Disclaimer: I do not own LOTR or its characters/places/situations, etc

A/N: Well I wasn't planning on updating again, but Lindeloteleniel found this when she was going through some old stuff. So, for a final update (unless for some reason we actually get inspired to make more) here is 'I Saw Three Ship'. Thank you those who have reviewed. It means a lot to us.

I saw three ships come sailing in

to Pelennor, to Pelennor

I saw three ships come sailing in

to Gondor during the battle

Two hundred thousand orcs were here

to kill us all, to kill us all

two hundred thousand orcs were here

to kill us here in the battle

And we were getting badly beat

by all the orcs and uruk-hai

we were getting badly beat

until the ships came sailing

But then the soldiers gave a cheer

for Aragorn, for Aragorn

and then the soldiers gave a cheer

for Aragorn, their new king

I saw three ships come sailing in

to Pelennor, to Pelennor

I saw three ships come sailing in

to help us win the battle