AN: This story was written for my wonderful and amazing SUBSCRIBERS. They're the ones who make it possible for me to pay my rent and T's therapy bills. ^^ They picked the prompt, and they got to read this oneshot a week early. So, thank you. You are awesome. Everyone who isn't sure what I'm talking about can check on the link on my profile to learn more about what is. You get goodies (like this, and more!) for signing up.

Warning: This story takes place in the TBE universe, and it's about Tevos and Liara melding for the very first time. The sex is vanilla, but intense.

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Better Said Without Words

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Tevos slumped over, groaning as she rested her forehead on the cushion of her folded arms. After a busy day of work, her shoulders usually ached from hours of sitting, and her body screamed for a warm bath and the comfort of her bed. But tonight, like every night for the past week, she felt restless. On edge.

With a sigh, she let her cheek slip off her arms to press against the cool surface of her desk. The texture of metal only brought momentary relief. Her skin tingled, and she shifted in her chair, unable to find a comfortable position. With more than a little desperation, her eyes darted over to her terminal to check the time. 18:23. Nearly the middle of the night. How did I manage to work so late?

But she already knew the answer to that question. She wanted to avoid going home - if it could even be called home when Aria was not present. Although she was fond of the apartment she and Aria had purchased after the reconstruction of the Citadel, Tevos could never manage to relax when her bondmate was away. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. One more week, she told herself, moving her overheated face to a cooler spot on the desk. She's only on Omega for one more week…

Unfortunately, on nights like this, one week apart from Aria managed to feel like a hundred years. Before the start of their relationship, she wouldn't have imagined that being separated from someone for such a trivial amount of time could bother her. Her schedule was always busy, and there were never enough hours in the day to finish all the work her job required. But something in her had changed since she had fallen in love with Aria. A day where she didn't see her bondmate's smile didn't seem worthwhile, no matter how much she accomplished. A night she didn't spend in Aria's arms felt like a waste.

Realizing that she wouldn't be able to get any more work done in this state of mind, she picked herself up off the desk and stood, stretching her arms above her head. That eased some of the pain on either side of her spine, but did nothing to fill the hole in her chest or soothe the uncomfortable tension coiled in the pit of her stomach. She bit her lip guiltily, staring down at her Omni-tool. It wasn't too late, was it? Surely Aria wouldn't mind if she called…

"I shouldn't," she said aloud to the empty room, but her mind was already made up. She needed to see Aria's face. Hear her voice. Feel close to her, even though they were billions of lightyears apart. Before she could talk herself out of it, she flicked through her contacts and chose name right at the top.

Moments later, Aria's smiling face appeared on the screen above her wrist. Tevos had learned to read all of her bondmate's smiles over the years. The sharp, confident tilt of her lips that could stop a room. The seductive smirk that sent all the blood from Tevos's head rushing between her legs. The cold, chilling sneer that meant someone was about to be punished for breaking Omega's only rule. And the soft, indulgent grin she only showed when their daughter's tiny hands were tugging at the edge of her jacket.

This time, Aria's smile read amusement. The corners were barely twitched up, and her eyes were dancing. "Calling again, babe?" she said, settling to one side. Even without seeing all of her body, Tevos could tell which pose Aria had adopted: feet spread apart, shifting her weight to one full hip. "I thought you'd be asleep by now. Don't tell me you're still at work?"

"Only for a few more minutes," Tevos confessed. She turned off the lights and left the room, speaking into her Omni-tool as she walked. "I'm not looking forward to spending the night alone."

"Wish I could. The kid's been a pain in my ass all day. You try negotiating a weapons deal with a giggling toddler bouncing on your knee. I thought I was going to have to crawl through my Omni-tool and shoot my supplier."

Tevos smiled. She knew Aria wasn't really complaining. She had brought it up to try and lessen her loneliness. "Lycoris is asleep, isn't she? I wish I could talk to her."

"You just talked to her a few hours ago. She's passed out on the couch, drooling on Grizz. In fact..." Her eyes darted over to the side, as if she was looking at something. The Omni-tool tilted, and Tevos laughed as she saw her daughter curled up on the large turian's lap. Both of them were sleeping peacefully, dead to the world.

"You could at least put her in bed, Aria," Tevos said with mild disapproval. "I don't want her to inherit your bad habit of dozing on the furniture."

The view shifted back to Aria, and she rolled her eyes. "You're one to talk, always bringing your Omni-tool to bed. Falling asleep on a comfortable couch is much less troublesome than bringing work into a place that's supposed to be reserved for sleeping and fucking." Tevos noticed the background shifting, and assumed Aria was walking into a separate room to finish their conversation. "So, why did you really call?"

"I miss you," Tevos insisted, leaving the elevator and heading for rapid transit. A cab floated up beside her moments later, and she slipped into the passenger's seat, pausing only long enough to key in her destination. "Is that so strange?"

"A little. I'll be back on the Citadel in ten more days."

Tevos sighed, slumping into her seat as the cab wove into traffic. "But I miss you. I miss your voice…"

Aria snorted. "You mean the voice you're hearing right now?"

"I miss you seeing you…"

"Again, you're looking at me." The camera tilted, panning lower to show a generous amount of smooth purple cleavage tucked between the edges of her white jacket. "Satisfied?"

