Disclaimer: Don't own shit, last chap.

It didn't occur to her until the following morning at breakfast that she'd pretty much shouted 'we can sleep together again' loud enough for her girlfriend's parents to hear her, resulting in none-too-subtle encouragement from Ingvar and more than a little teasing from Merida, Olaf, and Marshall. While they at least had the courtesy to blush and stammer out an explanation- that, no, that's not what was meant- neither young woman was in any position to complain about the gentle teasing. It was a vast improvement over the previous few days, all of them laughing and joking and just talking, no hint of tension in anyone.

Ingvar even invited Elsa and Anna to accompany him to work, which resulted in a parade of animated introductions to everyone from board executives to the security guards who manned the door. While the blonde was seeing many familiar faces and a few new ones, very few had met Anna before, and the redhead had to fight not to show her absolute amusement throughout the day. The hardest part of the whole experience was determining who was prouder: Elsa or Ingvar.

They spent the next few days touring the IKEA corporate buildings or sightseeing around Amsterdam, with either Ingvar or Idunn acting as their guide. Merida, Marshall, and Olaf tagged along as well, offering their colorful commentary and sneaking the couple off for a few hours to engage in random shenanigans- one day, they hopped on a train without even reading where it was headed and ended up in some city Anna couldn't pronounce. It took them the remained of the day to get back home but totally worth the diversion.

Meals were a family affair now, with the Norwegians teasing Anna and Merida about their aversion to food that could look at them. The redheads, however, quickly teamed up, demanding a traditional Scottish dinner one night that had the others nervous. Anna couldn't understand how people who regularly ate fish with dead eyes staring at them the whole meal could balk at the dish... until she found out that the whole 'sheep innards' thing wasn't a cultural misconception. Still, it tasted pretty good and it didn't stare at her, so Anna was alright with it, much to Elsa's confusion.

They decided to keep traditional fish and sheep innards meals to once-in-a-while events and stick to Tony's for their date nights.

With everything turning around so suddenly, the trip to The Netherlands was over almost too soon. Anna had just started feeling the subtle itch to go back to America when they found themselves back at the terminal, Elsa's parents and friends sending them off with smiles and only a few tears.

Elsa was talking to her mother, the two having reconciled in the past few days, while Anna stood off to the side, listening to Olaf's animated retelling of her punching Hans at the party.

She didn't remember riding in on a velociraptor, though.

"Anna, could I have a word with you before you depart?" Ingvar gently guided her a few steps away from the others with a hand on her shoulder.

"Uh, sure." The redhead laughed nervously, glancing back at Elsa. She hadn't really had a one-on-one conversation with the blonde's father yet but, she mentally conceded, her father had spoken to Elsa one-on-one, and that probably didn't turn out too bad. Come to think of it, she wasn't sure what they talked about during that time.

Maybe she should ask.

"First, I would like to thank you for your... patience." Ingvar's eyes flicked towards his daughter. "I understand we were not as... friendly as we should've been and I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding."

"It's fine, really." Anna smiled. "I'm just glad we were able to straighten everything out. I know it was tough on Elsa."

"Yes, she mentioned that you were quite steadfast in keeping her from giving both of us an earful." He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "She's grown into a fine young woman. I'm very proud of her." He was quiet a moment before looking at the redhead. "There was a time when my approval was paramount in her mind, something she sought and prized above all else... but that distinction has passed to you, now. When you have a child of your own, you'll understand what I mean when I say that she means the world to me. Please, guard the love, trust, and faith she's placed in you well. I don't think I could handle seeing her heartbroken."

Anna blinked, suddenly fighting back tears. "Honestly, I don't think I could handle that either."

Ingvar nodded, smiling wide as he clapped her on the shoulders. "I've never been so happy she chose to study in America. Idunn and I will arrange to visit as soon as possible."

"I'll tell my parents as soon as-" Anna puffed out a breath as Ingvar pulled her into a tight hug.

"Elsa said your parents are the 'hugging type'."

The redhead laughed, returning the embrace. "Yeah, we all are."

"I feel like I missed an important development." Anna and Ingvar looked at Elsa and Idunn, the former smiling while the latter seemed pleasantly confused.

"Come here, Snowflake." Anna reached out, grabbing the blonde's arm and pulling her in while Ingvar coaxed his wife closer, the four of them chuckling as Olaf, Marshall, and Merida joined in. "Group hugs are the best, huh?"

