Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a nice day and that you enjoy this story. This is a slightly AU fic because I will be changing some things, but remember I own nothing. Read, review, and enjoy.

Chapter 1

Queen Frigga and Terra stood together just outside the doors that led into the dungeon. The queen could see how scared and nervous the girl before her was and she couldn't blame her. She felt the same seeing her son in a cell and Terra probably felt the same seeing the man she loved in a cell. But she also knew what she had to say to him was part of it too. Finally Frigga moved forward letting her hands rest on the girl's shoulders feeling that she was shaking. The queen had finally convinced the king to let Terra see Loki, she had even convinced him to let her into his cell, and Terra was so looking forward to seeing her love, but she was so scared too. Loki had been her love and her best friend for a very long time, but she wasn't sure how he'd take the news she had for him.

"He's going to hate me when I tell him. He doesn't want this especially now," cried Terra pulling the black cloak she wore closer to her body. It was too big for her, but she needed it until after she told him.

"No dear he won't. This may be what he needs to make him see the error of his ways," whispered Frigga soothingly.

"Remember Terra dear Loki loves you," smiled Frigga.

"No I may love him, but he doesn't love me. I know he cares for me deeply, he considers me his friend, but I'm merely a dalliance to him. He's said so before," exclaimed Terra letting her face fall into her hands as she started to sob without restraint. In that moment she let the queen turn her to face her and looking up at her she saw tears gathering in the queens eyes in response to her words.

"Terra listen to me Loki didn't mean that when he said it. In the past he has said many things he doesn't mean; he loves you. I have never seen my Loki look at anyone the way he looks at you; he looks at you like a queen, like a goddess. You are more than a dalliance to him; he has given you his heart," whispered Frigga watching as more tears left the poor girl's eyes. She hoped the queen was right; she knew Loki did say things he didn't mean sometimes, but did that mean he loved her? She hoped so. Things between them grew silent in that moment, Frigga's hands left her shoulders, and they turned in the direction of the dungeon doors.

"Stay here and I will come for you shortly," smiled Frigga before moving forward nodding to the guards as they let her past.

Moving down the hallway of the dungeon swiftly passing the other cells Frigga didn't stop until she found herself in front of her son's cell. Loki sat on the floor against the wall his nose buried in a book and looking at him Frigga smiled, some things never changed.

"Hello Mother, "said Loki not looking up at her.

"Loki, I trust you are enjoying your books," said Frigga making him look up at her setting the book aside.

"Yes well if you hadn't of acquired them for me I'd have nothing else to enjoy," exclaimed Loki staring at her seeing as she signed in response. Frigga signed repeatedly as she looked upon her son; she knew she should want to free him from his prison, but he had put himself there. She hoped when he saw Terra that he would begin to change back into the Loki she had raised.

"You have a visitor waiting outside to see you; are you going to be nice?" asked Frigga looking at him with a silent plea in her eyes.

"Who is it? Thor? Odin? Who other than you would want to see me?" exclaimed Loki rising to his feet and approaching the magical barrier completely ignoring her question. As much as he tried to hide it she could see that he was excited at the idea of seeing someone other than her. Frigga smiled at him in that moment, she knew he would be overjoyed when he saw Terra again. He would be overjoyed and she knew somewhat surprised when he discovered Terra was his visitor.

"You will just have to wait and see. I'll be right back with your visitor," said Frigga moving away from his cell down the hallway to the dungeon doors.

Terra was waiting anxiously outside the doors and when she saw her she released a breath her whole body shaking still.

" Terra don't be nervous; Loki is very excited to have a visitor and once he sees that visitor is you he will be overjoyed," smiled Frigga taking the girl's hands in hers making her look at her in response to her words.

"You didn't tell him it was me coming to visit him," whispered Terra looking from her to the dungeon doors.

"No he will be happier if you surprise him. He is excited that someone other than me is visiting him though he tried to hide it," whispered Frigga smiling imagining the look on her son's face when he saw Terra again after so long. Nothing more was said as Frigga wrapped an arm around her shoulders moving forward with her through the door into the dungeon. Terra's heart felt like it would jump out of her chest as she moved down the hall with the queen.