"Stop that," Tevos said. Her forehead wrinkled in annoyance. "You know what I mean. I miss being near you. I miss your touch. Although I miss you a little less now that I've been reminded of how frustrating you can be."

Instead of continuing to tease her, Aria gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Thea, but Omega's where I belong. Sometimes I need to be here. With my people."

Tevos's annoyance melted away only to be replaced by another surge of love. Sometimes, she still couldn't believe how much Aria had changed. For hundreds of years, Aria had seen Omega as a resource. A tool to be used. An unquestionable possession of hers. But her view had become slightly more nuanced over the years. The station was still a lawless, chaotic place, but Aria felt a certain amount of responsibility for it. Tevos knew her bondmate often thought of the promise she had made to Nyreen and Shepard near the end of the war: To preserve the freedom of Omega's people. Those that didn't cross her, at any rate.

"I know. I'm not faulting you. I just don't want to be alone tonight." Even as she confessed, Tevos felt slightly embarrassed. She had been single for one hundred years before Aria disrupted her perfectly ordered life, and aside from a few brief flings, she had remained celibate for a good portion of that time. Her solitude had never bothered her. But little more than a decade into her relationship with Aria, she was already ruined. She couldn't even appreciate the extra space in their bed when she slept alone anymore.

A thoughtful look crossed Aria's face, and she lowered her voice. "You know, you don't have to be alone tonight. Liara's on the Citadel, too. She's by herself while Shepard and Athena are visiting Earth."

"I'm not sure it would help. Liara's company is always a pleasant distraction, but some of my loneliness is…" She paused, searching for a delicate way to put it. Eventually, she gave up. "Honestly, I need an orgasm and someone to hold me while I fall asleep. I need you."

Aria continued staring at her. "And you'll have me. In ten days. But until then, why not ask Liara for that orgasm? I'm sure she'd hold you, too, if you asked nicely."

Although she had a great deal of practice schooling her facial expressions, Tevos could not conceal her surprise. Her eyes widened, and she sat up straighter in her seat. "That's... an interesting suggestion," she said cautiously, unsure how to feel about it. "But I thought we agreed melding with anyone else was off-limits, and both of us could only see other people together?"

"You decided that. I'm happy to follow those rules if they're something you need, but the thought of you melding with someone else doesn't bother me." Another smile spread across Aria's face, and this time, Tevos recognized it as the seductive smirk that had coaxed her to push past boundaries on so many occasions. "Let's just say I'm confident you'll always come back to me. I'm too good to give up."

Tevos hesitated. She couldn't deny that the offer was tempting. She was incredibly fond of Liara, and just the thought of visiting her made Tevos feel much less lonely. Her body also seemed fond of the idea. The pressure along her lower back became a dull throb, settling directly between her legs. She squirmed in her seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. "It's… tempting. But I'm not sure. She probably isn't awake at this hour."

Aria let out a puff of air and shook her head in disbelief. "Pfft. Yeah, right. You know T'Soni never sleeps. She's always poring over her Shadow Broker feeds. You'd be doing her a favor by fucking her into exhaustion while her bondmate's gone."

"What about Shepard?"

"You won't know if Shepard's given her a pass unless you ask."

Without thinking, Tevos blurted out her real fear. "I'm not ready for you to meld with anyone else."

Aria's expression never faltered. "Then I won't until you are."

"But that isn't fair." Tevos pulled her lower lip between her teeth. "If I'm allowed to meld with other people while you're gone, you should be allowed, too."

"I have a feeling you'll wrap your head around it sooner rather than later. You've always been frustratingly egalitarian. But if things are lopsided for a few years while you reassure yourself that melding with other people won't lessen my commitment to you, I can deal with that."

The cab pulled to a stop, and Tevos took the opportunity to think about her answer. It was no secret that her bondmate's personality veered toward selfishness. She took what she wanted when she wanted, rarely concerning herself with what other people thought. The very nature of her business required it. But instead of following her instincts, Aria was offering her a gift. A gift with no strings attached and no ulterior motives, simply because it would make her happy.


"Don't overthink this, Thea. We have a daughter together. You're wearing my bracelet on your wrist. Hell, you've even got my tattoo on your ass. One night with Liara isn't going to change any of that."

Some of the knot in her chest unravelled, and she found herself laughing. "When you put it so eloquently, how can I say no?"

"You don't. 'No' isn't a word I hear often."

There was only one more thing to be said. "I love you…"

Aria's eyes darted around, as if she was making sure she was truly alone. "I love you, too," she whispered. "And if you don't make her scream at least as loud as I do, your free pass is revoked."

The call ended, but Tevos continued staring at her wrist. Was she really going to do this? Could she? Now that Aria had put the idea in her head, she couldn't get it out. She imagined running her hand down Liara's smooth stomach, finding purchase on her hip, leaning in to sigh against her neck… But even if she changed her mind, or Liara wasn't willing, the company would help. She glanced out of the window and stared up at her apartment building. The thought of going up to a cold, empty bed made her heart sink.

After a moment's hesitation, she selected another contact and waited for the call to connect. "Liara? Oh, good. You're still awake. Would you mind company? I know it's late, but…"

. . .

"Are you sure I can't get you anything? Wine? A midnight snack?"

