HEY GUYS! I am so excited to start this sequel, after seeing Age of Ultron I have so many ideas on how Connor will fit into it, but I wanted to also address the fact that was the ending of the last one ahha because that was a complete ending. I've put a twist on it (probably over used) so I hope it's okay. It'll be dived into in later chapters.
There won't be age of ultron spoliers until maybe July/August time because I hope most of the readers will have seen it by then (I dont want to spoil anything)! Thanks guys!
The girl shot up, her eyes flicking open and she gasped heavily as she clutched at her chest. A warm hand was placed roughly against her shoulder and she jumped before looking to her right and calming down slightly.
"It was a dream Connor, its okay." Her brother Elias muttered, tugging her closer to him and hugging her tightly. She hugged him back, but confusion took over.
"You, Theo and everyone! You're dead!" She spoke, her eyes flashing blue with urgency. Her brother sighed and rubbed her back sympathetically.
"I'm not dead Connor. The rest are though, remember?" Connor furrowed her eyebrows, it slightly starting to bring back memories. "They were killed. You remember who by?" Her brother prodded and Connor was surprised when she knew the answer.
"The Avengers?"
Her brother nodded. "The Avengers," He confirmed.
"Connor, how old are you?" Her brother checked. She had to think for a moment.
"Seventeen," she decided and he nodded, it was the right answer.
She nodded, remembering it all now.
It had been a long few months; her family were being hunted by SHIELD. Her dad was a part of the organisation HYDRA, as was the rest of her family. She had thought HYDRA were the bad guys until her parents had sat down and explained it all to her. SHIELD had tried to take out the old HYDRA – and that was the bad HYDRA.
The new HYDRA was good. They were kind to people like them: enhanced people. Connor's family had been caught once by SHIELD and they had almost been experimented on until HYDRA rescued them and her parents and older brothers had become agents. She was too young but she would become one in the next few months.
As they both looked at each other in the comfort of the king sized bed they were sharing for the past few nights that they had been laying low in the city, there was a slightly click from the other room in the hotel apartment. If they hadn't both had enhanced hearing, they wouldn't have heard it.
Their eyes both shone blue in the dim light, their sight suddenly much more enhanced. Elias passed Connor a gun and she clicked the safety off at the same time he did with his own, both of them standing and moving towards the door.
Just as her brother opened the door, a bang echoed around the room and Connor surged forward, aiming the gun towards the intruder. She snarled before the intruder fired another shot, straight into her stomach. She stopped, her eyes widening slightly. The intruder stormed towards her and caught her as she started to fall, pressing the gun into her stomach and firing another round.
Connor could see her brother lying on the ground surrounded in his blood and figured that the first gunshot had hit him. She looked up at the attacker and instantly recognised his face.
"Tony Stark." She spat out before he laughed and dropped her, spinning on his heel and walking away from her and her brother as they lay bleeding out on the ground.
Tony looked up as Bruce walked into the lab, a determined look on his face. He smiled at the doctor and watched as he pulled on his lab coat.
After tinkering with different things in silence for an hour, Tony spoke up.
"It's been almost three months now, and I've finally accepted she's in a better place," he decided softly as Bruce turned around to look at him. The quieter man nodded and walked over to his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I know Tony. I know," he lied. Bruce was pretty sure they were missing something, but everyone else was still so shut off when it came to their fallen teammate. There was something not right, and it reminded Bruce of when Connor had faked her death only weeks after they had met. He knew she couldn't have faked her death but he knew there was more to her death.
Later on, as Tony packed up for the night and announced he was going to go visit Pepper in whatever state she was currently in, Bruce realised he was the only one left in the tower for the rest of the weekend; Natasha was out on a mission with Steve, Thor was visiting Jane and her friends in Asgard, and Clint had rushed off god-knows where doing god-knows what.
The second Jarvis informed him that Tony had left the building; Bruce accessed his hidden collected information from the computer's mainframe. Jarvis had promised to help hide it form the rest of the team and Bruce had managed to heavily encrypt the files in the hopes that Tony would not find them. He didn't want any of the Avengers seeing his rough work unless it became one hundred percent vital to them.
Bruce checked the death file of Connor once more before he had an idea. If Connor would have somehow been able to survive the surgery and faked her own death again (it pained Bruce to think she would hurt them like that again) the main person to know would be the surgeon in charge of the operation. Getting Jarvis to track down the man's whereabouts while he took a quick shower and changed, Bruce was anxious yet slightly worked up. If Connor had been alive when they had been informed she was dead, where was she?
He picked one of the cars Tony had allowed him to use whenever he needed and hoped in, the directions already programmed by Jarvis. He followed them, listening to the casual discussions on the radio – one of the discussions were coincidently about Connor – and after half an hour reached a small apartment block. He ran a hand through his curly hair before he locked the car and walked up to the door and opened it. He slowly walked up the seventeen flights of stairs instead of taking the lift for obvious reasons, and found apartment 17E. He knocked on the door and heard shuffling inside.
He was expecting the surgeon to open the door but was surprised when a small child opened it, grinning at him.
"Hi! I'm Jones!" The boy squealed enthusiastically. Bruce raised an eyebrow and stuttered with a response before a man came to the door and shoved the boy gently towards the inside of the apartment, ruffling his hair with a grin.