"I don't know about this. Are you sure he will want to see me?" breathed Terra stopping as his cell came into view. She couldn't see him yet, but the thought of the moment swiftly approaching had released a hoard of butterflies in her stomach.

"Yes dear it's going to be alright, trust me. And you must tell him either way he deserves to know," breathed Frigga. They stood there merely looking at each other a moment before Terra finally nodded letting the queen continue to move her forward up the steps until they stood outside the barrier to his cell.

Loki looked just the same as far as she could tell. She couldn't see him fully he was turned away from them sitting with a book in hand once more. Terra couldn't help, but notice his cell was the only one with furniture and she knew his mother had done this for him. And still looking at him his back still turned away as he appeared not to notice they were there she couldn't help, but smile. He was there, he was alive, and in that moment Terra realized how much she had missed him. She couldn't take her gaze off of him thinking the same thing his mother had in that moment; some things never changed.

"He is forever with a book in his hand," thought Terra smiling fondly as she looked at the queen in that moment nodding to her to make their prescience known.

"Loki your visitor is here," smiled Frigga her arm still wrapped around Terra's shoulders. Loki couldn't believe his eyes when he turned around and saw her standing there. When he had wracked his brain trying to think of who his mother was bringing to see him he had not thought of her.

"Terra," breathed Loki his eyes running over every inch of her. Part of him was waiting to wake up, this had to be a dream, she couldn't really be here could she? She looked just the same; she was still the most beautiful woman in all the realms. Terra stood before him dressed in a black cloak that left no hint of what she had hidden underneath, her gorgeous brown hair was loose down around her shoulders, her deep green eyes were stuck on him as his were on her, her skin seemed to glow she was a beauty as always. Her hands were fisted in the fabric of her cloak and he knew she was nervous in that moment she always did this when she was nervous, but it was her lips he looked at last. Her cherry red lips and letting his eyes run over her one last time he couldn't help, but think about how much he had missed her.

"Loki," breathed Terra feeling as his eyes touched her looking at her the way only he could. She was still nervous part of her wanted the world to open up and swallow her whole, but she was glad she had come, seeing him was worth it even if she never saw him ever again, this moment was worth it. Loki didn't respond to her saying his name, he was lost in his own thoughts like she was. All he wanted to do in that moment was rush to her side and kiss her lips. He wanted to shower her with affection, he wanted to carry her to his bed and make love to her, but alas the barrier between them prevented that. He only had his thoughts and memories of her to fuel him. How many times had he kissed her lips? How many times had he held her in his arms after making love to her?

Continuing to stare at her in the silence that had formed like a second barrier between them Loki couldn't help, but think with sadness that he would never do those things again. And in that moment he remembered the last kiss they had shared just before he fell from the Bifrost.

"Loki," breathed Terra again finally bringing him out of his thoughts. Gods he had missed her, the sight of her, and especially the sound of her voice. Her voice was still like music to his ears. It was the sweetest most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life; it always would be.

"Hello Terra. It is so good to see you," smiled Loki smiling the smile she knew he reserved only for her. Frigga watched their exchange in silence; she knew he would never hurt Terra. She knew he would be nothing, but happy to see her again. They were so caught up in the moment they didn't notice her open the barrier to his cell. It wasn't until Terra was pushed gently into the cell that both pairs of eyes fell on the queen as she closed the barrier once more.

"Mother what are you doing," asked Loki looking at Terra then at his mother and back again.

"You need to talk and Odin gave permission for Terra to enter your cell. You can't have a proper conversation with this barrier between you, but mind what I say Loki. Don't you dare cause her any harm both emotionally and physically," snapped Frigga leveling her gaze on him. In that moment she looked away from him and at Terra giving her that same motherly gaze.

"Call if you need anything my dear," whispered Frigga. They looked at each other for a long moment until finally they watched the queen walk away until they couldn't see her anymore. The silence between them remained in the beginning, neither of them was sure how to break it, but finally they did.

