"John, I'm gettin' real sick of you thinking you own the damn place! John, these fans can see through you. As these kids get older they'll turn there backs on you. And crawl to me. Because they know...that I am that good". Roman spat.

John smiled. "Ah, a chip on your shoulder. You grew some balls, Roman! I dig that. I do. But you forgot the part where, I rise above hate and I will capture the gold! And you...you will be in the back of line. Just another wash up wrestler, who doesn't belong in the main event. You belong in the good will of WWE...TNA".

John and Roman stood face to face talking smack to each other.

"Waoh, woah, woah! I see you two wanna be in the main event this Sunday. So; John and Roman will face Dean Ambrose. Seth Rollins. Dolph Ziggler. And TJ Starr, and the winner...WILL go against WWE champion, CM Punk!".

The crowd cheered.

*Last seconds of the first main event match*

"AA to Ziggler!".

"Ambrose tossed out of the ring!".

"AA to Rollins!".

"RKO to Reigns!".

"Ohhhhhh, MAN!". JBL yelled excitedly.

"Here we go!". Michael yelled.

John and Travis exchanged punches. Kicks. Slaps. Counters.


Travis did a moon-salt to Cena. Cena countered it and did an AA. Travis landed on his feet and hit an RKO to Cena.

"1! 2! 3!". The crowd counted with the Ref.

"YES!". JBL screamed.

CM Punk's music hit. The crowd booed him relentlessly.

He stood with a microphone in the crowd holding his title in the air with two hands. Paul Heyman got in the ring and grabbed a microphone.

"Wow! Look at you, Travis. You went from being John Cena's little brother. To now, you are going to...Main even...Wrestlemania. Good job, little buddy". Paul patted Travis on his shoulder. "This Sunday. My client, CM punk. He will rip you to shreds. He was spoil your moment of winning HIS title. You stand no chance, Travis. So take your ball. And go home". Paul gave him an evil smile.

Travis grabbed the mic. He threw the mic at Paul and gave him an RKO.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, YOU SON OF A BITCH?". He screamed at Paul. Travis pointed at CM Punk and pointed at the Wrestlemania sign.

One month til Wrestlemania

"Ladies, ladies!". Stephanie Mcmahon yelled. She walked down the ring. She went into the ring. "You all wanna be champion? All of you divas will have a battle royal. And whoever wins...Will get to face Divas Champion, Nikki Bella, for the title".

"AJ kicked Eva Marie out of the ring, AJ wins!". JBL yelled. He smiled at AJ. "Man, for a small girl, she's got a nice butt".

"John!". Michael Cole laughed.

"What? I didn't say nothing".

Cm Punk paced around the ring. "For years, the WWE has been holding me down. Weighing me down, because I'm not one of there fantasy play boy wrestlers. And now look. I AM THE WWE champion! Show me respect!". He yelled.

"Phil, I have very few words to say, tonight. You've tortured these fans, you've lost your friends, and now...You'll lose your title! And you've lost AJ, which is now my girlfriend. Phil, you can dance and say everyone here is fake. But you should look at yourself. And see how fake you really are".

"FAKE?! ME, FAKE?". He shouted.

"One month from now, time's up!". Travis snapped.

Three weeks til Wrestlemania

"TRAVIS, COME OUT HERE!". CM Punk yelled.

"Where's AJ? WHERE IS SHE?". Travis ran down to the ring, to see CM Punk's foot slightly on AJ's face. "LET HER GO!". He screamed.

"Come any closer, and I swear...I'll break her neck!".

"Come after me! Do something to me, come on!". Travis yelled.

CM Punk laughed. "Say good-bye to my future wife!".

CM Punk went to curb stomp AJ, but Travis speared CM Punk.

Two weeks until Wrestlemania

CM Punk kicked Travis over and over again. He had AJ tied to a chair. CM Punk grabbed a handful of her hair, and shouted, "THAT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND! LOOK AT HOW PATHETIC HE IS!".

The crowd booed CM Punk heavily. "BEST...IN THE WORLD!". Paul heyman held Cm Punk's wrist, as Punk held the title.

One week until Wrestlemania

"CM Punk just...He just did the go-to-sleep on AJ! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE THINKING?". Michael Cole shrieked.

Cm Punk climbed on the top rope. AJ rolled out of the way, as Travis shoved him off the top rope. Travis started besting up CM Punk and gave him the RKO. "At Wrestlemania, we will make history! And I will be the WWE champion!". Travis had one foot on CM Punk and had the title in both hands. The crowd cheered for John Cena's younger brother.