I'm here for the time being. I started re-working this chapter June 2020, and am finishing it two months later. I actually almost forgot that I was re-working it until recently. It's not a terribly long chapter, but it is something to progress the story. I hope you all like it.

Feedback welcomed.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything used or referenced in this chapter or the overall story. The characters and plots of Harry Potter and Ouran High School Host Club belong to their respective creators.

"Chapter 11: The Host Club Visits!"

"I'm forgetting something. Harry, did we have something planned for today?" Haruhi stops writing in her notebook to stare at Harry. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she continued to try and recall what she was forgetting.

Harry looks up from his novel. "Nope. I'm sure we're all good for today. Your dad plans on seeing Osamu-san though."

"I don't think that's it. It's something else." Haruhi groans. "This is going to bother me."

"Don't think too hard or else you really won't remember." Harry returns to his novel, hiding a vague smile to Haruhi's dilemma.

"I guess you're right. By the way, where is Sirius-san? My dad was asking about him." She continues to look confused while resuming her writing.

"He's away for a meeting. He'll be back eventually. Let's go to the supermarket once I'm done this chapter. I'm craving Chaliapin steak."

- Elsewhere at Kyouya's house -

"So we're all ready, right? And you two, don't even think about embarrassing Haruhi in her home." Tamaki points at the twins in an accusatory manner. Behind him is a whiteboard with a detailed plan about visiting Haruhi's home.

"But Tamaki-dono, why are you pointing out the two of us?" Hikaru starts.

"If anything, you'll say something wrong and be the reason we can't go to Haruhi's house," Kaoru finishes.

"How dare you? Haruhi is my precious daughter, and I won't ever embarrass her," Tamaki defends.

"Why are we meeting at my house? It's 10 in the morning." Kyouya emits an ominous aura as he jabs the butt of his pen into Tamaki's cheek. The twins and Tamaki shudder at the aura and attempt to lean away from further damage.

"Mother, don't you remember? I had a horrible nightmare that required us to all meet and plan today's visit!"

"Tama-chan, what was the nightmare? Was there a giant monster attacking Haruhi? Did we forget to bring dessert?"

"Don't you worry about my nightmare, Hani-senpai! With this meeting, it can't go wrong!"

- 1 hour later in front of Haruhi's apartment -

Harry and Haruhi walk side-by-side, carrying a shopping bag of groceries. They notice a large crowd of Haruhi's neighbors at the front of the apartment. As they get closer, Haruhi's shoulders tighten and a scowl begins to form. On the other hand, Harry keeps a neutral facial expression with the exception of annoyed amusement in his eyes.

"...Now we need to make sure we accommodate the small space. From my research, we can sit in seiza position to avoid taking up too much space. We have to make sure we don't embarrass her, understand?"

"What are you all doing here? Don't you know you're making a scene?" Haruhi growls, teeth clenching.

Tamaki turns around to find Haruhi glaring at him and jumps away. He stammers at the dark glare and the ominous aura surrounding her. Hikaru and Kaoru snicker at the trouble in front of them, paying no mind to their own accountability to the current situation. Harry turns to face the crowd and begins to do crowd control. Some of the crowd begin to disperse, but others stay to watch the "show."

Hani jumps up to Haruhi with a cake box in his hands. "Haru-chan, Harry-chan, we're all here to visit you today! Remember? We planned to come visit when Hika-chan and Kao-chan stopped fighting. I even brought us some strawberry cake! Can we come in? I want to see your home, Haru-chan!"

The dark aura around Haruhi sizzles at the spiel from the blond upperclassman. Haruhi slumps over in defeat and answers, "Fine. Come in. Stop making a scene though."

Both Haruhi and Harry move through the rest of the crowd towards Haruhi's apartment with the host club in tow.

"Harry… Did you know that everybody was going to come over today?"

"Maybe. Is that a problem?"

"You didn't want to tell me because…?"

"It's not my fault you didn't remember today. Besides, you're the one that invited them."

"The twins were fighting! What else was I supposed to do?"

"Stand up for yourself? Learn that there is more than what you see in any situation? There is a lot you could have done, but didn't do," Harry answers, "Anyway, let's bring them in. I only just managed to get that crowd to disperse by half. I don't want to do more if everybody else comes back."

- That evening -

"I'm still upset you didn't tell me they were coming." Haruhi crosses her arms as she glares at Harry. They both stand at the front entrance of Haruhi's apartment. Ranka wasn't present as they returned to see Osamu-san after the host club had left.

"At least it was a good time, yeah? Besides, your dad got to meet everybody," Harry responds. He tilts his head in a confused manner as he sees Haruhi scowl.

"He already knew Kyoya-senpai though. Oh gosh. That must be how they have all those pictures of me from middle school."

"He's a shadow king. What did you expect?"

"I don't know! Maybe not talking to my dad!?"

"You're really upset about this."

"Really? How did you guess? Of course, I'm upset. It's my privacy we are talking about. I know that they are all rich snobs and have no common sense, but I would think that privacy would be honoured. Maybe if Kyoya-senpai asked me or at least told me, I could handle it better. But no. I'm just a commoner who owes a debt to them." Haruhi tenses her shoulders as she clamps her eyes shut.

Harry pauses and takes a step towards Haruhi, "I thought you didn't care about being a 'commoner?"

"Being a 'commoner' isn't the problem right now! My privacy has been invaded. Kyoya-senpai had no right. He's not my school teacher, not an administrator, nothing. He's my senpai in a club."

"I can understand that. Why not say something to them? They are the ones causing you the problem."

"I can't just 'tell' them. They wouldn't even listen. What's the point?"

Harry places his hands on Haruhi's shoulders, which startles Haruhi to open her eyes. Harry noted that Haruhi was trying to hold back tears. Her shoulders were tense as if she was ready to hit him to avoid the tears from coming. "The more you hold it in like this, the worse it's going to get. Take it from me. They might even surprise you and actually listen. As much as Tamaki-senpai annoys me, he cares about you just as much as he cares about everybody else."

Haruhi sighs and takes a step backward out of Harry's reach, "Forget it. I'll see you tomorrow."

- To Be Continued -