Tevos smiled as she watched Liara move through the kitchen, pulling open cabinets and rummaging through drawers without even waiting for her response. "You don't have to play hostess with me," she murmured, leaning back against the breakfast bar. "I only wanted a little company tonight. I'm surprised you're even awake this late."

"You shouldn't be." Liara removed a bottle of wine from its case and set it on the counter. "I've started keeping late hours again since Athena learned to sleep through the night. Shepard disapproves, but..." She turned and smiled, holding an empty glass in each hand. "When the galaxy doesn't need saving, I'm more stubborn than she is."

"Now that doesn't surprise me," Tevos laughed. She took the glass Liara offered and held it out, watching as a waterfall of red rose along its edges. "That's plenty, thank you. I'm going to have a hard enough time sleeping as it is."

Liara proceeded to fill her own glass. "Aria mentioned you might ask to spend the night here while she was gone. She is very… perceptive."

"Oh, really?" The spots on Tevos's forehead rose in surprise, and she paused, holding her glass mid-way to her mouth. "You don't need to be polite about it. The word you're looking for is 'manipulative'."

"It is accurate," Liara admitted. "But it's not all she is, either. She seemed concerned about you."

Tevos set her glass back on top of the bar without taking a sip. She needed to stay sober for the first part of this conversation. "What, exactly, did she tell you?"

"Oh, this and that." Liara took a sip from her own glass and glided back toward the living room. Tevos followed, forcing herself not to look for too long. She and Liara were on intimate terms, but she still wasn't sure her advances would be welcome while they were alone. "She mentioned you don't handle her trips to Omega well. She mentioned you dislike spending the night alone…" Liara sat on the couch, facing toward the fire. It cast her cheeks into shadow, although it did nothing to hide her beautiful smile. "She also might have mentioned that the only thing that puts you to sleep during the busiest part of the Council session is a glass of Thessian red, an orgasm, and a warm body resting on top of yours."

A fierce blush rose in Tevos's cheeks. She hesitated, clenching and unclenching her hands. "She set me up," she muttered, unsure whether to be angry or grateful. It had been presumptuous of Aria to make the pass for her, but at the same time, she couldn't help feeling relieved. It would have been an awkward subject to bring up with Liara despite their shared sexual history.

"Not precisely." Liara patted the empty space next to her, and Tevos sank into it with a sigh. "She laid the groundwork. You were the one who called."

"And what does Shepard think of all this?" Tevos asked. "Did Aria contact her, too? Please, tell me I'm wrong."

Liara laughed, and a pleasant prickle ran across Tevos's skin at the sound. "You're wrong. But I did broach the subject with Shepard myself. After discussing it for a few days, the two of us came to an agreeable compromise."

Tevos could not contain her curiosity. "What sort of compromise?"

"Shepard has given me permission to try melding with you, but only if I include her by recording it. She wants me to send her a copy of the footage."

It was Liara's turn to blush, and Tevos was so distracted by the pretty pastel shade of purple over blue that it took her a moment to process the words. She laughed and took a sip from the glass in her hand. Now that the subject had been broached, it was time for a little liquid courage. "I suppose it isn't any more scandalous than the vids you already have of me and Aria. And no one can encrypt data quite like you."

The brief look of embarrassment on Liara's face shifted to mischievous delight. Her hooded eyes gleamed dark even without the meld. "I could even forward a copy to Aria, if you like. If the two of us decide to do this, I'm sure she would appreciate the visual."

If the two of us decide to do this. For some reason, Liara's phrasing made Tevos feel better. The knowledge that Aria had planned for this had set her adrift, and she appreciated the reminder that she was in control of the final decision. She also knew Liara wouldn't hold it against her if she changed her mind, although she was certain she could see more than a hint of hope in the young maiden's eyes. "And what about you?"

Liara's eyes lingered on her face. The pulse point at the bottom of her throat. Her breasts. They even darted down to trail up along her legs - or, at least, what was visible beneath the lines of her dress. "You know I appreciate the visual, too."

Having Liara look at her with such obvious interest was flattering. Tevos was more than confident in her appearance and her skills as a sexual partner, but Liara naturally gravitated toward a certain type of woman. Strong. Muscular. Sexually dominant and just a little dangerous. Women like Shepard and Aria. She certainly didn't fit that role, and she was touched that Liara wanted her anyway.

In the end, she couldn't resist. The attraction ran both ways. Liara stirred something powerful in her even when Aria and Shepard weren't present to direct them. And though she still missed her bondmate fiercely, loneliness wasn't the only thing that pushed her forward. She hesitated, staring at Liara's soft lips, knowing she needed to speak before she could act. "I didn't go home because I was lonely, but I came here because I…"

She searched for a word. What adjective could she use to describe her feelings? Liara had risked her own life to save her more than once. Had been a friend to her, even during difficult times. Tevos admired her. Cared for her. Perhaps even loved her, in a strange way. Aria was her other half, but Liara had become an integral and cherished part of her life over the past several years.

In the end, she didn't need to say anything. "Some things are better said without words." Liara smiled, reaching out to cup her cheek. "I'm yours for tonight, if you want me. The cameras in this room are already connected with my private terminal."

Tevos rolled her eyes, trying not to shiver at the way Liara's palm burned. "Just because you're the Shadow Broker doesn't mean you have to be creepy."

Liara laughed again, although the sound was lower and huskier. "I'm afraid creepiness is an inevitable part of my job. So…?"

