5 years later
Bells leaned back against her husband and watched as Carly chased after her little brothers. Jared and Paul had been with her every step of the way of the pregnancy going with her to all her appointments, they had gotten a lot of stares until the changed to the clinic on the rez. When one doctor had all but called her a slut for having two men in her office and the boys had nearly phased in front of her, they had talked to Sue and she set everything up with a doctor that knew about wolves and would understand the relationship that Paul,Jared and she shared.
Charlie had threatened the boys that his daughter better have a ring on her finger from one of them before the new baby turned a year old or he would be coming after both of them with everything in his arsenal, either with a gun or sending all the Cullens after them. They had taken the words to heart and before the twins were born, Paul asked her to marry him. Jared helped him pick the ring and had told Bells that he was okay keeping the relationship as is as long as she and Paul were okay.
Two months after she had Charlie Jasper and William Emmett, she married Paul with their family, friends and pack around them. Later that same night with just Paul, the pack and their kids she exchanged vows with Jared. Charlie and Billy had hit the roof when they had found out about the double marriage, but cooler heads prevail and it was understood.
Leah and Jake tied the knot a year after them and were not planning on children. Jake still refuses to take over the alpha spot from Sam. Even with Leah he doesn't know if he will ever want it but he is training with Billy on becoming the next chief of the tribe.
Quil's imprint with Claire turned into that of a siblings and started dating. He is still trying to find that one that makes him want to make her his forever.
Embry imprinted on Bells friend Angela when she had come for the wedding. They had moved in together last year and didn't have any plans on getting married or having any kids.
Brady and Colin haven't imprinted and are hoping not to, they are enjoying just having fun.
Emily suffered two miscarriages before she was able to carry her and Sam's little girl to term but they had lost Emily when she brought Vanessa Bell into this world less than six months ago. Bells, Paul, Jared, Carly and the twins moved in with Sam before he even brought her home knowing that he would be beside him with a new infant and the loss of his imprint. He was only now smiling again.
"Supper is nearly ready and Nessa is starting to stir." Jared said coming onto the porch.
"The others are right behind me. We timed it just right." Sam said coming out of the forest.
Bells gave Paul a quick kiss and called to the kids that it was time to eat.
"Who knew that this would happen when you decided to come home." Leah said coming up behind her.
"I know, I just wanted to know one thing." Bells said smiling at her family. "I got so much more than I thought."