"They certainly have their merits," Elsa replied, glancing at her watch. "But we'll need to get through security now if we're going to make our flight." She gave her parents pecks on their cheeks. "I love you both. Please, come see us soon. And you three are more than welcome to come visit, too."

"Oh, we should've gotten tickets so we could fly back with you!" Olaf bounced on the balls of his feet until Marshall placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"I think we should let the happy couple have some time to recover before we go visit." He winked at them, prompting both young women to chuckle and the elder Frossen to frown slightly.

Merida blew a particularly unruly strand of hair out of her face. "Tis nae lik' we bide in th' nineteenth hunners, wee jimmies. We kin keep in titch wit' th' wonders o' technology, mind?"

"Exactly!" Anna and Elsa went to grab their bags, a little heavier with some souvenirs. "It was wonderful meeting all of you!"

They traded a few more goodbyes and promises to meet up again soon before the couple were able to make their way to the terminal. They still had some time before boarding began, so they found two chairs next to each other and sat down, as close as the seats would allow.

"So, that went really well, I think." Anna commented, wrapping an arm around Elsa's shoulders as the blonde rolled her eyes.

"How do you figure?"

"Well, you said that I should trust you because your parents would love me. And you were absolutely right." She pressed a quick kiss to her girlfriend's temple. "I shouldn't have doubted you, even for a second."

"Oh, I know you didn't doubt me. You just let this-" she tapped a finger against Anna's forehead "-work you up for no reason."

"Fair enough." Anna laughed. "I'll work on that."

Elsa rested her head on the redhead's shoulder. "Kristoff's going to pick us up from the airport, right?"

"Yeah, talked to him last night." She'd actually called Kristoff quite a few times during their trip, though most of their Skype conversations boiled down to her venting her frustrations and him listening. The last few, though, revolved around the sights she'd seen and occasionally featured Sven, Eugene, Rapunzel, or another of their friends popping in to say hi. Sven more than the others, though, seeing as he was very interested in visiting Europe himself one day. Well, specifically- "Hey, wait a minute." Anna pulled back, waiting until Elsa was looking at her before continuing. "We never even went to London to see the Sweeny Todd Museum!"

The blonde instantly blushed, a small smile claiming her lips. "Uh, Sunshine, about that..."

Anna shook her head. "So you were toying with my American sensibilities."

"No, I saw an opportunity to broach the topic and took it."

"And promptly forgot about it."


They both laughed, Anna pulling Elsa into a kiss. "I love you, Snowflake, even if you lured me here under false pretenses."

"I love you too, Sunshine."

Her second trans-Atlantic flight felt much longer than the first, though she was at least able to catch a few hours' sleep during that time. It disoriented her a bit, though, when they disembarked and noted the local time.

"We left later in the day and lost hours going against the time zones instead of with them." Elsa explained as they collected their luggage. "Jet lag's a pain, trust me."

"Yeah, no kidding. I feel like we only left a few hours ago and it's already noon!"

"That's why I warned you to take an extra three days off from work after our return flight. It'll take some time to adjust your sleep schedule."

Anna frowned, responding with a noncommittal 'right' as she realized they would be going back to their respective apartments. She had to unpack, do laundry, all those little things that came with returning home from a vacation.

She suddenly wished she'd thought ahead enough to just go to Elsa's after getting back.

"There's Kristoff." Elsa's voice brought her back to the present, a smile erupting as she caught sight of Elsa's beat up pickup pulling into the loading zone.

"Good to see my two favorite ladies back!" Kristoff got out of the truck and wrapped them both up in a hug, helping throw their bags into the back of the truck.

"It's good to see you too, Kris." Elsa slid into the middle seat, allowing Anna to take the window. "I trust everything went well in our absence."

"You bet!" He opened his mouth as though to say something else but thought better of it, throwing the truck into gear. "Let's get you two home so you can start your recovery. Visiting the 'rents is always an... experience."

The three of them idly talked on the drive back to Elsa's apartment, rehashing some of the events- this time, she wasn't riding a velociraptor when she punched Hans, though given Kristoff's reaction, she might as well have been- and learning of some recent developments between Anna's and Kristoff's friends. The blond seemed genuinely surprised and impressed that Anna planned on letting the crew in on her secret, remarking that he was certain they'd probably tease her about it for a week and then forget all about it.

Except Eugene.

"I think you've got him beat, though, so you shouldn't worry about it."

