This makes sense to me, but it's 12:03 am and I'm am extremely sleep deprived, I'll reread it some other time and try to fix it.
Anna swore herself to the crown when she was only 11. She was a good page, a horrible squire, and now an excellent knight. She wasn't in many battles, but the ones she participated in were always smashing victories.
She rode into battle, her red hair flying out behind her, yelling profanities that made even the veterans raise their brows. She was deemed the Crimson Knight after one especially brutal battle left her cloak and armor almost as red as her hair. The King named her an 'Asset to the Crown' and gave her a plot of land right up against the sea shore.
Anna loved it. She constructed her own boats and, after a few faulty attempts, sailed out into the bay almost daily. She fished, dove for clams, and sometimes just rocked with the waves.
One day she was called upon by her King to escort a sorceress across their kingdom.
"She will come to no harm, do you understand?" Anna nodded up at King Agdar and was sent on her way. The sorceress' caravan would enter the kingdom from the East, from the mountains.
Anna didn't like mountains, they hid too many things, obstructed her view too much. Open plains and the shallow ocean were Anna's domain. Where her horse or her ship could take her as fast as the wind.
Anna and another knight, Kristoff (a hulking man, but really a huge teddy bear), travelled until the sun began to set. They set up camp in a small grove of trees and talked about the sorcerer they would meet.
"I've heard she's a powerful ice sorceress," Anna was transfixed by magic, she'd seen a small-time magician who could make entire people disappear. She'd also seen a fire mage burn an entire city to the ground. She was much less transfixed by that.
"I've heard she's amazingly beautiful," Kristoff winked and Anna, who rolled her eyes.
"We should probably get some sleep, we've got another three hours to ride tomorrow." Kristoff pouted at the reminder, he wanted to discuss just how beautiful this sorceress might be. Anna smiled and rolled over on her sleeping mat.
She dreamed of blue eyes and talking snowmen.
The next day saw the two knights right on course for their rendezvous point. They arrived just before midday and pulled their horses to a nearby stream to wait.
They didn't wait long, about half an hour later the sound of whinnying horses and shouts had the knights scrambling for their saddles. Anna swung up onto her mare and saw a carriage hurtling toward them, men riding on huge wolves circling around it like vultures.
The carriage was not what really caught their attention though, neither were the large ride-able wolves, it was the giant snow monster chasing behind it that was by far the hardest to ignore.
"Anna?" Kristoff was already urging his horse forward but Anna hadn't moved yet.
Anna tilted her head, "The snow creature isn't our enemy."
Kristoff narrowed his eyes to question her but the carriage was already upon them. Anna's mare leapt forward at her urging and Anna pulled up alongside the carriage to jump upon it. Anna's warhorse, Rapunzel, kept pace with the wooden death-trap even when Anna was no longer riding her.
Anna threw open the incredibly cold door and stared into the same eyes that were in her dream last night.
There was no spark, no divine singing as the two gazed at each other, just a peace neither knew they didn't have. A peace wholly shattered when a wolf was batted into the other side of the carriage, sending Elsa into Anna and Anna back onto Rapunzel.
"Who are you?" Anna yelled over the howling and roaring, she'd looped her arm through Punzel's saddle and was holding Elsa by the belt. Both were precariously laying over Rapunzel's back, much to the mare's irritation.
"I'm Elsa Arendelle." The blond was clinging to Anna, both metaphorically, for the mind-lulling peace her aura seemed to exude, and literally from falling to her most likely painful death. Anna didn't really think about it at the time, but really didn't mind the ghost of a feeling she recalled later.
"You're the King's daughter?!" Anna was getting awfully close to kissing the woman laying across her and some muddled part of her brain kept repeating 'treason' for some reason.
"Yes, are you going to kiss me?" Elsa's head wasn't really working either. She knew her magic was actually losing its shit because Marshmallow was almost 40 feet tall and was moving faster than Rapunzel, a fact that only urged Rapunzel on.
"I would like to," Anna had a very foggy memory of the next few moments, but she could recall an impossibly soft and cold pair of lips pressing against her own.
Elsa felt a wall inside her crumble and the wolves and their riders chasing them froze in place because their blood turned to ice. Kristoff and his horse ran right into one, causing it to shatter.
Kristoff was not having a good day. There were wolves and giant snow monsters and Anna was snogging some gorgeous sorceress while he was doing all the work (besides the freezing bit, which was probably the sorceress' work).
When the duo got back to Arendelle, Kristoff would have words for Anna, many words.
An important lesson no one learned form this is that the magic of love and soulmates is far stronger than any illusion or power over the elements. Yes, the power of love would always triumph over logical thinking and sometimes, the forces of evil. Probably because the forces of evil are usually logical.
I mean, we all know that knights are ridiculous creatures that take their newfound sorceress girlfriends out on a boat that unknowingly has a hole in it so their newfound sorceress girlfriend has to literally freeze the ocean so they can make it back to shore.
"It was one time Elsa! One time!"
At least I spell checked it.