A/N: Chapters will hopefully get longer as I go.

#1: Naruto Screws With the Plot

Uzumaki Naruto grumbled angrily under his breath as he stomped into his apartment. He had just graduated, but he was put on a team with that bastard Sasuke! He huffed and slammed the door behind him. An exact replica of him (a Shadow Clone, Naruto thought smugly) came running from the kitchen, a grin on his face.

"Boss!" Naruto grinned back.

"What's up?"

"We figured it out boss! That weird jutsu you copied from that Forbidden Scroll thing?" Naruto blinked, and thought back. He had been scouring the Forbidden Scroll of Sealing for another jutsu to show that traitor Mizuki, when he stumbled upon one that looked real cool. But it was all written in code- aside from the hand seals. Naruto wasn't able to try the seals before Iruka-sensei had found him, but he was able to copy them down! He knew bringing a pencil and a piece of paper with him was a good idea! His grin widened.

"For real?"

"Yeah! But we still don't quite understand it..." His clone pouted a little, and beckoned for Naruto to follow him into the kitchen. They sat with three other clones, and peered down at all the paper littering the table. Naruto winced at the sight of his horrible hand writing, but picked up the paper his clones pointed to. Naruto had to focus (and for him, that was really hard) a lot to understand what was written.

"Fuck With the Plot no Jutsu?" Naruto read aloud, eyebrows raised. He frowned at his clones. Were they pulling a prank on him? Nah, they wouldn't do that...

"That's the first of jutsu you gotta preform. The next is a few paragraphs down." Naruto looked to the bottom of the page, and his frown deepened.

"Make it Complete Crack no Jutsu?" Naruto let his frown slowly fade as he read the instructions. After a few tense minutes of silence, he shrugged. "Why the hell not!" He and his clones cheered loudly, before the original Naruto started executing the hand seals.