A/N: Well, as you can see, I have made a lot of fanfictions lately, and yes, they are all AkaKuro because why not?

Anyway, I've just updated 'That Inner Demon' and 'I'm Fine.' Considering the time I updated the other ones, it usually take me a month before updating them all again. But I'd try my best to update all of them as soon as possible. I follow a certain rule: 'First In, First Out,' which means that there is consistency in which story gets updated first.

[BTW, I won't be around here in FFnet and Wattpad from May 1 to June 1! Sorry if I'll be hiatus soon. I will update as soon as that whole month pass by. Hahahaha, personal reasons! I can't update, but I might be able to reply to your messages and comments—both here in and Wattpad. Thankies!]

By the way, I am making new fanfictions as my pastime while making a new novel as well. I suddenly missed 'Everlasting Requiem,' 'Myself From Once Upon a Time,' and 'Something Lost will Never Return,' so I'm making a new fanfiction that is quite a little like that.

Like usual, there's the feel. There's the angst. There's the hurt. There's the drama. There's the OOCs. There's the OCs. There's the violence. There's the romance. There's the yaoiness. Super yaoiness, in fact.

Soooo, lemme introduce you my new precious baby!

ENJOY, AND PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! I really appreciate and need them. They make me super duper happy!

Haru and Ren of Super Lovers,


"Where I Belong"

SUMMARY: After being gone and non-contactable for two weeks, Kuroko appeared again...But he's no longer the angel they knew. His face and body were filled with bruises, he doesn't usually talk anymore, his eyes portrayed coldness, and his smile faded away. He was definitely hiding something no one knows about. Can Akashi bring his beloved old Kuroko back? Slight AU! PLEASE R&R!

Chapter One:

There was something definitely wrong. Something was oddly off, and he didn't know what it was. The great, Akashi Seijuuro, actually did not know something. And like he always expected, it would always concern a certain teal-head named Kuroko Tetsuya.

Three weeks after defeating the 'Jabberwock,' and three weeks after disbanding 'Vorpal Swords,' that was how long it has been. Right after walking out of the gates of his Rakuzan, he looked up, and saw the gray clouds flowing faster than usual. And he didn't like that for it felt like the unusual color and flow of the clouds signaled bad omen. He sighed, and faced forward. "I still have a lot of assignments and projects to finish, I really have to go back home now." He murmured to himself as he began to walk.

Akashi wasn't even ten meters away from where he began to walk when the phone in his pants' pocket rang and vibrated wildly as if it was panicking and hyperventilating. Smirking with how his thoughts were so odd today, he took it out, and looked at the Caller ID. His heart thumped after reading, 'Kuroko Tetsuya.'

He quickly pressed 'Answer.' "Tetsuya?" He called out. Yes, he went back on calling them on their first names. It seemed that he was more comfortable this way. When there was no response from the other line, he yelled, "Tetsuya?! Are you in there?!"

But there was still no reply, so his heartbeat began to thump faster. He clutched the phone, put it on loudspeaker, and hissed, "Tetsuya, if you don't speak this moment, I will really get mad. If this is some prank, I do not think it's funny at all."

He gritted his teeth in nervousness when there was not even a hint of noise on the other line. He waited, and finally he heard breathing. More like panting like the one on the other line just stopped to catch his breath. "Haa…Haa…Haa…" That was definitely Kuroko. He could tell using the way the other breathed. The teal-head had never much of stamina to begin with.

"Tetsuya, are you there? If you are, please do tell me what's happening, and where you are—"


"Tetsuya? Are you alright—" Like earlier, he was interrupted.

"I don't have enough time. They'd find me soon. Akashi-kun, I don't know if I'll be able to return. But I do want to let you know one thing…" There was a pause. "I love you. Thank you for everything you've done until now. I am sorry for lots of things. If ever I don't return, I wanted to let you know that you're the most important person to me. Goodbye."

Before the red-head could even react, the other had hung up. And when the latter tried to re-called Kuroko, the call wouldn't come through. "W-What was that just now?" He murmured as he stared at his phone, which painstakingly tried to come through, but failed.