"So why aren't you kissing me yet?"

The first brush of Liara's lips stopped her breath. Her heart leapt, and a pulse of want pierced her stomach. They had kissed before, but never while they were alone. Never like this. Liara's mouth was so different than Aria's, so warm and yielding beneath hers. It made her want to press forward with her tongue and explore. She ran her hand along the side of Liara's throat, teasing the sensitive ridges there until she found a grip where her neck ran into her shoulder.

But Liara didn't give her much time to be complacent. The lips beneath hers parted further, asking for more. Tevos groaned into the kiss when she realized she didn't have to resist. She could lead this dance, and Liara wouldn't mind. She would probably even welcome it. She tightened her grip, teasing Liara's skin with the edges of her nails as she gave in.

Liara made a soft whimper of approval as she pushed forward. Their mouths found a better angle, and Tevos shuddered with want as Liara's tongue pressed against hers, inviting her deeper. She tasted sweet beneath the spiced edge of the wine, and Tevos realized with some surprise that the flavor was already familiar. She had become... accustomed to kissing Liara over the past few years. The nervous knot in her stomach loosened a little more.

At last, they pulled apart for air. Liara stared up at her with shimmering eyes, twin blue oceans about to spill over into black. "You're a beautiful kisser, Thea," she sighed, leaning back in until their noses brushed.

The closeness almost tempted Tevos into kissing her again. "So are you. Aria is wonderful, but she doesn't usually kiss me this way."

She didn't have to finish. "I know," Liara laughed, stroking a hand along her side. It settled on top of her thigh, finding a home above her knee. "She burns, doesn't she? Blazes through everything. She kisses you like she wants to consume you. It's almost a mark of ownership."

Tevos looked at Liara in surprise. "I couldn't have found better words. She has her tender moments, but they're few and far between." A soft smile filled her face as she remembered their earlier conversation. She appreciated every loving word Aria spoke, each selfless gesture. Their rarity only made them more precious.

Liara dipped forward, brushing their cheeks together, whispering against the side of her throat. "She loves you very much, you know. I've felt it."

"You have? When?"

"Right before Athena was born. That was the first and only time we melded. She comforted me. I was in a great deal of pain, but I could feel your presence in her thoughts. I'm sure you're always there."

Tevos's heart swelled with affection, not just for her absent bondmate, but for Liara as well. It had been an incredibly kind thing to say, touching and reassuring at the same time. She leaned in again, and the two of them tipped over onto the couch. Liara shifted into a comfortable position beneath her, sliding one thigh along her hip. "Are... are you... sure?" Tevos asked through broken kisses, searching for the hem of Liara's shirt.

"To be honest, I wasn't sure when you called." Liara's fingers laced with hers, guiding her palm up to find warm flesh. "I love Shepard so much. I worried this might diminish what we have, what we've built. But I'm absolutely sure now. I have been since you walked in through my door." She left Tevos's hand in its new home, reaching up to undo the fastening at the base of her neck and ease down the top of her zipper. Tevos trembled at the feel of cool metal sliding along the middle of her back. "Maybe it's this dress. How you manage to look seductive in an outfit that shows almost no skin, I have no idea."

"I hope you won't mind once it's gone."

"On the contrary." Liara pulled her zipper lower, opening her dress all the way to the small of her back. Tevos took the opportunity to lift Liara's shirt, catching her first glimpse of the soft skin she had only felt before. The stomach beneath her hands was flat and muscular, with only a slight curve at the bottom starting just above a horizontal scar. Unlike the streaky bullet-marks that broke across the rest of Liara's body at random points - her side, her thigh, one that rippled over her shoulder - this one hadn't yet begun to fade with the passage of time. Tevos suspected Liara had chosen to keep it on purpose instead of treating it.

Liara noticed where she was looking and smiled. "I thought it would be nice to have at least one scar with a happy memory attached," she said as she pulled her shirt over her head. Tevos swallowed back a whimper as she got her first glimpse of Liara's breasts. Their outline was clearly visible, even beneath her cropped compression shirt. Tevos's hands drifted toward the hem that cut across the middle of Liara's ribs. As she moved to take it off, her dress began slipping down her shoulders. She shrugged the rest of the way out, breaking the warm connection between her hands and Liara's skin for just a moment so she could pull her arms through the sleeves.

"You might as well take it off completely," Liara said, stripping away her undershirt. She tugged it over her head, and the thick violet nipples that capped her breasts stiffened to hard points. Tevos ached to pull one of them between her lips, but ignored the temptation. She shoved her dress over her hips, leaving only her underwear in place.

As soon as she finished undressing, she interrupted Liara's attempts to unfasten her pants. She scattered kisses across Liara's chest, dotting the star of each freckle and making patterns between. Liara gave up on pulling off her pants and arched beneath her, petting the back of her crest, urging her to continue. The downward pressure told Tevos exactly what she wanted, but she continued to linger. Usually, Aria was the one who set their pace, who made her beg for more. She couldn't pass up the rare opportunity to make someone else plead for her attention.

Tevos kissed along the slope of Liara's breast, but didn't pull the hard tip into her mouth. Instead, she made circles around it, teasing the tight little bud with her breath. Her reward was a soft sigh and a powerful shiver that ran all the way through Liara's stomach. "You aren't usually such a tease, Thea," she murmured, stroking the back of her neck. "What's gotten into you?"

