A/N: Well. Dear readers. Chapter 15 is the last chapter. I know. But it's a pretty long one, so I hope you'll forgive me. As a reader, I'm always frustrated when a story is over (though, on second thoughts, un-finished stories are WAY more frustrating...).

I just wanted to THANK YOU ALL for reading and reviewing. It meant the world to me, really. It was a challenge for me to post a story that I had to translate from my original French version. I didn't know if I could make it or not. And when I realized some people from all around the world started to read and to like my story, I couldn't believe it. And I felt so lucky.

I want you all to know that it was possible because of the amazing work of my betareader. Thanks to her, I was able to post a mistake-free story (maybe there are still some typos here and there, but they're all mine!...).

So, shipallllltheships, thank you! :)

Well, wow. I'm getting all emotional there. But believe me, it's something to post the last chapter of a story!

Read it, enjoy it. And please, review, tell me what you think, don't be afraid: ;)

jhas: Yes, Emily did great, didn't she? And you're right, there is a big possibility that they will attend the same college. Or nearby colleges. :) Thank you so much for your support and for reviewing each chapter. It's really great for a writer to see that people care and take the time to review (I didn't realize that until I began to write myself).

Guest1: Good! I'm glad you liked it! :)

Guest2: thank you for sticking with this story. And you're right about Hanna...

Guest3: thank you! I'm glad you liked chapter 14, I hope you'll like this one as well.

The lyrics of the song belong to Lady Antebellum. One of Paige's favorite band (and mine, too).

Chapter 15

Emily had a talk with Coach Fulton just after the meet. The older woman congratulated her swimmer warmly, and told her, "If you keep improving your times like that, Emily, I think that your only problem will be choosing between colleges."

"A scout from Berkeley already talked to me," the Rosewood teen confessed. She wanted to be totally honest with her coach. College scouts weren't supposed to talk to the swimmers directly - at least, in theory.

"That's what I heard," Fulton said with a smile. "Emily, if I could give you a piece of advice, it would be for you to think this all through. You don't have to rush. You can take your time and study all the possibilities. And you can count on me, of course."

"Thanks," Emily answered with a grateful smile. "I'm sure I will need some help deciding. When it's time, I mean. Thank you so much, Coach."

"You're welcome," Fulton said. "Now, you can go. I'm certain your penpal is waiting for you," the coach concluded with a knowing smile. "By the way, this exchange sure was a success."

She walked Emily to the door, not missing the sudden blush on the teenager's cheeks. Fulton waved to Paige, eagerly waiting for Emily in the lobby.

"I've got a surprise for you," Emily told Paige as the two girls were heading to the high school exit. The big dark eyes of the Rosewood teen were sparkling, and she was especially proud of what she had prepared for Paige -with a little help from her friends.

"Really, Em?" Paige asked, beaming.

"Of course. Do you think you're the only one capable of setting up the perfect date?" Emily answered with a wink.

"Oooh, the 'perfect date'", Paige teased. "Such a challenge. And what exactly do you have in mind, Fields?"

"You'll see," Emily said simply, not wanting to spoil the surprise. The two girls were now outside the school, and Emily pointed out to the parking lot. Paige looked around and recognized Toby's truck - the very one they had used for their first date at the fair. Emily opened the passenger door and motioned Paige to get in the car with a bow. Then she climbed behind the wheel, and glanced at her phone before starting the engine.

"I'm checking the weather," Emily said. The California girl stared at her with an inquiring look.

"My surprise can't have rain," Emily added.

"I guess I'm not allowed to ask questions," Paige stated. She didn't want to, though. Just the thought of Emily organizing 'the perfect date' for them was enough. She was already feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"Nope. Well, you can always ask, but I won't answer you," Emily said. "A little patience, McCullers."

Emily headed down Rosewood's main street and turned right, towards the woods. The old truck was now on a small road leading to the hill. Emily was driving with ease, a small smile on her lips. Paige couldn't help but stare at her. Even in some casual jeans and her blue Shark hoodie, Emily was glowing. Everything is so perfect, Paige thought. She is so perfect. If only I didn't have to leave tomorrow...

She tried to chase the thought out of her mind, and to focus on the present moment. All that mattered was right now, this moment with Emily.

After about a mile, Emily parked the truck on the side of the road. "We have to walk from here," she stated simply, motioning to a small path on her left. She opened the car trunk and grabbed a basket with a towel on it. "Can you take that, please?" she asked Paige, nodding towards what seemed to be a rolled-up blanket. The Californian obeyed without question, but she now had a pretty clear idea of what Emily had in mind.