He internally gasped when his phone vibrated again as he was heading towards the train station. His head has been wandering for so long he didn't even notice that he had arrived on the station. He bought a ticket, and then looked at the Caller ID. He frowned upon seeing the name: 'Kagami Taiga.'

He picked it up after two more rings. "Akashi Seijuuro speaking. How rare. What's the occasion, Taiga?"

There was silence, and then his eyes widened when the other red-head finally spoke, "K-Kuroko…Kuroko…"

He clutched his phone. "What's happened with Tetsuya?"

"H-He was absent since yesterday. When I called him, he didn't answer. I thought h-he had a fever, so we let it through. B-But he was not here again today, and since our calls wouldn't come through, we began to grow worried…" Seirin's ace hesitated. "So…we thought we should go to his house. W-We're shocked to see his enraged father and crying mother. I-It seems Kuroko disappeared yesterday morning…His windows were left open, and it was as if a culprit went inside…K-Kuroko's missing. Kuroko's missing, Akashi! Please help us find him!"

And that was when he turned around, threw his ticket back home, and bought a new one towards nowhere else but…Tokyo.

He quickly went inside the train, and waited impatiently for whole two hours to pass. Praying relentlessly that nothing happened to his ray of shine. Don't take him away from me. Don't take my only reason to live away from me!


Kise was scratching his head as he stared on the Math Formula on his notebook. Since he fell asleep on their Math subject, he was asked for remedial, so he was given three questions to answer and pass after thirty minutes to his subject teacher.

He finally solved the three problems after looking for few examples on their previous lesson. He copied the way the examples were solved, and he finally got the answers. He grabbed his bag, and notebook before running towards the Faculty. After submitting his work, he walked happily towards the gym for practice. He halted when his phone vibrated.

He took it out, and read the message. His eyes widened.

Sender: Akassshiiiccchiiii! O.O

Subject: Important.

Message: Ryouta, don't freak out. Tetsuya's missing. He's been missing since yesterday. No one knows where he is. We need to find him or else I think it will be too late. Daiki's coming to fetch you. Let us meet in front of Seirin Gakuen after half an hour. I'm in the train right now, and just about to arrive. Don't be late.

He took few more steps, and finally arrived in the gym. He opened the doors, and was greeted with, "Yo!" and "Hey!"

But the gym was suddenly with silence when Kasamatsu approached him. "Kise, you dumbass, why are you suddenly crying?"

He blinked, and touched his cheek. He was crying. "We need to find him or else it will be too late."

Just when everything was going alright, this happened. Just when there were finally no more barriers between the members of Generation of Miracles, something like this occurred. He didn't like the 'it will be too late' part, and even if he didn't want to, he knew Akashi was right.

"Get away from me, Kise-kun."

"Waaah! Kurokoccchiii, sorry!"

"If you're sorry, please explode."

"Ok, if that will—Wait, what?!"

And that was when he began to wail. He began to wail like a baby, and tried best to wipe away the tears, but they continued to stream down his cheeks. Please, please, don't take Kurokocchi away! Don't take Kurokocchi away!

"O-Oi, what—"

He gasped when there was an arm who pulled him into someone's chest. He looked up, and realized Aomine hugged him. He sobbed, and leaned even more. "Aommmiiinnneeecccchiiii!"

The blue-head patted the blonde. "I know. We'll find him. We will. Akashi won't let this go just like that. Come on, we need to go." The former said, and took the copycat's bag. "I'm taking him with me. We have a very serious business to attend."

"What business? Hey, what about prac—"

"It's Tetsu."

And that shut up everyone.


He was whistling down the road with a porn magazine in his hands when his phone vibrated. He took it out, and read the sudden message.

Sender: Akashi, the Emperor O.o

Subject: Read this or I'll kill you.

Mess: Daiki, read every syllable. Tetsuya's missing. He's been missing since yesterday. No one knows where he is. We need to find him or else I think it will be too late. I'm sure Ryouta's crying right now, I want you to fetch him. He needs you greatly right now. Let us meet in front of Seirin Gakuen after half an hour. I'm in the train right now, and just about to arrive. Don't be late.

