Violet looked up at the Cecil Hotel and felt a shiver run down her spine. It was dusk and the hotel really looked creepy. The architecture of the building was gothic looking, and probably looked beautiful during the day. Now, however, shadows covered the hotel making it look uninviting.

It didn't look this creepy on their website, Violet thought.

Taking a deep breath, Violet entered the hotel and made her way to the reception desk. There was an elderly man sitting behind the desk and he gave her a welcoming smile when he saw her approach.

"Welcome to the Cecil Hotel, miss. Are you checking in?" the man asked.

"Yes, my reservation is under the name Violet Harmon."

The man turned to his computer and started typing. "Ah, yes, here you are. I see you'll be with us for 6 nights, and I have you in a non-smoking room with a king size bed."

Violet sighed, disappointed that she wouldn't be able to smoke in her room. "Yes, that's right. By the way, is there a designated smoking area?" she asked as the man gave her a paper to sign.

The man took the paper after she signed it, gave her a little folder with the key card and said, "You can go up to the roof or smoke in front of the hotel. You'll be in room 63, so I would use the roof because it's closer."

"Thanks," Violet said and headed towards the elevators.

As she rounded the corner she saw a guy about her age waiting for an elevator. They didn't have to wait long before the carriage arrived. He held the door open for her as she followed him in and she gave him a small smile.

He's cute, Violet thought when he made eye contact with her and returned her smile. He had messy blond hair, dark eyes, and dimples. He's really cute, Violet amended her original thought.

"What floor?" he asked quietly.

Violet looked at the little folder the man gave her and saw the man wrote down the floor number next to her room number.

"Thirteen, thanks," Violet murmured.

The doors to the elevator closed and Violet became aware of how small the carriage was as the elevator slowly made its way up. She was looking at the ad on the wall advertising the local pizza joint when she became aware that the guy was staring at her. She turned to look at him and when she made eye contact, he smiled.

"You just checked in?" he asked.

Violet glanced down at her suitcase and said, "What gives you that idea?" Then she looked back at him with a grin.

His smile grew wider and said, "I'm on the thirteenth floor too. What room are you in?"

"I'm not telling you!" Violet said with a chuckle. "For all I know you could be a serial killer."

He laughed and took a step closer to her. "True, but I could say the same thing about you."

Violet rolled her eyes, gave him a cheeky grin, and said, "You didn't hear me asking what room you're in."

"Touche," the guy said with his own cheeky grin.

The elevator finally made it to the thirteenth floor, and they both stepped out. As Violet walked down the hall she looked at the numbers on the doors. When she noticed the guy walking next to her, she threw back her head and laughed.

"Are you seriously following me?" she blurted out.

He looked at her confused and said, "No, seriously, I'm not. My room is a couple doors down. I'm in room 64."

"Oh, I guess we're neighbors then. This is me," Violet said as she stopped in front of room 63.

The guy smiled at her and then turned to his door.

"Hey, my name's Violet, by the way," Violet said before the guy went into his room.

The guy turned towards her and smiled again.

"I'm Tate."

Violet went up to the roof to have a smoke once she finished unpacking. After lighting up, she took a deep drag and looked out at the city. It was now night and the city was coming to life. She could hear the sounds of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic from down below, even from the roof of the fourteen floor hotel.

Now that she was here, thoughts of everything that she needed to do crowded her mind. She only had a week to find out what happened to her friend, Moira.

Violet and Moira met in an Econ class at BU, and even though they were complete opposites, they became good friends.

Moira was a bombshell, and Violet often called her a Vixen. She could pull guys even if she was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. Unfortunately, she had bad luck with men. Violet thought it was because Moira just picked the wrong kind of guy. In fact, that is why Violet found herself halfway across the country looking for her.

Moira had met a guy at a bar in Manchester who was on a business trip from Los Angeles, and they hit it off. His name was Hugo and Violet thought he was a sleaze bag. But Moira was just gaga for him. They had been inseparable while he was visiting, and surprisingly, they continued their relationship via texting and phone calls when he went back home.

A couple of weeks ago, Moira decided to fly out to Los Angeles to surprise Hugo. Apparently, Moira was the one who was surprised instead.

Violet got a hysterical call from Moira the day she landed. It turns out that Hugo was married. Violet told Moira to just fly back home right away, but Moira said she wanted to talk to Hugo and would be staying at the Cecil Hotel for the week.

That was the last time Violet heard from Moira. At first Violet wasn't worried. Moira often went off on her own whenever things didn't work out with a guy. But then Moira's mom called her and asked her if she could try and find Moira. Apparently, she got a strange voicemail from Moira a few days ago. Moira's mom said that Moira said, "Mom, pink stars are falling. Don't look at that hand, look at this one. She wants me . . . and I think I want her too."

Violet didn't know what to think about Moira's message, but she assured Moira's mom that she would find Moira and not to worry. Moira's mother was elderly and had debilitating social anxiety. Violet knew it took a lot out of her to even ask her for help.

So now, here she was, at the last known place that Moira had been, with a strange voicemail as her only clue.

Violet took a last drag off her cigarette and focused on as much of the city skyline that she could see. Her friend was out there somewhere. Violet had already filed a missing person report at the police station. But she knew that they really wouldn't take the case seriously because of Moira's record of "disappearing" whenever she had a falling out with a guy.

As Violet stubbed out her cigarette, she heard the sound of a child giggling behind her, which startled her.

"Hello?" She asked as she spun around to see who was there.

The giggling stopped and Violet felt goosebumps rise on her arms. The rooftop was well lit, and she could see that clearly she was the only one there.

It must have been a kid from down on the street, Violet tried to rationalize. Still, feeling a little creeped out, she decided to go back to her room.

She walked over to the door that led back into the hotel, and just as she was about to reach for the doorknob, someone pushed the door open.

Violet gasped and jumped back, narrowly missing getting smacked in the face.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry Violet!"

Violet let out a laugh when she saw it was Tate. She suddenly felt silly for getting spooked.

"It's okay. I think I'll live."

Tate asked, "Were you going back to your room?"

"Yeah," Violet said unexpectedly wishing she had a reason to remain on the roof.

"Why don't you stay? I promise I won't try to kill you," Tate said with a grin.

Violet felt butterflies riot in her stomach and she gave Tate a small smile.

"Sure, why not. I promise I won't try to kill you either."

A/N: So, I'm super excited about the news that Evan has been confirmed to be on AHS: Hotel! I really hope that Taissa will come back as well! However, I decided to write this story in the event that she doesn't come back. This is an AU Violate story. The characters will be slightly OOC and beware: there will be smut. There will also be some violence, and although there will be a "love" story in the plot, I really want to make this primarily a horror story. Not sure how long this story will be, but I hope you read & review! xoxo