"It is so good to see you Loki. It is so good to know you're alive," exclaimed Terra and he didn't miss the crack in her voice as she held back her tears. Loki remembered his words to Thor back on Midgard in that moment; he knew he had been wrong. This woman, his love, his Terra; she had missed him. She had mourned him when she thought him dead. And instantly he felt an ache in his chest for causing her such pain.

"It is good to see you as well Terra. I have missed you more than you know. You were never far from my thoughts I can promise you that," smiled Loki slowly approaching her. Terra looked at him in that moment, she wanted to run into his arms, but she had to tell him first. His response could change everything. Giving him a pained smile, Terra held up her hands in a silent plea for him to wait and not come any closer. She hoped he would be happy about the news she had to tell him, but she wasn't sure. Loki didn't understand what was happening. Was she scared of him; did she think he would hurt her? Why didn't she want him to come any closer?

"I have something I need to tell you before you come any closer," exclaimed Terra looking into his eyes. Loki could see whatever she had to say wasn't easy on her. Part of him hoped she didn't fear him; he loved her, he would never hurt her, and he was saddened at the thought that she might think otherwise. What could she possibly have to tell him?

"You don't need to be afraid Terra. I would never hurt you no matter what. You can always tell me anything," smiled Loki watching her he had never seen her so scared before. He hated that he caused that fear in her. She smiled at him in that moment signing in relief, but her hands stayed fisted tight in the fabric of her cloak as she nodded.

"Loki after you fell from the Bifrost I discovered I was with child. I'm going to have your child," exclaimed Terra and in that moment as those words left her mouth she let her overly large cloak part revealing her swollen belly from beneath the fabric of her dress.

"You're with child," gasped Loki looking at her now with a new light in his eyes. He had thought maybe she was going to tell him she was being married off, but he hadn't been expecting this. He never thought he could love her more than he already did, but he was wrong. Loki had never considered becoming a father, he always had other things on his mind; the wrong things. Now he couldn't be more overjoyed by the news that she was having his baby and looking at her he suddenly knew why she was so scared. She thought he would be angry that he wouldn't want this child and part of him wondered if she even knew he loved her.

"I love you," exclaimed Loki simply making her look at him both of them staying stock still his heart swelling with love only for her. He saw tears begin to move down her face and her shoulders shook with the force of her tears.

"You love me. I thought you'd hate me that you'd want nothing to do with me, or our child," cried Terra tears covering her face.

"How could I ever hate the mother of my child? How could I ever hate someone I love as much as you," smiled Loki approaching her quickly her eyes never leaving him as he did. He peered into her eyes with nothing, but love in his own. Terra didn't know what to expect when she came to see him, but she hadn't expected this. She had hoped he would want her, hoped he would want their baby, but the reality of it was too good to be true. Loki stared down at her at first, but then he pulled her into his arms. It felt so good to be in his arms again in that moment and smiling she looked down at her belly as it rested just between them. Loki did the same smiling before he couldn't wait anymore without any further wait he kissed her. He kissed her with all his love; he kissed her with all his passion and he couldn't help, but think about how he had missed her. Terra stood in the circle of his arms. She had missed him. She had missed his voice, his lips, and his arms holding her tight like he was now, and oh how she had missed him.

Her tears continued to move unashamed down her face as her arms found their way around his neck holding him as close as she possibly could. Kissing him back with a passionate fierceness she felt his hands move gently over her sides pulling her closer. It felt so good to have her in his arms again; it felt so good to kiss her lips. Loki knew he had been a fool to think anything else mattered; he knew now he didn't need, or want to be king all he needed and wanted was her. Terra thought herself just as foolish. How could she have ever thought he didn't love her? How could she ever forget that this man loved her? How could she ever think he would be anything other than happy that she carried his child? When their lips finally parted they were both out of breath.

"I love you. I love you Terra I always have I just didn't know how to show it. I was such a fool to think I needed anything, but you. I love you Terra; I am so happy you are with child. I could not be prouder that my child, our child is growing inside you," exclaimed Loki stroking her cheek. Suddenly she was in his arms again and he had picked her up into his arms swinging her around in circles in his happiness. Terra wrapped her arms around him in turn as he did so smiling her tears finally stopping as she buried her head in his shoulder until he stopped looking at her once more before kissing her again.

