I haven't proof read this chapter that much, so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes, and please tell me so I can fix it. :)


I woke up to someone kissing my neck, and short hair tickling my face. I didn't open my eyes though, just rolled onto my side and snuggled into Alice.

"Come on Bella, you have to get up." Alice prompted. I opened my mouth to ask her-

"It's 11:00 a.m." She answered my question before I could even ask it. 11:00? I usually didn't sleep this late.

My stomach growling sealed the deal for me to get up. I got up to go to the bathroom for my human moment, got dressed, an went downstairs with Alice. Almost all the vampires were in the living room, just lounging around and talking. It looked peaceful, which is something I felt I needed.

"Where's Edward?" I asked. He was the only one not in the room.

"He went to go get you some food. Our cousins haven't really needed a reason to have food until now." Alice explained.

"So Bella, did you sleep well?" Asked Carmen.

"U-uh, y-yes, thank you." I had just woken up and I already couldn't stop blushing.

"Aw, how cute, she's nervous!" Kate teased. I had a feeling I was going to be spending a majority of my time here blushing.

Luckily I couldn't embarrass myself more, because Edward had just gotten back with the food.

He hadn't just bought a couple of things, he had bought what looked like an entire weeks worth of groceries. At my surprised look he said, "We might be here for a while, and we're going to want to take as little trips as possible." He was right, it would be safer for us all to stay together in one place.

"So Bella, what would you like for breakfast?" Asked Alice.

"Um, just eggs would be fine." I didn't want her to go through the trouble of cooking too much for me. Alice got to work heating a pan for the eggs. I tried to follow her into the kitchen, but the others insisted I relax in the living room. Tanya and Carmen started asking me questions about myself, and about how I'd met Alice.

"I met her at school. She showed up one day in English and came and sat by me. We were paired for a project, and it just kind of snowballed from there." I said.

"You make it sound so simple." Tanya laughed. But being in love was anything but simple, especially if you were in love with a vampire.

We chatted, and I slowly became more comfortable with them. I hadn't realized Alice was taking so long with my eggs until she called saying they were done. I walked into the kitchen to see more than just eggs. On the counter was eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of orange juice. It smelled absolutely amazing.

"Well, don't just stare at it. Come and eat." Alice said. Before I sat down I went over to give Alice a hug, and a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you, Alice. You didn't have to go through the trouble of making me all this."

"Well I did, and it's really no trouble at all. I like cooking for you."

I sat down and immediately started eating. It tasted as good as it smelled. How someone who didn't eat could cook so good, I didn't know. After I ate, we went back into the living room where everyone else was.

I didn't really want it to happen, but I knew sooner or later we would have to talk about James or Victoria.

"We need to come up with a plan." Jasper said. "We can't just keep ourselves hidden forever."

"We should wait until they come to us. And we never leave Bella alone. We can't let either of them slip past us." As much as I hated it, they were right. I was only human. All they had to do was slip by my protectors and land one hit. A small graze or a light hit to them would mean a gash in my arm and broken ribs to me. While they would be far outnumbered, if either of them managed slipped past my protectors for even a second, I could be done for.

"Well, there will be ten of us in total once Rosalie and Emmett get here. I say during that time we have at least two of us with Bella during the fight, and the rest of us will fight James and Victoria. Their so far outnumbered that we should be able to do this without any causalities even with Esme and Carlisle staying with Charlie." Jasper proposed.

What we needed to do was so simple, but it seemed too easy. And I was right. I'd spoken too soon. Alice seemed to stiffen beside me, and her face was flickering between being confused and scared.

Alice, what's wrong?" I asked. She was having visions, but of what?

"Alice, what are you seeing? Is it about James and Victoria?" Jasper prompted. It took her a moment to answer.

"It's only flashes, I keep seeing them, with others. Other vampires. I can't see them well, but there's at least ten of them. Maybe more." As she was saying this her arms had wrapped around me protectively, pulling me against her.

"That's all I can see. There are no other decisions that they've made besides that." Alice was unhappy that she couldn't see what they were going to do, and Jasper seemed unhappy that we no longer knew their numbers. It had been pretty simple to guess what they were going to do when there were just two of them, but now they were unpredictable.

"How are they getting so many vampires to side with them?" I asked. Surely not so many vampires would want me dead with even knowing who I was. Although James and Victoria only had to look at me to want me dead.

