This girl is really starting to scare me...

It's not like she follows me, We just 'happened' to walk the same way. Though we turn opposite ways at the cross walk, up on Baker street. She turns towards the middle school, I turn to the high school.

Her eyes are always glaring at me when I'm walking. She's on the other side of the street glaring. It's been about two months, It started around three days after school started. Throughout the days I've gotten to know what she looks like.

She was short little stick, tiny hands, tiny feet and a button nose. She has cold pale blue gray eyes, that go along with her long straight black raven hair. She doesn't smile, or I've never seen her smile. Her skin is a fair pale color, with darkness under her eyes. She looked like someone out of a horror movie, or maybe it's just me.

But, today. Oh god today! she's walking on the same side of the street as me. right behind me. I could hear her ear buds blaring music in her ears. I could tell it was a song from My Chemical Romance. I couldn't tell what song it was. Her eyes burned on my back, sending chills up my spine. She's really creepy...

I keep my eyes on the ground in front of me. I quit thinking about how annoying it's getting when she reaches out grabbing my arm.

"Kevin." Her voice was harshly soft?

"Yeah?" I Look back at her without asking how she knew my name


I stop in my tracks, turning back to the shorter girl. She was again glaring. "Why?"

She hands me a folded up paper, and then crosses the street leaving me alone to read. I open the paper reading the words over, I was in shocked.

We need to talk, Meet me at the house across the street of yours

with lots of hate


I think for a bit about what the note said, 'the house across the street from yours. That's Double Dweeb's house….Now that Kevin thought about it, Was she Double D's sister!? Did that dork even have a sister?

Math was mundane as usual, I feel kind of bad studying two chapters ahead in class. In my defence everything was quite easy to be truthful. So, I skipped ahead slightly. I've already done all the work for the next two weeks, All I can do is sit and wait, maybe read or do other work. I tune out the teacher and the rest of the class and drift off in my own world.

My daydreaming was suddenly stopped as a crushed up paper was tossed at my head from the student behind me; Kevin. At first I didn't even turn back to criticize at him, I just continued back to drifting off again.

"Pssssssst!" I snap open my eyes and sigh as another paper hits the back of my head as Kevin whispers. "Dork!"

"What?!" I whisper back turning around glaring at him.

"Do you have a sister?" Kevin leans his chair back, his arms crossed over his chest.

"How did you know that?" I ask "But, yes I do Indeed have a sister"

Kevin just hands me a note and whispers to read it. reading it I sigh, I told her to not do this! I turn back around to face Kevin and speak up "You don't have to, I'll talk to her"

Kevin just smirks and flicks my forehead "That just gives me another reason to go"

"What-" before I can even speak the bell rings! Kevin is already out the door, I grumble and get up out of my seat and grab my stuff before leaving.

I can't even come to understand my sister! She acts more like a mother when it comes to people bullying me. She acts like a mother bear! Today when she came home from school with a smirk planted on her face. She seemed like she was going to kill him! No wonder people at school call her creepy.

We look over the note mother left for us, the neat handwriting she usually had was rushed and messy. She must have been in a hurry, a small heart was drawn next to her name.

feed yourself, work called I wont be home till tomorrow. Don't stay up late!

Love mom

My sister nods setting down the note on the table, I get started on some homework for next month. Might as well. Jazzy walk in the kitchen to make herself something to eat, She groans walking out of the kitchen.

"We have nothing to eat!" She whines looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"No, we do indeed have food. You're just too lazy to make anything" I say not looking up from my math book.

"Exactly! I'll just text… get us a pizza" She mumbles.

"Who?" I ask

"Kevin!" She laughs evilly

"WHAT?! How did you get his number?" I whimper glaring at Jazzy

"Shhhhhhhh! I'm calling him" She says holding her cell to her ear

"No! Give me the phone now!" I jump up and reach for it, but she dodges and slips away.

"SHUSH!...Hello~" She stops dead in her tracks holding a finger at me

"It's Jazzy"

My phone was ringing? I looked at the number of who was calling 'unknown number' I shrug and hold to my ear. I could hear yelling between two people, then everything went soft.

"Hello?" I say

"Hello~" I could hear a small voice with a hint of 'I'm going to kill you'

"Who's this?" I ask

"It's Jazzy" Who's that? I think for a bit before remembering the note. Oh yeah! That girl!

"Oh. Um…..what's up?"

"when you come over buy use a pizzaaaaaa! AHhhhhh!" She yells. "Get off of me! YOU DORK!

I laugh, they must be fighting "Okay, Will do"

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You don't need to! SHE'S JUST LAZY!" I hear Double dork say out of breath, Jazzy was screaming at him. He must of gotten the phone.

"Don't worry I got it dork" I chuckle "See you tonight"

"Wait- No!" I hang up and shake my head. They sure acted like brother and sister.

I shove my phone in my pocket laughing, This is going to be a fun night.