And with no further ado, he turned around, and began running towards Kaijo Gakuen. He ran so fast it was if his life depended on it. He ran so fast, people wondered if wind only just passed by as he ran pass by them.

His heart was already set for no one but Kise, this he knew, but Tetsu was still a big part of his life.

The teal-head will always be his shadow, after all. Whatever happens, Kuroko will always be an important person to him. So don't take him away. Don't take him away. Even if I need to kneel forever, bring him back!

Even if the phantom player liked scaring him or surprising him, the said guy had always been one of his most loyal friends, who didn't give up on him no matter what.

With few tears trickling down his eyes in desperation, he arrived in Kaijo panting. He made a turn, and ran towards the gym. He saw something gold, and sighed upon hearing Kise's wails from the door. "Damn you, Tetsu, look what you've done." He grunted, and walked slower.

"Aomine-kun, you're so perverted, and weird."

"Hah. So are you, you shorty."

"You don't have any say to this, Aomine-kun, but I was actually about to let it slip, but you dared to mention my height. Don't even try stopping this pass because it won't work, you over friend dough."

"GAAAAAAAAAAAH! My stomach! What the fuck, Tetsu? Really, an ignite pass kai on me?!"

He grabbed the crying blonde, and pulled him into his chest. "Aommmiiinnneeecccchiiii!"

He patted the blonde. "I know. We'll find him. We will. Akashi won't let this go just like that. Come on, we need to go." He murmured, and took Kise's bag. "I'm taking him with me. We have a very serious business to attend."

"What business? Hey, what about prac—"

"It's Tetsu." He snapped.

And that shut up everyone.


Midorima looked up when a hand moved his bangs away from his eyes. He blinked upon seeing a grinning Takao in front of him. The dark-head sat across him. "That's rare. What brought you in here, nanodayo?"

Takao chuckled. "You. You haven't been going home with me for few days, so I wanted to make a special request today. Let's go home with rickshaw? Please, Shin-chan?"

"No. I need to finish my works tonight. If I go home with you, you'd take me somewhere else again, and we'd have some fun instead of doing what we need to do instead." The green-head complained.

"Eeeeh? I rarely ask for anything! Come on, Shin-cha—" Takao was interrupted when Midorima's phone vibrated on the table. He stood up from his seat, and went behind the green-head as they both read message.

Sender: Akashi Seijuuro

Subject: This is serious.

Mess: I'm fine if Kazunari's reading this too. Tetsuya's missing. He's been missing since yesterday. No one knows where he is. We need to find him or else I think it will be too late. Let us meet in front of Seirin Gakuen after half an hour. I'm in the train right now, and just about to arrive. Don't be late.

Takao gasped behind him. "N-No way! But we just saw each other three days ago in the park, and even talked for awhile…!"

Midorima closed his phone, and grabbed his bag after closing the book he was reading. "Takao, let's go, nodayo."

The dark-head blinked in surprise. "Eh? Where?"

"Seirin. Where else, nanodayo?" He answered, and ran towards the door. He was feeling a little uneasy minute after another until Takao took one his hands, and squeezed it. "Takao, what—"

Takao raised his eyes, and smiled. "It'll be fine, Shin-chan. Akashi will surely find him. Calm down, Shin-chan. You need to calm yourself. Panicking won't help." The dark-head comforted as he reached for the green-head's cheek, and wiped the tear that betrayed the latter.

He nodded, and took slow and deep breaths—glad that someone was actually there on situations like this. On situations when he couldn't handle it by myself.

"Midorima-kun, I see, you've finally found a suitable shadow or partner. I shall say I'm surprised."

"I did not. Takao just does as he wants. I never asked him to be my shadow or partner. Besides, he's neither of the two, nanodayo."

"I stand corrected. I see now, I guess he is more than your friend after all. I should have known."

"Yes, indeed, Kuroko. He is more than—Wait, no! That's not what I meant, nanodayo!"

