Well I'm back for another chapter so I hope everyone will enjoy this. Now grap some popcorn and enjoy.
Of Wubs and Rainbows
Chapter 15
Surprise, Surprise
-The Next Day-
" Alex...Alex." I hear someone whispering in my ear but sleep has its grip on me. Someone moves my side slightly but I don't respond. I hear a loud sigh and then...OOFF! My eyes shoot open and I see Vinyl practically siting on me." Get up." She wears an obvious smile but her voice shows order. I take this opportunity to get her back a bit. The way I see it, this is a sneak attack but funny. Suddenly I move my arms and grab her with both the blanket and me. She screams and I chuckle and now we're facing each other. She gives me a look and I just smirk." Well I'm up." I smirk and give her a peck on the lips, which Vinyl blushes.
" Well that was a surprise. Either way good morning, Alex." She smiles and kisses back. She gets out of my bed and I sit up and stretch." So what did you need?" I yawn. Vinyl glares at me and points a hoof at the clock, its noon.
" You sleep in too long. I might enjoy some sleep in time, but you just pass out and thats it. Octavia and I kinda need you up anyway. Just come downstairs and we'll explain." Vinyl leaves and I let out a sigh. There's nothing wrong with sleeping in until noon in my eyes. I walk downstairs and enter the kitchen to see Octavia and Vinyl talking to each other but stop when they see me." Don't stop talking...on my account." I yawn and get into the fridge for some OJ.
" Well it seems your finally up, Alex. You should try to wake up at a much more reasonable time." Octavia says glancing back at me. I roll my eyes.
" You've said the samething before Tavi. And I ain't changing." I smirk and sit down." So what is it that you NEEDED me to up for?" Vinyl takes a seat next to me.
" Well we kinda need you to be gone for a while." Vinyl says bluntly. Why didn't you just let me sleep?
" Well you could've just let me sleep! I mean whatever kind of girl talk you two were having didn't need to wake me up." I snap slightly and Vinyl pops me up side the head. I'm kind of on edge because tomorrow is my birthday and I don't care too much for it, nothing personal from it, its just I never saw my birthday as anything special. But what IS putting me on edge is the fact that everyone WILL make a big fucking deal about it, and thats my problem. Its just a another day closer to death in my eyes, also the eyes of my cousin Lenny." Ok whhhhat do you need me to do today? Do the dishes or something?" I groan earning another pop to the head from Vinyl." Quite being an ass." Vinyl glares at me, whats up with her? Yesterday was a huge surprise for me, with Vinyl telling her struggles to me and crying on me, something I've rarely ever saw. After her 'breakdown' we just talked and sorted things out. I really do care for her and I would never hurt her, well intentionally of course. The problem for me is Rainbow Dash, because I care for her too. My mind and heart are split between the two mares, wow a sentence I would've never hear myself say. Maybe I should discus my predicament with Twilight over tea later." Well Alex, you don't know your own body that much." Vinyl begins, which I can agree on that." I would like for you to learn about your new body more, I mean take a deep look at your anatomy and such. Go talk with Twilight later, if you can. For now me and Octavia...have some...things to sort through."
The way Vinyl stuttered like that shows that something is up, but I really do need to figure out my body more. Vinyl is right. I sigh in defeat, and set my empty glass in the sink." Ok so when do you want me gone?" I ask turning back to the two girls.
" You kinda need to leave now, sorry bro." Vinyl shrugs and I roll my eyes, saw that coming." Alright I'll go, your luck that I wake up fast." I walk out of the kitchen but I fake go up stairs, so I can listen in on their conversation." So do you think he knows whats going on?" Octavia asks, know about what?
" Nah, he's narrow minded. I just hope that everything goes right today. Tavi, I really don't want to screw this up. He means alot to me, and Rainbow Dash too, hell he means alot to all of us. I just hope this doesn't piss him off." Something that might piss me off, huh?