Emily led the way on the steep and winding path. After a while, the two girls took a small track on their right. "We're almost there," Emily said. Paige just nodded, smiling, even though Emily, behind her, couldn't see. A minute later, they were standing in a small clearing with trees on all sides. The meadow was covered with wildflowers.

"It's beautiful," Paige said, her breath short, not because she was tired, but because the place really was amazing. It was wild and reassuring at the same time, like a cocoon hidden away from the outside world.

"It's my special place," Emily confessed. "I usually come here...when I need to reflect on things. And when...when I want to be alone," she added, looking at Paige.

The California girl, moved by her girlfriend's honesty, took her by the hand. "Is this the first time that you've brought someone here?" she asked softly.

"Yes," Emily answered. "I thought...that it would be the perfect place for a, uh...a romantic picnic," she said, blushing.

"It sounds perfect to me, Em," Paige said with a tender smile. "And I do love picnics."

The two girls laid the blanket on the ground under the trees. Emily sat down and opened the picnic basket. "The girls took care of the lunch," she explained. "I don't even know what we're having."

"Everyone is in the plot, I get it," Paige teased.

Emily took a bottle out of the basket. "We've got champagne!" she exclaimed. She took a closer look to the post-it on the bottle. "Spencer snuck it out from her parents' wine stash," she said with a small laugh.

Paige raised a brow. "Champagne? Do you plan on seducing me, Fields?"

"I'm pretty sure I've already done that," Emily retorted boldly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Let me think about it...um, yes, I suppose you could say that," Paige said with her most charming smile. "I must confess that I'm totally into you, Emily Fields," she added.

Emily stuck her tongue out at her and, without warning, leaned forward to kiss Paige on the lips. The bottle of champagne, luckily not yet open, fell on the blanket next to the girls.

The kisses were becoming more heated, with tongues dancing and hands roaming under clothes. Emily moaned into Paige's mouth when she felt the Californian's fingers slipping slowly under the hem of her shirt and grazing her hips softly, before traveling up to her breasts. When Paige's hand moved back down and began to undo Emily's belt, the dark-haired girl tensed and moved back. Paige stopped dead in her tracks.

"I'm sorry, Em," she stammered. "I didn't want to rush things. It's just that...you are so...and I feel so..." She closed her eyes and groaned inwardly, frustrated by her inability to form a coherent sentence.

"I know," Emily said with a smile. "I feel the same thing." She pressed a chaste kiss on Paige's lips, and stroked her cheek fondly. "I'm not sure I could stop if we keep going," Emily confessed. "And I think we should wait...I know we are not going to see each other before months but I...I want our first time to be really special."

She studied Paige's face carefully, trying to guess what the other girl was thinking. Paige's big brown eyes were even more intense than usual. The Californian was breathing short and her cheeks had reddened.

Paige closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Emily was relieved when she saw a small smile appearing on her girlfriend's face. "You're right, Em. I agree. But...it will be special, you know? Because...because it's us," she said, blushing more deeply.

Emily pulled her closer, and Paige buried her face in her neck. "You're so cute, McCullers. And you're a romantic, too," Emily whispered in Paige's ear.

"I know," Paige admitted. "But don't tell everybody, okay?" Emily smiled tenderly.

"I'm so lucky. To have met you, I mean," Paige said in a vulnerable voice.

"I'm the lucky one," Emily answered. She really meant that. She hadn't felt this happy in a long time. She could really feel that it was the beginning of their story, and even if they had to be apart very soon, the future was theirs.

The two swimmers remained silent for a moment. Emily was gently stroking Paige's auburn hair. Then the two girls sat up and tried to straighten their clothes a little. Paige took away some blades of grass from Emily's hair, making the other girl shiver from the touch.

"I guess we should eat," Emily finally said, opening the picnic basket. "I'm rather hungry. What about you?"

"Not really," Paige confessed. "But I think we have to savor what the girls prepared for us. Whatever it is. Besides champagne," she added with a teasing smile.

"Well, let's see," Emily said, taking out some sandwiches from the basket, along with chips and a bowl of chicken salad. "Okay, we have enough food to feed an army. Oh great, some M&Ms! I love them. And some strawberries! And...whipped cream? Oh, there's a note on it. It says...'use it wisely'. What?"

"Oh god. What did they expect us to do, exactly?" Paige asked, before bursting into laughter at the look on Emily's face. The raven-haired girl looked mortified.

"I'm sure it's Hanna. I'm going to kill her." Emily mumbled.

"Forget it," Paige said, who couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure it was well-intentioned."

"You don't say," Emily replied. "I'm going to check if there is a wire in that basket. Or worse, a camera."