He could make a mess sometimes, and was on-point on everything. Kuroko was so blunt that he irritated Midorima most of the time. Kuroko was stubborn. Kuroko was a persistent that guy had always been there for him, and never changed his attitude even if they faced each other in the court so many times, and won. Midorima had always felt that Kuroko had always treated him as a true friend of his.

He looked at Takao, and the latter smiled in encouragement.

And Kuroko's also the reason how I ended up being with this guy, nanodayo.

So don't let him disappear. Whatever risks, bring him back, nanodayo.

Please…bring him back. Bring Kuroko back.


Murasakibara stood up, and then paced back, and forth, and ended up sitting across Himuro again in boredom. With a lollipop inside his mouth, he grunted, "Muro-chin, aren't you done yet?"

The dark-head raised his head, and sighed. "Atsushi, this is both our work, so don't complain. I'm almost done with the class register. I'll be done after a minute." He murmured, and resumed on writing the names of their classmates on the record given by him. He raised his eyes, and saw the violet-head crunching his lollipop, so he took out a pocky box and handed it to the other. "Here, satisfy yourself. But brush your teeth later."

He felt victory when Murasakibara's eyes glinted in happiness as he took the pocky box, and opened it. After eating two pieces along with his partner, Himuro finally finished. He then stood up. "I'll just give this in the Faculty Room. You stay here, I'll be right back."

Murasakibara watched in silence as his partner went out of the room. He was about to take another piece of pocky when his phone rang a little. After taking it out, he read the message he didn't expect.

Himuro hummed as he walked back to their room. He looked at the pamphlet that he saw earlier, and decided on taking Murasakibara there. Excited for the other's reaction, he ran, and opened their room's door. "Atsushi, do you want—A-Atsushi?!" He gasped as he saw a sobbing-helplessly Murasakibara on his usual seat. He approached the latter, and cupped the center player's cheeks. "Talk to me. What happened?"

The violet-head sobbed. "Kuro-chin's missing…Kuro-chin's disappeared!" He sniffed, and tried to wipe the tears away, but failed. "Muro-chin, Kuro-chin's vanished! W-What if he doesn't come back? What if he's totally gone? K-Kuro-chin—"

The dark-head leaned, and placed a small kiss on the violet-head's forehead. "Calm down, Atsushi. Don't cry. We'll head over there now, so calm down. We'll find him, so stop crying." When the center began to calm down, he took both of their bags, and reached for Murasakibara's hand. "Let's go."

While running towards the nearest bus station, different conclusions had come to both of their minds.

"Murasakibara-kun, how come you're so tall?"

"I dunno. I'm just tall. You're so short, why are you so short, Kuro-chin?"

"Murasakibara-kun, you really like pissing me off, don't you? You don't get the treat I bought for you."

"Eeeeh? Kuro-chin, why? Kuro-chin, my treat~"

Despite the fights they usually had, Murasakibara always felt like it'd be incomplete if that particular phantom player would disappear. Regardless of his usual bored expression, he cared for Kuroko, for only the teal-head had ever made him realize how enjoyable basketball really was.

Why take him away? What did he ever do?

Don't take him away, no one's ready…

Aka-chin needs him. We need him~ Bring him back.


A week has already passed since Kuroko disappeared out of a sudden. He was still out of reach. No one could still track him down. Nobody could tell why he's suddenly vanished.

It was so abrupt that no one expected it. After gathering them all together about three days ago, Akashi has assigned placed to each pair to look for that certain teal-head as much as possible. He also printed, and photocopied pictures of the teal-head, so that his connections could pass them out if ever anyone had seen the teal-head.

Akashi spent sleepless nights managing his time with his team, the works his father gave him, and finding for Kuroko. He always fulfilled the former two, but failed helplessly on the latter. Whatever research or tactic he did, he couldn't find the phantom player.

Even after using the recent call history with the teal-head, he had no lead. If only he knew it would become like this, he would have recorded their last conversation.

He gritted his teeth, and slammed his head onto his desk. "Seijuuro, don't think of that as last conversation. You're absolute. You'll find him. You'll bring him back."