" It will be fine, Vinyl I promise. Now lets go get everything ready." I panic slightly and rush up the stairs, grab my Ipod with my earbuds go back down." Oh hey. Well I'll go talk with Twilight, so I'll see you two around." I say and wave a hoof goodbye. I walk outside and the warm sunlight hits me, giving a slight smile. I think that there is a slight magic spell put on the sunlight by Celestia to make everyone smile in the daylight. Well thats just a piss poor theory of mine. Still I smile a bit while I'm outside, something I rarely ever did on Earth. My mind is still racked on yesterday's events and whatever 'thing' Vinyl is planing. I'm not going to be mad at her for whatever she's got up here sleeve. I hold my Ipod with my magic and put one earbud in and press play on the Far Cry 3 Full Soundtrack. Yeah once again its another game I loved since its release but I stopped playing it because I got bored with it. So last night I went through my game library and found Far Cry 3, again. I started playing it and remembered on how beautiful that game was. It had rich characters, great story, beautiful tropical environment and exploration. I owned both 3 and 4, though I never completed 4 cause I got bored with it too. It just didn't draw me in like the third one, then there's the soundtrack. I feel head over heels with it, it was so...so different. I listen alot of times to soundtracks for cheap inspiration, but this one helped me write about a dozen or so stories based on the tone for each track. My personal favorite track is track 4 Monsoon, its a great mix of techno and orchestra. Either way now I kinda want to play that when I get home.
-At Twilight's-
I finally made it. I should have flown but I felt like walking. I walk up to the front door and knock." I've got it!" A male voice yells, which is Spike's. Soon the door is thrown open and the little purple and green dragon is standing in the doorway." Oh, sup Alex." He greets.
" Sup bro. Is Twilight here?" I greet back, well along with a question at the end. Spike nods.
" Yeah she's just organizing, what else is new." He waves me inside. He takes notice of my Ipod." So what music are you listening too?"
" It's a soundtrack for a game." I respond though forgot that Spike has never really seen a video game before, though he's heard me, Rainbow Dash, and Vinyl talk about them. Once again somehow I have affected them with the love for video games, well to an extent at least. Spike's expression shows both confusion and curiosity. I smile at him." Hey maybe with in the next couple of days, I'll show some of them. If you think your up to it." I know Spike hates to be judge by his outer appearance, which he still is technically a 'baby' dragon, though his mental maturity and sharpness reflects the same of a 16 or 17 year old teenager, a smart one. Spike gives me a sarcastic yet scolding look.
" I can handle it, Alex. I've seen plenty of scary movies. I think I can handle one of your 'video games'." He crosses his arms to prove his point, ah I like to tease someone at times.
" We'll see about that. So you said Twilight is here?" I ask walking around a bit. Spike goes to answer but Twilight teleports from an unknown location to right in front of me." Oh, hello Alex. What can I do for you, today?" She smiles. I know she'll flip head over heals when I ask. I scratch the back of my head with my hoof slightly.
" Well I came here to, uhh...oh how do I put this? I came here today to...learn more about...my anatomy." I have a hard time saying it. I know my own HUMAN anatomy, and learn some of the pony anatomy from living here for so long. Still my new body has eluded me, ironically. I know the most basic of my new structure but I don't know much of the inner workings, though I dought Twilight has a book on Alicorn Anatomy. So I'll treat this if I were a pegasus. Twilight seems to ponder my words for a moment." So you want to learn more about your new anatomy? I think I might have some books that could help. Or would you prefer to learn orally?" I repress making a joke that Rickie would laugh at. She said orally, haha, implied oral sex here.
" Uhh, could we do both? Over some tea perhaps? I would like to speak freely." I seem kinda squeamish about this subject, plus I don't want Twilight to tell Rarity this either, that bitch will try to 'help' my situation in anyway possible, and I don't need her help. Twilight motions me to the same table we had tea at last time." Spike could you go make us some tea while I fetch the books." Twilight asks her assistant, who runs off to the kitchen. Twilight disappears for a few moments to grab some books. I'm not one to ask about my own body, if I needed answers, I'd just Google that shit. But in this case, Google wouldn't help at all so I must resort to Twilight Sparkle the Google of Equestria, though much more OCDish and has the ability to bore you to the point of death or thoughts of suicide. She returns with three different books, and from the cover they are about Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns respectively." This will help but sadly we don't have a book on Alicorns, or male ones at that." Twilight lightly chuckles at the end. She takes a seat next to me and then Spike walks out of the kitchen with a tray with the tea kettle and tea cups on it. Twilight thanks Spike and then tells him to go fetch some errands for her in town, though the way she said it, and Spike's smirk, somethings up. After Spike leaves Twilight glances at a clock and then back at me.
