Hello everybody! Welcome back to a new chapter of "Dismantle, Repair." Thank you so much for showing your support by reading, following, and favoriting this story. It's very much appreciated.

I'm currently going over some possibilities for how this story may go. I do take the reviews in consideration, so there is that. However, I'm quite unsure if there will be actual relationships in this story. I'm also not quite sure how far into this I may go since I have read the manga. However, we will see as this story continues to grow.

In the meantime, enjoy this interlude. There's no set timeframe for when an interlude appears. Pretty much just based on my personal feelings. So... Yeah!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Ouran High School Host Club. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Bisco Hatori respectively.

Interlude: Kaoru

Sometimes, I have to wonder how things would have been if we didn't accept the Lord's invitation to the host club. Would we have continued to be closed off or would we have found a different way to open the doors?

In the face of the brutality that is Hikaru and I, I would have to believe in the former. After all, we saw the world as a playground with only one thing worth playing with in the entire attraction.

If it weren't for this club, Hikaru and I wouldn't have met Haruhi and Harry. I wouldn't have started to wake up looking forward to Haruhi's bluntness or Harry's intensity. I'm sure Hikaru feels the same. After all, he and I think so very alike.

Kaoru is startled out of his thoughts by Tamaki's loud cry. He focuses on the scene a few tables down from him. Tamaki is hopping on one leg as he clutches the other leg. Haruhi looks exasperated while Harry stands protectively in front of her. Harry's face shows his trademark glare when dealing with Tamaki's imagination.

"What happened there?" Kaoru turns to his brother. Hikaru's face mirrors his own curiosity. He shrugs in answer before smiling a wide grin. "I don't know, Hikaru, but let's find out." Hikaru smiles a reflection of his grin. The two of them start bouncing over to the trio.

"I'm telling you right now: you are not going to Haruhi's house!"

"Why not? Summer break is almost here! I don't want to wait until the end of break! Mother, our son is being so mean to me! Tell him to let us over to Haruhi's house!"

It's a shame that Harry caught onto our plan. If he weren't around at that time, then Haruhi would have blurted out that she wouldn't let us come over until Hikaru and I made up. Well... I would like to think she would. Oh well. Maybe we'll have an agreement today.

"I'd hate to break it to you, Tamaki, but I have no time to deal with this right now. If you aren't aware, we have fifteen minutes now to get everything ready for today's activity. Either deal with this 'dilemma' by yourself now or wait until after club. Due to some prior events, we are behind in our monthly quota." Kyouya possesses a dark aura as he coldly cuts into Tamaki's whining. A shiver travels down three individuals' spines at the emphasis of the word 'events.'

Tamaki stutters out, "Of course, Kyouya. Let's get ready everybody! Then we'll find a way to see Harry and Haruhi over the summer!"

Harry growls in agitation while all of the more energetic members of the clubs jump up in excitement. Kaoru smiles in amusement before he follows Hikaru to the dressing room.

Just like a kitten. Haruhi's like a bunny, and Harry is like a kitten. I'll have to talk to Hikaru about this later.

- Time Skip: 30 minutes -

"Congrats everybody! We've finished our final club activity until the end of break! Oh! It's so heartwarming saying this, but I'm so glad that we've gone through these past few months together. We've really grown and developed as a family. I can't wait to spend time with everybody over the break so we have more time to be closer and closer!"

Tamaki twirls and spins as he continues to wax 'poetry' and inspiration. Kaoru sighs quietly without catching his twin's attention. As it is, Hikaru was busy talking with Haruhi while Harry was listening. He watches as Hikaru hands Haruhi the phone that both he and Hikaru got in order to stay touch with the single female member. They figured that there was no point to get Harry a phone since he was where Haruhi went.

"Now~ Harry, Haruhi, can we please visit your house at least once this break? We promise that we'll be on our best behavior if that is what you are worried about. Isn't that right, twins?" Tamaki poses with his hands in front of his face, begging.

"Oh please, Haru-chan, Harry-chan! Usa-chan, Takeshi, and I would love to come too! We'll even bring cake! You like strawberries, don't you, Haru-chan?" Hani jumps up and down as he bounces towards the two freshmen brunettes.

"You won't let up, will you? I'll have to ask my father if it is even okay. So, you will have to wait until I can find a good day, alright?" Haruhi relents. Kaoru notices that Harry stiffens.

I wonder why Harry is so against us coming. After all, aren't we friends? Well... I'd like to say friends-playmates-toys... Something. It's all so curious. Are his eyes glowing? Have they always done that? The mystery becomes more and more, but I wonder if I should tell Hikaru. He's the more abrasive one... Ehh. I'll leave it be... For now.

"Yay! Thank you so much, Haruhi! I can't wait to come to a commoner neighborhood! Ooh! What will we have for lunch? We can't be having any premium sushi. It doesn't mean it is high quality– Ahhhh! Mother, our daughter just kicked me!"

"I'm not stupid, Tamaki-senpai. Even I could figure that out on my own," Haruhi glares. Harry smiles in amusement at Haruhi. The rest of the members begin to talk about their plans for the break.

- Time Skip: Evening -

"Hey, Hikaru. Don't you think that Harry is a kitten while Haruhi is a bunny?"

"What are you talking about, Kaoru? Kitten? Bunny?" Hikaru rolls to his side to look at Kaoru next to him on the bed.

"Well, Haruhi is like a bunny because she can be pretty adorable, especially when she has her more clueless moments. At the same time, she has that personality that some rabbits do: listening when somebody needs to talk. Also, in a way, I'm grateful she joined the club. Without her, we might not have grown up a little."

Hikaru nods in contemplation. "I guess I can see that. However, aren't bunnies a bit shy around new people and situations? Haruhi doesn't really have that quality."

Kaoru laughs. "Yeah, that's true. However, I just think the analogy goes well for her. If you're wondering about Harry. Well, he's like a cat because he can be sometimes unapproachable when he doesn't want people around. At the same time, people just want to be around him and show him affection and friendship. Oh, and how he 'bares' his claws out when people are mean to Haruhi."

Hikaru stares at Kaoru for a few seconds. "If you say so, Kaoru. Let's get some sleep. You get some weird thoughts."

Kaoru smiles before closing his eyes. I can't wait to see what happens next.

- To be continued -

Okay! So this was definitely a different one towards the end. The bunny and kitten thing was a bit random, but I wanted to put something into Kaoru's thoughts. The personalities for rabbits were found online. For cats, I use personal information from my own cat. I do think the explanations were rather shallow, but in my experience, verbal conversations tend to leave gaps.

But yeah! Here's the end of the chapter. I hope you found some interest in it. Feel free to review, favorite, and/or follow! Until next time!