Akashi looked at the ring he had on his left hand's ring finger. It was a partner to the one Kuroko has. Well, if he'd think about it, he kind of forced it to the teal-head, he did hope the latter was wearing it though. "…I'll bring him back." He murmured, and began establishing connections again.

"I'll bring my Tetsuya back in my side. After all," he paused, and closed his eyes, as hopeless tears streamed down his cheeks. He covered his face, and wept silently.

"Is this punishment?" He growled to no one. "Am I being punished for what I did back in Teiko? Is 'karma' finally throwing difficulties at me for what I made particular people feel few months of a year ago? Are you going to take him away because I didn't take good care of him?" He grunted as he glared at the ceiling.

His eyes widened a fraction when the teal-head reached for his hands. "Tetsuya?"

"It's so cold." The latter murmured before squeezing his hands.

He smiled, and leaned his forehead against the teal-head's. "Feel warmer now?"

Kuroko smiled slightly, and nodded. "You're surprisingly warm, Akashi-kun."

"I'm human, Tetsuya. I am, indeed, warm." He murmured.

Kuroko paused. "Sorry, we were so distant with each other that I never noticed…no, more like, I never knew."

He took a deep and painful breath, and exhaled.

"Akashi-kun!" Was a certain someone's call from meters in front of him.

He raised his head from what he was reading. "It seems you're late, Tet—" He was cut mid-sentence when as his eyes raised, and caught the teal-head's form—it suddenly struck him.

"Sorry, I'm late. Were you waiting for long?" The other answered with a small smile.

He blinked, and stared at Kuroko as the latter walked towards him with…which seemed to appear as white and pure, transparent wings on his back.

"He's Kuroko Tetsuya! He's my Kuroko Tetsuya! He's my ray of shine. He's my light. He's my hope. He's my life." He bit his bottom lip, and frowned as his eyes glowed. "Whatever you do, fate, don't you dare take him away from me. Please, don't take him away."


Akashi leaned his head against the bench's headrest. He was currently in Tokyo to meet up with his former team members. He massaged his temples, and felt his heart clench upon realizing how many days had passed.

He closed his eyes, "Two weeks. He's been missing for two weeks." He murmured, and sighed in exasperation. He reopened his eyes when he heard something painful make contact with something concrete. It seemed to be Seirin's ace punching the barrier of the fountain.

Kagami growled, "I searched everywhere! I even asked Nigou for help, but we still failed! Every after practice, I asked people if they saw him! But…ugh! Sorry…I failed…"

Kise, with trembling hands, mumbled uncharacteristically, "A-A-A-Akasshicchi, s-s-s-sorry, I-I-I contacted everyone I know, but no one saw him. S-S-Sorrryyy, ssu…Sorry, I failed…"

Aomine glared at the ground, grumbling, "I skipped half of the two weeks' practice to look. I didn't tell Momoi, because she'd be crazy worried, so I did my best to look for the most secret parts of everywhere, but I didn't see Tetsu…Damn it, just damn it…"

He looked at the other two pairs, and already knew their answers. Midorima was about to explain when he suddenly became quite ashamed of himself for his bad news, and just looked away. Murasakibara wasn't eating, and was just fondling with his hands, obviously bearing the same result.

He sighed in exhaustion, and stared at the gray skies. It looked like it would rain hard pretty soon.

"A-Akashicchiii, what if—What if Kurokocchi's really gone?"

"Don't bring up such worthless conclusions, Kise!" Kagami growled.

And Kise gasped, "S-S-Sorry, I…" He gulped, and trailed off.

Aomine frowned, and grabbed Kagami's collar. "You dumbass, don't take it out on others! You're Tetsu's classmate! You should know everything among us all!"

"You bastard—"

Midorima stood between the two. "You two, stop it, nanodayo. This won't solve anyt—" He was taken aback when Kagami's punch instead landed on him when Aomine dodged.

Takao went to his side. "Shin-chan, are you alright?" He mumbled. "You guys, be careful!" He grunted.

