Two years that's how long its been since I had been away from Forks. I had walked away from Edward and Jacob,, I loved both of them but I wanted to stay human and have a life maybe have children. I couldn't be with Jake the fear that he could imprint at any moment would break my heart.
So after Victoria and all the newborns were destroyed I let them know that I couldnt be with either of them. Jake had understood as mcuh as he loved me, he knew that the imprint would override his love for me. Edward had been pissed but Rose had made him see that I was doing the right thing for me and since I was a honory member of the pack I should be safe from the Voltary.
I had been surprised the day I was set to leave when Leah had been at my door with a bag and told me she was going with me. I understand she wanted to escape, seeing Sam with Emily was hurting her every day and by being with me she could protect me, go away to school and no longer have to see them together for a while.
We escaped together, away from the memories and away from the ones that could break our hearts. Now we were coming home, in two years we had found reasons not to return. Dad, Sue and Seth had come to us on holidays but Dad was getting married to Sue and wanted the wedding at La Push. So here we are driving into Forks but unlike when we left three of us are returning. Leah, myself and my daughter Carly.
Carly had been a shock for both Leah and myself. Until the day Leah told me she heard the heartbeat I still believed I was a virgin. When she was born we knew or hoped one of the pack was the father. The only question on both of our minds was who was the father?