"I love you," whispered Terra as he set her on her feet again looking up at him her eyes filled with her undying love her hands finding purchase on his chest.

"I love you too," smiled Loki signing as she moved forward in that moment wrapping her arms around his waist she buried her head in his chest. She needed to be in his arms, she needed to breathe his scent, and she needed to know for sure that this wasn't a dream. She needed to know he was really there that he wasn't going to disappear. And smiling into his chest she signed as he wrapped his arms around her holding her as tightly as she held him. He was really there; he was alive. Terra had missed him, all of him, she loved him, only him, and she never ever wanted to let go. She wished she could stay there with him forever. That thought made her sign, she knew that wouldn't happen. The queen would return and she would have to leave him. It was that thought that made her hold him even tighter and he felt it. Loki didn't say anything as she did this; he only kissed the top of her head holding her as tightly as she held him lightly petting her hair running his hands through each silken strand.

When she looked up at him at long last, she kissed the skin of his throat before allowing him to hold her face in his hands once more.

"I love you Loki. I've missed you so much; I'm so glad you're alive," whispered Terra leaning into his touch, it had been so long since she'd felt his hands on her skin touching her even in the most innocent of ways.

"I'm sorry Terra, I'm so sorry to have put you through that. I'm sorry to have caused you such pain," breathed Loki kissing her chastely on the lips. They smiled at each other in that moment as she placed his hands to rest on her growing belly. She watched as he kneeled down in front of her his hands never leaving her stomach as he stared at it in awe. Their child was in there growing and looking at her again he couldn't have loved her more. She was watching him; Terra was so happy to see the love and amazement he held in his eyes. There was a sparkle in his eyes she had never seen before.

"You have made me so happy," whispered Loki smiling as her hands covered his.

For seconds maybe minutes they stayed like that in complete bliss; when the moment finally ended it was Loki who ended it. He bounded to his feet pulling her close once more. His hands were still on her stomach with her own covering them as he began to kiss her once more. Afterward he took her hands in his bringing them to his lips. Not a word was spoken as he moved with her over to the chair he had been sitting in when she entered; he didn't hesitate to sit down pulling her to sit in his lap. His lips nuzzled the skin of her neck making her smile as their fingers intertwined.

"You are so beautiful," whispered Loki. He was happy to merely sit with her in his arms and just look at her. Terra smiled curling an arm around his shoulders she captured his lips deepening it quickly moaning at the taste of his lips.

They tasted the same after all this time and Loki couldn't help, but think the same as he too tasted her lips after so long. And they both knew in that moment that while everything had changed this would not. They would never stop loving each other.

"This is going to be hard isn't it," signed Terra as the kiss ended. Loki couldn't help, but sign with her pulling her closer.

"Yes," breathed Loki his head falling to rest in the space between her neck and shoulders. He would be imprisoned here for the rest of his days; he would never be free, he would never get the chance to make things right with her.

Loki knew now he would never be able to do the things he wanted to do with her. He would never get to marry her; he couldn't even ask her. He would never get to see his child grow up; he wouldn't be there with her to raise their child. He would never get the chance to redeem himself in the eyes of her and everyone. And all because of the choices he had made.

"I'm sorry Terra. If I hadn't been so stupid, if I hadn't been such a fool we wouldn't be in this situation," exclaimed Loki looking into her eyes and she could see his regret then for the things he had done.

"I know Loki, but it's going to be alright. I'm just happy you're alive. I'm happy we're going to have a child. This isn't going to be easy, but we will find a way to live through it. You love me and I love you. Our love for each other will be our strength; our love will get us through this situation," whispered Terra holding his face in her hands feeling as he leaned into her touch as if this was the last time he would ever feel her touch. And they both knew there was a chance that this would be the last time they ever kissed and touched each other.

Terra knew the queen would see to it that she got to visit him, but there was a chance this would be the only time she would ever be allowed into his cell. From this day forward there would be a barrier between them keeping them apart. And they both knew this. Loki kissed her then moving his hands to the sides of her neck. He kissed her with a passion she eagerly returned the reality of it all floating like an angry storm in both their minds. They knew this moment was running on a ticking clock; they didn't want to waste a moment.