Elsa narrowed her eyes as Kristoff made the turn into her apartment complex. "Wait, he's seen-"

"Not intentionally!" Anna crossed her arms over her chest. "Someone doesn't always knock when he enters a room and not one more word about it, Kris, or so help me, I will make you regret it!"

The blond chuckled, stopping the truck by Elsa's apartment and throwing it in park. "Well, last stop, everyone."

"Last stop? Kris-" Anna did a double take, quirking a brow. "Wait, what's my Mini doing here?" Sure enough, there it was, parked next to Elsa's Golf. When the redhead looked back to her two companions, both of them were wearing matching, conspiritory smiles. "What's going on?"

"I... hope you don't mind. I thought it would be a nice surprise." Elsa gently nudged her shoulder, encouraging her to get out of the truck.

"Yeah, I explained everything to Sven already, so he's cool if you decide you want your old room back." Kristoff got out, still smiling as Anna put the pieces together.

"My old room?"


"As in, my room in the apartment that we share?"

"Well... not anymore." He nodded towards Elsa, who was standing beside the redhead. "You've got a new roommate now."

Anna, dumbfounded, looked to the blonde for an explanation.

"That's why I wanted Kristoff to have all the keys. He, uh, moved your stuff over and did some... rearranging. You already have a key and everything, so..." Elsa reached up towards her braid but Anna intercepted her hand, meeting the blonde's gaze as she smiled. "I guess the only thing that's left is to officially ask you. Will you move in with me, Sunshine?"

Anna laughed. "Saying no at this point would be really silly, wouldn't it?"

"It's still an option-"

"Shush, no it's not, it's too late, I'm not letting you back out now!" Anna reached into the bed of the truck and grabbed their bags, pushing Elsa's into her hands while taking her own. "I can't wait to see it! Can we cuddle? Please tell me we can cuddle!"

"Slow down, Feisty Pants." Kristoff laughed. "I'm sure you'll have plenty of time for- oof!"

Anna laughed as she knocked the wind out of her best friend, leaning back to lift him an inch or so off the ground. "Kris, you're the best! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, I think I got the better end of the deal anyway." He teased, patting her on the back. "Now go cuddle with your girl, and don't be a stranger, okay? I don't think Elsa's met Sven yet, so come on by for dinner sometime."

"Definitely!" Anna laughed, waiting for Elsa to round the vehicle before they went up to the apartment, waving a final goodbye to Kristoff. "So, you had this planned before we even left?"

"It wasn't hard, Sunshine." Elsa smirked. "You were a bit busy freaking out about the trip. I think you even walked in when Kristoff and I were talking about it once and you didn't even notice."

"That's definitely something I probably did." She laughed, fishing out her key and unlocking the door. "Okay, are we ready?"

"Sure?" Elsa raised a brow, mildly amused by the redhead's excitement.

Anna took a breath, then opened the door and stepped into their apartment.

The entryway didn't look too different, except there were now pictures on the walls featuring the two of them together and some with Anna's friends. In the living room, Anna could see the wall mounted TV was replaced with an entertainment center, Elsa's gaming platforms tucked neatly into the sections. Games were stored beneath them while movies partially filled out the sides. The bookcases formerly located in the bedroom had been moved out as well, with an additional bookcase filled with Anna's favorite titles and textbooks, and the couch was replaced with a full set the redhead had shown Elsa on their trip to IKEA during Spring Break. The dining room set was also swapped out with one Anna had chosen.

"Oh wow." Anna looked around, absolutely amazed at how much the space had changed. Elsa gently nudged her to keep going, the two of them heading into the bedroom next.

Anna was floored the moment the door opened. Without the posters, bookcases, and desk, the room looked nothing like it used to, instead filled with another dresser- again, Anna's choice. Rather than pushed to one side the bed now stood in the center, with matching night stands and lamps on either side. Anna dropped her bag, hands going up to cover her mouth in order to contain the squeal of joy welling in her throat.

"Elsa, this is- just- amazing!" The redhead saw the vanity in the corner, big enough for both of them to use, and the closet already separated with her clothes hung neatly on the right side. "But, I mean, your stuff! The posters and your computer and-"

"It's in the other room." Her girlfriend gently took her by the arm, leading her towards the back of the apartment. Sure enough, that spare room was transformed into a functional study, with two desks- Elsa's and one Anna had been dying to get for years- and chairs, Elsa's side reflecting her gaming passion with posters while Anna's side... had very familiar posters of certain boy bands. "I may have talked to your parents a couple of weeks ago about borrowing some things from your room at their place."