" We can talk freely now, Alex. So tell me why you all of the sudden what to know about your anatomy?" She asks very bluntly. I really don't know how to respond.
" Uhh, yeah I would like to learn more about my new body. But there is something that happened yesterday." I say and Twilight leans in slightly.
" What was it?" She asks. I hesitate but, oh fuck it." Vinyl made my wings pop out when we kissed yesterday. Is that like, normal or something?" God I sound like a retard asking the obvious. Twilight giggles slightly and uses her magic to open the book about pegasi. She levitates it close enough for me to read." Its called a Feather erection, or in slang, Wingboner. Its perfectly natural for male pegasi AND aclicorn wings to snap out like that. Its like a mating call and is completely involuntary. Mares can get them too but less frequent. Is this the first time they did that?" She ask and I nod." Vinyl said its my 'narrow mindedness' that denies my wings to snap out." Twiligth seems to nod in agreement.
" Its the same for me. Yes before you say it, I've had it happen before, but only with my coltfriend Flash Sentry." Twilight has a boyfriend? Never knew that." Now I must mind you that now that you know your wings may snap out, it will become harder to keep them from snapping out. My advice for you, is to just let them. Nopony will jugde you because they know its natural. Now don't take this personally but you seem to know about as much as a teenage colt when it comes to your body." I ponder Twilight's words for a moment. Ok so its natural and I know about as much as a teenager, great.
" Alright seems far enough." I respond taking a sip of tea.
" Now this may be a bit too personal for you and if you don't want to answer it, thats fine. Now that we are on the topic of hormones and the birds and bees. Can you still get an erection?" I nearly choke on my tea. Did Twilight just ask me if I can still get an erection? I look at Twilight, who hides slightly like Fluttershy, behind her wings." Sorry. Too personal?" She asks in and apologetic tone. I give out a slight chuckle." No, no its alright, its alright. I, uhh, oh fuck it, yeah I still can." I set my empty tea cup on the table. Twilight comes out from her hiding.
" Ok then. I'm just taking a wild guess here and saying that its new for you to see your body like this." Twilight says and I nod.
" Yeah, I'm not going to lie. Its still kinda strange to me. The same function is still there but its the new appearance that is strange to me." Twilight takes a couple of sips from her tea." I completely understand you. Now that we've broke the ice, is there anything specific you want to talk about?"
" I guess just give me some of the basic information." I shrug.
-1 Hour later-
Ok so this is going better than expected. Twilight is taking her time with me learning about the three pony races. Earth Ponies are strong and are skilled farmers, like Applejack for example. They can help plants grow, but with Alicorns I get more or less the enhanced strength. Pegasi, which I already learned from Rainbow Dash and Twilight, can control the weather and interact with clouds and other weather related stuff. They are strong like Earth Ponies but are much more competitive, hence why Rainbow Dash was quick to fight of Vinyl. Alicorns get their ability to help with the weather and interact with clouds. Unicorns obviously can use a vast assortment of magic. But what I found out was that their reserves are very very limited. They only can do so much with magic, plus Twilight told me and showed me that their horn is very sensitive. Twilight explained this by rubbing the tip of my horn with her hoof and I was shocked at how much, almost sensual pleasure came from there, that and how forward Twilight was about it too. Alicorns get from that are both the sensitive horn and magic, no shit, but our reserves are massive compared to a unicorn's. This leaves me to wonder, will I live forever?" Twilight I must ask. Am I going to live forever?" Twilight lets out a small chuckle.
" No, same goes for me and Candence. We are not 'natural' Alicorns like the Princesses Celestia and Luna. We are still very much mortal as any other pony. Plus you definitely aren't natural, umm no offence." Twilight says and I chuckle.
" I know I'm not 'natural' like you or your friends. Still thats good to know that I will still die of old age." I smile slightly. Twilight seems to look past me for a few moments, then give a slight nod. She returns her attention to me, with sly grin." Hey Alex, I know that this was a pleasant learning session, but how would you like to go to Surgarcube Corner with me?" I think on that and my stomach responds by growling, I forgot to eat today. Oh what the hell I guess so." Sure, I'm up for a bite of ice cream." Twilight and I get out of our chairs and stretch slightly from sitting for so long.
