tears only to be cut off by a pillow been throw straight at his face by Aomine.

"I said shut up, didn't I?!" Aomine snarled.

Kise being hurt and annoyed at the cold treatment he received by the others, return to throw the pillow at Aomine's face as well.

"Why you!?"

And thus the pillow fight started and lasted for five minutes as they were stopped by Midorima who get frustrated at their childish behavior by stating Akashi will returned home today which effectively immobilized the duo by hearing the tyrant's name.

"Eh? Seriously?! Akashicchi will come home today?!" Kise dropped the pillow he was about to throw at Aomine as he heard Midorima's statement.

Midorima sighed. "That's right, he'll come home because his case is already done," He pushed up his glasses, making an eerie glint as he stared at the troublesome duo. "And if he find out his house is messy there will be a bloodshed so I suggest you two behave if you treasure your lives."

Both Aomine and Kise gulped nervously then sat down back in the sofa quietly much to the green haired relief.

The silence of the group were interrupted when they heard someone muching.

They all turned their head to the purple haired giant, the master pastry and all around chef Murasakibara Atsushi muching some biscuits he bake few hours ago.

"Ah! Murasakicchi! You're back as well!" Kise beamed.

Murasakibara turned his gaze at the blonde pilot and greeted him. "Oh? Kise-chin? Welcome back! Did you have something for me?"

Kise smiled sadly as he apologizes to the purple giant. "I'm sorry, Murasakicchi but due to the weather I rushed home, I'm truly sorry."

Murasakibara though sad was glad that Kise managed to come home safe which he's grateful. "It's okay, I'm glad you're home so we could eat together with everyone~"

Kise eyes lit up with joy as Murasakibara isn't being mean at him and was about to give a reply when his golden eyes caught something interesting.

"Eh? Kagamicchi is on the headline news?" Kise tilted his head at inquiry.

"Of course, nanodayo. It's his job to save people. I wonder how did you become a pilot when your stupidity is too much." Midorima looked at him slightly before looking back at screen, ignoring the blonde's wails of protest he isn't stupid and them being mean. "Though I was surprise to see him being well composed and this serious it only indicates that the event wasn't just an accident."

"Well, if I'm correct that place that burnt down and the bodies been discovered is by a well known person in society. I believe you were once acquaintance with them once and also by Akashi." Aomine drawled.

The three stared at him with blank expression which started to irked the darked skinned man.


The first person to snapped in his stupor was Murasakibara as he continued staring at Aomine while eating at the same time. "Wow, I didn't know Mine-chan is smart~"

"I agreed." Midorima nodded as he sip his tea.

Kise agreed as well. " Yeah, it actually shocks me that Aominecchi has a brain."

"Why you?!" Aomine didn't managed to finish his snarl when the front door slammed open, revealing the arrival of the last member of their group, literally the leader, Seijuurou Akashi but they noticed something is quite odd at him and then they finally realized what is different at the red haired.. And that is the great Seijuurou Akashi carrying a child in his arms!


A pair of heterochromatic eyes, one red and one gold incredulously at the sight presented to him as if mocking him. And he can't helped but to wonder if his eyes were playing tricks on him due to his exhaustion but shove off the stupid idea as he was known to be the great Seijuurou Akashi, whose name is known by the society as he exceed everyone expectation as he was a prodigy, a former captain of basketball club, a powerful lawyer and undefeated master of Shoji. All his words were absolute. Yet he never expected such normal day will turn out like this.

Yes, to say the red haired was surprise is understatement. Who wouldn't be? If you found a five or six year old child laying out cold in front of your house gate. Of course, you'll be astounded and a bit panicked but never Akashi as he calmly checked the boy's life source and quite happy to know he is alive but his observant eyes didn't failed to notice that teal head boy was wounded and needed to be treated so without thinking, he covered him with his jacket then carried the boy inside knowing nosy people will greet him with a fuss. And once again his prediction were correct when everyone froze as they caught sight of him with a child in his arms.

And hell break loose.


Everyone stared agape at red haired lawyer for a long moment of silence and Akashi waited for them patiently to snapped out in their trance or should he say shock? Never mind, he find their expression quite amusing as they look like a fish with their mouths hang up open and eyes wide, ready to popped out and rolled in the floor any moment.