Paige's clear laugh resounded again in the clearing, making the birds in the trees flying away.

Paige and Emily arrived a little late to the party that was thrown in honor of the Oakland swim team's last night in Rosewood. The event was taking place in the high school's gymnasium. The two girls had to make a first stop at the Fields' house to change their outfits. Paige was wearing black pants and a slim-fitted grey shirt. Emily had on a green dress and a short denim jacket with a red brooch. She had lent Paige a silver pendant necklace that fit perfectly well with her outfit.

The majority of the students at the party were from Rosewood, but the California girls were the loudest and most demonstrative by far.

As soon as they entered the hall holding hands, Paige was 'kidnapped' by her own team. They had one thing in mind: making her play beer-pong, a game she was very good at, according to her teammates.

Emily had let go of Paige's hand with reluctance, and was now scanning the room, looking for her friends. She was relieved to see them standing near the buffet.

Hanna had a broad smile on her face and a huge plastic cup in her hands. Emily hoped it wasn't alcohol -which was theoretically forbidden during high school parties, but was in fact circulating covertly. Sober Hanna was already quite a handful, and Drunk Hanna was totally unmanageable.

As if she had wanted to confirm Emily's worst fears, the bubbly blonde literally flown into the dark-haired girl's arms.

"Emmm!" she purred, her arms around her friend's neck. "You're here at last! So, how was the romantic picnic with McCullers? Lukewarm, hot, or...very hot?" she said, a little too loudly for Emily's taste.

The taller girl took a step back and glanced around them. "Hanna," she whispered. "You're not expecting details, are you?"

"Of course I do!" Hanna exclaimed. "I want every detail! So, was Paigey good?"

Behind them, Spencer cringed, and Aria buried her face in her hands.

"Hanna," Spencer said. "You remember our little talk about privacy?"

"Please, Hastings," Hanna said, rolling her eyes. "I tell you everything about me and Caleb. Where, when, and how we do it."

"That's the point," Aria said. "We don't really need to know everything."

"Exactly," Spencer added. "We so do not need this."

Hanna pouted and said, "I just want Emily to be happy."

The raven-haired girl smiled fondly at her friend. Hanna could be annoying and very nosy sometimes, but the blonde really loved her friends with all her heart.

"I am happy, Hanna, believe me."

"You do look happy," Aria said in her soft voice, her big brown eyes studying her friend's face. The small brunette squeezed Emily's hand briefly, and the taller girl smiled at her.

"Actually," Hanna resumed, winking at Emily. "You're not Rosewood's favorite it-couple anymore."

"What?" Emily said, dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?"

Her three friends exchanged amused looks before bursting into laughter.

"Can somebody explain?" Emily asked. She was feeling slightly irritated now.

"There's been a vote," Spencer clarified. "About the hottest couple. After the swim meet, you and Paige got the highest number of votes. Everyone seems to think that you're so cute," she said, emphasizing the last two words. Hanna and Aria giggled.

"But Hanna's right...for once," Spencer said, earning a stern look from the blonde. "Since the meet...you've been overthrown by an unexpected pair," Spencer added, motioning to the center of the ballroom.

A stunned Emily then discovered Shana dancing closely with a Rosewood girl. All around them, a circle of students was enjoying the show, some boys even whistling.

Emily was frozen, her mouth wide open. She had just recognized the girl. "Jenna Marshall? And Shana? Really?"

Jenna was a strange girl that Emily and her friends barely knew. She had an aura of mystery around her, and she was a little bit intimidating to say the least. She wasn't one of the popular girls in school, but nobody tried to mess up with her. She was quite the loner at Rosewood High, but she didn't seem to care. She preferred to hang out with college students anyway.

"Rumor has it they've been together since Shana's arrival in Rosewood," Hanna said with excitement. "But nobody knew. Til tonight. Boy, this school exchange was really something. Too bad it's over." She bit her lips when she saw the sadness on Emily's face. "Sorry, Em."

"It's okay, Han," Emily said. "I know they're leaving. But it doesn't mean it's the end. Paige and I are going to see each other again," she added with a brave smile.

"And...just so I know...who had the idea of this stupid vote in the first place?" she asked. She looked pointedly at Hanna.

But the bubbly blonde raised her hands and shook her head vigorously. "It's not me! I promise, Emily! I had nothing to do with it!"

"I think it was Noel Kahn," Aria whispered. "That's what I heard anyway."

"It's not surprising at all," Spencer said. "Totally a thing that jerk would do."

