Tris Pov:

"Ezekiel Pedrad." I look at my older brother walk toward the 5 bowls. He takes the knife and slices his hand. He turns around in me and Uriah's Direction looks us in the eye and mouths "Sorry" Before he drops his blood in the Candor.

He puts a cloth to his hand and walks towards the candor section and doesn't look back at us. I look at Uriah who is sitting next to me with a shocked expression on his face before Getting up and walking out the building. I sit by myself with a shocked and tears flow out of my eyes. Why did my brother what to leave me?

Tris wakes up and instantly sits up. She puts her hand on her head before wiping the tears flowing down my face. Tris brings her knees to her chest and puts her head down and cries for a good 30 minutes before getting up and walking into Uriah's room. Tris slips in his room and gently closes his door. She makes her way through her twin's messy bedroom. Once she makes it to the bed she sits down and pushes her brother's shoulder.

"Uriah!" She whisper yells at him. She gives Him about 10 seconds before Punching his shoulder not too hard to leave a mark but hard enough to wake him up. Uriah instantly shoots up and rubs his eyes and looks around trying to wake up.

"Tris it's like 2:00 in the morning...What's wrong?" Uriah groans

"Do you think that Zeke's going to leave us?" Tris says as she starts crying at the thought of not being able to see her older brother.

"No Tris he wouldn't leave us he loves us to much to leave us on our own." Uriah says tiredly "Tris were going to be fine ,stop worrying...Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" He says while laying down with his arms open. Tris without hesitation lays down and snuggles into Uriah's chest.

"Night Uri"

"Night Tris." And with that the both almost instantly fall into a dreamless sleep.

Time Skip

"TrissyPoo wake up i want to prank Zeke." Uriah says while jumping up and down on his bed. Tris groans and huffs but finally sits up and looks at her energetic brother.

"Okay what do you want to do to him today?" Tris says with a mischievous smile while she starts to think of some but then quickly realize that they did almost all of their good pranks and that this time it's should be better.

"I got it." Uriah says almost yelling "We should get shaving cream and put some on his hand both hand and tickles his nose with a when he tries to scratch his noes he will put shaving cream on his face." Tris looks at her brother in surprise that he actually had a good prank idea.

"Wow Uri that was the best idea you have ever had since the day we were born." Tris says walking into his bathroom to get his shaving cream but looks and sees that he has Nair and that smells weird so it would make the prank alot better.

"Wow it's great to know that my "Twin" really thinks so little of me." Uri says putting his hand on his heart in fake hurt. We look at each other and laugh before he looks at the Nair bottle. "Why do you have the Nair bottle I thought we were using shaving cream?" He asked

"Oh you know how shaving Nair smells weird?" Uriah nods his head. "Well I was thinking it would wake him up because its cold and it would make him smell weird." Tris says confidently

"Right good idea"

They walk out of Uriah's room and walks down to Zeke's room. Uriah opens Zeke's door and runs to the left side of the bed where his face is and Tris goes to the right side and grabs his hand. Tris squeezes out about half of the bottle on his hand Uriah starts using the feather to tickle his nose. After about 2 minutes Zeke puts the Nair on his face and he automatically shoots up and his eyes pop open.

Beatrice Natalie Pedrad and Uriah Zachary Pedrad YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" Zeke says wiping the Nair off his face. Tris and Uriah look at each other before yelling and running out their older brother's room.

"Run!" They say in unison before going into Tris's room and locking the door.

"Best prank ever!" Uri says trying to catch his breath

"Yea totally" Tris says agreeing with her brother.

After about 10 minutes Zeke gives up on getting them and starts getting dressed for the Ceremony in like about 2 hours. They all go into their rooms and start getting dressed. Tris changes into her black leather pants and Tank top crop shirt. Once she's done she looks at herself in her mirror and decides that she looks decent, because she doesn't think that she's pretty at all. She laces up her combat boots and heads in her bathroom and turns on her flat iron and while she waits she brushes her teeth and puts on eye liner and mascara. Once she's done with her makeup she puts her in a pony and starts walking down stairs where her brothers are waiting for her.

"Come on Tris were going to miss the train because you decided you wanted to take all day." Zeke says as we jog over to the group of people waiting to go to the ceremony.

"But we aren't even late! You wanted to get here early because you wanted to talk to your "Girlfriend"." Tris says smiling.

"Can you keep it down people could hear you." Zeke says irritated looking around making sure that Shauna isn't nearby.

"So people don't hear what?" Shauna asked popping out behind Uriah with Lynn and Marlene looking at Zeke for answer.

"uh well ...Uh" Zeke says embarrassed and Uriah and Tris crack up while Lynn, Marlene, and Shauna stare at the twins like their crazy.