Words. Words absolutely failed her at the moment. Anna turned, pulling Elsa into a bruising kiss and squeezing her tight.

"Snowflake... I just..." Tears stung at her eyes and the redhead gave up hope on vocalizing, instead burying her head in Elsa's shoulder and holding onto her, relieved when she felt fingers slowly massaging her scalp.

"I got to thinking about the trip, how we were going all the way to The Netherlands for my birthday, but we didn't do anything for yours. You didn't even tell me when your birthday was until it had passed and I didn't press the issue because... well, we were both a little silly and secretive back then, weren't we?" Elsa chuckled as Anna just nodded her head, tears slowly soaking into the other woman's shirt. "And, while we- for all intents and purposes- already live together, I thought making it official would be a nice belated birthday surprise."

"So it's ours now?" Anna pulled back, sniffling slightly despite the wide smile on her face. "Not just yours but ours?"

"Yes, all ours, Sunshine. And it's in need of only a few minor adjustments." At her raised brow, Elsa carefully excused herself, leaving the redhead to just stand and wonder about how, not even a full year ago, she'd been completely convinced that reaching this stage in a relationship, period, was impossible.

And yet here she was, standing in an apartment that she was sharing with her girlfriend.

Words continued to fail her, even in her own head.

"Here we go." Elsa returned, stepping around the redhead to place the music box on her desk, just beside her monitor. She opened the lid, allowing the tune to start playing as she gathered Anna into her arms, the two exchanging another kiss. "Welcome home, Sunshine."

"This is home." Anna buried into Elsa's embrace again, not even fighting the tears. "I love you, Snowflake."

"And I, you, Sunshine."

Two hours later, as they were lying on the couch and fighting to stay awake, Anna sat up suddenly, startling Elsa.

"That jerk!" Anna looked around at all the changes made to the apartment again. "He put all this together! He got to put all of this together! That's what he meant by getting the better end of the deal!"

Elsa quirked a brow at her. "If you'd rather, next time I'll take Kristoff with me and you can put them together."

The redhead was quiet a moment before settling back down. "I didn't say that."

"Right." Her girlfriend laughed, pressing a kiss behind her ear. "Next time I have to set up a display at work, I'll call you to come help. Does that make it up to you?" Anna stared at her for a full two seconds before she amended her offer. "Plus cuddles and a story. Satisfied?"

"Nope." Anna replied, barely feigning a pout before she smiled again. "Because, no matter what, I'll never get enough of you."

Elsa rolled her eyes and laughed, the two returning their attention to the TV.

Anna ended up drifting off not long after, completely content. In a matter of months, she'd experienced more firsts than she cared to count, and her relationship with the wonderful woman holding her had only become stronger for all the trials they'd faced. It was hard not to take a step back and just bask in the serenity while they could, before circumstances cropped up to, once more, throw wrenches into their plans. At least they could always find love, comfort, and support in each other's arms.

And, really, wasn't that what it was all about?

Author's Note: Wait! Before you head down to the review box to comment, read this. So... here's the deal. Remember how I said this was going to be a trilogy? I lied. Turns out, these two will not stop being... well, them, and I realized that about half of what I'd written didn't really fit with what you've read here. So, I split the material and am working on a fourth and final installment. I'm serious this time; after the next one, I'm done with this universe- not because I don't absolutely adore these two but because I've got other projects I need to work on as well. Now, this last one will have a mature rating but it absolutely will not be an all out smut fest. Or even much smut at all, really; you'll probably be disappointed, because I'm pretty sure I suck at writing smut in general. But, it's my intention to round out the universe and tie up the last little bits, so if there's something specific you'd like to see addressed, let me know in some form and I'll do my level best to resolve it. Thanks again for all your support and see you in the next fic!

Oh, and crazylikeart, regarding your question about what would happen if Elsa and Anna left without telling Ingvar and Idunn about Anna's anatomy, only for Elsa to call a while down the road and tell her parents she's pregnant... the first thing that popped into my head was Ingvar very calmly stating that he and Idunn would be on the first flight to America, getting off the computer, and promptly taking off through the halls of IKEA headquarters, hands in the air and cheering, while his secretary calls Idunn to inform her that her husband's apparently lost his mind after talking to his daughter. I don't think Idunn would be terribly surprised about his reaction; she'd probably have their bags packed and the tickets bought by the time Ingvar got home and then spend the whole drive to the airport and half the flight trying to get him to calm his shit.