So this is my first story. I do not know what I am doing but I figured I'd try. I can't promise daily updates or even monthly but I will make sure to update when I can. Please enjoy!

Oh rated M for language. I'm still deciding on the lemons...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story line and even then I'm still not sure! Ha!

Chapter 1

"All I ever wanted. All I ever needed is right here, in my arms! Please stay! Please baby!' he cried out, hugging onto me tightly. I pulled away from his arms as tears silently trailed down my cheeks because my heart shattered into a thousand pieces knowing I was unable to go back. Not like this. Not right now. My heart ached while whispering, "no."

He fell to his knees as if I had punched him in the gut, clutching at his heart as I ripped it from his chest. With a broken heart, he cried out, "WHY?!" He gasped for a breath as he continued, "P-p-please baby! WHY are you doing this to me? To us? I-I-I n-n-NEED you!" His breath hitched and he began to hyperventilate.

How could I tell him? I don't want him to love me for something that I'm not. I rather he hate me for everything I am. I don't want to love HIM for something that he's NOT. He was willing to sacrifice his LIFE for me. He refuses to live without ME. He believed that I am the reason for his existence! I could not shoulder that burden. It was too much.

He laid crumpled on the floor before me, crying as if I was killing him. I stood there and watched him cry. I didn't know what to do? I didn't know what to say?

He loved me so much, he couldn't breathe without me. He loved me too much to let me go. He'd rather have me lie to him and stay then face the truth right before his very eyes.

Anger rising inside me. Hurt and heartache wrapped in one. I yelled, "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW I FEEL! I DON'T FEEL IT ANYMORE! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME GO!"

Everything was about him! About how he felt! How I was killing HIM! What about ME? Do I not get a choice? Do I not really matter? Where do I fit? What do I have to do?

I am slowly dying inside and he was more concerned about himself! I didn't want to do this to him. I loved him too much to see him broken. I loved him too much to let him live this way! Curse the spirits! Why?! Why me? Why him? Why now?!

My alpha, broken, dying, in pain because of a stupid supernatural curse! I wanted to tell him I would come home to him. I wanted to comfort him and take away the pain I was inflicting. I was close to giving in. Anything to not see him this way but if I did that than I could never walk away. I could never leave his side. And I HAD to leave. For my sanity. For his sanity.

Broken sobs filled the air, Jacob reached out and clung to my leg as I started to walk away. Clinging to me for dear life. Refusing to let me go.

"Please Jacob," I whispered but he had a death grip on my leg, bruising the skin beneath my pant, sobbing and crying. Unable to let go.

"What am I without you? What am I going to do without you? How am I going to LIVE without you?! I can't! Please! Please baby! I'm begging you! Don't do this. Don't leave me! Please!" Jacob clutched to my leg, his world crashing in on him. "Come home! I've given you all of me. Take more if you want! Please baby…"

"Jacob, this is hard for me already. Please don't make it any harder, please," I cried. "In time, it will get better," I lied.

"I can't stop loving you!" he sobbed.

"There's a time and place for everything, for everyone but this is not it. We can't force it," I tried to reassure him.

"You don't believe that! You can believe that… Please baby! Please! Stay! I'll do anything. I'll stay away from you. I'll won't try to contact you. I'll do anything. Just name it and you got it but please don't go," Jacob lied, begging in vain. I knew he couldn't keep that promise. If I stayed here, he would find some way to stay in contact with me.

"I can't," I murmured with tears streaming down my face, "I can't baby."

"I'm lost without you, baby! I can't…" Jacob still gripping my leg, tormented and torn apart.

I kneeled and lifted his face. His eyes tightly squeezed together, tear streaming down his face. His life was over. I hated seeing him like this.

"Jacob, baby, please look at me," I pleaded.

He opened his red-rimmed eyes, sobbing.

"I know you hurt," my heart ripping from my chest, "but we can't do this anymore. Please let go."

"NO!" he refused, holding on tighter. "I'm not letting go! I refuse! You know you can't fool me. I've been loving you too long! I was meant to be with you and you with me. I'm yours and you're mine," he said through broken sobs. "I don't know how to leave you! I can't baby! So please don't leave me…" Jacob pleaded, his whole body shaking.

His pack finally arrived and you could see the pain affecting them just as much as Jacob. The link they share makes it impossible for them not to feel what another pack brother is feeling. Even worse when that pack brother is the alpha. Jacob was dying inside and the whole pack felt it. This almost brought the whole pack to their knees when they neared him. Stumbling forward and trying to gain control of their legs, they reached for their broken alpha to try to pry him from my pant leg. He pushed them away with all his force, while still holding onto me. Their pleading eyes begging me not to do this to him. To them. They need their alpha whole. Not broken and dying.

I just couldn't stay. I couldn't. Not if I wanted Jacob to live a life he was meant to lead. His pack tried again. All hands on him, pulling him off of me as he screamed, "NO! NO! LET GO OF ME! WHY ARE YOU NOT HELPING ME!" Jacob struggling against his brothers, his cries piercing the night air and echoing through the forest. His pack dragging him off, kicking and screaming, struggling to get away from their grip.

As they disappeared into the forest, I fell to my knees, sobbing and broken. I know what I was doing was killing Jacob but I needed to do this to give him a chance. A chance he didn't have with me.

An icy cold grip picked me up and carried me away. Away from Jacob. Away from this life. Away from my heart.

Review, don't review. Whatever. I just felt like writing. I have read many stories on here and was just inspired to create my own...Thanks!