
A lonesome figure walked out from the door that leading to the rooftop, her left hand casually tucked in the pocket while her right hand holding a lighter, trying to lit up the cigarette that was placed between her lips.

The girl face was shrouded by the shadow of the worn out black hoodie she was wearing, making her expression unreadable. Her long blonde hair tucked in the hat with some strand out from it making the girl have some messy looking hair. The hoodie was opened up until it reached her stomach revealing a short light blue necktie that was tied loosely and white buttoned up shirt and on her back she was carrying a rather big black backpack.

The smoke from her cigarette when she finally succeed lit it up was like trying to reaching the sky with a small dance as following the wind direction. The girl inhaled sharply the cigarette before exhaled the smoke out from her lungs and then leaned her back towards the wall behind her, just right beside the door she walked out a minute ago.

The girl stayed in the same position for a few minutes, enjoying the serene that the empty place offered to her when a low beep voice come out from her pocket and interrupted the serene. The girl pulled out her phone from her pocket and as her azure eyes read at the text she just receives.

"It's time." The blonde hair girl muttered in a small low voice before she tucked in the phone on her pocket once again and threw her cigarette on the ground and step on it. She then opened her backpack, pulling out a small rifled gun and with a calm and collected step she walked towards the iron net gate that was putted at the end of the rooftop.

She then positioned her gun mouth into the net hole and lowered herself so her eyes on the looking through telescope sight and closed her right eyes. Trying to taking a better aim on her target, a bold politician man who just came out from the building and walking leisurely towards his car.

"Sayonara, Mr. Kurosaki." The blonde haired girl muttered before she pulled her rifle trigger and watching from the telescope how her target was shoot right on head and fall dead in the dirty cemented floor in a few seconds.

Mission Accomplish


At the same time when the politician was shoot to death, a girl with long blue hair was standing at the dojo with a bow on her hands as she took an aim at the target board that was placed a few meters ahead from her. Her brown eyes with a hint of gold when the sun shine on it looked at the target board focused and piercingly.

She took a deep breath as if trying to calm her nerves and more focused at the task in her hands right now before she finally let go of the string in her fingers, sending the arrow flew away and piercingly stab the target board right on the small red dot that was placed in the middle of it.

"That was really great, Umi-chan!" a loud excited voice shouted from the bench that was placed in the back of the dojo so someone can watch the practice more comfortable without disturbing the archer which successfully breaking the silent that was lingering in the dojo a minutes ago accompanied by a loud exciting claps.

The blue hair girl smiled with a shy smiled as her cheeks turn color into slight red, "Thank you, Kotori-sama." She said in a soft voice as she bowed politely towards the young heiress of Minami Corporation and her mistress.

Kotori smiled a soft angelic smiled as she walked towards Umi and grab both of the latter hands, much to the other girl surprised as her cheeks become redder at the contact that the young heiress initiated. Umi should be by this time already get used with the affection that her mistress always love to shown to her, and yet here she is never getting used by Kotori's action.

"Geez Umi-chan, how many times should I tell you to not call me with such honorific?" Kotori asked with a pouted on her lips.

Umi can only ducked her head down, can't looked straightly at the cute display that Kotori shown to her and mumbled, "B-But Kotori-sama is-"

"Umi-chan." Kotori warned in a soft yet strict voice, "I know that my mother hired you to be my bodyguard, but we've been together since we were kids you know? And I consider you as my best friend just like Honoka-chan!"

Umi heart wrenched slightly at the ' best friend' words but decide to ignored the feelings as she thought that it must be just her imagination because of the fact that someone as lowly as her considered by the young heiress as her best friend really are something that she should be forever grateful.

"Now let us go and meet with Honoka-chan." Kotori said with a smiled plastered on her face. "She's been waiting for us for a while now."

"I apologized, this is all because of me and my training that you're late from the meeting with Honoka-sama."

