Chapter 1

(Flora's POV)

I pace nervously back and forth holding the letter for Helia in my hand. Doubt filling my mind. I know me and him have been dating for a while now but still what if he doesn't feel the same way. It was hard enough for me to tell him I liked him in the first place yet alone this. This letter isn't much. Just saying how I feel about him in a good way, that I love him and also that I'm really sorry I never told him everything before and that is why we can't be together. Honestly I still haven't told him everything. Will he think of me as a coward for not having the courage to tell him and explain? He'll hate me. But either way I know I'm a coward for what I did or should I say I didn't do. "Flora calm down Helia loves you, you know that whatever you wrote it will be fine." Chatta my bonded pixie tries to assure me. I don't stop but just continue nervously pacing back and forth. Chatta sighs in frustration. "Fine I'll give it to him but first we need to go to the park so I can calm down." I give in to Chatta. She cheers flying in loops. I end up catching her as she falls from being so dizzy. I giggle. "Oh Chatta!" I laugh. I get on the bus to Magix from Alfea with Chatta staying close next to me. The doors close and it leaves.
The door open and me and Chatta get out. Together we walk to the park and I can't help but let my mind wonder. Oh what happened before! I can never forgive myself and never will! I've never told anyone, only my mother, Rose and sister, Miele know but because they were there not because I told them. I stop in my tracks and turn to my pixie. "Chatta I haven't told anyone not the winx, Helia no one not even Headmistress Faragonda knows and it's linked to why I find it hard to express my feelings, before-" I start but I'm cut off by a familiar voice. "Flora are you okay?" I hear Helia ask me. I turn to come face to face with Helia. The letter! He places a hand on each of my shoulders looking me dead in the eyes. "I'm fine." I lie but it's obvious that he doesn't believe me. He sighs. "Okay but please tell me if something is wrong." He begs me before leaving. "Flora!" Chatta groans annoyed and frustrated. "You missed and perfect chance to tell him how you feel and give him the letter." Chatta tells me. I look up at my small but amazing pixie friend and take her gently in my hand. I sit down on the stone at the small clearing I was at. Tears slowly splashed onto the rock under me. "Flora please don't cry." Chatta says in attempt to cheer me up. "Chatta after I give him the letter I'll leave you are not to come with me you are to watch Helia no matter what I don't want to do what I'm doing but it's for his own good." I explain to her being dead serious. "No matter what make sure he doesn't do anything stupid even if you sense I'm in danger or I'm depressed you aren't to leave him." I add. Chatta stares at me in shock before carefully sitting herself on my shoulder. "Flora what do you mean?" She asks me in confusion. "I mean I need you to be brave my Chatta no matter what and I know none of you ill ever understand but I can't get anyone involved in this I know he's back and I know he's stronger." I whisper to Chatta. "Who?" Are the only words that make there way out of her mouth but I just shake my head. Telling her is to dangerous.

(Icy's POV)

My sisters and I appear somewhere old and abandoned. "Good to be back." I tell them. "How are we out of the Legendarium?" Darcy asks. "That would be me and my magic I've heard about you girls and I want your help in taking over the magic universe the four of us." A male voice says. Out of the shadows appears a man. His eyes were green reminding me off that winx brat Flora. Her eyes are green like that. His hair is a very dark brown almost black and his skin is pale. There is a strong dark magical energy coming from him, stronger then any dark magic I've ever experienced. "I've got the four pieces of the codex, that's the first step." He tells us. "So we need the dragon flame?" Stormy asks. He laughs shocking us all. "The dragon flame is powerful but not nearly powerful enough to actually activate the codex properly." He laughs. "Then what?" I ask. "We need The Rose Of Life it's a power someone has we'll need them, not only is it more powerful then the dragon flame it actually created the dragon itself where the dragon flame comes from." This guy explains. "Who are you anyway?" Darcy asks impatiently. "Oh how rude of me I'm Mathian and I'm not like the others you'll get half the power and together we will rule ow we like, do we have a deal?" He asks. I look at my sisters and we all have the same evil grin. "Oh we're so in." I agree. He laughs and teleports us to a abandoned kingdom. "This is the planet of the Rose where the power came from there is a spell so only I can access this planet, when it was destroyed it went to the only other planet it could, Linphea and it's only just found someone to take the power." Mathian explains. "Who?" Stormy asks. "Does the name Flora sound familiar to you?" He asks us. "Yes she's a winx girl, the weakest and youngest." I reply. "You should get some rest after all you've just come back from the Legendarium and I'll boost your powers tomorrow you can go after her then." He tells us. We nod agreeing to it and go to our room. Just like that we sleep.

(Flora's POV)

"Chatta it's too dangerous for me to tell you." I whisper. "After I'm gone and Helia's read the letter and you find out what it says just know I didn't want to do it but I have to for his own good." I tell her. She stares at me confused. "What did you write." She finally asks me. I say and shake my head as if telling her that she can't know. "Flora!" She whines. "Chatta do you have any gossip for me?" I ask her changing the subject and putting a smile on my face. She instantly forgets about what we were talking about and starts talking to me about all the latest gossip which to be honest is quite interesting. Some stuff from various planets, the latest gossip from the winx and bits and pieces from various students. By the end of it I finally check the time. "Chatta we've been talking for over an hour!" I tell my loving pixie. She flies off my shoulder and faces me. "hey Flora your still here?" I here Helia ask me. Oh no!. Uh yeah how come your back?" I ask. "You know I like to meditate and since I bumped into you I decided to give it another go." He laughs smiling. I giggle a little flushing bright red. I feel the letter slip from my hands. I reach down to grab it but Chatta beats me. "Helia this is for you!" Chatta tells him proudly. She has no idea what I wrote. She gives it to him. "Thanks." He thanks us both. "Ur, I um... have to go." I stutter before running off. "Flora?" I hear Helia ask as I run away. Chatta remembers what I told her and stays with him. Thank god for that! All I can think about is Helia as I get back to Althea. Oh Helia. I'm so sorry.

