Chapter 1
I had this idea roaming around in my head for a while now and I thought i might post this prologue/first chapter and see if its any good. This will be a modern au but the first chapter will be the final fight between Demise and Link in Skyward Sword. This fan fiction will take place a couple of thousand years after Demise has been sealed. Hope you enjoy ^-^
Disclamer: I in no way own Link, Ghirahim or Sheik (though I wish I did) or any other characters from The Legend of Zelda franchise. They belong to Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto. I claim all rights to the very few oc's that may or may not even make an appearance.
Link POV
I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm as I tightened my grip on the Master Sword, feeling the electricity spark in the sword. I looked over at my opponent, with his fiery hair whipping around his scaled face and back. The Demonic King was panting slightly but still held his sword firmly in front of him. That sword, full of power and malice that was influenced by the wielder. I felt sorry for the spirit that resided in the sword, following his "Master's" instructions and not getting any recognition, no thanks for all he had done for him, just to be used for the sword that he was.
Anyway back to the fight, I can't let my mind wander, I have to be focused. I sliced the Master Sword through the air, the Skyward strike hitting the Demon King square in the chest. The lightning coursing through his veins.
I used this opportunity to swing my sword at him. He landed a couple of metres away but I didn't want to try and deliver the final blow again. This was the second time that this happened. The first time he wasn't weak enough and evaded the blow but this time I was sure that I could defeat him. I jumped in the air and positioned my sword and let gravity do the rest. My sword went straight through his heart and the Demon King let out one final scream of pain before falling limp onto the watery ground. I pulled the Master Sword out of his chest and I jumped away from the almost lifeless body.
Lightning hit the ground a few metres away from us and the Demon King stood up, holding his chest. He plunges the Demon Sword into the ground and the Sword disappears into smoke and shiny blue dust. I looked back to the Demon king as he began to speak.
"Extraordinary. You stand as a paragon of your time, human." He paused for a moment, panting heavily before continuing. "You fight like no man or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end. My hate... Never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end!" He lifts his arm pointing to me and he draws his last breaths. "I will rise again! Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse! An 'incarnation' of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!" The Demon King used his last breath to laugh menacingly as he began to disintegrate leaving behind red smoke.
I looked down at the Master Sword as it began to glow. I lifted it skyward and the smoke was drawn to the blade. Fi, the spirit in my sword appeared in front of me and with her expressionless voice and I closed my eyes to listen as she started to speak.
"I have confirmed the eradication of the Demon King. His residential consciousness has been absorbed into the Master Sword... and is now sealed away."
I opened my eyes slowly. I was back at the bottom of the sealed grounds. I sighed loudly as the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. I began to run up to the Gate of Time when something shined in the distance. I stopped me in my tracks and saw the Demon King's sword lying on the ground.
I ran over to the sword and gasped. It was much smaller then when the Demon King had wielded it and instead of it being black and red as well as jagged, it now had a smooth, onyx blade, with a red hilt that had a sapphire in the shape of a diamond hanging from the hilt by a gold diamond link chain. He picked up the sword and it flashed for a second but the light faded, pulsing weakly.
"Master, I believe that the sword you are holding is the Demon King, Demise's sword. I can sense the spirit residing the sword, but he is very weak. I am 90% sure he will not be able to leave this form in this lifetime. Probably not for thousands of years. I am sorry Master Link."
I knelt down next to the sword and placed it in my lap, trying to force the tears to not roll down my cheeks. I failed miserably as the tears landed onto the blade in my lap. I covered my eyes, barely making out the sound of my name being yelled. I curled over the sword letting out a pained cry as I let the Demon Sword spirit's name slip from my lips.
I sat up abruptly and gasped, feeling my own tears drip down my cheeks. I looked down at my hands which were almost tearing through the blanket covering my body. I quickly let go of the blankets and covered my eyes letting out an almost inaudible sob.
I've been having the same dream once a month for about half a year. But for the past week and a half I have been having the same dream... no, nightmare each night. I sigh heavily and look to my left at the glowing numbers. Ugh... only 2:47 in the morning. I have another 4 hours and 13 minutes till I have to get up for school.
I didn't really want to go back to sleep though, I was still pretty shaken up from the nightmare. Groaning I reached over and turned on my bedside lamp, hoping not to wake anyone. I got out of bed and walked over to the bookshelf. I looked along the books and picked out a particularly thick book that had 'Hylian Mythology' written in fancy letters on the cover. I flipped through the pages until I came across the page that I had looked at so many times.
It had a picture of the dark sword the demon wielded in my dream and next to it, there was a painted picture of a tall, thin, but still muscular man with snowy white hair that fell stylishly over the left side of his face. He had purple shadows under his deep chocolate brown eyes. His attire consisted of a white tight outfit with diamond shaped cut-outs and gloves. He as a deep red and gold cape and a red sash around his waist with a gold diamond buckle.
I groan softly, slamming the book shut and placing it on my bedside table. I grab my mobile phone and turn off my lamp and unlock it. I look at my messages, noticing that I have an unread message from Sheik. It was sent at 12:13 and it was now 3:06. I lock my phone again deciding that I will reply in the morning. I roll over, cover my head with my blanket and shudder softly allowing my eyelids to shut and take me back to my dreams.
So what do you think? I'm not sure if i should continue or not. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out, but I have written up to about 3/4 of the way through chapter 3 so it shouldn't be too long. If anyone has any ideas feel free to review. I hope you enjoyed and please Review and favourite. ^-^