Stop the Monster

Chapter IX

Shades of Colour

Daphne frowned. It had been two weeks since the dragon business and Senna had told her that she had accidentally blown up the golden egg she was supposed to have stolen from the dragon.

It was pretty-awesome though. Well, the aftereffects of the Dragon Slaying business. There were a lot of people who were angry with Senna for her dragon murdering talents, but there were quite a few people who thought it was as great as Daphne knew it was.

However, the golden egg was not unbreakable, and even if it was; the amount of magical force, Senna used to destroy the dragon with its own fire power would have likely torn apart any spell matrix too close that wasn't engrained with symbols and or runic lining. Dragon fire was quite the powerful magic and add in Senna's wind magic and nothing in the blast radius was likely to survive.

That's why Daphne was frowning in confusion as she looked at the large golden egg Senna held in her arms with a huge smug grin on her lips.

"Err… didn't Dumbledore say tough about your egg blowing up?" Daphne asked as she looked it over.

"Hehe" Senna mumbled as she held her egg. "Well, yes; that's true, but he never said I couldn't steal someone else's egg!" she shrugged sheepishly.

"Oh," Daphne replied in surprise as she looked over her girlfriend looking as cute as always in her Gryffindor uniform as the pair of them had snuck away to their secret training room. "Okay… my adorable, Senna is a thief! Are you sure you're not the dark witch?"

"It was pretty easy!" Senna replied with a shrug as she leaned over and happily kissed Daphne's lips before moving over to a side table and placed the egg down before turning back to her girl and half sitting on the edge of the table. "Wait… are you angry that I sole this egg?"

Daphne was startled. "Umm… no, not really, but is it wrong that picturing you as a super thief turns me on?"

"Totally," Senna replied with a smirk as she pushed up from the table and slipped into Daphne's arms and pulling her tightly into her smaller body. "I think we can spare an hour or two sorting that out, darling, don't you?"

Daphne wrapped her arms around her girlfriends' tiny waist and grinned. "It is a weekend, so I think we can spare a couple hours," she agreed as their lips connected.

Screeching, Daphne sat up quick, holding the covers tightly around her body from where she was still on their makeshift bed with a cool cotton sheet held to hide her nude body.

Daphne grimaced as she realised the screeching wasn't actually her, but looking over towards where her girlfriend stood adorably in her blue cotton knickers (that showed her gorgeous arse off), and bra holding the open golden egg. The thing screeched worse than she imagined a banshee could and had to cover her ears.

Senna was grimacing too and quickly snapped the egg closed and turned to Daphne with a sheepish shrug.

"Oops!" Senna said sheepishly as she placed the egg back onto the table.

"Oops?" Daphne whimpered as she complained while trying to shake the ringing from her head and hold the covers from slipping down to reveal her large firm tits as she knew she wouldn't get any questions answered otherwise. "What the hell was that supposed to be? Why would they shove in such a horrible sound?"

Senna shrugged sweetly. "I think it's Mermish," she replied sheepishly as she slid back down onto the makeshift bed with her girlfriend leaning back on her hands, unashamed that her girl let her hungry eyes roam as much as she wanted. The rest of their clothes were flung all over the room. "I read about it somewhere… wait, umm… I know, it was in that book on dragons when we thought about speaking Draconian. It had some chapters on Mermish too and suggested some books for beginners like they did with Draconian. It talked about how painful and screechy; like nails on a blackboard, but worse."

"I see… and people are supposed to lean that?" Daphne asked doubtfully.

Senna giggled and leaned over, kissing her surprised girls' lips. She could likely still taste herself there, but she didn't care.

"Silly," she replied. "Under water it sounds like your language."

"And how does that work?"

Senna shrugged as she snuggled to her girlfriends' side and started nipping at Daphne's left ear, moving strands of her sweaty blonde hair out of her way.

"Magic," Senna whispered causing Daphne to whimper in delight. "If its freaky weird and you don't care how it works, magic is a get out of giving a crap free card."

Daphne laughed as she let the sheet she was holding fall carefully through her fingers as she wrapped her arms around the love of her life's tiny body and pulled her back to lie on top of her with Senna's fingers and hands sliding round to take in as much of Daphne's tits as possible before their lips connected again in a desperate embrace.

The following day; Saturday, Daphne found herself frowning again as she and her girlfriend had snuck back into their dorms, showered/bathed, and changed into some clean clothes.

Senna was wearing a dress. It was an actual dress. It was heavy and long, hanging to her ankles. Black and curved around her small waist and boobs cutely, and flared out around her small boots. It had sleeves that hung down to her small hands and flared out over the back of her hands. Then last it had a leather corset like thing around her waist with some white material around her chest.

"What do you think?" Senna asked happily as she gave a spin allowing the dress to drift up as she span once with her arms out to her sides. "Cute, right? I got the idea when I had to buy some silly dress… I guess for this Christmas Ball thing. I never really felt like wearing it until now."

"You look, amazing," Daphne said while looking down at her boring satin robe set before quickly looking around to make sure the corridor, they met in was free and rushed to give her girlfriend a quick kiss and tight hug.

However, a moment later, Senna pushed Daphne off with much more strength that anyone Senna's size had a right to have. Daphne felt her heart sink for a moment, but then she realised what was going on as Senna gestured behind her just as Ronald the Douchebag and Hermione Granger rounded the corner.

