I wanted to do an assassin AU. So I did.



36: Shallow

Be silent, be focused, be still until the moment you strike.

Link frowns, eyes fixed on the door beneath him. The second his mark shuts that door, he's dead. Easy, quick. One stab downwards, with the weight of his body and gravity behind it. His breathing is soft, shallow; anyone else might be getting dizzy by now, but this was part of what his master taught him. How to remain still as stone, barely breathing, blinking only rarely. Invisible.

Footsteps creak on the stairs, and Link tenses, before forcing himself to relax. He's memorised guard schedules and knows the plans of everyone in the castle. Barring any unforeseen complications, the princess' shadow will be dead in less than a minute. Easy.

Unforeseen complications come with the territory, anyway. He's confident he can adjust to anything that happens.

The footsteps halt at the doorway, and there's the rattle of a key in the lock. The wooden barrier swings open, and the shadow lets out a loud sigh. Link waits for the door to scrape shut again, then jumps off the beam.

Next thing he knows, he's face-down on the floor with a weight pressing his hips into the wood. "Really?" comes a bored-sounding voice. "That's the best you could come up with?"

Link twists sharply, managing to flip himself over. The princess' shadow stares back at him, one eyebrow raised, crimson eyes flashing in amusement. "Come now," his mark says lightly, "did you really think I wouldn't recognise an assassination attempt when I saw it?"

Link just stares at him. "Wha- I- how-" he stammers.

The shadow chuckles and stands, offering him a hand up. "My master trained me to know when someone is hiding among the ceiling beams, assassin. I'm a professional, after all."

The other blond takes his hand hesitantly. The shadow pulls him to his feet and touches his own knife to his throat. "Careful, assassin," he says lightly. "Not everyone is as forgiving as I."

Link pushes him away, stepping back in the same movement to avoid the blade. "This is embarrassing," he complains. "I mean, you're what, fifteen? Sixteen?"

"About that," the shadow agrees amicably. "What of it?"

"What- I can't be killed by a kid! That's mortifying!"

The shadow frowns. "First, I'd hardly call myself a 'kid'. Second, that's awfully shallow, you know. If the only reason you don't want me killing you is because it's embarrassing."

Link scowls at him. "Fine. Well, go on then. Try to kill me."

"Shallow indeed," the boy decides, flipping the knife in his hand and holding it out, hilt first. "I don't think I'll kill you today, my shallow assassin. Consider this a warning." For a moment, those crimson eyes flash dangerously, and Link decides to take his warning very seriously.


"I never did catch your name."

Link jumps at the words, sudden, spoken in the lazy drawl of someone with nothing better to do than chatter. "Well, you didn't exactly volunteer yours. And shouldn't you be guarding the princess?"

The shadow chuckles, coming into view before him, the faint tang of magic filling the air. "Come now, my shallow assassin. Surely you've heard the stories? I could be back at her side in under a second. Although I have to mention, it's a little odd that you aren't trying to kill me. Given the fact that I highly doubt the contract on me has been rescinded."

"I figured I'd learn a little more about you first," Link says, only half joking. "I need to make sure it works this time, since you'll kill me if it doesn't."

"Fair point," the shadow admits. "Now, may I have the honour of knowing the name of the one who's trying to kill me?"

Link hesitates. Does he really want his mark knowing his name? No, would be his answer if this was a normal contract. But it's not, is it? "…Link," he says quietly. "And you?"

The shadow holds out a hand with a cheery smile. "Sheik," he replies. They shake.

"You know," Sheik says absently, "I think I've got a contract on you as well."

"Wouldn't be the first time," Link says cautiously. "So now what? If we're both trying to kill each other."

"Five minutes grace period?" the other suggests. "We run, get as far from each other as possible, then start attempting assassinations."

Link stares at him for a moment. "…Sounds fair."

That said, they take off.


It's three weeks before Link sees Sheik again, although that's probably because he hasn't been looking very hard. After all, risk of impending death is pretty hard to beat on the list of 'Reasons Not to Meet a Friend'.

In the end, it's entirely by accident. Link is out getting lunch and the princess walks by, her shadow hovering behind her. Link just happens to walk into him. The next thing he knows, they're sprawled on the ground, legs tangled together, both flushing and cursing furiously.

"…Link," Sheik says.

"Sheik," Link replies. "Um, hang on a moment– I'll just… move that leg there, and, uh… a little to the left and… ah, there we go."

They separate quickly, studiously ignoring the snickering around them. Sheik shuffles his feet. Link coughs. The princess, watching from the sidelines, bursts out laughing.

Eventually, Sheik meets his gaze with a friendly smile. "Well!" he says lightly. "Was that all, or did you need something after all?"

Link lets out a startled chuckle. "I believe that's all," he replies, equally cheerful. "Good day."

After all, he tells himself as he walks away, there's no sense in killing his mark in the middle of a crowded street.


"Have I come at a bad time?"

Link cranes his neck to see above him. Sheik stares down bemusedly, eyeing the ropes around his ankles, suspending him from the ceiling. "Have, uh… Have you been there long?" he asks. "Because, you know, blood flow restriction and all that… can have some nasty consequences…"

"No more than five minutes," Link assures him. "You mind getting me down?"

Sheik frowns thoughtfully. "Well, really I should just kill you," he points out. "Contract and all… But that wouldn't be very sporting, would it? So…" His knife flashes once, cutting through the ropes.

Link yelps, grabbing the ropes to keep himself from landing head-first. "A little warning would be nice!" he snaps.

Sheik points the blade at him. "Right after I save your life you snap at me? See if I ever help you again." He chuckles. "Did I embarrass you? You're still awfully shallow, you know."

"And you're a brat," Link informs him.

Sheik just laughs. Link highly doubts they'll ever get around to killing each other.


Bit of an abrupt ending, but I'm on a time limit.

Next time: Sanctuary

I know I technically should post another chapter or two, but I got nothing. Also, I've lost track of how many weeks it's been. So I'll just start regular posting next week, yeah?

See ya~!