"They must be making Newborns." Jasper said.

p"What are Newborns?" I asked. The only thing that came to mind were babies, but I knew that couldn't be it.

"Newborns, as in new vampires. Their turning people into vampires to fight for them. When someone is changed at first they are much stronger and faster than older vampires. " Jasper explained. He seemed a little pissed off about this. Actually everyone did.

I had never actually thought of vampires changing people. I knew that all the vampires had once been human, but I had never actually imagined anyone changing another person into a vampire. And the only reason that they were changing people was to get to me. Just how far were they willing to go to get to one human?

"You mean they'll be stronger even than you?" I couldn't fathom someone stronger than the vampires I already knew.

"Yes. They still have some of their human blood in their tissue making them stronger for a while. You'll know what it's like someday." We could be outnumbered by vampires that were stronger than any of us? Then what would we d-. What was that last thing he'd said? 'You'll know what it's like someday.' What did he mean, that one day I'd know what it's like because I'd a Newborn? Was Alice going to change me? I hadn't even noticed Jasper had started speaking again. I'd have to talk to Alice later.

"I'll teach everyone how to handle the Newborns." Jasper declared. Wait, there was a way to beat them? "Their strong, but straightforward. They don't think strategies and angles, they think attack. All of us together, we have a good chance against them. The main problem is James and Victoria, they'll be harder to beat with all these distractions."

I hated that they were all going to fight for me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to die, and I was grateful that they were going through all this for me, but what if one of them got hurt? If all of them were going to fight then that meant that Alice was going to fight and might get hurt. I couldn't stand the thought of it.

Wait if all of them were going to fight, then where would I be? I already knew they didn't want me anywhere near the battle field, but they couldn't leave me alone.

I knew Alice would want to fight with her family, but I almost wanted to ask her to stay with me. That way she wouldn't fight, and she'd be by me. But I also knew how hard on her that would be, not fighting with her family. Everything was so complicated now, there were so many things that needed to be thought about, but I just couldn't. Alice fighting, Alice not fighting. Alice maybe changing me into a vampire, vampire a army trying to kill us. Kill me. God, I hadn't even been up that long and I already needed to go back to sleep.

"I'm going to take Bella upstairs. I think she's had enough information for now." Alice said. She lead me upstairs will the others continued to talk about how to handle the situation. Alice just lied with me on the bed in silence, spooning me, until- "I saw what so wanted to ask." She said suddenly from behind me. I didn't say anything. Just waited.


"I know, you want to fight with your family. I shouldn't have even thought of asking you something like that."

"Bella, it's not that you shouldn't have thought it. I do want to stay with you, but I also want to fight with my family, for you. I don't know what to do."

"I know. Please Alice? I know it's selfish of me, and I know you couldn't stand it if someone got hurt when you weren't fighting. But I just can't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of this. Not knowing what's happening to you while you're fighting." I was crying by the end of my pleading. Her arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to her. She said nothing for a moment, just wiping away my tears.

"Okay." She whispered to me. "I'll stay with you." I know it was hard on her. I know she wanted to stay. I know she wanted to fight. But just those five words made me feel better than I had in awhile.

"Thank you, Alice." I murmured. I was so tired from talking about so many stressful things, and crying. Alice just stroked my hair, while I fell into what would be a long nap. There had been another thing that I had wanted to talk about with her. My mind was so groggy, I was almost asleep. What had I been going to talk to her about? I'd probably remember in the morning...

Oh, I guess Bella will have to talk to Alice about being a vampire tomorrow. Or in your case the next chapter.

Alright, It had been so long since I last updated, and I'm sorry about that. But I have started writing again, and have started considering writing some one-shots next time I have writers block to try to help me out of it sooner if it happens again.

I haven't proof read this much so it there are mistakes, I'm sorry and please tell me so I can fix it. Is it too rushed? I hope not.

Anyway thank you for reading, and thank you to all my followers and people that have commented in my absence. I love you all! :) Remember to comment, and follow. Until next time.

Also, what would you guys think of a Bella/Rosalie story? Or maybe some other pairing? Something I should look into, or maybe right a chapter to try it out? Tell me what pairing you want, I want to try to write a chapter of it, try it out. Starting of a new story maybe, or maybe a one-shot to try it out?

Also, do betas pretty much proof read your chapters for you, make sure everything's correct? Is that what they do?