Time Skip to Ceremony

Tris sits at the dauntless section next to Uriah, Lynn and Marlene. Tris starts staring around looking nervous but stops when she feels someone grab her hand. Tris snaps out of her thinking and looks at who's holding her hand only to see that it's Uri giving her a sad smile. Before Tris could say anything a name gets called.

"Tobais Eaton"

Tris looks at the stiff and watches what he her amazement he doesn't hesitate when he chooses dauntless. She watches him walk over to them she notices that Marcus isn't very happy about what the stiff chose. After about 6 names being called she hears a name she's been scared to hear for the longest.

"Ezekiel Pedrad"

Zeke makes his way to the stage and the bowls. He cuts he's hand. Tris looks towards Zeke and is holding Uriah's hand so tight. Zeke moves his hand over the rocks when they hear a sizzle.


Tris didn't realize that she was holding her breath till she lets it go and runs out of her seat and jumps in Zeke's arms. She start crying a little before she feels her being set back on the ground, pulled into a tight embrace.

"I thought you were going to leaving us...Leaving me." Tris says crying not letting go of her older brother. Zeke kisses her forehead and looks down at her.

"I could never leave you and Uriah." Zeke says before letting go of her and hugging Uriah and other people before sitting down in Tris's spot.

"Hey that's my spot." Tris whines like little kid before crossing her arms over her chest. Before she could say anything else Zeke picks Tris up and plops her right on his lap. Tris Looks up at her brother and smiles and snuggles closer to him as the continue watching the ceremony.

After all the names are called all the dauntless initiates start running out the building and climbing the beams to the train tracks. Tris walks over and starts talking to her friends and her brothers.

"No Uriah Pansycake isn't coming back anytime soon." Lynn says to Uriah while Marlene and Shauna start laughing at the argument.

"Really this argument again?" Zeke says holding in his laugh. For about 5 minutes we talk and joke and mess with each other before the train comes.

"Hey Uriah i bet you my dauntless cake that I'll get on the train faster than you." Tris says confidently trying to win extra cake from her brother.

"You're on TrissyPoo." Uri says with a wink before getting in the running stance.

"Don't call me that!" Tris says before taking of running. Tris keeps running until she's by a button and she pushes it and hops in the train car. Tris looks down to see the stiff from earlier struggling to keep up so Tris decides to help and pulls him in the car. As she was about to walk away Tris is stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey thanks for helping me...I'm Tobias." The stiff says shyly while putting out his hand to shake

"I'm Tris" Tris says smiling and shaking his hand. She turns around only to be greeted by my brothers and friends. Tris looks at Uriah and smirks

"Haha thanks for the extra piece of dauntless cake." Says laughing at her brother. Uriah looks at her and raises an eyebrow before looking at Tobais

"Who's the stiff?" Uriah and Zeke say at the same time. They look at each other and laugh.

"Oh that's Tobias" I say gesturing towards him. Tris shifts awkwardly on her hip before getting bored. They all stay like that before Tobias starts speaking up.

"So you guys are all dauntless born?" He asked and says kind of stating the obvious. Waiting for him to finish what he was saying. "How do you all know each other.?" he says nervously. We look at each other before Zeke explains everything to him.

"Well Tris, Uriah, and I are all siblings and Tris and Uriah are twins they're 14 years old. They met Lynn and Marlene in preschool and I met Shauna when I was in 1st grade." Zeke says simply.

"Oh." Is all the stiff says before sitting down on the train car wall? Tris looks at Zeke and notice that him and the stiff are having a conversation and so are Marlene, Lynn and Shauna talking about some movie. She notices that Uriah is pretending to listen to them talk about the movie with a bored expression on his face. Before Tris knows what she's doing she runs and jumps on Uri's back.

"Ow Tris you should have given me a warning!" Uri says trying to regain his balance. Tris smiles and lays her head down on his shoulder.

"But what fun would that be?" Tris says kissing his cheek and puts her head back down on his shoulder.

"Trissy you're acting really affectionate today... Are you alright?" Uri says raising an eyebrow.

"Yea I'm fine I'm just glad that I still have my brothers with me" Tris says smiling from cheek to cheek.

"Guys it's almost time to jump!" A leader says to everyone in the train cars. Tobias stands up and walks over to the window only to see that people are jumping onto the roof of a building.

"We have to Jump?" Tobias gulps

"Yea it's the only other way to get into dauntless" Lynn says before jumping out. Tris turns and looks at him and grabs his hand.

"We are going jump on 3! Ready 1….2….3!" Tris says before running and jumping on to the building with Tobias. They both land on their feet. Tris lets go of Tobias hands as she makes her way to Uriah and Max standing on the edge of the building.

"Welcome Dauntless initiates I'm Max I am one of the leaders here in Dauntless and you guys have all mastered the first test today." Max says very sternly. "Your next test is jumping off this building. Thats the only way into Dauntless." Max says smirking at everyone. "Any volunteers?"

A/N: Should I keep going or…..?