"...Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it."

-J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

"...Cel, how-"

"Don't question me."

"You're going to get copyrighted you know."

"I didn't ask you."

BLOOPER! (Paper Mario anyone? -shot-) Trigger warning: stupidity, potential brain cell loss and slight perversity.


His brow wrinkle in concentration as he wrestles the flattened earpads off his old headphones. His fingers keep slipping off the weathered surfaces, not to mention his hands are sweaty.


Taking a different approach, he eases his finger under the lip of the earpad, slowly pulling out the flap that was tucked into the plastic.


He continues along the line of the speaker when his fingers slips out.


Gingerly, his trembling fingers picks at the one section of flap that was still lodged. It could still be saved, it could still be-

"Aw, f[bleep] me!" Neku chucks the internal contraption across the set.

"Gladly honey!"

"Shut up Joshua!"

i. (Take 1)

The Composer schools a desolate expression on his face as he rings his proxy's doorbell.

The door slams open. "I told you I'm not buying anymore bath bombs, dammit- Oh, uh, Josh."

"Okay, cut, cut, he wasn't ready-"

(Take 2)

"Joshua." He, a little surprised, says in acknowledgement to his friend that should have been at the door. Neku stretches his neck out a little further. "Josh…?"

(Take 3)

The door creaks open slowly, revealing Neku who had peace signs held up cutely. He squints at the script he had taped to the inside of the door. "'Ka-Kawaii desuka?' ...Joshuaaa!"

"Hontoni kawaii desu." The fair haired boy deadpanned, snapping pictures with his phone.

(Take 4)

"Dammit Joshua!"

(Take 5)

Shiki clears her throat, gazing up at him seriously. "It's Joshua. I'm-" She leans back to lip read Joshua mouthing his script to her. "I'm sorry?"

"Aw man, did he get drunk again? Please don't tell me he kissed someone."

Adjusting her glasses, the seamstress snickers. "Like last time?"

"This was supposed to be funny, you guys! Not about badmouthing me behind me back!"

(Take 6)

At the infernal rapping of Joshua's fists on his door, Neku swings the door open. "Wh- Oh sh[bleep]! Beat, dude, I'm so sorr-"

(Take 7)

He opens the door a little more carefully this time. "Josh-" An apple is shoved in his face over the cheshire cat grin stretching the boy's face.

"Oh my God, Joshua, can you stop with the bongs*!? I'm not making another one with you!"

"Josh, this was the real run!"

Yoshida turns towards Cel with a pout. "But you said you liked the bong one."

"Well, yeah, but we actually have to finish writing this thing."

Neku blinks from the door before the skin under his eye starts to twitch. "Wait, hold up, were all those 'messed up takes' meant to f[bleep] with me again?!" He whips to Cel off stage. "And you were going along?!"


*Cel does not support drug use in any way. Josh just likes to make them for no particular reason


"So you think this is possible."

"Yes… And since it's italics, does that mean you're the mystery angel?"

"Joshua, the mystery angel asks you to stop breaking the fourth wall and freaking read your lines."

"Man, the mystery angel is such a dick."

"The mystery angel would like to say he loves you too."

"I'm sorry. Neku is my one true love."

"Joshua, I heard that."

"Kya~! Neku-senpai noticed me~"

"The mystery angel is thoroughly smite you if you don't start acting like the Composer."


"She's in the UG, isn't she?! You will take me there!" His voice, hoarse with panic, frantic, eyes wild. Pain flickers in Joshua's eyes. Violet is unable to meet blue.

He places a rare hand of compassion on the wrists that held him up. "I… I can't do… anything Neku."

"I can't find her… because she's right here!" He shakes Neku's grip and gestures to her body in the coffin with the most unnecessary pomp and circumstance, singing the Legend of Zelda 'Get Item' jingle to go along.

The body in the coffin starts to giggle, unable to hold her 'newly deceased' poker face. Dramatic gasps of "No way!' and "Oh. My. Gawd!" erupted from the cast, who all figured it was going to be part of the gag reel anyway.

Beat lifts his hands, falling onto his knees. "IT'S ALIIIIIVVVVE!"

"Are you serious!? That was a good run! THE FIRST GOOD RUN!"

Rhyme grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her vigorously amidst her laughter, wailing a "Why'd they have to get you too?" before bursting into fake tears.

Neku simply facepalms.

xiii. (Take 3)

His hands brushes the siblings' foreheads, watching them topple over, unconscious, before turning toward the form of his proxy.


"For the third time, I'm asking you to fall theatrically, not hurt yourself, Daisukenojo."

"Bwwaah! I'm sorry! Please, no more!"

(Take 4)

"...No….. No….. Not…. Not Neko...Neko-Nek...Neko..." The girl stands and bows awkwardly. "I'm sorry, can we do that one again?"

"Neko got your tongue?"

"'Ey! Nobody gets Rhyme's tongue, you got me?!"

(Take Tw-



"Dammit Joshua!"


(Take 1)

Smoky blue rolls over to the pair of siblings, dull eyes closing to block the sound of Shiki's infernally loud breaking and chewing of her freaking pocky! "Shiki, can you-"

"Just stop being a tsun and ask me for one already." She mutters while making a point to rattle the box. It informs him that there are only a few sticks left.

A sigh of exasperation can be heard off-stage.

Glaring at her reproachfully, he flushes before holding his hand out in a silent plea.

Shiki places two sticks in his waiting palm, beaming all too widely.

(Take 1 - cont.)

"U-Uhm, you're a l-little close. Like kinda uncomfortably so."

