Hi so for those of you that follow my FT story i promise i have not given up on it! i'm writing more just in a bit of a block. But i saw a prompt for this and needed to write. This will be a one shot unless you guys request more! in that case depending what you want i can either make this a short chapter story or a prompt story it all depends on what you want :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater

Soul stared lazily at the fuzzy TV screen, the spring in his couch was digging in to his lower back but he didn't care enough to move. He glanced at the glowing numbers of his clock as the sound of fake laughter flowed from the speakers. He groaned and tipped his head back, his wine colored eyes slid closed and the bones in his neck popped back in to place. A lazy grin spread across his lips at the feeling, a peek of razor teeth showing between his lips.

Soul groaned and stood from the couch shuffling across the hardwood floor of his living room in to the linoleum of his bathroom. His good for nothing brother was suppose to be coming for dinner. He knew this was his parents way of checking up on him, sending his older brother Wes over for weekly dinners so he could report back to them. Not that they would be happy with what they heard. While his brother and parents lived in a posh mansion and his brother was excelling at classical music he on the other hand lived in the definition of a bachelor pad, including the boxers laying on the floor and the only food in the kitchen including some expired milk and a box of cereal. He lived off Chinese and pizza and worked during the night as a DJ in a club. But he was happy and he didn't plan on making any changes.

He had an hour and a half so he may as well try to look a little bit presentable. He noticed the fact that as soon as he entered his bathroom he could hear the shower from next door running. He rolled his eyes, the girl next door was such a little goody goody, it annoyed the crap out of him, she was always nagging him about something or other, not that he cared. He turned on his shower and waited for the water to heat up before stripping his clothes and stepping under the warm spray. He hissed as the hot water touched the skin on his back but let it slowly relax his muscles and work in to his sore spots.

He tilted his head back and let the water cascade over his hair and face. He smirked slightly as he heard a small feminine voice humming off key. Sure she nagged him like hell but he secretly enjoyed the fact that when he showered at the right time he could hear her hum and sometimes sing to herself. She was almost horribly off key every time but for some reason he found it cute. He stood under the spray letting her voice sooth him until it changed from humming to moaning.

At first he didn't catch it, she was so quite and it took him completely by surprise. But there it was again. He silently moved from under the spray and pressed his back against the wall, a shiver running down his spine from the contact. He pressed the back of his head against the wall to hear her better. His white hair dripped in to his eyes and he screwed his eyebrows together in confusion.

There it was again. His mouth curved in to a wickedly sharp smile as he heard her whimper, then moan, this one a bit louder than last time. Shit goody goody pig tails was getting off. Soul ignored the way the sounds made his dick harden just slightly. He was not going to touch himself, this was too good and he didn't want any distractions.

He stayed there for at least twenty minutes as his neighbor carried on, slowly getting louder and louder. Finally it ended and Soul was so hard it hurt. He heard her finish her showed then heard the muffled noises of her getting dried off and dressed. Shit that was hotter than he ever thought she was capable of. He had spent the whole time listening and trying to picture her face as she came. He looked down at his erection and sighed wistfully. He really wanted to take care of it but he really didn't have the time. Soul finished his shower and finished getting ready to meet his brother for dinner.

It had been four days and Soul was aching he had tried to time his showers the same time as his neighbor for ever since he had heard her little private time in the shower but he seemed to be having the worst luck. He was currently sitting on the couch, pajama pants slung low on his hips and his chest bare. He heard noise from next door and realized his neighbor was getting ready to leave her apartment. His eyes widened and he grinned, jumping up from the couch and dashing to the door. Soul slung the door opened and casually leaned against his door frame as his neighbor was locking up her door. His wine colored eyes traveled up long slim legs encased in the shortest skirt, up her slim torso to look at her face. Her brilliant green eyes peeked over his way and her ash blonde pig tails swayed as she nodded in greeting. "Soul." He smirked. "Pigtails." He snickered as she huffed and rolled her eyes. "Something i can help you with?" The disdain in her voice was heavy and Soul had to think fast.

"Say Maka, I just wanted to make sure i wasn't bothering you at all. You know these walls are so thin. You can hear practically everything." Her eye brows scrunched together and she tilted her head at the drop in his voice. If she didn't know any better she would say his tone was... Husky. "Um no I'm fine. Why have I bothered you?" She shivered at his deep chuckle. "No. No bother at all. Have a nice night." Maka nodded slowly as Soul disappeared back in to his apartment. "Weirdo." She rolled her eyes and took off.

Maka sighed as she slipped out of her fluffy robe and tested the water on her wrist. Not to hot, not too cold. "Perfect." She sighed in pleasure as she slid under the water and hummed as she thoroughly wet her hair. Maka heard her neighbor lumbering around his apartment and suddenly the pipes creaked and she heard the fall of water from the other side of the wall. His words from the day before lit up in her mind about how the walls were thin and her cheeks pinked slightly remembering the slight sound of water the other day when she had been pleasuring herself. Had he heard?

She gulped 'God I hope not.' A deep groan reverberated through her bathroom and made her pink cheeks darken. Her eyes widened. He wasn't!

Another groan followed by a low drawn out moan. Oh god he was! She shouldn't stay and listen, this was such an invasion of privacy. She should turn off the water and leave him be, finish her shower later. She nodded and went to reach for the knob but stiffened as she heard her name uttered in the breathy low tones of her neighbors voice. No Way. She silently leaned against the wall to hear better because surely she heard wrong. But there it was again. "Makaaa." It didn't even sound like he was trying to be discreet.

Her hands tightened at her sides and the muscled in her thighs clamped together. Sure her neighbor looked like sex on legs but he was a cocky asshole who got on all of her nerves not just the last ones. His voice made her shiver and she could hear his breathing pick up. "Makaa" She gulped and licked her dry lips. "S-soul?" "Oh god Maka!"

He didn't! Maka gasped as her neighbor almost shouted her name and her hand was pressed against her mouth. Oh god he did! She reached over and fumbled with the knob, turned off the water and half fell out of her shower.

Soul leaned against the wall of his shower, the water washing away any and all evidence of what had just happened his mouth curved in to a sharp grin. Oh his living arrangements had just gotten ten times more interesting. He couldn't wait until he bumped in to his innocent little neighbor again.

So let me know what you think :)