"Hopefully your fingers. And your tongue." Tevos flicked the edge of a nipple with her tongue to demonstrate her point, leaving the tip slick. It seemed to throb against the air, and she tightened her hold on Liara's partially-bared hip. Her grip didn't do any good. Liara ground up against her anyway, pushing along her stomach. The teeth of her zipper dug into Tevos's abdomen, but she didn't mind the discomfort. Liara's reactions enthralled her.

"I could get started on that…" Liara's hand left the back of her neck, trying to push between their bodies, but she couldn't reach far enough. "You'll have to move up higher if you want me to touch you."

"Not yet." Although the thought of Liara's hand sliding between her legs made her throb with want, Tevos resisted the impulse. She couldn't waste this chance. She pulled Liara's nipple between her lips, grazing the edge with her teeth and soothing the hard point with light strokes of her tongue. At the same time, her hand slid into Liara's unfastened pants, cupping firmly until she found wetness. The fabric of her underwear was soaked through, and Tevos groaned around her prize.

Aria's words floated through her head, full of smug confidence. And if you don't make her scream at least as loud as I do, your free pass is revoked…

She released the tip of Liara's breast with a soft pop when the whimpers coming from beneath her grew too loud. It wouldn't take much to fulfill her promise to Aria and coax Liara into shaking apart beneath her.

"Thea…" Liara's hips pushed greedily into hers, rocking into her hand and searching for more pressure. "Please. I want to be naked."

Tevos increased the pressure of her hand. Teasing Liara was extremely entertaining, but her impatience won out. She wanted to feel Liara's skin against hers without barriers. Her hand slid out of Liara's pants with a mixture of reluctance and eagerness, and she eased them the rest of the way off, tossing them into a pile on the floor.

What she saw when she looked down made her stop and stare in awe. Shepard and Aria had allowed them several opportunities to play. She knew how Liara looked naked. How she tasted. How it felt to touch her. But for some reason, the sight was even more magnificent than usual. Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, and the tips of her breasts strained against the air. The sheets of muscle along her stomach shivered in anticipation. Her legs were spread in invitation, and between them… Tevos gasped as she admired the swollen, parted lips of Liara's azure and the sweeping curve of her clit. She was already dripping, shimmering.

Before she reached out, her eyes flicked back up, searching Liara's face for reassurance. The sight she found there was even more enchanting than every other part of her body put together. The beautiful bow of her lips had melted into a sweet, almost loving smile, and her soft blue eyes were already edged with black. "Please?" Liara reached out, urging her closer. "Touch me."

Tevos bent down to take Liara's lips. Her tongue pushed forward, and so did her fingers, plunging into soft, welcoming warmth. Hot muscle clamped around her knuckles, but she felt no resistance as she eased inside. Liara was more than ready for her. Tevos hooked her fingers forward and up, correcting herself as she went. She was so accustomed to Aria's preferences that it took a few adjustments to remember how Liara's body worked.

It didn't take her long to discover the right spot. Liara required more force than she was used to giving, but although the muscles in her wrists burned, she was able to pick up a satisfactory pace. Liara's responses made it more than obvious when she stumbled upon the perfect amount of pressure. When Tevos's thrusts rubbed against the swollen, ridged patch just past her entrance, her soft sighs became moans of approval. "Goddess, yes… Harder…"

Tevos smirked and sped up her rhythm, latching onto a tempting shoulder with her teeth. She supposed Liara was used to rough treatment. Shepard had a gentle soul and equally gentle intentions, but Tevos knew from personal experience that the Commander found it difficult to control the strength packed into her powerful body. Liara had used a rather charming human expression to describe her once: a bull in a china shop.

In an effort to earn even more sharp, beautiful cries, Tevos set about leaving a mark on Liara's neck. She nipped the tender place where Liara's pulse hammered in her throat, sucking in time with her thrusts. Soon, Liara was keening beneath her. She could feel the hard ridge of the maiden's clit throbbing against the base of her palm, and she deliberately rubbed against it.


At first, her name sounded strange to her ears. She was used to hearing it in Aria's voice. But as Liara repeated it, as it sank into her head, the new pitch became more and more familiar. "Thea… Thea…" Thea. Tevos gasped as Liara's consciousness reached out for hers, not pushing forward, but cautiously asking for entrance. She let go of Liara's throat and looked into her eyes. They spilled over in endless pools of black, and the yearning in them took her breath away.

"Li…" ...ara? Her hand stopped moving, and she froze, holding perfectly still above Liara's quivering body.

Thea. Their connection wasn't quite a mating meld, only deep enough to transmit words, but Tevos could hear the love and affection wrapped around her name even in Liara's thoughts. Do you want this? Liara's hand stroked down between her shoulderblades, smoothing over the column of her spine. Do you… want me?

Tevos was experienced enough to sense the slight insecurity in the question. Liara's nervousness was almost sweet. Of course. You aren't nervous, are you?

No… no. It's just that I've never… Shepard was my first. I've haven't shared the union like this with anyone else.

Tevos regained control of her limbs and shifted further up along Liara's body, drawing her lips into a slow, hot kiss. Liara's mind went blank for several seconds, clutching a little more tightly to hers. I'm honored, she thought as she pulled away, trailing the backs of her fingers along Liara's flushed, freckled cheek. Do you want me to guide you?