The warm puff of air against his face only fans the hot blush further. "W-Well, this is what you need to do to play the pocky game, you know..."

"Just don't talk anymore; this is embarrassing."

"It'll be over soon..."

"T-That's not very reassuring..." Teeth nip closer along the stick towards the mirror image on the other side.

The mouth on the other side hesitates.

A slightly strained chucked. "Giving up?"

A grateful chuck is bitten off, leaving only a millimetres length between opposing lips.

One sides trembles slightly in anticipation.


Joshua smirks, consuming the rest of whatever little pocky stick remained. "I win. Make a bong with me."

Shuddering, his orange haired opponent inches away from the Composer. "Were you actually going to...to..."

"Why of course!"


"Aw man, dammit!" Slamming down his board, Beat swoops up his little sister and sees his board roll away from him through the scramble crowd. Embarrassment coloring his ears and creeping onto his tanned cheeks, the blonde puts his sister down and sullenly walk-of-shames over to retrieve it.


In the cold silence of the apartment set, he stumbles to the bathroom as he quickly peels off his shirt and shorts.




. . .

"Joshua, I'm going to f[bleep]ing murder you."

"Sorry darling, not on me this time."



"Now, Neku, let's not get to hasty- PUT THE LAMP DOW- OH MY GAW- I SWEAR-!"


(Take 1)

"As impressive as evrawr."



(Take 2)

"As impressive as ev-ev... Aw, f[bleep]."

(Take 3)

"As impressive as eveew... Oh God, I'm so sorry, one more time."

"Is there something I'm missing here?"


She stares into a pair of deep blue eyes. But then again, that's the second thing on her mind. Her eyes flutter closed when his arms clasp around her waist and leisurely pull her closer. His irritatingly soft mouth presses a little more insistently, eliciting a surprised squeak when Neku's hand cups the back of her neck to slant his lips against hers more comfortably and deepens their...interaction. He hums lowly, pleased, rumbling through her deliciously.

A low whistle broke through their heated silence. Shiki's eyes snap open, and she hastily disconnects their lips. She did not just make out with Neku on set, camera rolling. His nose buries into her hair. She could figure he was hiding his face in it. Face ridiculously hot, the young lady peeks out of her hideout in Neku's chest to meet four gawking faces plus staff just as red as hers probably was.




"Nekuuu~ Where's mine?"


(Take 1)

"You've shot me twice with it. I think I'm entitled to some quality time with your gun."

The light haired boy giggled, singing, "I have two guns on me~"

"What do you-" The other actor blinked before flushing. "For crissakes- Dammit Joshua!"

(Take 2)

"Oo~ Wrong gun Neku-chin~"


(Take 3)

"Neku, I fully understand this situation, but you guys really can't be flirting on the set."

"I touched his crotch by accident, ACCIDENT!"

"Neku, I thought we..."

"Nonono, Shiki-Shiki, just-Let me explain-"


(Take 1)

For the first time in a few days, his lips quirks up in a semblance of a smile. "Shut up." And the shades are back on. The man pauses for a few minutes, blinking behind dark glass as hs cheeks tint a soft pink.

Joshua snorts, but the barista ignores it and proceds to follow his lines. "Neku?"

"L-L-Losing his-" He can't hold it in anymore and howls in laughter, collapsing into a giggling heap of fruity Composer on the countertop.

His Producer decides to bite the bullet and finally corrects his upside-down sunglasses in a few awkward motions.

(Take 2)

"Shut up." And the shades are back on (correctly). In business. "Neku?"

"Losing his sparkle." ("Oo, nice adlib.")

The man runs his hand through his hair with a sigh. "I can't find Shiki on my end." He pours pungent brown liquid into two mugs, sliding one over to the Composer.

("What the- I don't sparkle.")

Joshua makes a noise of agreement. "Yes, Neku, you don't sparkle. You're a beautiful shimmering rainbow. My beautiful shimmering rainbow."

("Oo, nice adl- Wait a second.")


(Take 1)

Cobalt sparks angrily, trigger finger jolting. The Bitos freeze in their tracks. "Shut up. I'm not depressed."

("But you're a super duper party pooper.")

"I'm not crazy."

("But you have yelled for absolutely no reason in the middle of the Scramble crossing.")

"Get it through your head because dammit Joshua, shut up!"

(Take 7)

"That don't justifice what youse 'bout t'do!" His friend howls back at him.


The cast looks at the director expectantly; Beat, with an additional pout that really didn't help.

A resigned sigh. "I guess that'll be the closest you'll ever get it."


"So, ramen?"

"Dude, we've had ramen for the last two days."

"Cel-san, when will you not be poor?"

"Nah, sis, he's some kinda micceant or sum'in. Not happenin'."

"Right. It is the law and balance of the world for Cel-sama to forever remain entrenched in poverty."

"Cel-kun, don't cry. At least you're decently talented."

"Dammit Joshua!" is honestly about to become my new tagline. I finally got the blooper out and I'm not sorry for any part of it because I put all of my sicko heart and soul into this one. Sicko like I made Joshua. It was hella fun. Enjoy.

Bee-tee-dubs (BTW), no one has figured out what the headphones were because this fandom is too small (Or just no one likes you, Cel.) so eh, it was the Audio Technica ATH-M50s with custom paint. I thought it suited Neks over here.





Golden eyes peeks into the set, looking all too bemused as Weiss pushes the shades onto his head. "Cel? You needed me to guest star?"

"You guys do know I'm hella busy right?"

"...Cel? Neku?"

Lights down the hall begane to time out and shut off over the lone figure who wandered the set. "Anyone?"






More Ramen Days: Start