"I hope he isn't here," Emily said, looking around them. Noel Kahn was a friend of Alison's, and Emily hadn't spoken to the blonde since their confrontation at school a few days before.

"No. He said he has better things to do than attending a high school party," Aria told her friends. "And she isn't here either," she whispered to Emily. The taller girl nodded, feeling relieved. She knew she would have to talk to Alison at some point. But not tonight. Tonight, all that mattered was she and Paige.

As soon as her teammates allowed her to escape from their beer-pong marathon, Paige made a quick stop to talk to the DJ before joining Emily and her friends. She had a pretty clear idea of the kind of music she wanted for her first dance with Emily.

When the first notes of Lady Antebellum's hit, 'Dancing Away With My Heart', started to play, a few students frowned, but most of them clapped their hands, excited at the prospect of the first slow song of the evening.

Paige had her eyes glued to Emily's. She crossed the dance floor and gently took her girlfriend's hand. Emily put her arms around Paige's neck, the Californian putting her own arms on Emily's waist. The two girls began to slowly sway to the rhythm of the music:

'I finally asked you to dance on the last slow song

Beneath that moon that was really a disco ball

I can still feel my head on your shoulder

And hoping that song would never be over...'

Other couples were dancing next to them, but most of the students were staring at Emily and Paige in awe. They seemed fascinated by their obvious chemistry. The two girls were both tall and slim, and they were dancing with ease and grace. No one could tell it was their first slow dance.

Paige and Emily weren't aware of the envious and admiring looks on them. They were in their own world. Paige had butterflies in her stomach, and Emily was on cloud nine. Her eyes were locked to Paige's, and she knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be - in Paige's arms. She wanted the song to go on forever.

When Emily heard the lyrics of the last verse:

'You headed off to college at the end of the summer

And we lost touch

I guess I didn't realize even at the moment we lost so much

I haven't seen you in ages

Sometimes I find myself wondering where you are

For me you'll always be eighteen, and beautiful,

And dancing away with my heart.'

She smiled tenderly and whispered in Paige's ear, "Good choice of music, McCullers. But a little bit sad, don't you think?"

Paige didn't answer, but instead pulled Emily even closer, and buried her face in her neck. The raven-haired girl gently stroked her girlfriend's soft hair. She knew why the Californian had chosen that song. Their love was genuine, but still young. They were living far from each other, and they both had a whole year in high school before going to college. They hadn't talked about it, but they both knew it was a challenge.

When the song came to an end, Paige grazed Emily's cheek with her lips and whispered in her ear: "I love you, Em."

The kiss Emily gave her then left the boys around them -and few girls too- in shock and envious. Tongues were definitely involved.

Later that evening, when the DJ traded the slow songs for something more upbeat, the girls gathered around the buffet. The boyfriends were there too - and it was the first time that Paige had actually met Spencer's boyfriend Toby. She talked with Caleb, too, and they clicked instantly. Emily listened to them chatting about video games, feeling amused at first. But when Paige and Caleb began to talk about the next update of 'Call of Duty', the raven-haired beauty decided it was enough. She glanced over at Hanna, and her friend rolled her eyes. This kind of topic wasn't their cup of tea.

The bubbly blonde, who was wearing very high heels that made her almost taller than Emily, grabbed her friend's arm and whispered in her ear: "Paige and the guys are really getting along. She's really cool, Em. Maybe you could ask Pam and Wayne, about adopting her? No, wait, that doesn't work, because you two...Oh, I know! What about the Hastings? Spencer and Paige could totally be sisters."

"I don't think Paige's parents would agree," Emily answered, rolling her eyes. Hanna had really weird ideas sometimes.

"Who knows?" Hanna retorted. You could not say if she was serious or not.

The blonde took a look at her cell phone and smiled mischievously. "Sooo..." she said, glancing at Emily. "Guess what?"

"What?" Emily asked mechanically. Whatever it was, Hanna was going to tell her anyway.

"Well, after that super hot slow dance, you're back on top."

"What?" Emily said, before realizing what Hanna was talking about. "That stupid poll, again...but do you mean...wait, it's a live vote?"

"Of course," Hanna said. "What would Twitter be worth, otherwise?"

"I can't believe you're leaving," Emily whispered softly, looking up at Paige. Her girlfriend smiled sadly, her throat tight. The two girls were lying on Emily's bed, the raven-haired girl's head on top of Paige's waist. Paige's fingers were softly grazing Emily's bare arm. The Rosewood teen could feel sparks at the touch. She wished they could stay like that forever.

The girls hadn't slept much, having spent most of the night talking and cuddling on the window seat. And kissing, of course. They both knew they would have to wait for months before seeing each other again, so they wanted to enjoy every minute.