" Thats good plus it'll be my treat." Twilight smiles at me, and I shrug. We put our dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, I grab my Ipod and we are off.
-A short while later-
It was a quick and strangely quiet walk from here to Sugarcube Corner, which surprised me slightly. I notice something off though. The lights are out inside and the windows are shut, very strange. Twilight doesn't seem to notice but I'm now on alert. I don't have a feeling of dread like I usually do but I'm still on alert." Odd. Why are the lights out?" I ask but Twilight never the less leads my up the door anyway. I prepare myself for Note Pad to jump out or Queen Chrysalis herself to grab me as Twilight opens the door and walks in with me in tow. I'm nervous and Twilight stands a bit off to the side from me then shuts the door, blanketing the place in darkness, with slight light coming from the windows but I still can't see anything. Suddenly the lights flash on and a large number of ponies all jump out and yell." SURPIRES!" I stumble back a bit before falling flat on my ass, with my ears still ringing." The fuck was that for!" I shout as I stand back up. I now see that the Mane 6 are here, Vinyl, Octavia, Dual, The three Wonderbolts, and wait? Princess Celestia and Luna?
" Uhh whats going on?" I ask and Pinkie Pie rushes at me at mach ten speed." Why its your surprise party silly willy!" She shouts at me. Wait? WHAT! Pinkie then grabs my shoulders." But I'm upset that you didn't tell us before!" I look around and see that there is a banner that says: HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY ALEX on it, then the countless party decorations and then I see a table full of presents. I step aside a bit." Ok hold the fuck up. Who's damn idea was it?" I look around and almost everypony steps up." Uhh kinda all of us, sugarcube." Applejack says.
" But how did you find out?" I ask slightly annoyed that everyone planed this. Rainbow Dash steps up to the plate." Uhh that was kind of me. I couldn't help myself after you told me so I when and told everpony else here about it, then we stared planning it. Before you get mad though, we just wanted you to feel a bit more welcome." I shoot Dash a scolding look but sigh in defeat, they did go through all of the trouble to do this, might as well enjoy it." Alright I forgive you for now. So what is going on, besides the obvious." I say sitting down in a conveniently placed chair near me. Pinkie goes behind me and places a party hat on my head, or more presicly, over my horn." There you go! All better!" She skips off as I roll my eyes. Princess Celestia comes up with her little sister in tow." Happy birthday Alex. I know your a bit surprised that we are here but we couldn't miss this opportunity." She smiles warmly." So what do you like to do on your birthday?" I smile smugly.
" Well first off my real birthday is tomorrow, and I usually just stay at home and drink until I pass out. I don't see anything special in my birthday." I say while I adjust my red and white party hat. Celestia shakes her head.
" Noncence Alex! Everypony has something special in their birthday. Don't you spend it with your friends?"
" Yeah, we would go to the bar, drink, flirt with the waitresses, get into fights with other drunks, go home and then pass out." I laugh a bit." And it would be worth it!" Celestia musters up a slight chuckle.
" Well maybe we can celebrate it in a different way. I know that everypony here put in alot of effort to pull this off. While yes Rainbow Dash told the others, they all discussed and planned the whole thing. Luna and myself were just invited during the Gala but was told to keep it a secret." I let out a sigh. It seems that I just neglet everyone here, well except Tavi, Vinyl, and Rainbow Dash because I see them alot more. I feel kinda bad now." I mutter but Luna hears me." How come?" She asks.
" Well it just seems that everyone here worked hard to put this together and I rarely spend time with any of them, except Vinyl, Dash, and Tavi. I feel like I negelt my own friends here." My smile fades a bit. Celestia puts a hoof on my shoulder." Its ok Alex, I consider everypony here a friend even if I don't spend alot of time with each of them. We still love and cherish our friendship with you even if you don't spend your waking hours with them all." Her words seem to have alot of meaning to them. I nod slightly, my smile returning. I thank Celestia and get up and start walking over to where Octavia, Vinyl, and Dual are." Hey birthday boy." Vinyl coos slightly." You like the surprise?"
" So your behind this as well?" I question and Vinyl chuckles.
" We all had a hoof in the planning. It will get better, trust me." She winks and I try not to blush. Dual shudders slightly at her seggestive thought and walks away. He's a strange one. Vinyl simply shakes her head." He will learn to live with it."
