Hi! I'm back! I know it's been a while, I'm so sorry, really! But now, thanks to my new editor I can continue with the story, I hope you like it. This chapter is a little larger because I felt so bad about no updating in so long! Thanks to all of you that suported me and offered me your help, you guys are awesome! And of course I want to thank to csweeney122 who corrected my bad grammar mistakes, I hope you are not traumatized LOL!

Well, here is chapter 4, I hope you enjoy it! Please, please please, review, comment and give ideas, I'm so happy when you do that!

Ah! and to those that spanish is their first language I'm translating the fic in spanish as well, you can check in my storys!

They walked through the streets of the city for ten minutes, admiring everything they saw. The buildings, the houses, the paths. It was almost like the cities that they saw and read about on the Ark, but these ones were more rudimentary yet more beautiful, and more colorful. They stopped in front of a light brown house with two floors and Kandia opened the door for them. They entered the house still a little in awe, looking at the paintings on the wall, and the wooden furniture that was all around. A beautiful table was set in the middle of the living room, with matching chairs. Kandia showed them the first floor where the living room was, the kitchen and a quiet and peaceful garden. Then, she showed them the second floor and pointed to what would be their respective rooms. Clarke had the last room, it was the bigger one, with a king-size bed, walls painted with a soft green and in the end of the room a balcony. Clarke approached the balcony, opened the doors and looked outside. The view was stunning. The combination of the moon, the stars, the light from the fires, the houses and the gentle breeze was breathtaking.

"Is everything to your liking?" asked Kandia from the threshold of the room while Clarke was looking around still stunned.

Clarke spun around to look at Kandia who was smiling politely. "Yeah, everything is… " Clarke couldn't find the exact words for describing all the magnificence that she was seeing "perfect" she finally said.

"Good. Dinner will be ready in half an hour" explained the dark haired girl with a smile still on her face. "Now, I will go and inform the others." She made a slight bow before leaving.

Just like Kandia had said, when Clarke went downstairs half an hour later, maybe a little more, the wood table that she had seen before was full of food. All kinds of food. Meat, vegetables, bread, different drinks, fruits. It was incredible, too incredible to be true. She saw that the rest of them were already sitting in their chairs, waiting for her to start eating. She didn't see Kandia standing in the corner of the living room, in the shadows. Clarke greeted them and apologized for her delay. A few "don't worry" were said and then they began to eat as if they hadn't eaten in years. Everything was delicious.

"Well, Clarke, the meeting will be tomorrow, are you prepared for that?" asked Marcus between bites of his meat. He was sitting next to her.

Clarke remained silent for a moment and her hand stopped mid reach as she was to grab her cup. "Yeah, I think so… I guess… I don't know… it's kind of important…" She stopped again, looking for the right words to say "our peace, our safety, to have a home, all that depends on how things will go tomorrow. Lexa said that they will talk to me, and only me…" She sighed.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry that I'm not able to help you more" replied Kane with saddness in his eyes. "It's a huge responsibility and you shouldn't have to take that responsibility… we… me and your mother should…" he was interrupted.

"I know Marcus" Clarke sadly smiled at him. "But you know that after all we have been through, we are not kids anymore… not for a long time… it's ok, I did it before, and I will do it again." She drank from her cup. "All we want, all we wanted since the beginning is peace, a place on the ground to call home" she continued "I will make them see that. I will make them understand that we don't want to take what is theirs. To start a war or attack them. That we only want peace and to live peacefully. I will make them see…" she said the last words more for herself than to Kane.