Murasakibara sighed. "This is so troublesome~"

"What did you say, you titan?!" Aomine grunted, and glared at the violet-head. "For you to say such, don't you even care about Tetsu?" He growled. When the violet-head didn't reply, Aomine lost all rationality and hit the center's face. "YOU BASTARD!"

Himuro stepped in. "Don't hit him! He's really like—" He dodged the blow that almost landed on his nose. "I was thinking of keeping quiet, but you're really violent, aren't you?"

Kise gasped when Aomine fell on his butt at Himuro's kick. "A-Aominecchi!"

Akashi sighed. "You guys…" He murmured under his breath. "Stop i—" He was interrupted when he saw something –or someone—on the usually abandoned or empty bench across him meters away. With widened eyes, he stood up. "This couldn't be possible…" He mumbled in disbelief.

He looked at his former –and two that weren't—and hissed, "STOP THIS RIDICULOUS ACTIONS THIS INSTANT, YOU SEVEN!"

And the seven finally broke apart. "A-Akashicchi, what's the matter?" Kise murmured as Akashi took steps forwards.

Akashi was planning on taking his steps slowly when he saw the figure twitch, and move a little. So, in the end, he began to run towards the one he had hoped to be the being they were looking for for two weeks.

Upon arriving in front of the teal-head individual, he murmured, "Tetsuya?" For the first time in his life, he felt so unsure.

The teal-head raised his head, and that familiar face suddenly brought back so many memories, and sadness into Akashi's both mind and heart. He fell on his knees before taking Kuroko's hands. "Tetsuya, we've finally found you."

He squeezed the phantom player's hands, and the other winced in pain. That was when he realized something. He blinked, and inspected Kuroko's full body, and gasped internally upon seeing Kuroko's swollen eyes, bleeding lips, bleeding nose, scratched face, bent ear, bruised necks, bruised and wounded arms, bleeding knees, and twisted ankles. The latter wasn't also wearing any shoes. His shirt was torn. His pants had holes and cuts. His hair was also wet, sticky and had splatters of blood.

With careful touch, Akashi caressed Kuroko's cheek. "Tetsuya…" He murmured, and upon capturing the teal-head's eyes, his heart cracked. They were lifeless, cold, and distant. The lips that usually formed a smile had also completely had made frown.

"Talk to us, Tetsuya." He ordered.

Kuroko looked at him, and opened his mouth. After a moment of silence, he surprised everyone with, "Leave me alone. Don't go near me. I hate you."

"O-Oi, Kuroko—" Kagami started.

The teal-head frowned as he gazed back at Akashi. "I despise you among you all, Akashi-kun." He spat before standing up, and running away.

When they tried to chase after him, he had already vanished.

"Tell me, Tetsuya, did you ever hate me?" He mumbled as he glanced at the teal-head beside him.

Kuroko blinked, and shook his head with a small smile. "You gave me hope and light when I was in the verge of giving up. So I have never ever considered hating you, Akashi-kun."

So why…?

"I despise you among you all, Akashi-kun."

A/N: Ok, I know, it wasn't that feel-y. I just didn't feel like I have that much of feels in me after I wrote so many feels for 'I'm Fine.'

Anyway, I hope you still liked it!

After all, it's just the start! I promise I'd do better on the next chapters!



He opened Seirin's gym's door, and didn't expect the situation in front of him.

Akashi blinked thrice when a ball almost hit his face straight on. He caught it on time, and raised it. "Whose team does it belong?" He asked.

"Our team." Kuroko, who was suddenly in front of him, answered. He took the ball from Akashi's hand, and turned around. He surprised everyone when he suddenly dropped the ball with his shaking hands.

Akashi approached him. "What's the matter?"

Kuroko frowned, and then stared at his trembling hands. "I-I-I can't…"

"You can't what?" He prompted.

The teal-head fell on his knees as Riko approached them, and picked up the ball. "He's been like this since he reappeared. He can't hold or tap the ball…It seems that Kuroko-kun can't play basketball anymore." She whispered.

A/N: Like I said, sorry.