A soft smile spread across Tevos's face as she rested their foreheads together, gazing down into Liara's dark eyes. You are an amazing woman, Liara T'Soni. Relax. Embrace Eternity.

Tevos reached forward gently, but her cautiousness wasn't needed. Despite her professed inexperience, the outer layers of Liara's soul blossomed open at the first touch. The mind linked with hers invited her in, and she slid forward just as effortlessly as her fingers had pushed into Liara's azure.

What she found sent her reeling. Tevos had melded with her fair share of asari over the years, but none had minds like Liara. The landscape of her psyche was covered in rippling scars, clearly earned through pain. The outlines of grief had mostly turned to wisdom, but the suffering she had endured was unmistakable, almost unimaginable. Tevos had to collect herself for several moments before she even dared to draw close.

But running beneath the gnarls and twists was something strong and pure. It thrummed with life and energy, and as Tevos untangled the mess around it, the beacon shone bright enough to bathe everything else. Love. Shepard. The depth of Liara's love was beyond words. Shepard was her reason for being. Her hope. Her strength. Her everything. The only thing Tevos could compare it to was the fierce, burning devotion Aria sent to her when they were at their most connected.

Other lines fed into the light, and she followed one, basking in its brilliance. Athena. Liara's love for her daughter was as clear as her love for Shepard. Tevos recognized it instantly. The protectiveness. The pride. The tenderness. Liara loved Athena with everything she was. There were other loves, too. A whole flood of them, swirling around together. Aethyta. Benezia. Garrus. Tali. Miranda. Jack. Wrex. Aria. Lycoris. And then, sharp and clear and beautiful: I love you, Thea.

Tears welled in Tevos's eyes. She couldn't stop them even when they ran down her cheeks and dripped onto Liara's face. Liara loved her. Not in the same way that she loved Shepard - and not in the same way that Tevos loved Aria. Such a love was beyond words. But Liara loved her nonetheless, and she wasn't at all surprised to find that she felt the same. She regained control of the trembling thread that bound them and folded Liara into herself, drawing her deeper. I love you, too.

At first, Liara's mind had seemed ancient beyond its years. Tevos had never felt a more powerful presence wrapped up in hers, except perhaps for Aria's. But beneath everything else, Liara was still a maiden, excited and giddy with happiness over her new discovery. I'm relieved. So… what happens now?

Now, I show you.

It took an effort of will to reconnect with her physical side after losing herself in Liara's mind, but somehow, Tevos managed. Still overwhelmed by the strength of Liara's emotions, she began curling her fingers, searching for the special spot she had already memorized. The meld helped her find it with even more accuracy. Liara cried out and bucked beneath her, and Tevos felt a trail of wetness pulse from her own azure and roll along her thigh. Sensations blurred, bodies twined, and they sank into a shared rhythm.

Goddess, Thea…

Tevos returned her mouth to the mark she had already left on Liara's neck. She skimmed over it gently at first before sucking the bruised skin, enjoying the mixture of sweetness and salt. Her curls became forceful thrusts, although she maintained just enough gentleness to show her affection. Each pump of her hand forced an answering throb from between her own legs, and she fed her desire into Liara's until they blended and swelled together. You don't have to hold back, Tevos thought, tracing her tongue along the strained column of Liara's throat. Not with me. I want to give you everything you need. She couldn't tell when pleasing Liara had become her focus instead of forgetting her loneliness, but it didn't matter. In this moment, she wanted to make Liara come more than anything else.

Liara did not answer with words. Instead, Tevos felt a brief spike of uncertainty and the creeping edge of fear. Liara was quickly reaching her limit, and part of her was afraid to tip over the edge. I… I don't know if I…

Here. Tevos changed the angle of her hand, thrusting as deep as possible and twisting her hand so that she could stroke across the stiff, swollen ridge of Liara's clit. Its hood was already peeled back, and the pad of her thumb glided effortlessly over its tip. Let me help. Liara moaned and writhed beneath her, but it still wasn't quite enough. Tevos knew she needed one last push. Remember that Shepard is watching you, she thought. A picture of the camera flashed from Liara's mind to hers, tucked in a corner above the fireplace. Along with it came a wave of reassurance, and Tevos knew she was on the right track. Watching us. Watching me make you come.

Thea… "Shepard!"

The pulsing light inside of Liara burst into a thousand stars. She fell into a series of shudders, and Tevos followed, clutching tight as they both fell apart. She shared each ripple that ran through Liara's tense body, every wave of bliss that crashed over her. Their lips met, and the rest of them followed, locking tight together. Wetness rushed out around Tevos's hand, spilling into her palm and running in a river down her wrist. If she hadn't been so preoccupied with Liara's mouth, she gladly would have kissed her way down the maiden's quivering stomach to swallow it. Instead, she could only swallow Liara's shouts as they both savored their first shared release.

"I love you," Liara sighed out loud when the heavy, thick pulses faded to aftershocks.

Even though she already knew the answer, Tevos couldn't help asking. "Was that for Shepard, or for me?"

"For both of you," Liara said in a quivering voice. "Always."