After dinner, all of them were full and exhausted, so they went to their rooms to get some rest and a good nights sleep. Clarke entered her designated room, grabbed a chair that was in one of the corners of the room and she immediately went to the balcony. She put the chair down and sat on it. She could see almost all of Polis, and it was incredible. She took a mental picture in case that she decided to draw again, or have time to draw again she thought sighing. While scanning the view, she realized that not far from there, there was a very big house, it looked almost like a mansion but in a grounder way, of course. It was more beautiful that the rest, more majestic. It had a very big wood door, three floors in which there was a balcony in two of them. Then she glimpsed some movement in one of the balconies. She focused her view and she almost stopped breathing when she realized who was there. She was relaxing her back against the wall behind her, looking at the sky. The moon made her olive skin and her green eyes shine. That was Lexa's house. Clarke starred at her for what felt like hours, studying her features, her bodys form. Suddenly, she realized what she was doing in shock. WTF was she doing? What the hell was she thinking? Well, to be honest, she wasn't thinking at all. That was the problem. She was so overwhelmed by everything that she just let herself carried away, just that, she told herself. With a sudden anger, she went back into her room, change her clothes for something more comfortable to sleep in and went to bed. She tried to sleep, but so many thoughts were running through her mind. She focused on the most important thing in that moment, her meeting with the Council and what she would said to them. That night she had very little sleep. She didn't even have enough time to have a nightmare.

The next morning, another grounder girl with red hair wearing a dress similar to Kandia's was waiting for them with the breakfast ready. They eat in silence, obviously nervous for what it was to come. Clarke ate just a little, her stomach was too nervous.

"You are gonna do it great princess" Octavia had approached her. She put her hand on Clarke's shoulder.

"Thanks O" said Clarke looking at her with a slight smile. "I'm just a little nervous, you know? But I can't let them see me like that, they must see me like a strong and secure leader" she commented seriously.

"And you are Clarke, believe me, you are" the young warrior reassured squeezing gently Clarke's shoulder.

"By the way, where is Kandia?" asked Clarke when she noticed the other grounder.

"Don't know" answered Octavia shrugging her shoulders when she lost her grip from Clarke's shoulder. "When we came down this morning there was only this other grounder. She only said that her name was Nerin, I guess they take shifts"

"Well anyway, you guys will be with me in the reunion, right?" asked Clarke.

"Yeah, Lincoln and I will be allowed to be there as your guards. Lincoln told me that they only allow two guards per leader, so Marcus and Bellamy will be staying here." Said Octavia with concern.

"Don't worry, it's only a meeting, I don't think there's going to be any fights or something like that" Lincoln added trying to calm them down.

"We hope not" whispered Clarke.

"Sky Heda?" the new grounder girl had approached them quietly. Clarke almost had a heart attack but tried to hide it.

"Yeah? Nerin, right?" Clarke said looking at her calmly but with her pulse still racing.

"Heda wants to talk to you before the meeting" said the girl after a bow.

"Well, tell your Heda that she can come here to talk to me or she can wait until I'm done with breakfast!" Clarke said a little angry for the mention of the commander.

"The thing is…" the girl hesitated "that she said in fact… immediately" the grounder girl's voice became shy.

Clarke huffed. Really? Who does she think she is sending for her whenever she wanted no matter the time or the circumstances?

"She said it's important" Nerin insisted shyly again.

"Ok, ok, I'll be right there" the blonde sighed.

"Two guards are waiting to accompany you" added the girl.

Clarke felt a déjà vu. Lexa summoning her, guards escorting her. She felt her irritation growing. The two guards guided her to the big house that she saw last night, it was only two houses away from where she was staying. First she was marveled with the structure of the house, but quickly she composed herself and returned to her irritation. When she entered the living room, there was Lexa, sitting on her throne, with her usual clothes, paint and look. Indra was in her right also with her I-want-to-kill-you look.

"Leave us" said Lexa while Clarke was approaching them.

"But Heda" Indra tried to protest but Lexa raised her hand to silence her. "She can be dangerous" Indra tried again.

"Shof op Indra" the commanded ordered with exasperation. "I said leave us" she repeated remarking every word. With a disgusting look on her face and looking hard at Clarke she left the room.

"What? Is she afraid that I'm gonna kill you?" Clarke asked sarcastically and annoyed. Lexa gave her a significant look. "Anyway, what do you want? You summoned me!" the sky girl said still with annoyance.

