by koizumichii
Deleted Scene #1 – from Episode 13
Synopsis: In which Karma promised not to ditch class
When Karma heard of it, he was impressed. For someone who acted like a weakling all the time, it was a surprise that he could carry out a real human assassination. With a sharp deadly knife, no less. Perhaps, Karma was right. It was all an act. That, or Nagisa wasn't aware of his potential as a natural assassin.
But that wasn't the issue right now. The issue was him missing the greatest show in his life. He had ditched Phys Ed today and thus didn't see the bluenette going all out with bloodlust at his disposal. Karma would love to see that look at the bluenette's face—eyes carrying no hesitation and reflecting the clear want of harming someone, and of course, the smile that showed he was having fun.
Karma darted his tongue out and licked his upper lip. Definitely.
"Hey, how's your cheek, Nagisa-san?" He heard Kayano ask. He was back in time, seeing his classmates making their way out of the campus. He soon learned they were out to eat sweets, Karasuma-sensei's treat. Of course he wouldn't let the freebies pass by.
He did a sideways glance at Nagisa, taking notice of the slightly swollen cheek. He blinked. A million reasons raging his mind, explaining the origin of the injury.
"It's fine," the bluenette smiled. "Still stings but no harm done."
"Did someone slap you?"
Nagisa looked up, lips parted, showing his surprise. Karma was just at the back of the group and now he was suddenly beside him, asking an injury with a tone that suspiciously sounded like he was the one offended or something. The bluenette didn't notice Kayano going on ahead.
"Did someone slap you, Nagisa-kun?" His friend asked again, now raising a hand to touch him.
Without knowing it, he stopped walking. Karma did too., his right hand now gently caressing Nagisa's slightly hurting cheek.
"Ah," He gave a nod. "Maehara did that. He said something about almost believing I was a different person at the incident earlier. Probably to make sure I'm the same Nagisa. I was surprised too, I mean—"
"Does it hurt?"
A quizzical expression surfaced on his features. "I said it's fine. I thought you were listening."
A lighter caress swept over his skin.
"You shouldn't get yourself hurt."
And then, the redhead bent down, closing the gap between their faces, and licked the abused cheek. When he leaned away, the bluenette was a hundred shades redder.
"Don't worry, the next time a new teacher comes, I won't ditch."
Karma leaned down again and kissed Nagisa on the forehead, just the slightest of peck.
"I promise."
A/N: It's something that won't shut up so I wrote it. Shorts as usual.