" Need me to go talk to him?" I offer but she shakes her head no." No just let him deal with it on his own." Before I can say anything Pinkie Pie and Applejack burst out of the backroom with a cart full of treats but more important thing is that there is a huge...holy shit...a Black Forest Cake!" Happy birthday, sugarcude. Me and Pinkie here whipped this up for ya especially." Applejack smiles at me and I just stand there gawking at it. How in the world did they find the recipe for it?!" Its, beautiful. How did you guys manage to make this?" I say and Vinyl smirks at me.
" That was my idea. I took your tablet thing, remembered your password, and found one of your grandmother's old recipes." She smirks and I give her a death glare. Pinkie bounces up to me." We were so happy to make this cake for you! I remembered when we were back in Canterlot and you said that you missed your grandma's cooking! But first we need to open PRESENTS!" My left ear rings after that. I glance back at everypony in the room but I fall onto Celestia's eyes and I can see she's almost drolling at the sight of the cake. I could hardly believe it myself when I heard that Celestia herself, has an addiction...to cake. I see that Luna is almost ready to jump on her if she moves so I do something instead. I use my magic to grab the chef's knife, cut a large sliver of the cake, put it on a plate complete with a fork, and present it to Princess Celestia.
" Here, take it. I can see you were chomping at the bit to get some cake. So have this to calm your nerves." I can see that she is shocked at what I did." You...you'll just let me eat this? I...I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you very much, Alex." She takes the plate in her own magical aura and I look around to see the biggest grins on everyone." That was mighty kind of ya, sugercube." Applejack smiles. Then a whole horde of hoof clapping.
" That was soooo sweet of you!" Pinkie cheers. I take a seat in a near by chair. I hear Celestia let out a mmmmm as she takes a bite. Good old German baking was delicious in every way." Oh my! I must get our own chefs to bake this, Lulu." Celestia already had chocolate on her muzzle, it must be a damn good cake then.
" Lets get this party started!" Pinkie exclaims happily.
-Several hours later-
It was the best birthday I've ever had. So much fun with out boozes to keep the flow going. I had a great time. I was surprised that I actually got presents, well most were things they thought I would like. Rarity got me some fancy calonge, which does smell nice. Pinkie Pie got me a card good for five free ice cream trips at Sugarcube Corner, I'll use those right quick. Twilight surprised me with the Daring Do collection, an author that I've never got the chance to read any of her work. The Wonderbolts all pitched in and got me tickets to their next show, in a couple of weeks in Cloudsdale. Vinyl already gave me her gift, though I have no clue what her next gift is. She did give me back my kindle, I'm still kinda steamed about that. Rainbow Dash pranked me as her gift, got a whip cream pie in the face. Applejack baked me an apple pie, I like pie sometimes. Fluttershy gave me a bird watching guide, one thing I did do out in Colorado, not often though. Dual didn't give anything but a time and a place, most likey to tell me how he feels about me dating Vinyl, or to beat my ass. Octavia gave me a wrapped gift but told me not to open it until tonight. It was from both her and Violin String, who sadly couldn't make it, but sent his regards from Canterlot. Octavia left for the weekend to spend time with him, they make a cute couple.
Last but not least Celestia and Luna presented an oil painting to me. I about cried out from what it was. I showed them both some pictures a while ago that was me, Rickie, and Aaron's trip to Germany. I took a selfie with the two of them on both sides of me. It was the most resent and last picture I had of the three of us together. Celestia and Luna recaptured that exact picture perfectly. Me with my stupid shit eating grin, Rickie doing the bunny ears thing behind my head, and Aaron smiling smugly at the camera. Seeing that made my eyes water up, some of my memories were not all bad, hell the trip was the best part. Both have never been to Germany and I was heading there to a European book signing there so I said" Oh what the hell, come along with me.". Rickie was checking out all the European babes there while I showed Aaron some fine culture there.
I thanked them so much for that painting, I even gave Celestia a copy of the Black Forest Cake recipe, and oh my god that cake was amazing. Though it didn't contain German chocolate, but it was damn good. After we filled up on sugar, we danced and partied like no one's buisness. Now it is dark outside, Vinyl crashed early, thoughh not with out giving me some make out time, feels corny to say that. I stare at Octavia's present and decide to open it. It was a small wrapped box, but with a letter tapped to the top. I always open letters first, in case there is money in them. Its a nicely neat cursive hoofwritten letter, or mouthwritten, either way it reads:
Dear Alex.