(Chatta's POV)

I stay with Helia just like Flora told me to. He opens the letter and I see tears fall. I red over his shoulder and my jaw drops. "That's impossible!" I say as silent tears roll down his face. "What do you mean Chatta?" He asks me as he stops crying. "On our way here Flora was so nervous and she was talking about how much she liked you and earlier on she did say she didn't want to do this but it was for your own good." I go on. I freeze realising I'd said too much. "Then why did she?" Helia asks me. "I don't know I've only just found out myself why don't you call the winx and get them to find out don't tell them to much." I suggest. "Good idea." Helia agrees taking out his cell. He calls them. After explaining what she wrote the winx agree to try and find out for him and they say they haven' seen her. "Looks like your stuck with me." I laugh spinning around and around and around and around... I start to get dizzy, really dizzy. I fall towards the grand but I'm saved by a hand. I hear Helia laugh. "Careful Chata what will Flora do if you hurt yourself?" He asks. I laugh and get up and fly following him.

(Musa's POV)

We all search for Flora. I think for a moment. We've searched everywhere! Wait, the greenhouse of course!. "Girls the greenhouse." I tell them. Bloom nods and we run there. We stop outside hearing a noise coming from inside.

Every rose has it's thorns
Every willow has to weep at least once
That's how I'm feeling now
I wonder if the others can tell

Flora sings softly. There's a loud crashing noise. We open the door to see the Trix. "That's impossible." Bloom tells us. "What are you three doing here?" Flora shouts as silent tears roll down her face. I look around at all the plants. Flora's weakness. Icy attacks one of the plants. Flora falls down in pain and groans. "That's enough!" She tells the three witches. She uses all her power on a magic barrier around the whole greenhouse. It knocks the three witches down. "Grrrrrrr." Stormy growls as they all get knocked out the window. "Chill Stormy we aren't actually getting her just testing her powers nothing we can't handle in the future." Darcy says before the tree of them disappear. What does she mean? Flora walks over to the plants hit and heals them. "Flora are you okay?" I ask her hugging her as all the others do as well. She cries. We take her back to our room. I sit with her as the others have left to go and buy some stuff to cheer her up, you know plants and stuff. "Flora how about we make some cookies?" I ask her. She looks up. She's the best at baking. No matter ho hard we try none of us can bake like her. She can make brownies, cookies, cake etc. We make our way to the kitchen and Flora rushes around grabbing this that and the other and I can't keep track. After slightly over an hour they're done. That's the only down side it takes around an hour to make them but trust me it' worth the wait. We both get a glass of milk before sitting on the sofa again next to each other eating the chocolate chip cookies and the milk. The doors swing open and the other walks in. Stella freezes dropping her bags. "I smell cookies Flora did you bake?" Stella asks. Flora looks up at her and nods. Stella jaw drops when she sees the empty plates. We all sit and talk until the others go to bed. Flora doesn't though. "Aren't you going to sleep?" I ask her. "No I'll stay up." She replies forcing a smile. I sit back down next to her. "I'll stay with you then." I reply. She smiles. "Hey can you sing the rest of that song you were singing in the greenhouse?" I ask her. She flushes bright red. "I didn't know you all heard that." She tells me embarrassed. I laugh and hand her a guitar. She starts playing. Thanks to the winx club band she knows how to play, I think she alreayd knew how to play and I didn't give her any singing lessons her singing surprises me!

Every rose has it's thorns
Every willow has to weep at least once
That's how I'm feeling now
I wonder if the others can tell

All the birds, all the flowers, all the plants
And the song of the wind
All the things that usually make me smile
Make me want to sing
It's like the world has lost it's colours so quickly
Because all those things don't even make me smile any more

Every rose has it's thorns
Every willow has to weep at least once
That's how I'm feeling now
I wonder if the others can tell

Is filling my ears
As a river forms
Forms from my tears
I don't know when it'll stop
I'm being cut by every thorn
As I fall

Every rose has it's thorns
Every willow has to weep at least once
That's how I'm feeling now
I wonder if the others can tell

"That's all I have." Flora admits as she stops playing and singing. "It was amazing did you write that?" I ask her. "Yeah." She admits turning pink. I hug her. "Just remember your not alone you never are." I whisper. She hugs me and I feel her silent tears fall on me. Now I get the second verse better. 'Silence, Is filling my ears, As a river forms, Forms from my tears' Silent tears as she cries silently. We both end up falling asleep there. Oh well. AT least she was kind of happy instead of completely depressed.

(Darcy's POV)

We trudge back in to see Mathian waiting for us. "She's nothing we can't handle." Icy laughs showing off in front of him. I roll my eyes as Stormy sighs. Not again! "She hasn't even realizes she has the power yet I'll have to do some serious training with you three and boost your powers." Mathian answers grimly. "You should sleep you have training with me tomorrow before I boost your powers and you should rest, trust me you'll need it." He tells us with an evil grin. We make our way to our room. Icy goes straight to sleep while Stormy and I talk for a little while. "Now she has a new crush just great!" I tell Stormy sarcastically. She nods. "What do you think the training will be?" Stormy asks. I shrug. "At least after all the training we'll finally actually be able to activate the codex as the dragon flame would never of been able to do it." I point out. Stormy nods in agreement before we both go to sleep. I'm looking forwards to the power I'll get and for the moment we get to destroy the winx once and for all. With those pleasant thoughts I sleep dreaming happily about the power and which way I'll destroy those winx!