"Sorry about that," the man spoke before he actually looked at Bruce and realised who he was. "Doctor Banner?" The man questioned, his tone changing to slightly concerned. "How may I help you?"
Bruce smiled shyly for a moment before pulling out his Stark issued phone and showing him a picture of the surgeon. "Do you know this man?" He asked carefully and the man sighed, nodding slowly.
"He used to own this apartment before we bought it after the incident. He was a good man." Bruce raised an eyebrow, his demeanour changing instantly.
"Was?" The man questioned before the apartment owner shook his head sadly.
"He was found dead in his car about two and a half months ago," the man sighed before looking at Bruce's shocked face. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" Bruce shook his head and thanked the man before heading back to the tower in a daze.
Maybe it was a coincidence but the man had died almost a week after Connor's operation. Bruce was starting to worry now, more and more of his research was turning into a huge arrow that pointed to Connor Whittmore being alive.
Connor's eyes snapped open and she found herself being helped to sit up by a doctor dressed in all white. Her eyes flickered between him and the woman who was standing beside her, checking her vitals on a tablet.
"What happened?" She questioned, although she could remember.
"Tony Stark shot you and your brother. I'm afraid to have to tell you this, but you brother succeeded to his wounds in surgery." Connor felt numb for a moment but as she heard the familiar pause and extra beat of the man's heart, she knew he was lying.
The woman went to take a blood sample from Connor's arm but the teenager stopped her and asked if she could have a moment alone before any of the tests continued. The man doctor nodded and both of them left the room, proceeding to stand outside and speak. Connor focused on their conversation using her hearing and listened to what they were saying.
"The drug I administered her before she woke up should mean she won't be able to use her powers. It's safe to talk." The woman assumed and Connor almost chuckled to herself but she kept pretending she couldn't hear.
"The surgeon has been taken care of many weeks ago." He spoke, a thick Russian accent in his voice.
"The one who administered the pill that made her appear dead?" She checked, her voice lowering slightly.
The man nodded before he looked in the window at Connor who was staring at her hands, acting like she was surprised to be alive.
"Her friends have started to accept her death." A set of heavy footprints started to get louder and the two doctor's conversations ended suddenly.
"Sir!" They both spoke, standing up straighter.
"At ease," a new, rougher voice spoke and Connor could tell instantly this was the man in charge.
"How has the manipulation of her memories been going?" He questioned and the man shrugged slightly.
"We haven't asked her yet, we were just about to," the female doctor answered smoothly and the other man nodded.
He made a grunt of approval before looking in the window at the slightly banged up teenager. "I want to do it," he decided and instead of waiting for an answer, he walked into the room and smiled warmly at the girl.
"Connor, I need to ask you a few questions," he informed her while pulling up a chair and she nodded, deciding to go along with it.
"Who are the Avengers?" She scoffed and shook her head.
"The bad guys!" She lied perfectly and noted the heart rate monitor didn't even skip a beat anymore.
The man nodded and checked his watched before jumping up. "Sorry, I didn't realise the time! I'll be back later!" He exclaimed and Connor knew he only had wanted to ask her that question.
The teenager thought about everything that had happened recently that she could remember. She remembered being shot with Elias but she knew it hadn't happened; she had been working on telling dreams from reality with Bruce before she had been attacked at the mission.
The mission! She remembered not being able to move as one of the doctors trying to save her had pricked her with a needle, at the time she presumed it was anaesthetic. Connor remembered not being able to move or even say anything when she had been declared dead; she had heard the surgeon telling her team, she heard their cries in the middle of the hospital but then everything had gone black.
She understood now. Someone else had faked her death to get her here, and she gently stood up, turning off the machines at the wall so that they wouldn't make an alarm noises when she ripped out the wires that were monitoring her.
Connor stood up and walked into the small bathroom that was attached to the medical room, her eyes catching on to her reflection in a mirror. She gasped at the difference. Her hair was a lighter shade and was almost blonde, and as she half-shifted she noticed her claws were still the same as were her eyes. She sighed, before noticing she wasn't even in a hospital gown. She was in a pair of lounge shorts and a t-shirt that did faintly resemble a hospital gown.
Noticing a small window in the corner of the room, she pulled herself on top of the sink to look out of it. Snow and trees. That was all she could see, but she knew she needed out of here quickly. She also realised it was too easy but she would deal with that later. But first, she punched her fist straight through the window and ignored the cuts it made. She groaned once she realised that she was going to have to shift to get through the small window.
Her bones groaned in agony after having not shifted in such a long time but she ignored it and flung herself forward, tumbling out the window and on to the fresh snow. She knew she didn't have long, it would be easy to stop her black fur against the white snow so she took off towards the woods, her legs pushing her further and further until she was so far away that the building was only a mere blob in the distance.
As she stopped for breath, she flicked her tail and yawned as the grey fur flicked snow away from her grey paws.
Connor jumped up with a fright, rushing to the nearest pond she could find. Looking into the pond, her eyes still shone blue but her fur was no longer midnight black, but grey – like a normal wolf. She paused for a moment, understanding an experiment or something must have changed it but she did not care at the moment – it was the same as the rest of her family's fur (before they died anyway).
Letting out a howl, she sped forward again, hoping she could stumble across somewhere she could contact the Avengers.