Suddenly she found herself on her feet with him letting him move her backwards his hands at her sides. Terra didn't know where he was taking her; her only focus was him in that moment, she didn't care where he took her. As long as he didn't leave her side she was fine. She stopped when she felt the edge of his bed come in contact with the back of her legs. Breaking their kiss she looked at him placing her hands on his chest.

" Loki we can't," breathed Terra smiling as his hands moved over her sides as she instinctively moved her arms around his neck.

"Why? I love you Terra; I need you. I have never wanted anything as much as I want you right now," whispered Loki kissing her neck until he reached her lips. Terra signed, she wanted him as well, but when he saw her he would change his mind. She was huge compared to what she once was; he wouldn't want her like that.

"You're only saying that. I'm bigger now; you couldn't possibly want me like this. You couldn't possibly desire me as I am now. I'm heavy with child. And besides that anyone could walk in and discover us," whispered Terra her voice so low he almost didn't hear her. Loki frowned at her at first, but then he smiled he would prove to her just how much he desired her. Moving his hands gently over her sides he made her sit on the edge of the bed and kissing her forehead he kneeled before her once more. Holding her hands in his, he looked at her for a long time; she thought he couldn't desire her as she was now, but oh how wrong she was. Loki knew he had to show her the truth, the truth that he would desire her until his dying day. And now as she sat before him heavy with his child he only wanted her more.

Still holding her hands in his, he brought them to his lips over and over again determined to kiss every inch of skin he found. Finally he looked at her with a hungry gaze that was filled with his love and desire for her.

"My sweet, you are so, so beautiful. You are my love, my beauty. I will never see you as anything else. Nothing could ever make me see you as less than your beautiful self. To me you shall always be the most desirable, sexy, beautiful, exquisite, gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on. You are the only woman I'll want from this day forward. And now seeing you right now heavy with my child, you have never been more desirable. I've never wanted you more. Please Terra my love, my beauty, please don't turn me down. Don't think that you are anything less than the love of my life, the only woman I'll ever want. Please love I need you. I want you so badly I can barely contain myself. I love you with all my heart; I don't care who sees us, or walks in on us I just want you. I want to worship you and make love to you while I still have you here with me. This may be the last time I ever kiss you and touch you. I may never get to feel you in my arms ever again. Please my love let me show you how much I want you; how much I desire you," exclaimed Loki burying his head in the fabric of her dress feeling as her hands gently stroked his head. Terra made him look at her fisting her hands in the fabric of his shirt. She pulled his lips up to meet hers moving her hands to fist in his hair as she fell back onto the bed. Loki fell onto the bed with her being careful not to put his full weight on her his hands coming to rest on either side of her head as they kissed with a fierce tenderness.

Slowly he let his hands move over her body deepening the kiss losing himself in it before finally pulling away to look down at her. He had thought he would never have her like this again. His eyes moved over every inch of her memorizing everything from her face to the slender curves of her body. His fingers moved to the ties at the front of her dress gently tugging them undone and remaining silent he removed her dress. Now she was bare to him and as always she was beautiful. As he gazed down at the beauty that was her he couldn't help, but think that he wanted to savior this. He wanted to savior this moment, he wanted to worship her, he wanted to love her because he knew this would probably be the last time he ever did so. This was the last time he would kiss her, this was the last time he would touch her; this was the last time he would make love to her. And he never wanted her to forget this moment, or that even though he would be in this cell for the rest of his life he didn't want her to forget that he loved her. Loki would never love anyone, but her his Terra. And suddenly he was on her attacking her lips with a hunger he hadn't known for anything, or anyone, but her.

"I love you Terra," growled Loki as he moved with her up the length of the bed feeling as she opened the buttons of his shirt quickly removing it and letting it fall to the floor. He kissed her eagerly as she did this savoring the feeling of her fingers running over his bare skin. Terra watched him as he kissed down the length of her body before fingering her panties looking at her with that wicked grin she loved. Torturously slow it seemed he removed them leaving her naked beneath him silently waiting for him to take her. Loki locked eyes with her as he stood from the bed not waiting to open his pants and dispose of them feeling her eyes eat him up as he did so. His body covered hers in that moment, they were finally skin to skin with nothing between them, and they reveled in it as they captured each other's lips in a slow heated kiss.