"It's not you fault, silly Umi-chan." Kotori said as she giggled slightly. "Eventhough I don't understand why you have to work this hard. Umi-chan is already strong enough!"

Umi shook her head, "No. I'm not strong enough." She muttered softly as her eyes lingering for a split second towards the burn mark on Kotori's right shoulder that was hidden by the t-shirt that Kotori's wore. A mark that will be in there for the rest of her mistress life, as like a bitter reminder about how she once failed to protect the girl.

I promise to you that this time I won't fail to protect you, Kotori. I will do anything to make sure you're save even if it means I will lose my life.


"This is not what I want. Do it again." A girl with scarlet hair said with a frown on her face as she throw the files she's been holding to the man in front of her who quickly bowed down and took the files back and retread hurriedly as he afraid that if she stayed there for a few more minutes he will be shouted at.

The girl let out a small sighed as soon as her door room closed. She stood up from her working chair and walked towards the windows that was placed just a few steps away from her working desk. Her scarlet hair that was tied in a low left side ponytail and placed on her shoulder bouncing slightly in every step she took.

Being a neurosurgeon was already stressful enough with many patients and job to think about, yet here she is not just being a neurosurgeon but also the owner of the hospital which doubled up her job as she also has to check many reports from other doctors as well. It's really stressful and sometimes she just can't help but wonder how her late father did that in the first place.

"Dr. Nishikino." A voice from the intercom suddenly came out and successfully pulled out the scarlet hair girl from her thoughts.

The girl let out a small sighed once again for the nth time of the day before she walked back towards her working desk and pressed the button on the intercom, "Yes?" she asked in an annoyed and tired tone of voice.

"There's Yazawa-"

Hearing that name makes the scarlet hair girl eyes lit up as she quickly interrupted whatever her secretary want to say, "Send her in."

A few seconds then the knocking voice can be heard before the door was opened up and revealing a small figure of a raven hair girl who holding a lunch box on her right hand. Her hair was tied into twin tails and she looked at the scarlet girl with a frown on her face.

"You forget your lunch, again." The raven hair girl said as she walked in the room and put the lunch box on the desk. "You really like to forget your lunch, aren't you? What are you gonna do once I went oversea for my concert? Starving to the death?"

"It's not like I purposely left my lunch box or anything." The scarlet hair girl retorted.

"Yeah sure." The raven hair girl said while rolling her eyes.

"What's with that response?" The scarlet girl said as she narrowed her eyes towards the raven hair girl, "Beside I can always eat the cafeteria lunch-"

"Oh no you don't! It's not healthy!"

"This is hospital, of course the food is healthy."

"It's not, not compared to the lunch that I always made in the morning."

"You're so unbelievable, Nico-chan." The scarlet hair girl said while rolling her eyes.

The raven hair girl gave out a smirked, "You're the one to talk, Maki."

Nico then pulled Maki's white coat, making Maki leaned closer to the raven hair girl before she crashed her lips into Maki's soft lips. They kiss for a few second before the raven hair girl pulled away and gave the blushing scarlet hair girl her signature smiled.

"You forget giving me a good bye kiss this morning, Maki-chan. That's why I low of energy and need to refill it."


"You're so cute." Nico said in a small chuckled before she leaned in and kiss the blushing girl cheeks and patted her head. "Don't push yourself too hard okay, Doctor? Remember to eat your lunch and don't go home too late."

"You don't need to tell me what to do." Maki said in a huffed as she folded her arms on her chest. She looked kind of annoyed but the small smiled on her face said the otherwise and makes Nico let out a small chuckled once again. Her girlfriend sure is cute.

A/N: This is the first time I wrote Fanfition and I don't know if I'm doing well or anything. I'm new to the forum.. so yeah, please forgive me if there's any error here and there. I'm sorry for the grammar error too, English is not my first language so yeah… I hope you guys enjoy this. Thanks for reading my story and till the next chap! XD

Review are pretty much appreciate.