First story here! That's a plot bunny that has been bugging me for the past months, and I finally could write it down, I hope you like it! The story is rated T for swearing and mild suggestive themes (but we'll take a while to get there). I think it's good to mention that English is not my first language, so pelase be nice!
Here are the profiles of the OC's, in case anyone gets confused:
Name: Rosalina Cortez
Age: 17
Nicknames: Rosa, Rosie Cotton, Lina (only for best friends)
Appearance: Middle length straight sandy blond hair, dark blue eyes and fair skin. She looks exactly like Belarus.
Personality: Very suspicious about everything and always has a quick sarcastic comeback, but if you can get through that, she's a person you'll not be embarrassed to like. She has a short temper and if you catch her in one of those days, be prepared. She's also sassy and bitchy as hell when annoyed or simply when she's bored. Tends to get stupid and blush when complimented.
The next OCs will only show up later on,
Name: Danielle Maria Emory
Age: 18
Nicknames: Dany, Daenerys, Dan
Appearance: Long wavy pitch black hair, brown eyes and pale skin.
Personality: Her sense for fashion is legendary. She's the person who's always happy and sweet no matter what, she's thick skinned and very kind hearted. You need a lot to make her angry, and if you do, she will become very scary and explosive. She also has the ability of eating everything (even stuff as bad as Britain's food).
Name: Caitlyn Aileen Maher
Age: 17
Nicknames: Cat, Cake, Lady Stark
Appearance: She has extremely curly chin length ginger hair and water colored eyes. She's pale and her face is covered up with many freckles.
Personality: She's very smart and geeky, but has problems in socializing. But once you can be her friend, she'll always be there for you no matter what. When she gets comfortable around someone, she is extremely loud and fun to hang out with.
"Mawaru mawaru te o totte mawaru chikyuu Rondo... Ashi o fuminarashite Carolare... Pasta maite kuru kuru nagagutsu de kanpai! Mawaru mawaru chikyuude Ciao! HETALIA!" I sang along with the song in my terribly awful Japanese singing voice. My voice in English was horrible, so imagine it in Japanese? That didn't prevent me from singing along at the end credits of the anime.
I slammed my fist against the wooden table in which my laptop was, after the last episode of The Beautiful World ended. I watched the entire series so many times… Yeah, being 17, I should be outside on parties getting drunk and pregnant, but I'm here watching Hetalia….I know I need a life, everyone tells me that. Okay, but whatever, I love Hetalia and nobody will make me stop!
One of the pros of being alone at home (and if you're me) is watching Hetalia without earphones and sing the songs really loudly. Since my father travelled to India yesterday to work, and will only return one month from now, I could do this stuff as much as I wanted.
I don't blame him for leaving me alone for so long, because it's difficult to raise a daughter alone, and I'm quite grown up already to take care of myself. However, dad didn't leave me completely alone, he left his unlimited credit card for me to use.
"Damn, it's over again." I sighted at the black screen of the laptop. What on Earth will I do now? Well… I could go on Facebook and invite my friends Caitlyn and Danielle to the movies or something… But not now.
I had just checked my phone to find an unread message from my dad: 'Rosa, I'm finally at the hotel. Are you okay? Reply quickly.' My actual name is Rosalina (just like the character in Mario Galaxy), but people usually call me Rosa, or in my best friends Danielle and Caitlyn's case, they call me 'Lina'. It was nice for my father to let me know that it's everything okay with him.
Now that I think about, it's 2 a.m., my father might be just a little pissed at me for not replying, since I don't have any good reasons to leave the house, I don't have an excuse for that… Well, I'll do that tomorrow.
It was more than time to go to sleep already, and despite watching Hetalia for hours straight, my eyes were becoming heavy with sleep. I stood up from my spinning chair and walked to the pink wooden wardrobe I had since I was a very small child.
My bedroom was medium sized, there was my desk (where I was seated previously) opposite to the wardrobe and my bed leaning against the wall beside the window. I opened the wardrobe's doors and let the familiar scent of my clothes filled my nose. I loved that smell….
I grabbed a grey pajama blouse with a black ribbon drawn on it and a pair of black comfortable pajama pants. After I changed clothes, I closed the window (of course, because I don't fancy getting a cold during summer) and jumped on my bed.
I loved my bed. It had cute yellow sheets and it was overcrowded with the Hetalia main characters plushies. They only adorned my bed, though. Every night I chose one of the eight plushies to sleep on my bed with me, and today was Italy's turn. Call me immature and childish, I don't care…
I put all the other plushies inside my wardrobe and closed it. Then, I returned to my bed and hugged my little Italy. "Aw Italy! I wish you were real!" With that, I laid down and pulled my blanket over my body, "Okay, Rosalina, you've gone too far already…" I scolded myself.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep in a matter of seconds…
But be careful what you wish for young lady, or your wish might come true.
"Take your filthy arse off my face, frog!" Humm? What was that?
"Take your ugly face from moi ass, black sheep of Europe!" I heard another voice in a very familiar French accent call out, but it was probably my imagination after watching the whole 5 seasons of Hetalia in one day.
"Suck balls! I knew fortune cookie today was full of bad luck!" China? I made a mental note on forbidding myself to watch that much anime in one day.
"Dudes, chill! It's not like it's the end of the world!" Seriously, have I been doing cocaine without even realizing?
"Being looking at the bright side, everyone is currently one with Mother Russia."
"It's better for us to get out of here as fast as we can."
"I agree."
Okay. Enough. I decided to open my eyes and finally confirm that I was having freaking hallucinations, or there were many robbers from different nationalities inside my house. Or maybe it was just Satan.
I opened my eyes only to find out that I was hugging a sleeping man while he slept on my bed with me. When I finally realized that was an auburn haired stranger in my bed, the results were…well,
"Ahhhh!" I yelled to the top of my lungs.
"Dio mio, è finita la pasta!" The stranger in my bed woke up and jumped up from my arms in fright. And I finally saw who the hell it was.
It was an Italy cosplayer. An awesome cosplay, I must point out. However he most probably is a very crazy person.
He looked at me and I looked at him...
Then we both yelled.
Dio mio, è finita la pasta!- My God, the pasta is over!
That's it! I hope you liked the first chapter! Constructive criticism is welcome! Reviews are loved! Review please? To make this rookie fanfic writer happy?