"Just leave me alone!" Granger was saying while looking harangued. "I'm not doing your homework, and not going to bother, Senna with you either. She can do whatever she wants, and she has every right to be angry with us!"

Ronald the Douchebag snorted in mock. "Shut up, Hermione. You don't know anything. Dumbledore said-!"

Ronald the Douchebag paused as Hermione Granger did. Fear crept across both of their faces. Hermione's black cheeks tinted red as she nervously brushed back her crinkly brown nest of hair from her hazel eyes, but that was nothing compared to Ronald the Douches as he burnt with humiliation, anger, and fear.

"Oh, look!" Ronald said as he couldn't help himself. "Potter!" He spat out the name in disgust. "Would rather speak with filthy Slytherins than good Gryffindors like us."

"Wow; you're so full of yourself!" Senna replied with deadpan. "What about you, Hermione? Got something to say?"

"No," she replied timidly. "I-I'm sorry," she said in a small and scared voice that Daphne almost missed it. "I-I'll do anything to make things right. I-!"

"Shut up Granger!" Ronald the Douchebag hissed out in anger and spite. He raised his hand to her. Hermione's eyes widened in shock as he backhanded her to the floor where she fell down sobbing.

Hermione looked up with tears in her eyes likely expecting, Ronald the Douchebag to start screaming at her, but that didn't happen as her eyes widened further as Ronald screamed while one of his legs; his left was shattered at the knee and he was squealing in terror while shouting out threats from where he lay on the floor up against one wall.

Senna was helping Hermione up while staring into those fearful eyes for several moments, captivating Hermione in her gaze before Senna suddenly smiled gently.

"You can kick him a few times if you want?" Senna suggested reasonably.

"No. I just. Sorry." Hermione whimpered as she pulled from Senna's arms and quickly ran off.

Senna and Daphne turned to look at each other and shrugged before they walked off their separate ways and met up back at their classroom.

"So… the Merpeople are going to steal your stuff?" Daphne asked thoughtfully as Senna had taken a bath with the egg she had stolen from the French champion.

She decided to pretend the part of the day where Senna shattered Ronald the Douchebags leg with nonchalance didn't happen for now. She still didn't know what Senna did to break the bastards' leg it happened too fast.

"Or somebody," Senna replied with a shrug. "So… it won't be anyone I'll be interested in saving."

"What about me?" Daphne asked reasonably.

"I will save you any day, Daph!" Senna said with a crafty grin as she slipped her arms around her blondes' waist. "Everyday. I'll rip the universe apart just to taste your lips."

Daphne couldn't hold in her grin as she leaned down to her girlfriend's lips and they kissed gently and passionately as Daphne's hands snaked down to Senna's tight little arse.

"No. None of that now!" Ginny Weasley interrupted as she entered the classroom with Astoria trailing behind her and glaring at her sister and Senna.

"Bloody hells you two!" Astoria said in annoyance as she rolled her eyes. "You asked us to come stop you from getting distracted and now you're just ignoring us?" she declared in frustration as she dropped her book laden backpack and slid her arms around Senna's waist from behind and began tugging her away while Ginny lay her bag down and pulled Daphne away.

Daphne and Senna both groaned in disappointment as they didn't fight too hard to stay connected as their hungry tongues sucked away with a small strand of saliva.

Senna slumped in Astoria's arms and turned her head to give her the watery eyed puppy dog pout of doom.

Astoria grimaced, but stood her ground. "No, Senna. I will not give in to no attack of adorability!"

"Senna!" Ginny complained with a small laugh. "Come on. We've brought all those books you asked us to fetch from the library. You need to learn to breathe under water for some reason. Luna and Tracey will be joining us soon."

"Okaaay." Senna sighed sadly as she slid down onto their cushions of learning.

"You can totally do whatever you want with my sister once we've at least got together a good plan for the second task, deal?" Astoria suggested with an eyebrow wiggle and a smirking grin as she sat next to Senna.

"Deal!" Senna agreed as she tackled Astoria in a tight cuddle and grinned up at Daphne. "I will enjoy every inch of her all night long," she cooed with a purr to her voice that sent a pleasant shiver down Daphne's spine.

"Wow, you sure are lucky, Daphne," Ginny said as she latched onto her arm and gave her a cute look of admiration. "I sure hope, Tracey gives me some of that treatment too."

Daphne let a small smile line her lips. "Yeah, I wouldn't bet against her taking you any and every chance she gets."

"We still have to plan for the ball," Astoria said sadly. "Ginny and Tracey are okay to go together. But I'm not old enough, and neither is Luna. That means… Luna can go with, you, Senna, and I can be Daphne's date. How naughty is that?"

"Don't be silly," Senna replied while rolling her eyes. "It would be totally naughty, but since I've publicly told Ronald the Douchebag were to sling his hook, Ginny and Luna have unfortunately been levelled up the food chain. So, yeah; neither can go with a Slytherin without making a scene. Though, I wouldn't count out Dumbledore trying to persuade me to make friends with the sack of shit. He can fuck right off."

"Yeah," Ginny said with a smile while she and Daphne finally joined their friends on the cushions. "But… we can deal with that later. Lets just start with something that's a little less stressful," she said as she grabbed her backpack and pulled it over before digging inside. "Like learning how to breathe under water," she finished as she pulled out several books.

"Not as fun as my Daphne," Senna mumbled in disappointment as she took the first book and her friends: her family laughed.