Understanding the Darkness

Even ghouls search for peace.
But one certainly isn't.

She hated the tranquility and peace that settled upon the abandoned building. It simply wrecked her soul, her oh so simple soul that simply wished to trample on some flowers on the ground. Flowers were weak and fragile, after all. The girl pressed onto her bandaged arm, staring as her very own blood started to stain it again. Not that she cared, though. All she was, was bored. Sure, the fight with the doves at Yamakawa Prefecture did quite some damage to her and her team, but the fact that they were all brute force and no-brainers, it all ended in a mere half an hour. Half an hour! It was ridiculous.

There was a time where she herself held the remains of a fellow being as a weapon. Irina. Her only companion. Ukaku weapons were certain fabulous for the human she was; the hypocritical CCG member who no one understood or loved. And all over again, it was for the chaos. The destruction. In a way, that could be what many call 'inner peace'. But being the ambiguous person she was, that words was simply so contradictory in political terms.

Hanging over the railings, she flipped herself over to watch a certain teenager, wrapping his hand in a fresh bandage as the usual 'piss off' look was on his face. It made her giggle, just a little bit. She wasn't like Eto, though she'd have to admit; they could be very similar at times. The light shone through the windows, lighting up his dark blue hair. Considering his spectacular mood swing, he must've met his sister today.

"Stupid woman, what do you think you're staring at?" The boy snapped her his head swung around to face her, who was still bending backwards from the railings.

"An angry teenage boy who can't seem to wrap a bandage round his hand properly?" She hummed in a sing-song voice, all the more making him furious.

Hopping from the upper floor, the girl flipped her body into mid-space. Landing right in front of him, he grunted uncomfortably as he pushed himself away from her. The glistening of her straight, long, purple hair and the mischievous glow of her hazel eyes made her look...enchanting. Seeing this for probably the 100th time already, he merely scoffed. Her type of charm, that ambiguous charm, made no effect on him whatsoever.

Although his apparent hate for her presence, he let her do the job of taping up his wound. She did it in quick fashion, smiling gleefully before jumping off towards the rusted door.

"Manage your temperament or onee-chan wouldn't love you, Tsundere~"

Once she left, all that was heard in the room was the echoes of a closed door and cussing of a lonesome ghoul, who seethed in anger in the remembrance of his meeting with his sister.

"Oh, you made Ayato angry again?" Nico smiled brightly at the equally energetic girl who spun around her seat before settling down again.

"No, I just added oil to the fire." She smiled, clearly aware of her actions.

"Hmmm, I see. So, did the doves at Yamakawa Prefecture do you good?" The effeminate man whisked his cup of blood as he asked.

"They got my shoulder alright." The girl did a set of bizarre actions before settling down again. "Ate them up in 30 minutes."

"That's very like you, Miharu-chan! Always in it was the mere excitement and thrill. You know doing too much may ruin your beautiful face, you should take care of it." He pointed at her right cheek, which had a small scar running down from her jaw to her chin.

"I thought favouritism worked in a hierarchy such as this. Guess I was correct." Miharu played with the saucer, pondering over. "At least it works well for both parties."

"Everything has a reason, my dear." Nico placed his glass down gently. "You yearn for chaos a bit too much. The peace in this place right now- you must learn to see through it. Well, it is time to meet Tatara."

And without a word, the both of them simply headed towards their own destinations. Miharu, bored as heck, once again set herself at the railings. Shoving a matcha pocky into her mouth, she could only sigh. Right. She could eat human snacks. Plants are a-okay but animals were just a big fat cross. A more successful product of the all-famous scientist. Unlike the twins, brainwashing Miharu was just a dumb idea- her Kagune simply slapped him into the wall like a mosquito.

Ayato had also left for the meeting with the higher-ups. Compared to them, she was just a middle-ranking commander. Utterly useless and dispensable, actually. Eto could have just ripped her sorry human ass apart when they first met, but the wrapped up ghoul came to like her; and bam. One-eyed ghoul produced.

"I like you. You're chaotic, unbounded by rules, freedom loving. You defy humans, you defy ghouls. You are you. A separate entity from any other. I will give you a new life you will never forget- be prepared for it."

"The news flashed something interesting today. An eye-patched ghoul? Amon didn't like that dude very much. Eto liked him, if I remember. Pretty peaceful dude, must be at Yoshimura's." She mumbled, finishing her snack. "But wrecking the whole gourmet centre is a bit..."

Miharu bit her lip. Rich idiots filled up the seats, their ridiculous 'pets' or 'fine dining' they took part in. They were business, but just doing it by himself was selfish. Getting her to join wouldn't hurt. Then again, they were not even acquaintances so she wouldn't be able to participate anyway.

"Tokone Miharu, 2nd Rank Commander of the Kyoto District. You have been called into the meeting." A shadow was to be seen at the corner of the room, his deep voice echoing across the walls.

"About time for the feet-snugglers to attend, huh."

She goes against her chaotic nature with her words. Sure, hating peace was part of her. But, with peace comes chaos. As long as she lives, as long as no one changes her, she will remain the thing she is.

Authors Note: Dumb move for me to make another fanfic while struggling with another on-going one. Great. Either way, this was an indispensable idea. I couldn't let it go...and it went up here. Please enjoy your reading!

R&R greatly appreciated!