Well... this is it. Thanks to all who have been reading and reviewing. I hope that I've made this story worth your while. Please keep reading my other stories! You're the best!


Joe passed by on the way to the kitchen as I was finishing my story, kissing the top of my head. At my feet, our grandson rolled his eyes at the display of affection with all the disgust that one would expect from a boy of ten.

"Grandpa, why do you always kiss Grandma and hold her hand and stuff? She's a girl."

Our teenaged granddaughter answered quickly, "So? I think it's romantic. Didn't you hear the story? He holds her hand because he loves her."

Our grandson was silent for a minute, and then asked quietly, "Grandpa, do you think I'll ever find a girl to love as much as you love Grandma?"

"I hope so, Joey. I really hope so."