"Are you alright. I'm not hurting you am I," whispered Loki looking down at her his hands on either side of her head. He tried not to put much weight on her he didn't want to hurt her. She only smiled in response to his words moving her hands sensually up his back to tangle in his dark raven hair.

"No I'm fine. You're not hurting me at all though this does feel a little strange this is perfect. Being here right now with you is perfect. Just perfect; I never thought I'd be like this with you again. Please Loki make love to me like you always have; I want you so badly. Make love to me like only you can; I love you so much," whispered Terra pulling him down to kiss her.

Terra gasped into the kiss allowing him to deepen it and she savored each second lightly tugging at the strands of his hair as her legs encircled his waist. Pulling him between her legs the kiss broke as he felt her hot and wet for him his arousal for her apparent in that moment as well as hers for him. He looked down at her with heat in his gaze moving to nip at the skin of her neck. He had missed her; he loved her.

"Loki please; I need you. I need you inside me," breathed Terra gasping at the feel of him, his cock hard against her thigh, his lips moving savagely over her neck, and pulling him to look at her she kissed him.

Looking down at her afterwards into her sparkling green gaze they both smiled moaning as he settled himself just outside her entrance preparing to take her and make her his. In one sudden movement, he filled her completely making her gasp holding onto him for dear life as his name left her lips like a prayer. Together they signed in contentment; it felt amazing to be joined like this again after so long. They reveled in it, in the skin to skin contact, in the warmth of each other's bodies, in the feeling of him filling her so completely, and the feeling of her body wrapped so perfectly around him. It was perfection; they were perfection.

"Loki I love you," gasped Terra moving her hands over the skin of his back as she caught his lips with hers moaning as he moved inside her. Loki moved at a steady rhythm inside her as he kissed her with a love and passion he had never known for another. They moved together in a fever, a fever only they could give each other. They were coming together again after so long and it was wonderful, they didn't want it to end. Nothing would ever be as wonderful as that moment. Nothing would ever be as exquisite as that moment right then making love to her, making her his for the rest of eternity. Nothing would ever be as exquisite as her.

Leaving her lips he moved to her neck once more teasing the skin he found there. He bit her lightly making her swoon as he ran his tongue over it soothingly afterwards before moving lower to her collarbone and then her breasts. They were larger then he remembered and he knew he owed her pregnancy for that as he kissed the skin of her plump mounds of flesh. He watched her nipples pucker as he played with them never ceasing his endless pounding into her making her scream.

" Loki yes… more," exclaimed Terra scratching her nails down his back making him groan and move into her harder and faster. He could never get enough of her. He was in love with her as she was in love with him; they would never get enough of each other ever. They were almost there; they both knew they would soon fall into the abyss together. Their moans of pleasure came in unison and her body hugged him tightly and with one final thrust into her they fell over the edge together.

"Loki!" squealed Terra throwing her head back her eyes falling shut in her pleasure.

"Oh Terra," gasped Loki letting his head fall to her chest as he rode out his bliss holding her as tightly as he could. Afterwards he looked at her as she looked down at him wicked smiles on both their lips.

Moving his lips over her skin he marked every inch of skin he could. He marked her chest, her collarbone, her neck, and finally he claimed her lips with his. She would always be his and his alone and he would make she knew that and never forgot it.

"You're mine, only mine, forever. Say it," growled Loki as his lips moved over her neck again before looking at her expectantly. Terra smiled at him in that moment wrapping her arms around him as she pulled him as close as possible.

"I'm yours Loki. I will never belong to anyone, but you I promise. I will never want any other, but you. I will never love anyone, but you; I love you Loki. I'm yours, yours. Only yours forever," whispered Terra making him smile as he looked down at her with every word before leaning down and kissing her with all his love.

"Loki," breathed Terra against his lips.

"Terra," groaned Loki as he deepened the kiss making her moan and hold him even closer as if expecting him to disappear. And he understood they knew their time together could end any minute. They collapsed in the warmth of each other's arms both of them breathing heavy.