I know I'm not one for much to say so I decided to write this out for you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and Vinyl, in a long time. It fills my heart with joy to see Vinyl pulling herself out of her shell, all thanks to you. Its hard to really describe what I initially though when I first saw you in our living room. I guess it would be, fear and curiosity. You have opened up our minds with your stories and new technology. You have a talent for storytelling and creativity. Though you and I sometimes butt heads with each other about silly stuff, you've never truly gotten under my skin. The day you were hit by Chrysalis with her magic, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach, thinking the worst. I was so relived when I heard you where alive, I literally squealed. While I don't tend to show much emotion around others but I hope you forgive me. Violin is here with me while I am writing this so I now pass the quill over to him.
Alex, old chap, you never stop amazing me. Your heart burns with such compassion it glows in the darkest of nights. I'm sorry I was not there to attend your birthday party, I truly am sorry. I know you don't know much about me and I understand if you don't truly trust me. First seeing you was a grand experience, one that I'll never forget. We chatted, drank, and destroyed a Changeling invasion, not all stallions can just add that to their names. I was worried and mourning when you were sent to Canterlot after that attack. I saw Vinyl cry her eyes out the next two days, while dealing with a sadden Octavia. Octavia means alot to me, and I hope you keep her safe and sound. Your a strong stallion with a burning heart of wisdom and love. I know you'll do fine with Vinyl and Rainbow Dash, as Octavia has informed me that she as taken a liking to you as well. Me and Octavia both think that if anything were to happen between you and your marefriends, you should always be prepared. This is it for now old chap.
Love Octavia Melody and Violin String
Wow, just wow. Actually brings a tear to my eye to read that. Its always nice to get a quick 'I Love You' note in a greeting card, but a whole 'You mean alot to us' letter, wow. I set the letter aside next to me on my bed. I unwrap the box and...what the fuck is this? This is a box of goddamn condoms! I immediately start laughing. This was a prank my dad pulled on my 16th birthday, though it was just one. Rickie, his retarded ass, bought me two and tried to set me up with two ladies on my 21st birthday. Now its Octavia and Violin, two proper ponies from Trottingham, buying me a box of goddamn condoms! I inhale sharply, still chuckling and grinning. This is the best birthday ever. I yawn loudly and decide that its time to go to bed. I set the box in a drawer in my desk. I turn off my lamp and crawl under the covers and drift off to sleep.
-In Dream-
In my dream I'm back in Colorado, my home. The thing is that I'm human again, and to both my left and right are Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash, both are human as well. We all walk in to my home and sitting in my living room are...my mom, dad, my brother Grant, and my two idiot friends, Rickie and Aaron. I immediately freak out with pure joy and greet all, I'm so happy to see all of them again. I begin to introduce them to my girlfriends Vinyl and Rainbow, and tell my tale of being in Equestria. I stop only to see looks of sheer terror, shock, and questioning. My vision blurs and now I see from what my brother sees, only to be horrified to see instead of the three humans that were me, Vinyl, and Rainbow are replaced by our pony selves. I see myself try to reason with my brother only for him to say." Your not human anymore."
My vision fades again and I find myself in an eternal black void like abyss. I look around and I see a floating mirror and I look at myself, only to see my ponyself. I look around and a loud booming voice coming strait from the eternal ceiling say." You can never return home." I look around to see visions of everypony I've made friends with. All stare with blank hollow stares but I still see their care and love burn through their hollow glare. I simply smile and look up at the black nothingness.
" I'm already home." I state before my vision fades once more.
So sorry for the long ass wait. I just got a job and my inspiration for this story was in the negatives. I just got strikes of inspiration while I was at work so I made this happen. I'm sorry if the birthday party was shit, same goes for Octavia's letter, I was tired when I wrote this. Now the next chapter I will already warn you, so here it is. WARNING! WARNING! The next one or two chapters will contain clop, or sex, or whatever the hell you guys and gals wanna call it. There will be sex, you ave been prewarned. Either way I'm tired.
So until next time, stay awesome everypony-AJ