The two teenagers startled when they heard someone knocking at the door.

"Come on in," Emily said, and a rather hesitant Pam Fields entered the room.

She took a glance at the girls, and seemed relieved to see that, though they were on the same bed (something she had expected anyway), they were on top of the covers, and both fully clothed.

"Girls," Mrs Fields said. "Paige's bus will leave in less than an hour, so if you want to have some breakfast, you'd better hurry up."

The Oakland swim team was taking a bus to Philadelphia to catch their flight back to San Francisco.

"I've made those pancakes you like so much, Paige," Pam said. "The ones with chocolate chips." The Californian smiled brightly at Emily's mother. Even if she wasn't hungry at all - her throat was too tight to swallow anything - Pam Field's kind gesture moved her.

While Paige was using the bathroom, Emily checked the bedroom, to make sure the other girl wasn't forgetting any of her belongings. Her girlfriend was so messy that it was really necessary. She spotted a Stanford hoodie on a chair; the one Paige had lent her once. She took the sweater in her hands and couldn't help but bury her nose in it, her eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that Paige was back in the room. The Californian was staring at her, with a small smile on her lips. A blushing Emily handed her out the hoodie. "Keep it," Paige said softly. "I can get another one."

"You sure?" Emily asked, reluctantly. She liked the idea of having one of Paige's hoodies.

"Absolutely. Plus, this one really fits you. And Emily..."


"I, um, I have a gift for you," Paige confessed, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.

She rummaged in her backpack and gave Emily a small package wrapped in brown paper.

"What is it?" Emily asked, starting to open it.

"No," Paige stopped her. "Please can you open it later? When...when I'm gone," she added.

Emily peered at her. Paige had dipped her head, and her cheeks were slightly red. Emily smiled tenderly. "Okay, I promise to wait. But I'm really impatient."

She kissed Paige on the cheek, a soft and quick kiss. The California swimmer smiled and squezzed her girlfriend's hand. "Thanks, Em," she said hoarsely.

Aria, Hanna and Spencer were waiting for their friends in the Rosewood High parking lot, where the Oakland team was supposed to gather. The bus was already there, waiting. It was still early in the morning, but the girls wouldn't miss the opportunity to tell Paige goodbye. Even Hanna, who wasn't an early riser at all. They were also there for Emily, of course. They knew that their friends would need them after her girlfriend's departure.

Paige put her baggage down, and looked at her new friends. The Californian was smiling, but she could barely hide her emotions. Two weeks before, she didn't know any of those girls, and now it was like she was leaving her family behind.

"Come here, McCullers," Spencer said eventually, and the Oakland girl took a step forward.

Aria rose up on the balls of her feet and kissed Paige on both cheeks with genuine affection. "It was great to meet you, Paige," the petite brunette said. "Take care of yourself, and don't be a stranger."

"You too, Aria," Paige answered with a warm smile.

Hanna Marin gave Paige a bear hug, and said: "You'd better call us very often, McCullers. And if you don't, I will personally come to California to kick your butt."

Paige couldn't help but laugh. "I promise to call you, Hanna. And by the way, you're welcome in California anytime."

Spencer Hastings and Paige McCullers stared at each other, emotions clearly visible in their eyes.

Then the Rosewood girl shrugged and said, "It's only goodbye, not farewell, McCullers." Both girls knew that their newfound friendship was going to last. They didn't need to say much. Paige hugged Spencer and whispered in her ear: "Take care of Em for me, Spence."

"I will, Paige," the younger Hastings answered.

Before getting on the bus, Paige kissed Emily one last time, and said something in her ear. The raven-haired beauty, struggling to hold back her tears, just nodded and hugged her hard.

When the bus door closed on Paige, Emily felt the tears rushing to her eyes. Immediately, she felt Spencer's arms around her shoulders and Hanna's hand gripped her own firmly.

Later that day, when she was finally alone in her room, Emily opened Paige's gift. As expected given the size of the package, it was a book.

Emily read the title first: 'The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter'. Then she spotted the author's name, and smiled. "Carson McCullers," she said out loud. She now remembered having heard that name during her literature class. But she hadn't paid attention to it then. She opened the book and flipped through the pages. Something caught her eyes at the beginning of the book. There was a note written on the first page.

"Another McCullers you might like. This book changed my life. And Emily, don't forget: I love you."

"Oh Paige," Emily whispered, emotions rushing through her. She closed the book and put it on her bedside table. She ran her fingertips lightly over the cover.

"You changed my life, Paige McCullers," she said softly, a happy smile lighting up her beautiful face.