"I love you, "whispered Loki as he finally pulled out of her lying with her securely at his side. Terra smiled at him in response moving to lay her head on his chest she took one of his hands.

"I love you; I never want you to forget that," whispered Loki bring their hands to rest on her growing belly.

"I love you too Loki. I know you love me I'm not going to forget that any time soon. And don't you forget how much I love you," smiled Terra squeezing his hand as it lay intertwined with hers over her stomach moving her lips in the same moment to kiss him. For a while all was quiet between them as they reveled in the fact that their baby was growing inside her that they were going to have a baby, and they were going to be parents.

"How far along are you," asked Loki suddenly bringing her out of her thoughts to look at him.

"I'm five nearly six months along. Why do you want to know Loki," smiled Terra wickedly even though she knew why she just wanted to hear it from his lips.

"I was just wondering when this happened. It had to happen that night before Thor's coronation," smiled Loki kissing her as he remembered that night. Things were good then, but then he went and destroyed everything.

"Yes I know love. You didn't have much time for me after that," whispered Terra kissing him as final time before looking away from him. Loki felt an ache in his heart; she was right he had only been concerned with destruction then. He understood then why she had thought he hadn't loved her, he hadn't really treated her with love, he hadn't showed her he loved her, and he even remembered telling her she was nothing to him, but a mere dalliance. That couldn't have been farther from the truth; she had meant everything to him, she still meant everything to him, and she always would.

Loki pulled her beneath him once more and suddenly he was kissing her with all his love again.

"I'm sorry Terra," breathed Loki taking her face in his hands as he placed little chaste kisses all over her face before finding her lips again. Terra didn't know what to say in response so she didn't say anything she merely grabbing his shoulders and pulled him down to kiss her. And they kissed staying like that in complete bliss together until a throat cleared behind them making them stop and turn to see his mother standing outside the barrier her back to them.

"I'm sorry to interrupt my dears, but your time is up. Terra must go back up to the palace with me. I'll give you a moment to get dressed and say your goodbyes," said Frigga not looking at them as she disappeared from sight once more. They didn't move away immediately after that, breathing a sign they stared at each other before kissing one last time.

A thick silence filled the air as they separated on the bed both of them moving to gather their clothes. When they were dressed once more they stood inches apart; neither of them wanted to say goodbye. Terra was trying to hold back her tears; he could see that. In the end though she couldn't tears beginning to gather in her eyes she rushed into his arms.

"Don't cry my love; it's all going to be alright," whispered Loki holding her so tight. He didn't want to ever let her go.

"I love you Loki," cried Terra looking up at him with tears running down her cheeks.

"And I love you; my heart, my soul, and all I am is yours. I am yours," exclaimed Loki drying her tears as he spoke before pulling her to kiss him.

They kissed urgently one of his hands resting gently against her belly as his other arm wrapped securely around her waist. When they heard his mother clear her throat once more they moved apart.

"I'll be back to see you I promise," breathed Terra holding his hands in her own.

"I'll be looking forward to that," whispered Loki watching her as she slowly walked away towards the barrier. Terra left the cell waving goodbye as Frigga silently escorted her out of the dungeon. Loki signed; he missed her immediately.

Later that night his mother returned to see him. It was just the same between them except he wasn't cruel to her at all. When the time came for her to leave just as she was about to walk away his voice stopped her.

"Thank you mother," said Loki making her turn to look at him again.

"Whatever for Loki," smiled Frigga?

"For convincing father to let Terra into my cell, for convincing him to let me see her," smiled Loki and it didn't escape her notice that he had finally called Odin his father again. Looking at him she knew he had more to say so they merely stood there staring at each other.

"Please mother, could you look after Terra for me while I'm in here. I love her; I don't want anything happening to her," whispered Loki standing almost right next to her the barrier between them. Nothing was said between them as he merely stood there looking pleadingly into her eyes.

"I have and I will continue to do so Loki. What do you think I've been doing while you were off reaping havoc," snapped Frigga smiling at him before walking away down the hall and out of the dungeon.