Tevos braced herself on her elbow, gently withdrawing her fingers from their snug home. At first, Liara was reluctant to let them go. Clinging muscle tightened around her, but she managed to slide free with a little effort. "How did I manage to get so lucky?" she asked, leaning down to kiss Liara's glistening forehead.

"You're about to get luckier." With a surprising burst of strength, especially after the pleasure she had just experienced, Liara reversed their positions, using a flare of blue energy to flip her onto her back. Tevos gasped as her shoulders hit the cushions, but did not protest as Liara climbed on top of her, breasts swaying and lips curled in an eager smile. "I need to repay the favor. You were wonderful."


Liara's dark eyes narrowed, and Tevos gasped as she felt the connection between them being reestablished. This time, Liara's mind was the one that cradled hers. Its force surprised her all over again, but she was only too glad to surrender. She lowered the walls that surrounded the outer edges of her thoughts, allowing Liara free access as a hot mouth trailed down from her sternum to her navel. Funny, Liara thought, nipping a tender patch of skin above the swell of her left hipbone. I've used that word to describe Shepard on more than one occasion…

Tevos tipped her head back against the couch and clutched the back of Liara's crest. That wicked tongue was trailing lower, lower, dipping down to tease the crease where her thigh joined her torso. A few more inches, and Liara's warm breath would be directly over her azure. Please, Tevos thought, letting one of her knees fall off the couch so she could spread her legs. Go ahead. I've wanted to know what coming in your mouth feels like ever since the first time you tasted me…

A shared memory stretched between them, of Tevos's back jammed into the edge of a dresser as Liara's hot lips sealed around the hard ridge of her clit. It was the first of many times that Liara's talented mouth had brought her to the edge, but she had always used Aria's mind to finish.

Liara let out a happy sigh as she copied the picture. Her lips found purchase, and Tevos's pelvis jerked as she rocked forward into the sweet, tempting warmth. Me too.

I won't last long. You… undo me in ways I can't explain.

You don't have to explain. Liara pushed deeper into her mind, and at the same moment, two fingers swirled around her entrance, easing forward to fill her. I can feel everything.

Tevos smiled, although her hips continued shifting, eager for more penetration. Why didn't we do this years ago?

We weren't ready. We needed time.

And then there wasn't room for any more questions. The burn of Liara's mouth was too intense. Her soft lips were too perfect. Tevos began to tremble, and instead of fighting against release, she gave in to it. She clung to the mind within hers, and her nails dug into Liara's shoulders in an effort to pull her even closer. Firm hands clutched her hips, holding her in place, and a cry cracked in her throat. Her muscles fluttered around Liara's fingers, throbbing, twitching in time with her frantic heartbeat.

For a brief, painful moment, the heat receded. "Thea, please…" Liara murmured against her, still skimming the tip of her clit. Tevos was momentarily confused when Liara spoke aloud, but felt her front wall throb even harder as she remembered the camera. Liara was speaking for Aria and Shepard's benefit. "Come for me? Come with me?"

Liara's request pushed her over the edge, much like her own coaxing had eased Liara into their first orgasm. Her body stiffened, then collapsed into a shivering mess. She locked up around Liara's fingers, screaming to the ceiling as she drew from the ties that bound them. She gave all she was, sharing her pleasure, her joy, her love until both of them were overflowing with it. In the same heartbeat, she released a flood into Liara's mouth, grinding forward against her chin.

Instead of ending all at once, the release of pressure lingered for several moments. She sighed and flopped further over the arm of the couch, content to remain tucked in the warmth of Liara's mind as her body eased back down. They didn't part all at once, physically or mentally. Liara's fingers remained inside her, and their souls remained bound as they eased into a comfortable spooning position. Tevos gazed down fondly at Liara's gorgeous face, admiring her glistening cheeks, her chin, the subtle shadows that traveled down her throat and lead to the lovely dip between her breasts...

That finally prompted Tevos to withdraw from their meld. Some thoughts were simply to embarrassing to share, even with a lover.

"You didn't have to leave so soon," Liara said, sounding ever so slightly disappointed at the broken connection. She withdrew her hand, and Tevos groaned with a mixture of relief and disappointment as she watched Liara set about cleaning her lips with a soft purple tongue.

"I was just thinking…"

"Oh?" Liara stopped what she was doing and settled back down. "What about?"

Tevos blushed, but eventually decided to explain. Liara had already been inside her head. Keeping secrets felt trivial, even foolish, after what they had shared. "For a moment, you reminded me of… Well,when I was a maiden, I had a horrible crush on Matriarch Benezia. If someone had told me then that I would end up here, making love to her daughter several centuries later, I would have thought they were absolutely insane."

A look of horror crossed Liara's face, but after a few moments, she broke down laughing. She tucked her face into Tevos's neck, trying to stifle her giggles by trailing a few kisses along the line of her collarbone. "Oh, Goddess. You're worse than my father." Tevos began to apologize, but Liara silenced her with a soft bite to the side of her throat. "It is amusing, though. I can see why it would make you laugh." Liara snuggled further into her chest, shivering with delight before going limp again. "So? Was melding with a member of House T'Soni everything you dreamed?"

Tevos laughed, pushing herself upright so that she could reach Liara's lips. They kissed, and this time, her shared taste travelled between both their tongues. "And more," she murmured into Liara's mouth. "So much more…"

Liara laughed, lacing their slick fingers together in a tight, intimate hold. "It was more intense than I expected. Better than I hoped. Just like you were."