The first one to snapped back in reality was Aomine Daiki which he already suspected as the tanned skin idiot pointed accusingly his fingers at him. "Oi, Akashi! What the heck you kidnapped a child! You're supposed to be a lawyer not a kidnapper!"

Somehow his statement make his blood boiled and he is ready for a slaughter if not for the child in his arms and another idiot butted in.

"Oh my! Akashicchi become a pedophile! Whoa!" Kise wailed.

Now, his patience finally breaks and the two idiot subconsciously stepped back as they can feel death's aura in their former captain.

Midorima huffed and muttered an 'idiots' under his breath.

"Daiki. Ryouta..." Akashi started and the mentioned of their names brings a cold chill of fear running down through their skins. "Go fetch some water and clothes."

They didn't question him and went to get the things he asked them.

The only person in the living room was Midorima, Atsushi and Akashi including the child.

"Akashi, where did you get this child? He looked quite hurt" Midorima inquired as he inspected the Teal's boy state.

"I found him in our gate." Akashi replied simply as he let Midorima examined the extent of the boy's injuries for a moment. "So, how is he?"

"He has some minor injuries and sprain but nothing life threaning injury. I guess he collapsed out of exhaustion and the wound on his side in just a scrape. He's lucky" Midorima answered.

Akashi stared at the child.

"Aka-chin, what will you do to him?" Atsushi finally spoke after a long silence in his part.

"I'll take him under my care." Akashi exclaimed.

"You're joking right?!" Kise and Daiki shouted in unison. They had just return to give Akashi the things he asked but then they found he is willing to took a stranger in their place which could only caused trouble.

" Do I look like joking? Daiki, Ryouta?" Akashi arched his eyebrow. " You have a problem with me taking the child under my custody?"

"We do! You can't just adopt someone all of a sudden even its a child! Looks can also be a deception! There might be using this child to destroy you or us!"

" Are you questioning my decision?"


Midorima sighed tiredly which caught the attention of others. "I hate to admit it, Akashi but these two idiots had a point. We can't take this child. He is trouble"

Akashi didn't look angry at them nor irritated at their statement rather he look amused which irk and perplex them. "Do you honestly think I didn't figure it out myself that boy might be trouble when I decided to bring him here? Don't belittle me, I'm aware this boy is going to be challenge and trouble but I made up my mind and it will stands" He turned to leave and abruptly stopped but he didn't bother to look at them. "Midorima, once your done taking care of his injuries bring him up to my room. Ryouta and Daiki. I want you to run fifty laps in the morning and do house chores for the entire week." His order made the two grunted and mumbled curses under their breath at least Akashi didn't kill them yet despite their shouting at him. " And oh, Atsushi made some sweets and warm milk later this night, okay?"

The giant nodded. "Roger that, Aka-chin"

Satisfied they'll do his demand. Akashi went straight to his room and take a bath. He knew the very beginning that the child is trouble even so that didn't stop him from taking him under his care but why?

"Ugh! Now, we will be nanny for this brat." Aomine grunted.

" But he is cute. Aominecchi and you stop denying it as we can see you drooling at his cuteness. Now, who's the pedophile here?" Kise teased.

"Why you?!"

"But, Aka-chin is such a caring person especially for the child." Atsushi commented as he patted the teal haired boy's locks gently.

"Akashi has a soft spot for children as he never experience care and loving family. Maybe he could see himself in this boy. So, he took him in," Midorima stated as he finished cleaning the boy's injuries. Once he said that nobody replied and do their respected task.






Not far away from their estate, a dark haired man smashed his fist angrily at the tree as he muttered his cursed. "Damn, he escape!"




Never didn't they know that this simple boy will changed everything once he woken up.

To Be Continued...

A/N: First ever KnB fanfic so I apologize for the possible OOCness of our main cast especially Akashi. And, yes. Their jobs is based on character bible! Anyways, I hope you like it. Reviews/Comments, Fav/Vote and become a follower were very welcomed and appreciated! (≧▽≦) Love and Cheers everyone! Till next time !