"The meeting will be in two hours" Lexa left the words sink in Clarke. "So, we need to be prepared. There will be twelve of us, every Clan has a representative. I'm going to tell you how to talk to them. They will question everything you say and will ask a lot. They will even try to you to-"

"What? There is no we Lexa!" Clarke was furious. Who did she think she was and trying to tell her what to do? She didn't trust her, she didn't want her help, despite the fact that deep down she knew she needed it. "I won't allow you to tell me what to do or what to say! I will do it my way. I can handle myself and I can convince them to make an alliance without your help! I don't trust you, I don't trust you at all, commander! You left me to die once, I can't rely on you, not now, not ever!" Clarke was almost screaming.

Lexa stared at her for several moments, trying to stay stoic, to not show any emotion, but her eyes betrayed her and showed hurt just one second.

"I understand that Clarke" she finally said "but you can't let your emotions against me cloud you" her voice was deep and steady. "This is very serious, and you know you need my help, I' just trying to warn you-".

"You know what? I'm done with you, you hear me? After this meeting I don't want to see you again, I want to know nothing from you." She was furious for Lexa's arrogance. "Now, like I said I can handle myself, so, goodbye commander!" Clarke spun around and left the room and the house.

Lexa stayed sit in her throne, punched the armrest with all her strength and fought for keep her tears from running down. Indra entered the room almost immediately after the bang that she had heard.

"Heda, you ok?" she asked worried. That forced Lexa to compose herself quicker.

"Yes Indra, Clarke already left, don't worry. Now" she stood up from her throne "I will rest before the meeting. You can go" she stood up and went towards the stairs.

"Heda, may I speak freely?" she asked clenching her jaw.

Lexa stopped and spun around to look at Indra. She saw the concern in the warrior's eyes. She didn't want to have this conversation with her right now, but she knew that her general was worried about her. "Speak" she said finally approaching again her throne and sitting on it.

"You have changed since Mont Weather Heda, and I'm not the only one that has noticed. Warriors talk, why do you think that other clans have joined the Ice Nation? They have started to think that you are weak… again…" Indra said with concern. Lexa just remained silent, looking at her seriously. "You need your ruthless again, you need to be yourself again Heda, for the good of our people, the sky girl makes you weak" the warrior sentenced.

"What if I'm tired?" she surprised Indra with her question. "What if I don't want to or I can't be that person again?" she suddenly felt so tired and exhausted from everything and everyone.

"You know what would happen" Indra left the words in the air for several moments. "They would rise up against you and you would die in order to obtain another commander" she said truly.

Lexa knew that Indra was right, that was that would happen if the other clans thought that she was unworthy of her title. Was she ready to release her spirit? No, she was not, not yet. A new fire began to burn inside her. She was tired of war and bloodshed, but if somebody wanted a war against her, she will fight back, and fight back hard.

"Let them try it, then, but they would lose" Indra saw the fire in the eyes of her commander, and she knew in that moment that maybe her commander wasn't the same than before, but she was still powerful.

Clarke was standing in front of a big white building, even the doors were white. The sun shined in the sky with power making the building shine almost to blinding. Octavia and Lincoln were right behind her and the two big grounder warriors that had escorted them were in front of her, all of them expecting for her to move. She knew that the members of the Council were already inside, waiting for her, so she took a very long breath and began to walk towards the door. The warriors guided them through a maze of corridors with nothing more than white on the walls, when they finally arrived in front of a big double wood door. They opened the doors and Clarke, Octavia and Lincoln entered the room. It was a very big round and also white room, with a big round wood table in the middle, where twelve people, including Lexa, were sat in their wood chairs, every one of them with two guards behind them, not to close, but close enough just in case. Just one chair was empty, her chair, Clarke guessed. Her palms began to sweat and her stomach clenched. Don't let them see you nervous, she told herself. She focused in the twelve people that were now staring at her silently. All were wearing war clothes and war paint on their faces. There were five males and seven females of different ages. Only two of them were young, Lexa, and other female. Suddenly Clarke widened her eyes in shock when she realized who the other young leader was.

"You?" Clarke whispered in shock.

"Welcome, Clarke of the Sky people" Kandia said when she stood up from her chair. "Please, sit down" she signaled the empty chair with her hand "so we can begin this meeting."