They settled into a comfortable silence, resting together until their bodies grew uncomfortably warm. "Perhaps we should put out the fire and go to the bedroom?" Tevos asked as she began to untangle their sticky limbs.

A mischievous smile crossed Liara's face, and for once, she actually looked her age. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Let me just get my Omni-tool first. I have a promise to keep, and two unfortunate women to torture."

Tevos's tattoos rose questioningly on her forehead. "Don't you mean fortunate?"

"Absolutely not. They're still stuck away from the Citadel. Our bondmates won't be able to find any relief until they come home to us… especially yours."

The thought of Aria watching the recording made Tevos mirror Liara's evil smirk. "Send it. I can't wait to see her reaction."

. . .

The blaring noise of her Omni-tool pierced the pleasant fog that swirled through Tevos's head. Reluctantly, she shifted her head from its comfortable spot and cracked open one blurry eye, trying to remember where she had left it. The nightstand beside her wasn't familiar, and neither was the window beyond. She frowned in confusion at first, then relaxed as she remembered where she was: away from her apartment, wrapped in Liara's arms.

That pleasant thought was almost enough to make her drift off again, but the buzzing continued. She reached out, shifting just enough to reach her Omni-tool without disturbing the still form beside her. Liara was still fast asleep, smiling softly as she dozed. Tevos didn't have the heart to wake her. Instead, she resolved to be as quiet as possible. Once she checked the name to make sure she wouldn't need her clothes, she switched on the screen. "Good morning, Aria. Try to stay quiet. Liara hasn't woken up yet."

Aria's shoulders bristled. Her eyes glowed with ferocious energy, perhaps a hint of biotics. Her lips were pressed into a hard line, but Tevos could sense the barest hint of a smile struggling to break through the cold façade. "Are you trying to torture me?"

Tevos smiled and shook her head, refusing to answer.

"This was Liara's idea, wasn't it? She put you up to this. I want to talk to her. That devious little pureblood bitch..."

"You can discuss it with her later," Tevos whispered, cutting Aria off before she could truly get started. She had a feeling that said 'discussion' would probably leave Liara incredibly sore afterward, but she didn't mention it. She wiggled the rest of the way out of Liara's arms, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and heading for the bathroom. There, she could have a little more privacy without disturbing her host.

Once they were out of earshot, the volume of Aria's voice rose to a growl. "She isn't the only one in for it. Enjoy your fun while it lasts, Tevos. Once I get home, I'm going to make you pay for every fucking second of your little vid. The rest of the Council isn't going to be able to sit down for a week, and you'll feel it for two."

Tevos had no doubt that Aria's threats were serious, but she could tell her bondmate wasn't really angry. The longer she pretended, the more cracks appeared in her act until her smile stretched all the way across her face. It wasn't often that Tevos got to see Aria lose control of her reactions. She savored the moment, resting her free elbow back against the counter and lounging in a seductive pose. "Your complaints would be a lot more convincing if you weren't grinning like a vorcha. Admit it. You enjoyed the surprise."

Aria snorted. "Maybe. But obviously not as much as you." She hesitated, and Tevos saw an echo of her own impatience reflected in Aria's body language as she shifted her balance. "It's only nine more days, right?"

"Only nine more days," Tevos said, doing her best to sound soothing. "Then, I'll make sure to give you all the orgasms you want. And if you say 'please' and 'thank you' instead of insulting her, Liara might even be willing to help…"

That made Aria do a double take. "I thought you weren't ready to let me meld with anyone else?"

"I changed my mind. I suppose I proved to myself last night that a beautiful woman like Liara can only enhance our relationship. If you want permission to meld with her and Shepard, I'm happy to let you."

"Just them?" Aria asked, forehead creasing.

"For now. I still want a say in who you join with. But the two of them are dear friends."

Liara and Shepard were more than that, but Tevos didn't need to say so. Both of them understood.

Aria gave her a small nod. "Fair enough. I'll try to keep my hands off the dancers until I get home."

Tevos sighed and shook her head, giving her beloved bondmate a smile full of love. "You can't even pretend to make me jealous anymore, Aria T'Loak. I know you too well."

"Thea?" The sound of a voice calling from the next room made Tevos abandon her pose and look over her shoulder. She caught a glimpse of naked blue flesh passing by the partially-open door. "Where did you go?"

"In here, Liara," she answered. Aria's face brightened with interest, but Tevos shook her head no. "You can "talk" to her when you get back to the Citadel, Aria. Until then, she's mine."

"Fine. Send more vids." Aria hesitated, and a rare, gentle smile took the place of her amused smirk for a few precious seconds. "I love you. Always."

Tevos's heart filled to the brim at those words. Aria still didn't say them often, but they were always sincere. "I love you, too."

The call ended just as Liara slipped into the door. "What are you doing in here, Thea? Did you want to use the hot tub?"

"Nothing important," Tevos lied, shutting down her Omni-tool and slipping the band off her wrist. She set it on the counter and pulled Liara into her arms before she could take notice. "The hot tub sounds lovely. But first…" Their bodies slid together, and she dipped forward for a good morning kiss. There would be plenty of time to tell Liara about Aria's amusing reaction later. First, she wanted to enjoy what was left of this perfect morning.